scholarly journals Ensuring a Balance Between Public and Private Interests in the Implementation of Quarantine Measures

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-340
Yaroslav Lazur ◽  
Tetyana Karabin ◽  
Oleksander Martyniuk ◽  
Oleksandr Bukhanevych ◽  
Oksana Kanienberh-Sandul

Under the influence of the spread of coronavirus infection, the world community has faced difficult challenges that provoke changes in the seemingly already stabilized legal regulation, putting at risk the settlement of human rights and the common good. The study aims to find effective mechanisms for balancing human rights and public interests in the context of their legal regulation. Specifically, this study is focused on the mechanisms of balancing private and public interests in the implementation of quarantine measures in the Covid-19 pandemic. The research methods were both general scientific and special methods, in particular: formal legal, historical and legal, analysis and synthesis. To perform the tasks of the work, the following structure was used: after some initial precisions, there are provided some considerations about the fiscal stimulus measures and about the exercise of the right of derogation; then, the study deals with the problem of lawmaking in a pandemic; and finally it is considered the threats to intellectual property in the sphere of healthcare. The results of the work show that the pandemic has seriously hit the balance between private and public interests. The public interests of the government and society have become a priority, but in many cases, the measures that infringe private interests are disproportionate, untimely and inefficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1039-1062
Vitaly V. Kikavets

The basis of legal relations in public procurement are private and public interests. The purpose of the study is a substantive assessment of the authors hypothesis that the purpose of legal regulation and financial support of public procurement is to satisfy the public interest expressed in the form of a public need for goods, works, and services. The methodological basis of the study rests on historical and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis and comparative-legal methods. The results of the analysis of normative legal acts regulating public procurement, doctrinal literature and practice showed that public interest denounced in the form of public need is realized through public procurement. Public and private interests can be realized exclusively jointly since these needs cannot objectively be met individually. In general, ensuring public as well as private interests boils down to defining and legally securing the rights and obligations of the customer and their officials, which safeguards them in the process of meeting public needs through public procurement. The study revealed the dependence of the essence of public interest on the political regime, which determines the ratio of public and private interests. Public interest in public procurement is suggested to understand as the value-significant selective position of an official or another person authorized by the government, which is expressed in the form of the public need for the necessary benefit; gaining such benefit involves both legal regulation and financial security. The purpose of legal regulation of public procurement is to satisfy public interest. These concepts should be legally enshrined in Law No. 44-FZ.

A.P. Ushakova ◽  

From the standpoint of the dominant interest criterion the article examines the justification of the legislator`s decision to apply public law methods in order to regulate relations concerning the use of land for infrastructural facilities placing. The author gives the arguments in favor of understanding the public interest as the interest of the whole society as a system, rather than the interest of an indefinite range of persons or the majority of the population. The author concludes that there is the simultaneous presence in the specified legal relations and private interests of the participants of legal relations, and public interests of society as a system. Both types of interests in these legal relations are important, but in terms of different aspects of the legal impact mechanism. Public interest is important because its realization is the purpose of legal regulation of this type of legal relations, from this point of view it acts as a dominant interest. The private interest of the holder of a public servitude is important as an incentive to attract the efforts of private individuals to achieve a publicly significant goal. The private interest of a land plot owner is important from the point of view of securing the right of ownership. It is substantiated that the public servitude is not an arbitrary decision of the legislator, but an example of application of the incentive method in the land law, which provides a favorable legal regime for a socially useful activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 277 ◽  
Su Yin Htun

It is universally accepted that everyone has the right to citizenship. Myanmar’s framework on the right to nationality constitutes a unique, exclusive, ethnic citizenship system based on jus sanguinis or the law of blood. Myanmar’s Citizenship Law was enacted in 1982 by repealing the Union Citizenship Act of 1948. As citizenship parameters were changed by the Law, many people in the Kachin, Karen, and Rakhine states lost their nationality rights and consequently suffered human rights abuses. In the Rakhine state, serious communal violence occurred in 2012, 2016, and 2017, and the government declared a state of emergency. This research paper focuses on how Myanmar can adhere to international standards for nationality rights. It provides a historical overview and legal analysis of citizenship laws in Myanmar using a human rights lens and offers suggestions for legal reforms that can help address the problem of statelessness in Myanmar. Specifically, it recommends the use of the jus soli, or the law of the soil, approach to citizenship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 125-133
Ivan Kubarev ◽  
Serhiy Barhan ◽  

The purpose of the study is to determine the role of the consent of the victim in concluding a plea agreement between the prosecutor and the suspect (accused), as well as the specifics of the practical implementation of this aspect of criminal procedural compromise. The state acts as a guarantor of the private interests of every citizen, as well as protects the fundamental and publicly important interests that are designed to ensure the normal existence and development of society, seeks to reduce public resonance and negative impact of particularly serious crimes to restore the reliability and steadfastness of its institutions. This article examined the legal regulation of the institution of a plea agreement transaction in a criminal proceeding in which the victim or victims are involved. The institution of a plea agreement in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine helps to save time in the investigation of crimes. The application of the transaction reduces the procedural costs of the state. At the same time, the level of efficiency in solving grave and especially grave crimes committed as part of an organized group or criminal organization is increasing. The burden on the system of judicial and law enforcement agencies is reduced, which leads to an acceleration of the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. An attempt has been made to highlight the techniques and methods of persuading the victim to provide the prosecutor with written consent to conclude an agreement with the suspect (accused). The described persuasion techniques help to obtain consent from the victim to conclude a plea agreement in a short time. These methods include such as: argumentation, suggestion, appeal to emotions and feelings. The persuasion process is the softest and most permissible, since it does not entail the emergence of false beliefs in the victim. At the same time, we consider the relationship between private and public interests in the implementation of the plea agreement. Each crime infringes on personal and private interests. The state must guarantee the protection of the established legal order. However, the victim should have the right to express his or her opinion freely in criminal proceedings. Therefore, the institution of a plea agreement cannot fully exist without the consent of the victim. Thus, the consent of the victim must be of an advisory nature, because to maintain the balance of private and public interests, it is important to encroach on public order and the degree of damage to public relations in general.

