scholarly journals Application of Computer Mathematical Tools in University Training of Computer Science and Mathematics Pre-service Teachers

Olena Semenikhina ◽  
Volodymyr Proshkin ◽  
Olha Naboka

The requirements for the training of mathematics and computer science teachers to use specialized mathematical software in professional activities are substantiated in the article. Among them: the ability to creatively choose the forms and methods of teaching for the use of specialized software; ability to find non-standard or creative mathematical problems; ability to make an informed choice of specialized software; ability to see possible ways to check the result obtained by the pupil; the ability to eliminate common mistakes when pupils use computer tools, etc. The specialized mathematical software, which is used today in mathematical training of mathematics and computer science teachers in Ukraine, has been specified. The specialized mathematical software which is used today for teaching mathematics in schools of Ukraine is given. The analysis of computer tools used by the teacher in the most common mathematical software is carried out. The most urgent problems faced by mathematics teachers in their professional activities are highlighted. The experiment with ninth-grade pupils proved the positive impact of using dynamic geometry software and appropriate mathematical tools on the level of pupils’ mathematical training, which is reason to talk about the importance of computer science and mathematics pre-service teacher training to involve such tools in professional activities. Prospects for further research in the direction of developing methods for using computer mathematical tools in a research-based learning environment are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-137
Роман Семенович Гуревич ◽  
Оксана Віталіївна Клочко ◽  
Віталій Іванович Клочко ◽  
Мар’яна Михайлівна Ковтонюк ◽  
Надія Романівна Опушко

The paper reports research on computer science teachers’ readiness to develop computer didactic games and implement them into the educational process. Today’s teacher of computer science has to acquire and improve professional competencies in line with modern trends of high technological society. It is a process that we consider in the context of life-long education. The use of computer didactic games is one of the forms of innovative education, which increases the attractiveness of education, generates the development of learners’ endeavour and creativity. The authors emphasize that computer science teachers’ readiness to use computer didactic games becomes impossible without mastering the methodology of pedagogical endeavours and gaming technologies in education. By this, we mean a search for more efficient ways of achieving pedagogical goals, the ability to select computer didactic games and a search for ways of their successful realization in professional activities. Development of computer didactic games requires a computer science teacher to learn methodology and standards within this domain, and to obtain the basic knowledge of environment and skills to use in games development. Our survey revealed that the use of computer didactic games is sporadic and inadequately prioritized by the computer science teachers, who appeared to have very little knowledge in techniques aimed at their development and implementation into the educational process. The main reason is that prospective computer science teachers do not learn it sufficiently in higher educational establishments. This sphere remains underestimated by those who educate prospective computer science teachers, as well as by computer science teachers themselves. As a result, we observe a lack of knowledge in development, selection and implementation of computer didactic games. Theoretical analysis of the use of computer didactic games and their implementation into the educational process remains out of scholars’ attention, despite the issue becoming more and more attractive. The examination of computer science teachers’ readiness to develop computer didactic games and implement them into the educational process allows us to suggest ways for enhancing the level of teachers’ readiness for this training activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (05) ◽  
pp. 97-101
Maksetbay Torebekovich Mambetniyazov ◽  

This article discusses the formation of professional competence of teachers of computer science in pedagogical higher education institutions on the basis of Web-technologies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-60
V. V. Kozlov ◽  
T. V. Tomashevska ◽  
M. I. Kuznіetsov

In the article the authors substantiate the importance of establishing and using interdisciplinary connections in the training of future specialists in the field of statistics. This is due to factors such as the transition of the Ukrainian economy to the innovative way of development and the necessity of building state information infrastructure. The training of interdisciplinary specialists, who use statistics, computer science, and data science in their activities, becomes a public need. The authors argue that the modern system of higher education needs to develop innovative teaching approaches in preparing future specialists in the field of statistics, primarily natural-scientific interdisciplinary links. They promote increase of the practical, scientific and theoretical training of students, with their help the foundation for a comprehensive vision, approach and solving complex problems of real reality are laid. In the article special attention is paid to establishing links between computer science and mathematics in the training of future statisticians. The analysis of bachelor programs of various educational institutions has shown that the disciplines of the cycle of mathematical preparation are basic. Computer at various stages of these disciplines can perform functions of control, training, analysis, synthesis, etc. The future specialist should be trained in working with professional mathematical packages that may be needed for him in future professional activities. The authors also note the risk of methodically illiterate implementation of interpersonal links with the use of information technology, when the external ease of use of software tools leaves in the shadows the applied component of the course of higher mathematics. This can lead to a disturbance of dynamic balance and a decrease in the quality of education. The analysis of the problem of interdisciplinary connections shows that it is necessary to transit to updated statistics training programs, oriented to the needs of economic and social development of society. Thus, interdisciplinary links not only allow the establishment of peculiar “bridges” between educational disciplines, but also, on the basis of the common content of these disciplines, to build a holistic system of learning, which is an important condition for an integrated approach that allows to distinguish between the main elements of the content of education and interrelationships between educational subjects.


