2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-137
Ahmad Mu’is ◽  
Binti Nur Hamidah

Wakaf secara terminologi berarti 'menahan sesuatu untuk mengambil manfaat'. Hal-hal bisa aktif seperti tanah atau pasif seperti uang sebagai wakaf tunai (waqf al nuqud). Wakaf uang masih belum tergali dan terkelola dengan maksimal, meski potensinya besar karena Indonesia mayoritas muslim. Potensi besar tantangan wakaf  juga tidak ringan. Kendala utama lebih kepada sumber daya manusia dan strategi pengelolaannya. Persoalan pengelolaan wakaf yang baik dan efisien menjadi kendalanya. Oleh karenanya semakin besar kekayaan dan keragaman wakaf yang dapat dikelola oleh nadzhir secara profesional dengan manajemen yang tepat, manfaat yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan wakaf tunai dengan good governance akan memperkuat peran wakaf dalam meningkatkan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dengan merujuk beberapa sumber primer dan sekunder berupa buku-buku, dan jurnal yang relevan membahas tentang permasalahan wakaf, wakaf uang, dan good governance. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa dalam konteks pengelolaan wakaf, Good Governance secara lebih mudah dapat diartikan sebagai pengelolaan wakaf yang amanah sehingga harta wakaf dapat dihimpun, dikelola, dan didistribusikan dengan baik untuk kemaslahatan umat. Potensi wakaf uang juga sangat menjanjikan, karena wakaf dalam bentuk ini tidak dengan kepemilikan kekayaan dalam jumlah besar. Kata kunci: Wakaf, Wakaf Uang, Good Governance  Abstract :In term of terminology, the word Waqf means 'holding back something to acquire advantage'. Certain things can be something active like land or passive like money as cash waqf (waqf al nuqud). Money as waqf is still not explored and managed to the maximum, even though its potential is massive because Indonesia is a majority Muslim country. The great potential of waqf challenges is also not easy. The main obstacle is more on human resources and their management strategies. The problem of good and efficient management of waqf is a problem. Therefore, the greater the wealth and diversity of waqf that can be managed by Nadzhir professionally with proper management, the more benefits can be derived from managing cash waqf with good governance will strengthen the role of waqf in improving the economy and welfare of the community. This research uses literature study method by referring several primary and secondary sources in the form of books, and relevant journals discussing the problems of waqf, money waqf, and good governance. The results of this study state that in the context of waqf management, Good Governance can be  more easily interpreted as trustful waqf management so that waqf property can be collected, managed and distributed properly for the benefit of the people. Potential money as cash waqf is also very promising, because waqf in this form are not with ownership of large amounts of wealth.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Ozan Büyükyılmaz

The development and expansion of knowledge management as an important management philosophy has a significant impact on human resources management as well as on organization as a whole. In this context, knowledge management processes have been used as a strategic tool within human resources management.Therefore, functions of human resources management must adapt itself to this change. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of human resources management in the management of knowledge and to reveal the effects of knowledge management practices on the functions of human resources byexamining the relationship between human resources and knowledge management. In this context, a theoretical investigation was conducted. It has been determined that significant changes occurred on the functions of human resources management such as selection and recruitment, performance management, remuneration and reward, training and development within the framework of the knowledge management strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Badai Yogaswara W. S. M ◽  
Muhammad Azzam Alfarizi ◽  
M. Judo Ramadhan Sumantri

Departing from the increasingly widespread problem of People Smuggling, both in the form of organized and unorganized crime networks, both inter-state and domestic as a whole is a threat to the norms of life based on human rights. In this case the role of the immigration officer as the gatekeeper in the country's traffic in the case of people entering / leaving Indonesian territory, as in 2015, the People Smuggling case was successfully revealed by the Immigration Officer within the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Airport I, where immigration officers found three people women wearing fake passports who were about to leave for Kuala Lumpur with perpetrators Laila Yunita and Jamal Al Khatib. This writing aims to analyze the causes and effects of human smuggling, as well as examine the serious efforts made by PPNS in eradicating People Smuggling, especially in the case of People Smuggling committed by Laila Yunita and Jamal Al Khatib. The research uses a statutory approach, a conceptual approach and a case approach. So that with the case, it will be understood how important the value of legal human resources is in the scope of immigration in the context of national law development, as a breakthrough in competency development strategies  

