scholarly journals ARTIKEL PPKN

2021 ◽  
Elinda dwi sari

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms for all people, regardless of nationality, gender, gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language or other status. Two values form the basis of the concept of human rights. The first is “human dignity” and the second is “equality”. Human rights are actually a (experimental) definition of the basic standards necessary for a dignified life. This paper was written to present information on human rights (HAM). The results of this discussion are Human Rights and Health Rights to Food.

2021 ◽  
Elinda dwi sari

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms for all people, regardless of nationality, gender, gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language or other status. Two values form the basis of the concept of human rights. The first is “human dignity” and the second is “equality”. Human rights are actually a (experimental) definition of the basic standards necessary for a dignified life. This paper was written to present information on human rights (HAM). The results of this discussion are Human Rights and Health Rights to Food.

Yuriy Bysaga

One of the indicators of the fulfillment of international obligations by the state in the field of human rights is the perfect definition of the mechanism for ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. The purpose of this article is to clarify the concepts and directions of the constitutional and legal mechanism for ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. The methodological basis of the conducted research is the general methods of scientific cognitivism as well as concerning those used in legal science: methods of analysis and synthesis, formal logic, comparative law etc. The rights and freedoms of a person are complex. Structural elements of the human rights protection mechanism are the mechanism of legal influence in the field of human rights, the mechanism of legal regulation in the field of human rights, the legal framework of human rights, the system of human rights guarantees, and the system of human rights protection. Such legal phenomena as the mechanism of guaranteeing the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and the constitutional and legal mechanism of ensuring the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens are not identical. Only the mechanism of guaranteeing the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens contains both social and legal conditions and means that ensure the realization, protection and security of citizens' rights and freedoms. The definition of the concept of constitutional and legal mechanism for ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen has been clarified: this is the system of organizational and legal and legal means of influence, through which opportunities for the implementation of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen are created, and in case of violation or threat of violation, their protection is exercised by the bodies which are not vested with jurisdiction and the protection of bodies vested with jurisdiction. The main activities of this mechanism are embodied into the forms of ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen: ensuring the implementation, protection and security of these rights and freedoms

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-62
D. N. Parajuli

 Reproductive rights are fundamental rights and freedoms relating to reproduction and reproductive health that vary amongst countries around the world, but have a commonality about the protection, preservation and promotion of a woman‘s reproductive health rights. Reproductive rights include the right to autonomy and self-determination , the right of everyone to make free and informed decisions and have full control over their body, sexuality, health, relationships, and if, when and with whom to partner, marry and have children , without any form of discrimination, stigma, coercion or violence. The access and availability of reproductive health services are limited due to geography and other issues, non-availability and refusal of reproductive health services may lead to serious consequences. The State need to ensure accessibility, availability, safe and quality reproductive health services and address the lifecycle needs of women and girls and provide access of every young women and girls to comprehensive sexuality education based on their evolving capacity as their human rights, through its inclusion and proper implementation in school curriculum, community-based awareness program and youth led mass media. It is necessary for strengthening compliance, in a time-bound manner, with international human rights standards that Nepal has ratified that protect, promote, and fulfill the basic human rights and reproductive health rights in Nepal and also need to review standards and conventions that Nepal has had reservations about or those that have been poorly implemented in the country.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 68
Ahmad Purebrahim ◽  
Iraj Goldozian

Human dignity, and respect and commitment to it, is considered as one of fundamental principles of divine religions and international instruments on human rights. Benefit from valuable moral and theological virtues in order to provide of human growth and development exclusively is in the light of fundamental rights and the principle of preserving human dignity. Accordingly, today the concept of human rights and commitment to follow it in the international and national legal systems has a very important position. Rejection of all forms of exploitation humiliation and torture is one of the first underlying layer of human rights which known as negative human rights or social Don'ts. Although as the interpretation of the famous French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the eighteenth century, human is born free but in the process of social life and adapting to social situations in different ways to be distracted from their pure nature. Countless people in the world today are subject to oppression, even are subject to varying degrees of slavery instances including humiliation and degradation and prostitution. This research attempts to analyze the irreparable consequences of this phenomenon on human society, and also to look beyond national and transnational criminal measures and policies on this phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-182

Abstract: Through international treaties, human rights have reached the pinnacle of their legitimacy, being ratified by most countries. Respecting the human rights is the legal foundation for a democratic society in which the military has a defining role. In the comprehensive approach of the European institutions, protecting and promoting the human rights of military personnel are preconditions for regional unity, stability and security. The European documents provide an integrated understanding of the concept of rights and freedoms in relation to the special status of military personnel in society, representing regulated standards of conduct. Promoting the culture of respect for the fundamental values of human rights, both in the process of military education and training, as well as in exercising their specific tasks, represents an instrument for maintaining the order, discipline and morale of the military, ensuring the effectiveness of military actions and an overwhelming factor supporting the achievement of strategic objectives.    

