scholarly journals Nutrient and suspended-sediment concentrations and loads and benthic-invertebrate data for tributaries to the St. Croix River, Wisconsin and Minnesota, 1997-99

2001 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1248 ◽  
Solange Cavalcanti de Melo ◽  
José Coelho de Araújo Filho ◽  
Renata Maria Caminha Mendes de Oliveira Carvalho

RESUMOO conhecimento da análise quantitativa das concentrações de sedimentos em suspensão transportados pelo rio São Francisco bem como sua relação com as vazões é de muita importância, pois pode auxiliar na identificação dos efeitos da intervenção humana e ou ocasionados pelas condições naturais da região. As regiões a jusante dos barramentos no rio São Francisco apresentam como principal consequência a regularização das vazões e a diminuição das concentrações de sedimentos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar as curvas-chave de sedimentos em suspensão (CCS) nas estações fluviométricas instaladas no Baixo São Francisco (BSF) após a barragem de Xingó. Para o estabelecimento dessas curvas foram utilizados dados de vazão e concentração de sedimentos em suspensão, obtidos do sistema Hidroweb no site da Agência Nacional da Água (ANA) no período de 1999 a 2018. Foram obtidas CCS para todo o trecho do BSF as quais apresentaram bons coeficientes de determinação. Na análise dos dados também foi possível perceber que nos últimos anos, desde 2013 houve redução gradativa das vazões disponibilizadas na barragem de Xingó. Consequentemente, houve também a redução gradativa das cargas de sedimentos em suspensão geradas nas estações de Piranhas, Traipu e Propriá, ou seja, os menores valores já registrados no BSF correspondendo as menores séries históricas tanto de vazão como de sedimentos em suspensão.  Keys curves of sediment discharges in suspension in the Lower São Francisco A B S T R A C TThe knowledge of the quantitative analysis of suspended sediment concentrations carried by the São Francisco River as well as its relation with the flows is of great importance, since it can help in the identification of the effects of human intervention and/or caused by the natural conditions of the region. In the downstream regions of the São Francisco riverbanks, the main consequence was the regularization of flow rates and the reduction of sediment concentrations. The objective of the research was to determine the key curves of suspended sediments (CCS) at the fluviometric stations installed in the lower São Francisco river after Xingó dam. For the evaluation, flow data and suspended sediment concentration were used. These data were obtained from the Hidroweb system on the website of the National Water Agency (ANA) from 1999 to 2018. CCS were plotted for all stretches and presented good coefficients of determination (R2). Based on the analysis of the data it was also possible to notice that in recent years, since 2013 there has been a gradual reduction of the flows available in the Xingó dam. Consequently, there was also a gradual reduction of suspended sediment loads generated at the Piranhas, Traipu and Propriá stations, that is, the lowest values already recorded in lower São Francisco, corresponding to the lower historical series of both discharge and suspended sediments.Keywords: dam, flow, sediments 

2013 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 23-40
Sanja Mustafic ◽  
Predrag Manojlovic ◽  
Predrag Kostic

The paper treats the issue of the suspended sediment load transport in the upper part of the Rasina River Basin, upstream from the "Celije" reservoir during the year of 2010. Measurements of the suspended sediment concentrations were being done at two hydrological profiles Brus and Ravni. Total quantity of the suspended sediment load that was transported at the profile of Brus in 2010 amounted to 3,437.3 t, which gave the specific transport of 16.4 t/km2/year. At the downstream profile of Ravni, 43,165 t of the suspended sediment load was transported, that is, 95.7 t/km2/year. The basin on the whole is characterized by the existence of two seasons, which by their characteristics in the load transport represent the extreme variants. During the winter-spring season, 74-85.8 % of the total annual load was transported, ?nd during the summer-autumn season between 14.2 and 26 %.

Oceanologia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-36 ◽  
Nicolas Guillou ◽  
Aurélie Rivier ◽  
Georges Chapalain ◽  
Francis Gohin

1990 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 1050-1067 ◽  
Richard A. Luettich ◽  
Donald R. F. Harleman ◽  
LÁszlÓ SomlyÓdy

2021 ◽  
Lena Katharina Schmidt ◽  
Till Francke ◽  
Theresa Blume ◽  
Johannes Schöber ◽  
Daniel Pfurtscheller ◽  

<p>High alpine areas are affected disproportionately by global warming and are thus found to be in a transient state. This causes accelerating glacial retreat, which can have severe impacts on discharge and potentially sediment dynamics. Possible effects include changes in water quantities and hydrograph timing as well as changing sediment source areas and the associated magnitude and timing of transport capacities. In turn, the resulting changes in water and sediment supplies and timing have the potential to severely impact downstream ecosystems and infrastructure.</p><p>An essential step towards estimating the effects of future changes and developing sustainable management strategies is to quantify the behavior in the past and present. We therefore used the excellent data availability of discharge and suspended sediment concentrations in our study area in the upper Ötztal in Tyrol, Austria, to make such an assessment. We study discharge and suspended sediment concentrations, which have been monitored at three gauges and for a minimum of seven years in the case of the youngest gauge. The resulting nested catchment setup, with catchment sizes ranging between 98 km² and 785 km², allows us to learn about discharge and sediment fluxes and their spatial distribution, thus allowing us to quantify the relative importance of the glaciated areas as compared to the lower-lying catchment areas. It also allows us to study the temporal dynamics, such as the seasonal timing of the peaks and their interannual differences. In turn, the nested catchments allows us to investigate the spatial variability of these temporal dynamics.  </p><p>The results confirm the high specific sediment yields for alpine catchments in the order of 10³ t/km² per year and higher yields in areas with higher glacier cover as well as a very pronounced seasonality.</p>

2022 ◽  
pp. 127467
Zhongcheng Wang ◽  
Chengfang Li ◽  
Zhenwei Li ◽  
Ruicheng Yuan ◽  
Dan Cao

Tanja N. Williamson ◽  
Kimberly H. Shaffer ◽  
Donna L. Runkle ◽  
Matthew J. Hardebeck ◽  
Edward G. Dobrowolski ◽  

2021 ◽  
Marcel van der Perk

<p>In an ongoing study to the decline in suspended sediment concentrations and loads in the Rhine river since the mid-1950s, the temporal changes in the power-law sediment rating curve parameters were examined. This revealed that the rating exponent of the rating curve increased substantially between the early and late 1980s. Until the early 1980s, the ratings curves were relatively flat with values of the rating exponent b varying around 0.2. In the mid-1980s, the exponent suddenly increased to a value between 0.4 and 0.6 and since then has remained within this range. This change in the rating exponent was mainly caused by a decrease in suspended sediment concentrations during low discharges. During high discharges, the suspended sediment concentration initially increased during the late 1980s, but this increase was nullified soon afterwards due to the declining trend in suspended sediment concentration.</p><p>The sudden increase of the rating exponent coincided with the period that the Ponto-Caspian <em>Chelicorophium curvispinum</em> (Caspian mud shrimp) invaded the Rhine river basin. This suggests that this suspension-feeder species bears the prime responsibility for this increase, although this hypothesis requires further independent evidence. The sudden increase in the rating exponent does however not manifest itself in the long-term gradual trend of declining suspended sediment concentrations and vice versa. Apparently, the sequestration of sediment by <em>Chelicorophium curvispinum</em> is only temporary: the suspended sediment sequestered during periods of relatively low discharges is likely remobilised again during periods of high discharge. This implies that the invasion of <em>Chelicorophium curvispinum</em> has not played a significant role in the decline of suspended sediment concentrations. The precise reasons for the gradual long-term decline in suspended sediment concentration remain yet unknown.</p>

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