Segetal vegetation of the Southern Urals: alliance Scleranthion annui (Kruseman et Vlieger 1939) Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946

2018 ◽  
pp. 120-137 ◽  
G. R. Khasanova ◽  
S. M. Yamalov ◽  
M. V. Lebedeva

Segetal communities are the sets the weed plant species which are formed under the influence of edafo-climatic conditions and the mode of disturbance — the systems of processing of the soil in a crop rotation (so-called agrotechnical factor) (Mirkin, Naumova, 2012). The history of their study in the Southern Urals is more than 80 years old (Dmitriyev, 1935; Gaysin, 1950; Minibaev, 1961; Bakhtizin, Rakhimov, 1968; Denisova et al., 1970). Development of classification according to floristic approach has been begun in the 1980th by Ufa geobotanists. Results have been generalized in the collective monography (Mirkin et al., 1985). A repeated syntaxonomical analysis was carried out a long time later only for the Trans-Ural region of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Yamalov et al., 2007). The purpose of the present research is to reveal a phytodiversity of weed vegetation of the Southern Urals, using all available geobotanical data, and to develop its syntaxonomy. This paper presents the results of the classification of one of the three allocated alliances. The dataset contains 1171 relevés: 891 were performed by authors in the course of the 2002–2016 field seasons, while 280 are taken from the mentioned monography (Mirkin et al., 1985). All plots belong to class Papaveretea rhoeadis which combines annual weed vegetation of winter, summer and the row-crop cultures, gardens and initial stages of succession (Mucina et al., 2016). Within the class these are distributed between orders Aperetalia spicae-venti J. Tx. et Tx. in Malato-Beliz et al. 1960 and Papaveretalia rhoeadis Hüppe et Hofmeister ex Theurillat et al. 1995. Alliance Scleranthion annui (Kruseman et Vlieger 1939) Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946 goes to the first one, while Caucalidion Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 and Lactucion tataricae Rudakov in Mirkin et al. 1985 — to the second. The alliances are well differentiated floristically (Table 2) and according to zonal affinity. Alliance Scleranthion annui (Fig. 2) combines the most mesophyte communities distributed mainly on gray forest and soddy podzolic soils, rarer on other types of soils in the southern part of the forest zone and northern part of the forest-steppe one. Diagnostic group includes terophytes: Centaurea cyanus, Tripleurospermum perforatum, Euphorbia helioscopia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Polygonum aviculare, Viola arvensis, Raphanus raphanistrum. Alliance Caucalidion (Fig. 3) combines communities on rich carbonate chernozem soils of the forest-steppe zone. It is intermediate between Scleranthion annui and Lactucion tataricae in zonal gradient. Diagnostic species are Galeopsis ladanum, Sonchus arvensis, Persicaria lapathifolia, Galeopsis bifida, Silene noctiflora, Erodium cicutarium, Thlaspi arvense, Galium aparine. They are also highly constant in communities of alliance Scleranthion annui in the forest zone, but are absent or low constant in these of alliance Lactucion tataricae in the steppe zone. Alliance Lactucion tataricae (Fig. 4) combines floristically impoverished communities in the steppe zone on south chernozem soils. Two species are diagnostic: hemicryptophyte Lactuca tatarica and terophyte Panicum miliaceum. There are 4 associations, 3 subassociations and 5 variants within the alliance Scleranthion annui. The ass. Linario vulgaris–Lactucetum serriolae ass. nov. hoc loco (Table 4, 5; holotypus — Table5, N 8) combines communities of winter and row-crop cultures, widely spread in the forest zone and northern part of the forest-steppe one on gray forest and soddy podzolic soils, which are common in the northernmost regions of the Cis-Urals within the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Some of them occur in northern flat forest areas as well as in the northern forest-steppe, while few of these are located in the foothill forest regions. Besides the species of alliance Scleranthion annui and class Papaveretea rhoeadis there are ruderal perennials of classes Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer et al. in Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 and Polygono arenastri–Poëtea annuae Rivas-Martínez 1975 corr. Rivas-Martínez et al. 1991, such as Artemisia absinthium, A. vulgaris, Plantago major, Elytrigia repens etc. which are character for disturbed habitats. Also important is the presence of apophytes of classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei Th. Müller 1962 (Poa pratensis, Trifolium pratense, Knautia arvensis, Pimpinella saxifraga etc.) common in meadows and forest edges. The ass. Consolido regalis–Centaureetum cyani ass. nov. hoc loco (Table 6; holotypus — N 26) combines communities of winter and summer crops (wheat, rye, rarer barley), widely spread in forest zone and northern part of forest-steppe one. They are located on gray forest and soddy podzolic soils. Three subassociations are discribed within association according the agrotechnology of the prevailing culture. The ass. Galeopsietum bifidae combines communities of winter crops which were widely spread in a forest-steppe zone on the podzolic chernozem in the 1980th (Mirkin, et al., 1985). The association is intermediate between the alliance Scleranthion annui and Caucalidion. The ass. Euphorbio helioscopiae–Fumarietum officinalis ass. nov. hoc loco (Table 7, 8; holotypus — Table 8, N 9) combines communities mainly of the row-crop and the summer cultures in the forest zone in flat and mountain regions and also in northern part of the forest-steppe zone. They are located on gray forest soils and rarer on the podzolic chernozem. Differentiation of associations is illustrated by the DCA-ordination data (Fig. 6). The first axis is interpreted as a complex gradient of moistening and an agrocoenotic factor. Along the second axis of soil richness-salinity the communities on soddy podzolic soils are replaced by those on mountain variants of gray forest soils and the podzolic chernozem.