2021 ◽  
Vol 917 (1) ◽  
pp. 012023
V B L Sihotang ◽  
P Semedi ◽  
A Triratnawati

Abstract Forest has a crucial role in elevating public welfare. It provides various products such as food, beverages, clothes, residence, musical instruments, and medicines. The medicines originated from the forest could act as the supplier for livelihood particularly for a traditional healer. The traditional healer is one of the health treatments sources for the people of Sebesi Island. For traditional healers, the forest is also beneficial in the knowledge production of traditional medication. This study purposes to examine the role of the forest in knowledge production carried out by traditional healers and identify the patterns of knowledge production. Data collection was done through interviewing, involving four traditional healers in Tejang Village, Sebesi Island, South Lampung. Another method was literature study related to the roles of forests in traditional medication and knowledge production. The knowledge production process can occur through giving agents, both human and non-human ones, namely teachers, family members, books, and dreams. The interaction between those healers with the forest also resulted in the medication knowledge. The role of the forest in the knowledge production of traditional medication is that it transforms into a place for semedi or meditation when doing ngelmu, knowledge sources about medication, and the place for the existence of medicinal plants.

Mürşide Özgeldi

Due to rapid, continuous and radical changes, today, the environment becomes more and more unpredictable and unclear. Thus, in order to be successful and continue to exist organisations are to live with the change, predict, benefit from and manage it. Organisational change could be defined as the process or existing organisational structure and operations as well as the effort to change the behaviours of the most members in the organisation to a great extent. It could also be said that change related issues are mostly about people and the success of the change depends on the attitudes and behaviours of the people and the Human Resources strategies, policies and operations developed considering the need of the change. The HR issues such as planning, staffing, performance evaluation, training and development, price and appraisal, motivation, culture, communication, involvement and commitment are all related to the areas in which change is needed. It could be said that HR is a strategic element in change and should be proactive. This chapter is on the role of HR in change. Change itself, the human characteristics of change, the importance and the role of HR in change, the literature review of some HR models used in change and what HR should do in change will be summarised.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 293
Mukhtaruddin Mukhtaruddin ◽  
M. Adam ◽  
Isnurhadi Isnurhadi ◽  
Luk Luk Fuadah

Good corporate governance (GCG) is a principle implemented by the company to ensure that the interests of stakeholders are not neglected. GCG consists of five main pillars which are transparency, accountability, responsiveness, independency, and fairness. In Indonesia, GCG implementation has not been effective enough as it is only necessarry for large companies and the public. The instrument used to assess GCG implementation is not appropriate either, examples of such are its portion, the existence and role of independent commissioners, portion, the existence and role of the audit committee, and ownership structure. This paper analyzes the implementation of culture found in Indonesian people living in GCG system. With the implementation of this social culture, the corporate GCG is better in its implementation because it is built on the noble values of the people. It then became the Pancasila which is the philosophy of Indonesia as such the the GCG implementation is accessed using the Pancasila Corporate Governance Index (PCGI).

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 09024
Aju Putrijanti

Environment is important in human life. Conflict of interest comes between development of economy sector, citizenship needs and Governance, as it becomes completely difficult to analyze. The environment’s lawsuit is increase from the beginning of the Court established. The duty of Administrative Court are to investigate, decide and settle administrative disputes. The Governance has to pay attention before issuing the Government’s decree by put principle of good governance as priority. The issue in this paper is strengthening the role of Administrative Court to maintain the environment reuse by settle environment disputes based on the importance of environment. The administrative decisions in environment field may cause a loss or damage for the people. When the public officer did not put the appreciation to the reuse of environment and principle of good governance, it will become problems. The decision should be environmentally friendly. There should be certified judge to settle the dispute. The method of this research by examines the Judge’s verdict in environment disputes, and its relation with regulations and the newest issues. The conclusion is increase the role of the Administrative Court to maintain the environment by law enforcement through settle environment disputes.