Introduction. Criteria and their indicators of levels of future computer science teachers’ readiness for professional activities are identified to determine the effectiveness of the model of future computer science teachers’ training.The purpose of the article is to substantiate the choice of criteria and indicators to characterize the levels of future computer science teachers’ readiness for profe-?sional activities. Methods. To achieve this goal, such methods as analysis and systematization of the results of scientific and pedagogical research on the future computer science teachers’ preparation of for professional activities; generalization of different approaches to the choice and substantiation of criteria and indicators of future computer science teachers’ readiness for professional activity were used. Results. To establish the level of computer science teachers’ readiness for professional activity, the following criteria have been developed. Theoretical criterion determines the formation of a system of knowledge (professional, psychological, pedagogical, methodological) about the essence of computer science teacher, where indicators are the depth and scope of students' knowledge. Technological criterion determines the presence of future computer science teachers ability to perform professional tasks necessary for productive activities in the specialty, an indicator is the level of performance of procedural actions by students. Personal criterion assumes the presence of the formation of personal qualities of the student for future pedagogical activities, where the indicators are the motivation of future professional activity and the ability to self-analysis. The corresponding indicators of computer science teachers’ readiness for professional activity characterized each of the criteria. Indicators of the theoretical criterion are "volume of knowledge" (set of facts, concepts, rules, judgments, conclusions, phenomena and processes mastered by future computer science teachers) and "depth of knowledge» (the correct ratio of the structure and elements of knowledge, understanding of the system of educational material, its most important ideas and patterns, characterizes the ability of students to use EER in cognitive and practical activities). The indicator of the technological criterion is "procedural actions" (the presence of future computer science teachers’ ability to perform professional tasks necessary for productive activities in the specialty. The indicator of the personal criterion is "motivation" (motivation to use EER) and introspection" (ability to reflect on professional activities). The originality and novelty of the work are in the development of the author's diagnostic apparatus to determine the levels of future computer science teachers’ readiness for professional activities. Conclusions. Criteria and indicators of computer science teachers’ professional readiness allow to cha-racterize the levels of readiness for professional activity. Depending on the degree of computer science teachers’ readiness, there are four levels: factual, operational, analytical-synthetic, and creative.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yanli Bao

This paper takes the application of workflow technology in a multi-smart IOT message-driven practical training execution system as the research background, analyzes the current situation and problems of the practical training execution system, and reconstructs and optimizes the original on-site practical training model and business methods according to the future development needs of the practical training execution system. This study draws on the theoretical perspective of the computer knowledge body to deeply recognize and understand the connotation of computing ability from the levels of knowledge, skills, and attitude, forms a basic understanding of computing ability through literature combing, and refines the core elements of computing ability through a combination of enterprise case study, content analysis, and questionnaire survey, strives to form a more systematic and in-depth understanding of the connotation and elements of computing ability. It also provides a reference for the clarification of computing ability training objectives of computer science teachers under the trend of intelligence. Facing the enhancement of computing ability of engineering students majoring in computer science at the undergraduate level, the objectives of computing ability cultivation are clarified, the key points of computing ability cultivation mode are refined from three levels: curriculum design, teaching operation, management, and control, and three typical computing ability cultivation modes embedded in undergraduate computer education are constructed: knowledge module combination mode, computing context experience mode, and intelligent industry-leading mode. The operational strategies and implementation paths of the models are discussed in depth. This study emphasizes that, based on the analysis of the characteristics of the trend of intelligence, the computing ability cultivation model is not static.

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