2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 125-133
Ivan Kubarev ◽  
Serhiy Barhan ◽  

The purpose of the study is to determine the role of the consent of the victim in concluding a plea agreement between the prosecutor and the suspect (accused), as well as the specifics of the practical implementation of this aspect of criminal procedural compromise. The state acts as a guarantor of the private interests of every citizen, as well as protects the fundamental and publicly important interests that are designed to ensure the normal existence and development of society, seeks to reduce public resonance and negative impact of particularly serious crimes to restore the reliability and steadfastness of its institutions. This article examined the legal regulation of the institution of a plea agreement transaction in a criminal proceeding in which the victim or victims are involved. The institution of a plea agreement in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine helps to save time in the investigation of crimes. The application of the transaction reduces the procedural costs of the state. At the same time, the level of efficiency in solving grave and especially grave crimes committed as part of an organized group or criminal organization is increasing. The burden on the system of judicial and law enforcement agencies is reduced, which leads to an acceleration of the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. An attempt has been made to highlight the techniques and methods of persuading the victim to provide the prosecutor with written consent to conclude an agreement with the suspect (accused). The described persuasion techniques help to obtain consent from the victim to conclude a plea agreement in a short time. These methods include such as: argumentation, suggestion, appeal to emotions and feelings. The persuasion process is the softest and most permissible, since it does not entail the emergence of false beliefs in the victim. At the same time, we consider the relationship between private and public interests in the implementation of the plea agreement. Each crime infringes on personal and private interests. The state must guarantee the protection of the established legal order. However, the victim should have the right to express his or her opinion freely in criminal proceedings. Therefore, the institution of a plea agreement cannot fully exist without the consent of the victim. Thus, the consent of the victim must be of an advisory nature, because to maintain the balance of private and public interests, it is important to encroach on public order and the degree of damage to public relations in general.

Mikhail G. Shcherbakov ◽  

The article examines the dialectical relationship between the balance of private and public interests and the effectiveness of legal regulation of the dual-use goods. The concepts of dual-use goods and the legal regime of dual-use goods are examined and the conclusion is made that there is an interdependence between the categories «fair balance of private and public interests» and «the form and content of the dual-use goods regime». The structure of the legal regime system, consisting of interconnected subsystems that are in functional unity with each other, is analyzed. The dynamic property of the legal regime of dual-use goods to change the status of the goods and the status of the subject, depending on the state of the balance of private and public interests, is revealed. A special mechanism has been identified for regulating the system of the legal regime for dual-use goods, arising from the process of unification of legal norms, both at the international and national levels. The author proposed measures to improve the mechanism for regulating the legal regime of dual-use goods, based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Thus, increasing inter-industry relations through the unification of legal norms, as well as the use of modern technologies in the export control process, will ensure a fair balance between private and public interests. Meanwhile, state intervention in the property relations of individuals should be of an exceptional nature, providing for the existence of a mechanism for judicial protection of the weak side, for example, in the form of an institution for consumer protection. It is a focused approach based on the additional role of the state that will improve the effectiveness of the dual-use goods regime, as well as eliminate archaic methods of legal regulation of the turnover of dual-use goods based on the permissive type of regulation. In that way, the system measures that allow integrating advanced technologies into the mechanism of dual-use goods regime include: - introduction of a risk-based approach in the export control system; - transition to the notification procedure for export control; - transition to automatic identification of dual-use goods; - creation of a unified technological platform for controlling the turnover of dual-use goods; - creating a virtual image of dual-use goods with the function of saving the history of their use; - chipping of dual-use goods; - use of distribution registers in transactions with dual-use goods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1039-1062
Vitaly V. Kikavets