2008 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 238-254 ◽  
Sarah H. Watts ◽  
Patricia Shehan Campbell

American composer Ruth Crawford Seeger grew into the role of music educator as a consummate musician with a deep interest in connecting children to their American musical heritage. This article examines the contributions of Ruth Crawford Seeger to American music education, principally through examination of primary and secondary sources and review of her published works. While historical in some of its methodological procedures, it is even more so a biographical study of a composer who was consumed with a passion to preserve and transmit American heritage music to children. Her life in music as pianist, music intellectual, and composer notwithstanding, this research draws attention to her work in the selection, transcription, and placement of songs from the vast collections of the Lomax family into published works for use with children in schools. The authors examine the legacy of Ruth Crawford Seeger as an educator, with particular emphasis on the manner in which music of the people was masterfully transcribed from recordings and prepared for children and their teachers in schools and preschools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu ◽  

Tourism governance will have an impact on the environment, which is controlled by local governments. The development of the tourism sector is essential to improve the welfare of the community and the regional economy. Strengthening the role of local government as a leading tourism sector in the region is considered to be able to encourage the creation of a collaboration between industries (actors) to manage sustainable local tourism. This paper was written to find out how far the role of local government is and how relations between sectors (actors) are in managing sustainable regional tourism. This study uses a literature study approach, with documentation data collection techniques derived from the study of several reputable journals, books, and other secondary sources that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is content analysis. In tourism management, the role is not only done by one party but all supporting aspects and involved in the framework of creating orchestration and ensuring the quality of activities, facilities, services, and to create experiences and value of tourism benefits to provide benefits to the community and the environment. These will be able to encourage the tourism system through the optimization of roles and collaboration between business, government, society, academics, and media.

2015 ◽  
Aduwina Pakeh

The role of keuchik gampong ( village head ) in the implementation of development in gampong lawet pante ceureumen sub-district district of aceh the west has been implemented well but need to be increased again. In this research, researchers found that keuchik gampong have undertaken the role well, where keuchik gampong actively down to pitch in communicating, coordinated , move , and provide the motivation to aparat-aparat gampong as well as to the community to participate in the implementation of development. Besides, gampong programs made by keuchik gampong can 's done well , directed , right on target and very help communities gampong lawet ~The results of the study others are identified of factors affect the role of keuchik gampong in the development that is by factors in support and inhibitors .By factors in support covering , location gampong lawet which is very strategic, potential the diverse and the volition the community to forward, the people of participation is a good enough .While inhibition factors, the low human resources whether it is the community and government officials gampong, and funds apbg to gampong lawet who do not in proportion to the extent needs.Keywords : Keuchik Gampong, development,  Gampong Lawet, west Aceh 

2018 ◽  
pp. 28-43
Muhammad Laksmana Surya Adi Wibawa

ABSTRACTThe general election is held directly to execute the mandate of the Constitution which stipulates that sovereignty belongs to the people. Therefore, a country that calls itself as a democratic state, the elections should be held at a certain time. Election Commission is an institution established by legislation to hold elections which is national, permanent and independent. Indonesia is a unitary state is a republic whose government delivery system is framed within a policy of decentralization and regional autonomy. One of the most important steps in ensuring good governance at central and local is the process of forming a good government anyway, so also in the Bengkulu Province. Therefore, researchers are interested in taking the title essay “The Role of the Bengkulu Provincial Election Commission in Simultaneously Local Elections in 2015 in Bengkulu Province”. This research aims to determine the role of Bengkulu Provincial Election Commission in conducting simultaneously local elections in 2015 in the Bengkulu Province, the obstacles encountered and efforts made to overcome these obstacles. In analyzing the problems and the facts, the researchers used the theory of the role according to Soekanto. Furthermore, this research will yield some suggestions for the various parties to the improvement of the election system with simultaneous concepts, especially in the Bengkulu Province for the next elections. Through a kind of qualitative research with descriptive and inductive approach, researchers find and process the data and facts onthe ground and then explained in detail and deep understanding of the role of Bengkulu Provincial Election Commission in conducting simultaneously local elections in 2015 in Bengkulu Province. Researchers conducted ethnographic data collection techniques, participant observation, and in-depth interviews. Conducted semi structured interviews with several informants were selected according to the criteria of an ideal informant. Data, facts, and information obtained from the interviews will be through reduction techniques, featuring in a table or chart display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of research conducted, proving that Bengkulu Provincial Election Commission perform the role well in the simultaneously local elections in 2015 in Bengkulu Province. The role has not been well executed in terms of facilitating the campaign and increase the number of voter, unfortunately the number of abstention is increase. There are four obstacles faced by the Bengkulu Provincial Election Commission, but followed up with a four attempts have been made in overcoming these obstacles. Keywords: role, bengkulu provincial election commission, simultaneously local elections

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