2017 ◽  
pp. 35-54
Ya. M. Golovanova

The most widespread types of vegetation of the urbanized territories are coenosis of synanthropic and, in narrower sense, ruderal plant species. Ruderal communities are developing on garbage and dumps (Reymers, 1991), but presently this term is used much more widely, and is applied also to vegetation in various habitats arising under man impact. For example, W. Holzner (1982) includes abandoned fields and fellings in this type. So, the concepts of synanthropic and ruderal vegetation are rather close now. Synanthropic and ruderal communities are mostly found in the urban locations. The study of synanthropic vegetation in the Republic of Bashkortostan was being conducted since 1980s (Ishbirdin, etc., 1988; Golovanov, Abramova, 2012, 2013 etc.). The given paper presents results of the long-term (2008–2015) research of vegetation of 5 towns (Sterlitamak, Salavat, Ishimbay, Meleuz, Kumertau) located in Cis-Urals. More than 1500 relevés of synanthropic vegetation which were accumulated in the database using TURBOVEG software (Hennekens, 1995), 71 complete relevés of communities, new to the studied area, are presented in this paper. Classification is carried out according to Braun-Blanquet method. The ecological conditions were assessed with use of average values of E. Landolt (1977) ecological scales and processed by IBIS software (Zverev, 2007). According to «Prodrome of plant associations of the Republic of Bashkortostan» (Yamalov et al., 2012), synanthropic vegetation includes 8 classes, 14 orders, 21 unions, 62 associations and 6 communities. New for this region are one union and 9 associations, 2 of which are firstly described in the Southern Urals, while the other 7 were previously known in other regions of Russia or Europe. New to Bashkortostan Republic and Russian Federation, are associations of 2 classes Artemisietea vulgaris and Galio-Urticetea. There are 5 associations (Tanaceto vulgaris–Artemisietum vulgaris, Artemisio vulgaris–Echinopsietum sphaerocephali, Melico transsilvanicae–Agropyretum repentis, Falcario vulgaris–Elytrigietum repentis, and new Convolvulo arvensis–Agropyretum pectinati confined to the driest habitats in steppe and southern part of forest-steppe zone of the Southern Urals) within the class Artemisietea vulgaris. Within the class Galio-Urticetea 4 associations (Geo urbani–Chelidonietum majoris, Calystegio sepium–Epilobietum hirsuti, Calystegio sepium–Eupatorietum cannabini and new Urtico dioicae–Rubetum caesii) were described. New syntaxa occur mainly in Sterlitamak and Kumertau. Sterlitamak is the second largest city of Bashkortostan with the diverse anthropogenic habitats. The town of Kumertau, located in the south part of forest-steppe zone, is rich by various fragments of natural vegetation from forests to steppes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-36
Daniel Nikolaevich Karpov ◽  
Stanislav Danielevich Karpov ◽  
Liliya Zaynullovna Atnasheva