The basis of legal relations in public procurement are private and public interests. The purpose of the study is a substantive assessment of the authors hypothesis that the purpose of legal regulation and financial support of public procurement is to satisfy the public interest expressed in the form of a public need for goods, works, and services. The methodological basis of the study rests on historical and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis and comparative-legal methods. The results of the analysis of normative legal acts regulating public procurement, doctrinal literature and practice showed that public interest denounced in the form of public need is realized through public procurement. Public and private interests can be realized exclusively jointly since these needs cannot objectively be met individually. In general, ensuring public as well as private interests boils down to defining and legally securing the rights and obligations of the customer and their officials, which safeguards them in the process of meeting public needs through public procurement. The study revealed the dependence of the essence of public interest on the political regime, which determines the ratio of public and private interests. Public interest in public procurement is suggested to understand as the value-significant selective position of an official or another person authorized by the government, which is expressed in the form of the public need for the necessary benefit; gaining such benefit involves both legal regulation and financial security. The purpose of legal regulation of public procurement is to satisfy public interest. These concepts should be legally enshrined in Law No. 44-FZ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-340
Yaroslav Lazur ◽  
Tetyana Karabin ◽  
Oleksander Martyniuk ◽  
Oleksandr Bukhanevych ◽  
Oksana Kanienberh-Sandul

Under the influence of the spread of coronavirus infection, the world community has faced difficult challenges that provoke changes in the seemingly already stabilized legal regulation, putting at risk the settlement of human rights and the common good. The study aims to find effective mechanisms for balancing human rights and public interests in the context of their legal regulation. Specifically, this study is focused on the mechanisms of balancing private and public interests in the implementation of quarantine measures in the Covid-19 pandemic. The research methods were both general scientific and special methods, in particular: formal legal, historical and legal, analysis and synthesis. To perform the tasks of the work, the following structure was used: after some initial precisions, there are provided some considerations about the fiscal stimulus measures and about the exercise of the right of derogation; then, the study deals with the problem of lawmaking in a pandemic; and finally it is considered the threats to intellectual property in the sphere of healthcare. The results of the work show that the pandemic has seriously hit the balance between private and public interests. The public interests of the government and society have become a priority, but in many cases, the measures that infringe private interests are disproportionate, untimely and inefficient.

2021 ◽  
pp. 168
Lyubov A. Lomakina

The article highlights some issues of solving the priority tasks of labor legislation, coordination of the interests of the parties to labor relations, the interests of the state, which are determined by the principles of legal regulation of labor relations. Principles, as a legal category, form the basis for regulating any branch of law, including labor law, and determine the direction of development of the branch of law. One of these principles is the principle of combining private and public interests, which is reflected in Labor Law as the principle of combining state and contractual regulation of labor relations, it is aimed at balancing the various interests of the parties to the labor contract and the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 91 (4) ◽  
pp. 272-281
H. I. Hlobenko

The authir has carried out theoretical study of the current state of regulation of the rehabilitation institution in criminal proceedings of Ukraine, the immediate task of which is to protect human and civil rights and freedoms within relations between the state and an individual. Numerous appeals to the ECHR by citizens of Ukraine, who have been illegally or unjustifiably prosecuted, as well as the existence of decisions in their favor indicate on the shortcomings of this institution. The essence of the term of “rehabilitation” and its normative enshrinment in legislative acts at some historical stages of the world community development has been studied. It has been established that it was first used in medieval France to denote the pardon of a convict with the restoration of all his former rights. However, due to the development of social relations and a radical change in society’s attitude to sentencing, the concept of “rehabilitation” has become much broader than the original definition. Based on the detailed analysis of theoretical developments of leading scholars, international and legal acts, criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine, some countries of the European Union and the post-Soviet space, special attention has been focused on significant shortcomings of legal regulation of the specified area of public relations in Ukraine. The author has suggested own vision of the concept of “rehabilitation”. The author has offered to reffer it to the tasks of criminal proceedings stipulated by the provisions of the Art. 2 of the Criminal Procedura; Code of Ukraine. Besides, special attention has been paid to the fact that a rehabilitated person, in addition to compensation for damages and restoration of violated rights, must receive an official apology on behalf of the state for unjustified or illegal prosecution.

Ivanna Babetska ◽  
Iryna Turchak

Purpose. This paper focuses on the definition of «legally protected interest» and clarifying questions about its structure. In this article substantiate the idea about the main role of interests in law, realize the classification by different criterion. This article is devoted finding out of question about correlation of such key normative categories as «right (equitable right)» but «legal interest», and also by a «legitimate interest». The article examines the legal nature of private and public interests in the field of intellectual property. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of appropriate conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, dialectical, logical-semantic, logical-normative, system-structural. Results: in the course of the research the concept of "private and public interest in intellectual property law" is defined. It is proved that private interest is defined as "the interest of individuals and social groups protected by the state", public interest is defined as "recognized by the state and secured by the interest of the social community, the satisfaction of which serves as a condition and guarantee of its existence and development." Scientific novelty. In the course of the research it was established that when it comes to ensuring the balance of public and private interests of the parties in copyright, it means, among other things, the introduction of special norms of free use of works in international and national law. The problem of interaction of private and public interests in the legal regulation of intellectual property relations requires further thorough detailed research to determine the mechanism and methods of protection of these interests. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities for the purpose of legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of legal protection of the brand.