Slipachyk Slipachyk

The scientific article focuses on the analysis of a sentence of life imprisonment without a realistic prospect of release in Ukraine as a violation of the “right to hope” in the context of the human dignity category. The study provides an overview of approaches to the definition of human dignity in national legal doctrine and practice, a historical and legal analysis of the origins of legal regulation of the idea of ​​respect for human dignity in international legal acts, and analyses the constitutional stages of the evolution of this concept as a matter of international law. The author has reviewed the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on this issue and studied the reasons of the Court on setting standards for acceptable treatment of a person through the lenses of human dignity and the inadmissibility of inhuman and degrading offences. Taking into account these standards, a critical assessment has been carried out, in particular, of the judicial practice of the Federal Republic of Germany on the application to a prisoner of such a type of punishment as preventive detention with indefinite duration. Emphasis has been given to the national judicial practice in cases of possible releasing life-sentenced prisoners in the conclusions of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court and the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on this issue. Based on the results of the study, a set of measures, including amending the legislation to bring it in line with the requirements of European human rights standards to protect human dignity and ensure the “right to hope” has been offered.

Mykhailo Savchyn

The article reveals the mechanism of ensuring human rights through the prism ofeconomic analysis of law and weighing of constitutional values. The relationship between the economicanalysis of law and the principle of proportionality as criteria for the protection of economic andsocial rights is to ensure a balance of private and public interests. The principle of proportionalityis important in defining the non-discrimination and guaranteeing equal access to social assistance.The first part reveals the role of constitutional justice in protecting economic and social rights.The Constitutional Court of Ukraine protects economic and social rights in accordance with theconstitutionally conforming interpretation of laws pursuant to doctrines of direct action and thehorizontal effect of human rights. The second part of the paper focuses on the role of administrativejustice in the protection of social rights, in particular in the light of the legal construction of humanrights. Finally, differentia specifica protection of the social rights on the example of the right tofreedom of choice of occupation and profession and the right to medical care are highlighted. Thedoctrine of the duty to protect orients the government first of all to provide the infrastructure forthe realization of human rights while respecting human dignity and to take negative and positiveactions to ensure human rights.

Medicne pravo ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-48

The article concerns the comparative legal analysis of managed entryagreements (MEAs), compulsory licenses on inventions and the use of pat-ented inventions without the permission of an owner of the patent rights in order to ensure the health of the population and in emergency circum-stances. The authors determine the essential conditions and special fea-tures of such agreements. In article the authors present the analysis of theinternational legal regulation of the market of patent rights in the field ofpharmacy. Managed entry agreements are the effective legal instrumentfor ensuring access to innovative medicines, which are still in the post-clin-ical stage, while the compulsory licensing and the government use in thepublic interests could expand access to generic versions of medicines. All ofmentioned legal measures are available in Ukrainian legislation, but noneof them has been used yet. Key words: managed entry agreements, compulsory licenses, govern-ment use, intellectual property, human rights, access to medicines.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-30
I.V. Rekhtina

The article examines how the principle of legal certainty can serve as a criterion in determiningthe balance and balance of private and public interests in the consideration of cases in court. Russianjurisprudence shows that, at the national level, there is an imbalance in the private and public interest inconsiderations, in which priority is often improperly given to public interest. The principle of legal certaintymay serve as a criterion for finding this balance, taking into account the jurisprudence of the European Courtof Human Rights.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Said Kazhlaev

The article is devoted to the issue of achieving balance between private and public interests in arbitration disputes. The author notes that arbitration proceedings as one of the alternative forms of civil rights protection, guarantee the realization by the parties of the right to freedom of contracts and the right to judicial protection in a voluntarily elected procedural form. The author draws attention to the fact that a legislator can impose certain restrictions, based on the need to ensure balance between private and public interests depending on the object of the dispute, its social importance, conditions of civil circulation, legal culture and development of the national social and economic system. The article contains proposals for amendments and additions to the new Federal Law “On Arbitration (Arbitration Proceedings) in the Russian Federation”. The author concludes that the new task of legal regulation is the creation of favorable legal environment for the functioning of arbitration courts which being an institute of civil society, will contribute to more effective functioning of national economy under the conditions of a civilized market, implementation of stability in economy management and attractiveness of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation as a venue to conduct arbitration with participation of foreign countries.

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Maksimov

The subject of this article is the Russian and foreign legislative norms, materials of law enforcement practice, user policy agreements, scientific literature on the topic, and reports of the international organizations on human rights. The object of this research is the legal relations that regulate the existing mechanisms of information censorship on the Internet. The research contains a detailed historical-legal analysis of the mechanisms and principles of the implementation of regulation of the right to freedom of speech in the United States, with emphasis on the law enforcement practice. The author examines the latest Russian model of restrictions on the distribution of information, as well as the mechanism for preventing violations of the basic human rights and freedoms, which limits the possible impact on the exercise of political rights in the territory of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty consists in the detailed analysis of previously unstudied aspects of restriction of information realized by the administration of social networks. In the course of this work, the author explores various approaches towards understanding the term censorship, as well as the constitutional legal peculiarities of information censorship on the Internet. The author proposes ways to develop legal provisions that regulate the exercise of rights in this sphere. The conclusion is made that on the need for development and legislative consolidation of the standards for user policy agreements, taking into account all available recommendations. The author makes proposals on improving the constitutional legal regulation of the right to information.

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