scholarly journals Rice growth and development depending on cultivation conditions in the Tersko-Sulak sub-province of Dagestan

2020 ◽  
pp. 3-8
N. R. Magomedov ◽  
F. М. Kazimetova ◽  
D. Yu. Suleymanov ◽  
A. A. Abdullaev

The purpose of the current research is to study of the biological characteristics of rice growth and development, as well as the productivity of the new promising varieties in the Tersko-Sulak sub-province; to identify the optimal doses of mineral fertilizers and the best forecrops for the cultivation of these varieties by herbicide-free technology; to recommend the varieties identified by grain productivity and quality for regionalization in the republic. The novelty of the research is that for the first time in the RD conditions there have been studied the biological characteristics of growth and development, as well as the productivity of new promising rice varieties ‘Flagman' and ‘Kuboyar' in comparison with the standard variety ‘Regul' spread in the republic. The rice cultivation contributes to productivity increase of saline lands and the development of soils in the solonetz complex. The conditions of the Tersko-Sulak sub-province, the presence of large rivers (Terek, Sulak), a favorable thermal regime make it possible to obtain here high yields of rice meeting the requirements of agricultural technology. The ability of rice to withstand soil salinity from 0.05 to 1.5%, depending on the nature of salinity, makes it possible to significantly increase the productivity of saline lands, the area of which is more than 50%. There have been studied two forecrops (winter wheat, alfalfa), four doses of mineral fertilizers (N110P50K70, N140P80K100, N77P35K49, N98P56K70) and three rice varieties ‘Regul', ‘Flagman', ‘Kuboyar'. For two years of research, the variety ‘Flagman' sown after alfalfa with a dose of mineral fertilizers N98P56K70 produced the largest yields of 6.79 t/ha in 2018 and 6.85 t/ha in 2019, which was on 1.81 t/ha and 1.32 t/ha more than in the variant without fertilizing. The varieties ‘Regul' and ‘Kuboyar' with the same doses of mineral fertilizers produced the average yields of 5.76 and 6.20 t/ha, respectively. The highest efficiency of mineral fertilizers was established where the soil was well supplied with organic matter, i. e. when the varieties were sown after alfalfa.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 309
Showkat Ahmad Ganie ◽  
Anireddy S. N. Reddy

Improvements in yield and quality of rice are crucial for global food security. However, global rice production is substantially hindered by various biotic and abiotic stresses. Making further improvements in rice yield is a major challenge to the rice research community, which can be accomplished through developing abiotic stress-resilient rice varieties and engineering durable agrochemical-independent pathogen resistance in high-yielding elite rice varieties. This, in turn, needs increased understanding of the mechanisms by which stresses affect rice growth and development. Alternative splicing (AS), a post-transcriptional gene regulatory mechanism, allows rapid changes in the transcriptome and can generate novel regulatory mechanisms to confer plasticity to plant growth and development. Mounting evidence indicates that AS has a prominent role in regulating rice growth and development under stress conditions. Several regulatory and structural genes and splicing factors of rice undergo different types of stress-induced AS events, and the functional significance of some of them in stress tolerance has been defined. Both rice and its pathogens use this complex regulatory mechanism to devise strategies against each other. This review covers the current understanding and evidence for the involvement of AS in biotic and abiotic stress-responsive genes, and its relevance to rice growth and development. Furthermore, we discuss implications of AS for the virulence of different rice pathogens and highlight the areas of further research and potential future avenues to develop climate-smart and disease-resistant rice varieties.

2018 ◽  
pp. 3-6 ◽  
V. V. Nikitin ◽  
V. D. Solovichenko ◽  
A. P. Karabutov

According to the trial, started in 1987, the article presents research works made in 1994–2013 dealing with the study of barley productivity during second-fifth rotations of grain-grass row crop rotation and grain row crop rotation grown in blackearth (chernozem) with various tillage technologies and fertilizing. During four rotations on average barley productivity was nearly similar in both crop rotations. According to the trial results, the productive process depends on 0.16% from the types of crop rotations, on 0.12% from tillage technologies, on 25.6% on organic fertilizers and 71.0% from mineral fertilizers. The introduction of mineral fertilizers increases grain yield on 1.04–1.22 t/ha, the introduction of organic fertilizers increases it on 0.73–0.82 t/ha and they are obligatory for grain productivity increase. It has been established that depending on the crop rotations, tillage technologies and fertilizers barley productivity ranged from 2.38 t/ha in the variants without fertilizing to 4.24 t/ha with introduction of NPK100/ha with 16 t/ha of cattle manure.

Ismailov Uzaqbay Emberdenovich ◽  
Ismailova Aqsingul Uzaqbayevna ◽  
Satbaeva Elvira ◽  
Maqulbaev Qudaybergan Xo’jambergenovich ◽  

Experiments were conducted on studying the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on the growth, development and productivity of cotton in saline soils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. In practice, the annual norm of mineral fertilizer (N250 P175 K125 kg / ha) was reduced by 25% (N185 P130 K90 kg / ha) and an additional 10 and 20 t / ha of organic fertilizer was used. As a result of the experiment, when organic fertilizer was used at the amount of 20 t / ha, and mineral fertilizer was used at the amount of N185 P130 K90 kg / ha the growth, development and productivity of cotton were improved and mineral fertilizer was economized by 25%.