The paper discusses the role and importance of various plantain species, found in the southern Urals in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Orenburg Region. The paper contains description of the 7 species of plantain, their ecology, distribution, national economic significance, participation in various syntaxa extracted using eco-floristic approach of Brown-Blanke. Many of the species are plantains of taxonomic rank classes, orders, unions, associations: class SJ - Scorzonero-Juncetea gerardii, order SJg - Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii, union CH - Cirsio-Hordeion, TS class - Thero-Salicornietea, class FP-Festuco-Puccinellietea, order Fv - Festucetalia valesiacae, FB class - Festuco-Brometea, class M-A - Molinio-Arrhenantheretea. By origin they belong to different geographic elements: old Mediterranean meadow - Plantago cornuti Gouan; Pontian - Plantago maxima Juss. ex Jacq.; Euro-West Asian forest - Plantago media L.; Euro-West Asian forest-steppe - Plantago urvillei Opiz; Holarctic plyurizonalniy - Plantago major L. There is a species among the plantains that is found in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan - Plantago krascheninnikovii C.Serg. found in N.Yulbarisovo village of Khaybullinsky District (the Republic of Bashkortostan) near the Erangas river.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 57-65
Alfiya Naufalevna Mustafina ◽  
Valentina Nikolaevna Ilyina ◽  
Larisa Mikhailovna Abramova

The conservation of phyto-diversity should be based on original data on the structure and condition of natural populations, plant biology and ecology. The purpose of this study is to identify and compare regional features of the ontogenetic structure and state of coenotic populations of the rare species of the Southern Urals and Middle Volga Dictamnus gymnostylis (in the Samara Region and the Republic of Bashkortostan). In the Republic of Bashkortostan 20 geographical populations of the species are currently identified. In the Samara Region various published sources indicate 7-12 geographical populations of D. gymnostylis . The demographic structure, density of coenopopulations and habitat characteristics were studied with the use of traditional research methods in 18 trial plots: 9 in the forest-steppe zone of the Samara Region (Zavolzhye) and 9 in the southern forest-steppe zone in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Populations of the species were recorded in various types of communities: mainly meadow and shrub steppes, at the edges and under the canopy of oak groves. The number of populations in Bashkortostan is different: they number from 70-100 to 2000-5000 or even more. Presumably, the total number of species in the region is from 15 to 20 thousand copies. The total area of all known populations in the Samara Region is estimated by us at 5 hectares. The total number of individuals is approximately 2000-3000. Most of the coenopopulations of D. gymnostylis in the region are normal, incomplete. The absence in the spectrum of regenerative stages (seedlings and juvenile), as well as senile plants is typical. The absolute maximum falls on middle-aged generative individuals (24,1-59,0%). Almost all cenopopulations in the Samara Region are mature, and in Bashkortostan they are young (with a large share of regenerative plants). The recovery index is equal to or close to zero in the Samara Region; seedlings and juvenile plants are often absent here. In cenopopulations of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the recovery index in most cases is opposite to unity, which indicates a good replenishment of the population by young individuals. The aging index throughout the territory is close to or equal to zero (does not exceed 0,05). The state of the examined populations in Bashkortostan does not cause concern for their safety, but in the Samara Region they are vulnerable and require protection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-188
N. A. Ursegova ◽  

The traditional wedding song of the Russian population living on the territory of mining villages in the Beloretsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan still remains little studied area of knowledge from the ethnomusicological point of view, and for the first time becomes an object of special research. Analytical base of the article are the expeditionary records made by students and teachers of philological faculty of the Magnitogorsk State University in 1995–1999 under the guidance of the candidate of philological sciences T. I. Rozhkova. The author of the article carried out the editing of song samples. The complex approach used in the article in the analysis of ritual texts, taking into account the results of philological, ethnographic and musicological classifications, allows to systematize the repertoire of the Beloretsk wedding, to distinguish two musical and stylistic groups — song-and-lament and song-and-dance groups. Each musical and stylistic group combines a part of the wedding repertoire, which is characterized by a certain set of typical features reflecting the specifics of the form, genre, and content of songs in their direct relationship with the condition and place of performance in the rite. The analysis of musical and stylistic originality of Russian wedding songs and lamentations is conducted at the level of verbal, syllabic, and pitch parameters of chants organization. The found regularities allow to draw a conclusion about the musical and stylistic unity of local ritual and non-ritual folklore genres, providing not only the preservation of the corpus of wedding songs and wedding rites, but also the vitality of the local singing tradition as a whole.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Ayrat Khafizov ◽  
Aigul Khazipova ◽  
Damir Kutliyarov ◽  
Radik Mustafin ◽  
Liliya Kamaletdinova ◽  

