dignified life
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-82
Victoria Teles Valois De Amorim ◽  
Michely Vargas del Puppo Romanelo

This study will present the issue of Syrian refugees in Brazil, whose immigration event occurs because of the terrible conditions offered in their native country, which makes these individuals seek refuge in other countries, seeking, in addition to a better condition, a life that is worthy. It is understood that the concept of dignified life goes against what is advocated by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, as well as fundamental rights, and even more related to the dignity of the human person. Thus, this article will bring an analysis of the context of this event, which has been happening quite frequently, making Brazil one of the countries that most welcome immigrants in the world. However, one factor draws attention in the middle of this process, as the Covid-19 pandemic has been following the population for more than a year, which makes border controls more rigid. In addition, Brazil, with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. Poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. Keywords: Refugees; Syria; Human rights; Dignity of human person; Warranties.

Urszula Tyluś

John Amos Comenius' views on education do not only have a historical dimension. They belong to the valuable aspects relating to the area of education in the context of the organ-ization of schoolwork, universality of education, arranging the teacher's work with the use of methodologically important teaching principles and working methods, taking into account the intellectual and physical abilities of students. The meaning of the postulated views is humanistic, leaning towards a man and his development possibilities. At the same time, they indicate his a right for a dignified life, which results from the concept of human nature. From the sense and essence of J. A. Comenius' humanistic thinking derives the nature of his timeless ideas, whose message is still valid in the multidimensional education of the 21st century. The aim of the text is to present selected ideas of J. A. Comenius - a scholar from the 17th century, which are still relevant and can be found in contemporary education. In the text, I refer to the selected ideas. I characterize and interpret them, referring to the great works by J. A. Comenius and priority modern educational challenges.

Laws ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 84
Alejandro Fuentes ◽  
Marina Vannelli

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) has developed in recent years an innovative jurisprudence that has integrated the entity and extension of States’ obligations regarding children’s rights—as established in Article 19 ACHR—through the evolutive, dynamic, and effective interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). In fact, by acknowledging the existence of an international corpus juris for the protection of children’s rights, the Court has examined this provision in the light of instruments enshrined within the corpus juris, such as the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. This process of normative integration was not only limited to the application of international instruments adopted outside of the Inter-American system, but also includes internal references to interconnected rights recognised within the American Convention. Consequently, by analysing the scope of Article 19 ACHR in the light of Article 4 ACHR (right to life) and the corpus juris for the protection of children, the Inter-American Court has further expanded the protection of children’s rights towards the protection of the right to a dignified life. While focusing on the landmark jurisprudence developed by IACrtHR, this paper seeks to unveil the hermeneutical paths undertaken by the regional tribunal in connection with the systemic integration of Article 19 ACHR. In particular, it focuses on the emerging jurisprudential development of positive obligations upon States Members regarding the effective protection of children’s right to a dignified existence.

2021 ◽  
Elinda dwi sari

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms for all people, regardless of nationality, gender, gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language or other status. Two values form the basis of the concept of human rights. The first is “human dignity” and the second is “equality”. Human rights are actually a (experimental) definition of the basic standards necessary for a dignified life. This paper was written to present information on human rights (HAM). The results of this discussion are Human Rights and Health Rights to Food.

2021 ◽  
Elinda dwi sari

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms for all people, regardless of nationality, gender, gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language or other status. Two values form the basis of the concept of human rights. The first is “human dignity” and the second is “equality”. Human rights are actually a (experimental) definition of the basic standards necessary for a dignified life. This paper was written to present information on human rights (HAM). The results of this discussion are Human Rights and Health Rights to Food.

Mariano D. Perelman

Whether one is employed or unemployed depends on both a series of sociopolitical processes and individual career paths. Work subjectivities—both as a way of thinking about access to resources and as the pursuit of a life with dignity—allows understanding how people give meaning to the tasks they perform in order to earn a living. In Argentina, since the 1970s, full-time employment and access to salaried work, as well as social benefits through employment, have been central components of the work subjectivities of thousands of people. Salaried work and benefits continue to be the way one accesses a dignified life, even as the labor force deteriorates. At the same time, there are thousands of people who have never earned a living through employment or a “job” and who embody different work subjectivities. The work subjectivities of people who are not “formal” employees allow us to reconstruct the lines between employment and unemployment, between work and nonwork, and between lives controlled by salaried work and those that are not.

boundary 2 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 169-190
Katryn Evinson

This essay revises post-15M movement political party landscape, emphasizing the intentional yet unusual use of the present within the New Left's organizing grammar. Against sectors of the traditional Left, who see presentism as a product of neoliberalism, I claim that in the post-15M conjuncture, the present constituted a battleground in the struggle for a dignified life. First, I focus on the Catalan left-wing nationalist party CUP's use of anarchist symbols to suggest that references to sabotage were deployed to disrupt parliamentary politics, forcing constant interruption. Second, I analyze Podemos founding member Iñigo Errejón's speech after the party's 2016 national election defeat, where his rhetoric linked the temporality of the present with anti-austerity protestors’ embodied presence. Last, I read the rise of neomunicipalisms as another iteration of presentism, aiming to politicize everyday life. To conclude, I advance that such material practices of “generative presentism” problematize presentism's assumed depoliticizing nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (16) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Carlos Manuel Rosales García ◽  
Arturo Miguel Chípuli Castillo

Resumen: Los Derechos Humanos son la base de las instituciones públicas. Pero ¿cuáles son los factores que originan y permiten su evolución y su adición como sistema? Este trabajo expone varios de los elementos que intervienen para que estas prerrogativas se consideren vitales para gozar de una vida digna y el desarrollar la personalidad de cada persona. Abstrac: Human rights are the basis of public institutions. But which factors are those that originate and allow its evolution and its addition as a system? This work exposes several of the elements involved, so that these prerogatives are considered vital to enjoy a dignified life and to develop the personality of each person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (03) ◽  
pp. 287-290
Jayashree Sarma

The concept of human rights has always been a burning and one of the most significant concepts in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. Human rights are the basic and birth rights of every individual. These individualistic rights are important in order to lead a dignified life in society. These rights guarantee to all round developments of an individual. The article Human Rights as Natural Rights, written by the American political theorist Jack Donnelly, is a depiction of the meaning and nature of human rights. In the article Donnelly tries to draw our attention to the theoretical premises of human rights. He basically discusses the concept of human rights from three premises- human rights as natural rights, natural rights and human rights and a social justice theory of human rights whereas the author emphasizes on the questions of what human rights are and how human rights work according to the existing theories of human rights and what the basic differences exist between these different kinds of theories.

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