Begmatov Abdusamat Mamatkulovich ◽  
Sattarov Abdumurod Sattarovich ◽  

In the soil and climatic conditions of the Surkhandarya region, the biological characteristics of the tropical plant S. rebaudiana at the stages of ontogenesis have been studied for the first time. The regularities of growth and development, the timing of the onset of the phases of budding, flowering, fruiting during the propagation of plants by seed have been established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 206 (03) ◽  
pp. 19-29
A Ivanova ◽  
Elena Lekomceva ◽  
Elena Sokolova ◽  
Tat'yana Tutova ◽  
Lyubov' Nesmelova

Abstract. The productivity of wild strawberries is significantly determined not only by the biological characteristics of the variety and soil and climatic conditions, but also by agrotechnical techniques and the use of organomineral fertilizers. The effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers on strawberries has been proven by numerous studies [5, p. 48; 6, p. 99; 14, p. 233; 15, p. 513; 16, p.101; 17, p. 513]. The purpose is a comparative assessment of the effect of various types of complex fertilizers for strawberries. The task was to study the effect of complex fertilizers on the yield of strawberry and its structure. In 2015–2018, studies were conducted on the introduction of complex fertilizers for wild strawberries, which are used during the growing season to improve their nutrition during periods of maximum consumption of nutrients. Methods. The studies were conducted according to generally accepted methods [4], [7]. The influence of “Azophoska”, “Perm-yagodnoye” and “Fasko-yagodnoye” fertilizers on the yield and elements of its structure in strawberry was studied in the conducted studies. Results. The best results for all the years of research were obtained when using the pre-planting application of the fertilizer “Fasko-yagodnoye”. In this variant, there was a significant increase in the number of berries by 1.8 pcs., their weight by 0.68 g and yield by 0.13 kg/m2. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic, the effect of the pre-planting application of complex fertilizers “Perm-yagodnoye” and “Fasko-yagodnoye” was studied on strawberry garden. Practical significance. The obtained research results are of great practical value, since it is proved that the productivity of wild strawberries in the Udmurt Republic increases with the use of complex fertilizers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
D. A. Dirin ◽  
Paul Fryer

The paper is devoted to ethno-cultural landscapes of the Republic of Tuva. Ethnocultural landscapes (ECLs) are specific socio-environmental systems that developed as a result of the interaction of ethnic groups with their natural and social environments and are in a constant process of transformation. An attempt is made to identify the mechanisms of the formation, functioning and dynamics of ethnocultural landscapes in the specific conditions of the intracontinental cross-border mountain region, as well as to establish the main factors-catalysts of their modern changes. For the first time an attempt is made to delimit and map the ethnocultural landscapes of Tuva. For this, literary sources, statistical data and thematic maps of different times are analyzed using geoinformation methods. The results of 2014-2018 field studies are also used, during which interviews with representatives of different ethno-territorial, gender, age and social groups were taken. It is revealed that the key factors of Tuva’s ethnocultural landscape genesis are the natural isolation of its territory; the features of its landscape structure; the role of government; population migrations from other regions and the cultural diffusion provoked by them. 13 ethnocultural landscapes are identified at the regional level. Their modern transformation is determined by the shift of climatic cycles, aridisation, globalisation of sociocultural processes, changes in economic specialisation and ethnopsychological stereotypes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Mbuzeni Mathenjwa

The history of local government in South Africa dates back to a time during the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. With regard to the status of local government, the Union of South Africa Act placed local government under the jurisdiction of the provinces. The status of local government was not changed by the formation of the Republic of South Africa in 1961 because local government was placed under the further jurisdiction of the provinces. Local government was enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa arguably for the first time in 1993. Under the interim Constitution local government was rendered autonomous and empowered to regulate its affairs. Local government was further enshrined in the final Constitution of 1996, which commenced on 4 February 1997. The Constitution refers to local government together with the national and provincial governments as spheres of government which are distinctive, interdependent and interrelated. This article discusses the autonomy of local government under the 1996 Constitution. This it does by analysing case law on the evolution of the status of local government. The discussion on the powers and functions of local government explains the scheme by which government powers are allocated, where the 1996 Constitution distributes powers to the different spheres of government. Finally, a conclusion is drawn on the legal status of local government within the new constitutional dispensation.

M.I. Perepechai ◽  

in studies on the influence of herbicides on the weediness and yield of barley under different technologies of tillage in the Smolensk region, it was found that the Reliable barley variety formed high yields (more than 4 t / ha) during winter plowing with an optimal dose of mineral fertilizers and when using herbicides.

O. A. Artyukhova ◽  
O. V. Gladysheva ◽  
V. A. Svirina

The effect of applying various norms of mineral fertilizers on the biological indicators of crop plants during their growth and development in the Central non-black earth region in 2017-2019 was studied on the varieties of spring barley Vladimir, Reliable and Yaromir.such indicators as plant height, photosynthetic apparatus area, green mass growth, and elements of the yield structure were Studied. It was revealed that on average during the growing season, when the norms of mineral fertilizers were increased, the area of leaf plates increased and, as a result, the increase in green mass growth relative to the control variants increased by 56.3 % at (NРК)30, 82.3 % at (NРК)60, and 126.7 % at (NРК)90. The introduction of mineral fertilizers also influenced the formation of the crop structure. There was an increase in the tillering coefficient of varieties by 15.7%, 5.7 % and 21.3 % (Vladimir, Reliable and Yaromir, respectively) relative to the control, an increase in the number of grains in the ear from 15.1 to 22.4 PCs., the weight of 1000 grains from 48.0 to 55.7 g. and the weight of grain per ear from 0.7 to 1.2 g. There was a strong correlation between the doses of mineral fertilizers and the grain yield from + 0.80 to +1.0, and the variability was calculated.      

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