A.M. Gareev ◽  
E.M. Galeeva ◽  
V.V. Barinov

The article reveals the main characteristics of the change in the values of the river runoff layer indicator in the long-term section across the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In previously published works related to 1990-2000, the statistical parameters of river runoff are considered without taking into account the changes that have occurred in the general population of the initial information. It is noted in the article that the calculations and estimates for the study of the peculiarities of changes in hydrometeorological conditions, carried out by us in recent years, indicate a violation of the homogeneity of the observation series. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that this trend is dependent on the influence of factors associated with global climate change. The article indicates that ignoring the facts reflecting the ongoing changes can affect not only the accuracy of the calculations, but also lead to the adoption of incorrect and unjustified decisions in the water sector and the assessment of environmental conditions in watercourses. The analysis was carried out according to the values of the annual runoff layer, the change in the indicators of the annual runoff of the rivers of the republic was calculated for two time intervals. As the boundary conditions between them, the year was taken, from which a rather clear tendency of the trend change in terms of the annual runoff values is revealed. Cartographic analysis of the information obtained was carried out using the ArcGIS software package. It has been established that during the period of noticeable climatic changes in most of the territory of the republic, there is a tendency to an increase in the values of the annual runoff layer. At the same time, the greatest indicators of change occur on the western slopes of the Southern Urals and the Ufa plateau within the republic. It was found that a noticeable decrease in the values of the annual runoff layer is observed over the territory of the Bashkir Trans-Urals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (06) ◽  
pp. 117-129
E.V. Ruslanov ◽  
A.A. Romanov ◽  

In November 2019 the joint group of researcers from the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Institution of History, Language and Literature of Ufa Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Science has conducted archaeological exploration with the aim to find new monuments of the Middle Ages in the Kushnarenkovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. As a result of this exploration Taganaevo 5 settlement was discovered. Collection of materials found in the course of the test pits drilling consist of animal bones, fragments of pottery and handbuilt ceramics, clay coatening, hand forged nails, a fragment of the iron knife and a lithic core. Taganaevo 5 presents itself a multilayer site. The upper strata of its’ cultural layer refer to the ethnographic time dating back to the 19th century, middle strata contain ceramics of Bahmutino and Kushnarenkovo cultures (V-VII ) and at the lower strata have ceramics of the Srubnaya archaeological culture related to the era of the late Bronze Age and the Eneolithic (Agidel culture). Exploraion works which are aimed at finding new archaeologial sites in the forest-steppe zone of the Cis-Urals as well as the cultural and chronological attribution of these sites contribute greatly to the accomulation of a source base for an archaeological map showing resettlement of the representatives of the Agidel ceramics culture and representatives of the Srubnaya, Kushnarenkovo and Bahmutino ceramics types. As well as the location and spread of the settlements (historical sites, villages and auls) during the Modern Age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-183
A. I. Lokhova ◽  
E. Z. Savin ◽  
T. V. Berezina ◽  
O. E. Merezhko

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 70-76
O. E. Merezhko ◽  
M. A. Mazunin ◽  
E. Z. Savin ◽  
A. I. Gridnev

The article presents tests of natural creeping apple trees and natural dwarfs, carried out in the in the conditions of the Orenburg region. There were from 50 to 100 trees in the experiment in each variant. Vigorous standard plantations were used as control. The aim of the research was to test natural creeping apple trees, natural dwarfs against the background of standard varieties bred in the South Urals (Chelyabinsk), as well as to determine their prospects for intensive horticulture in the extreme conditions of the region. The preservation of plantings for all variants of the experiment for 20 years of research is high and amounted to 92-99 %, their condition was estimated at 4.5-5.0 points. The highest yield was noted for natural dwarfs (457.2 c/ha), the smallest yield was obtained on vigorous standard plantings (control) – 238.7 c/ha. Naturally creeping apple trees in terms of productivity were higher than control by an average of 25 %. Of the naturally creeping varieties, the most productive were the varieties Podsnezhnik (348.3 c/ha), Chudnoe (335.2 c/ha), the least productive were the varieties Plastun and Kovrovoe (255.1 and 262.5 c/ha, respectively). On the natural dwarfs, the most productive variety was the variety Brat Chudnogo (461.2 c/ha). In the control, the most productive varieties were the varieties Symbol (295.9 c/ha) and Nadezhda (270.5 c/ha), less productive were the varieties Pamyat Zhavoronkova and Fevralskoe (208.0 and 224.1 c/ha, respectively). Low-growing plantations, in particular layer and natural varieties of the Urals, are distinguished by their early maturity and, in general, higher productivity per unit area. The highest labor costs are accounted for by natural dwarfs (485.4 person-day/ha) and the lowest in vigorous plantings (317.4 person-day/ha). This has a positive eff ect on the profit and rentability of production.

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