2021 ◽  
pp. 129-147
Murat Adam

Probably, as in any state, in the sphere of legal regulation of relations between business and the state, the public interests of the state are always above the private interests of business. Any democratic and legal state, including Kazakhstan, is based on the principles of equality of all before the law and the court, as well as the rule of law. The tax legislation of Kazakhstan does not provide for a legal mechanism for the consideration of tax disputes arising between a taxpayer and an authorized state body by any non-judicial organizations. All tax disputes are subject to consideration on complaints of the taxpayer to the higher authorized tax authority and only after receiving the decision of the higher state body, this dispute can be referred to the court. This paper deals with problematic issues of tax law related to the attribution of all tax disputes to consideration exclusively by the higher authorized tax authority and later by the court, which always guard the interests of the state, which in practice causes distrust of businessmen and investors to the state. In this regard, this paper examines out-of-court methods of resolving tax disputes, international experience in resolving tax disputes by out-of-court organizations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-79
O. I. Mykolenko ◽  
О. M. Mykolenko

The article analyzes the development of scientific thought on the administrative and legal support of relations between the state and the church, as well as reveals the current state of national administrative legislation in the field of religion. It has been established that in the doctrine of administrative law studies of administrative and legal support of relations between the state and the church are of a fragmentary nature. This has a negative impact on the administrative and legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of religion, on the effectiveness of public government bodies implementing state policy in the sphere of religion, and on the state of protection of believers in Ukraine. It is concluded that the state of scientific substantiation of administrative and legal support of the constitutional principles of relations between the state and the church remains unsatisfactory in Ukraine. It is substantiated that in modern conditions of society development, the church, despite all the restrictions enshrined in the constitutional principles of relations between the state and the church, is an active participant in administrative relations. However, the imperfection of the existing mechanisms for the implementation of the right to freedom of religion and the constitutional principles of state-church relations, as well as gaps in the current administrative legislation sometimes lead to the fact that in practice these constitutional provisions are either not implemented in practice or implemented in full or in part, which, in its turn leads to tensions in society over freedom of religion and the activities of religious organizations.

D. Kondratenko

Problem setting. The article analyzes the issue of legal relations in the field of land accounting. The legal nature of public relations in this area has been clarified. The accounting of the quantity and quality of land is investigated. The author’s definition of legal relations in the field of land accounting is provided. The circle of subjects of these legal relations is outlined. Analysis of recent researches and publications. To date, in the scientific literature there is no comprehensive study of the legal regulation of legal relations in the field of land accounting. There are only developments devoted to certain issues of land law science. Target of research. The study of the legal regulation of legal relations arising in the field of land accounting, the allocation of subjects of these legal relations. Article’s main body Justification of the appropriateness of obtaining, systematizing all the resources available on the land plot, determining the size, quality status and distribution of the land fund, providing the necessary data about the land, studying the legal relations arising on this occasion. The basis of the land registration and registration system in Ukraine is the State Land Cadastre. It reflects the subjective information on land, which accumulates as a result of land accounting. Such information is necessary primarily for the implementation of state control over the use, reproduction and protection of land. Only a legally regulated and wellmaintained process of conducting accounting and registration activities in the field of land relations can become the key to the introduction and functioning of a transparent mechanism for the circulation of land in market conditions and an effective mechanism for managing them. In this aspect, it is important to note that it is necessary to distinguish land accounting in the proper sense and land rights accounting (as a broader category compared to the first). In the context of the land registration reform and the further process of improving the State Land Cadastre, it is necessary to talk about the formation of land information relations. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Land accounting relationships are public relations that arise in connection with the activities of public authorities and local governments, which are endowed with appropriate powers to take measures to obtain, systematize and analyze information on the quantity, territorial location and use of land. The subjects of these legal relationships are landowners and land users, the state, state authorities and local selfgovernments, who are vested with the respective powers.

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