Francesca Ippolito ◽  
Carmen Pérez González

This chapter aims to analyse how the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has developed the protection of certain socio-economic rights of irregular migrants contributing to the consolidation of a minimum standard in this field. In particular, this chapter focuses on Strasbourg case law developments regarding rights to adequate housing, health care, and education, along with protection against labour exploitation and trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation. Relevant contributions from other human rights bodies, particularly the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), will be also considered in order to conclude whether we can affirm the existence of a minimum core protections in this regard. The chapter concludes that international courts and non-judicial mechanisms are contributing to the definition of a shared global understanding of the centrality of human dignity in the quest to protect fundamental rights.

Rhona K. M. Smith

This chapter outlines the future agenda for international human rights and provides an overview of some issues that are likely to characterize the evolution of international human rights in the future. These include non-State actors, including businesses. Environmental rights are also considered. The chapter also suggests that State responses to the threat of terrorism must be proportionate to said threat and must be in accordance with the law, respecting fundamental rights and freedoms.

2014 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-209 ◽  
Charles G Ngwena

AbstractIf applied in isolation from the fundamental rights of women seeking abortion services, the right to conscientious objection can render any given rights to abortion illusory, including the rights to health, life, equality and dignity that are attendant to abortion. A transformative understanding of human rights requires that the right to conscientious objection to abortion be construed in a manner that is subject to the correlative duties which are imposed on the conscientious objector, as well as the state, in order to accommodate women's reproductive health rights. In recent years, the Colombian Constitutional Court has been giving a judicial lead on the development of a right to conscientious objection that accommodates women's fundamental rights. This article reflects on one of the court's decisions and draws lessons for the African region.

Fernando Carol Rosés

La STEDH de 13 de julio de 2004 –dictada en un litigio que tiene su origen en una demanda presentada contra el Principado de Andorra– elude abordar de forma directa el hipotético conflicto entre libertad de testar y principio de igualdad y,en cambio, reelabora la voluntad del testador a la luz del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, lo cual supone un ataque a la esencia misma de la sucesión testada. Aunque con carácter de obiter dicta entiende que cualquier relación jurídica de Derecho privado deberá ser interpretada de conformidad con el Convenio, afirmación que cuestiona la propia autonomía privada. Si bien en España, como en otros muchos Estados miembros del Consejo de Europa, las sentencias del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos no son directamente ejecutivas, sí es cierto que a la luz del artículo 10.2 de la Constitución Española tanto el principio de igualdad como los demás derechos fundamentales y libertades deberán ser interpretados de conformidad con los acuerdos internacionales ratificados por España, siendo ésta precisamente la vía que conduce a la efectividad de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, creando, en el caso que nos ocupa, una situación, cuanto menos, preocupante.The ECHR Judgment of 13 July 2004 –dictated in a litigation that has his origin in a demand presented against the Principality of Andorra– eludes to approach of direct form the hypothetical conflict between freedom of testamentary disposition and beginning of equality, with the consequence that there re-elaborates the will of the testator in the light of the European Agreement of Human rights, which supposes an assault to the essence itself of the testate succession. Though with character of obiter dicta he understands that any juridical relation of private Law will have to be interpreted of conformity with the Agreement, affirmation that questions the own private autonomy. Though in Spain, since in other many members states of the Council of Europe, the judgments of the European Court of Human rights are not directly executive, yes it is true that in the light of the article 10.2 of the Spanish Constitution both the beginning of equality and other fundamental rights and freedoms will have to be interpreted of conformity with the international agreements ratified by Spain. Therefore, this one is precisely the route that he leads to the efficiency of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, creating, in the case that occupies us, a situation worrying.

Melanie Studer ◽  
Kurt Pärli

In Switzerland, the participation in certain work programmes is an eligibility criterion to social assistance benefits and the constitutionally granted right to the financial means required for a decent standard of living. This chapter examines whether the implementation of these programmes is in accordance with fundamental rights and more precisely, whether they respect the normative framework elaborated in Chapter 4. As will be shown, the right to financial assistance when in need has close links to human dignity. Therefore, the evaluation of the mentioned work programmes against the human rights background leads to some critical conclusions on their compatibility with international human rights law in general and human dignity in particular. Especially, the authors argue that the Swiss Federal Supreme Court’s case law lacks a comprehensive approach for the evaluation of human rights infringements in this context.

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