wild strawberries
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Yaborova O.V. ◽  
Sosnina S.A. ◽  
Turyshev A.Yu.

The search for new sources of medicinal plant raw materials for the production of drugs is one of the urgent tasks of modern pharmacy. The expansion of the range of medicinal plant raw materials is possible, first of all, due to the types systematically close to the official ones. In medical practice, wild strawberry leaves are used. Wild strawberry leaves are used in medicine as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, choleretic, hypoglycemic, antipyretic, hypolipidemic, antimicrobial and appetite-enhancing agent. Earlier studies of strawberry leaves have shown that they have a rich chemical composition and are widely cultivated in Russia, being an affordable source for mass procurement of raw materials, and are not used in scientific medicine. At the same time, in folk medicine, strawberry garden leaves are used similarly, and sometimes instead of wild strawberries. The proximity of the composition of biologically active substances of wild strawberries and garden strawberries. To expand the modern nomenclature of medicines, studies on the comparative study of the toxicity and pharmacological activity of infusions and extraction forms from medicinal plant raw materials of strawberry leaves are relevant. In this regard, the study of the toxicity, diuretic and anti-inflammatory activity of the infusion of garden strawberry leaves and the extract of dry strawberry leaves is of practical interest for the formation of a scientific justification for their use in medical practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 206 (03) ◽  
pp. 19-29
A Ivanova ◽  
Elena Lekomceva ◽  
Elena Sokolova ◽  
Tat'yana Tutova ◽  
Lyubov' Nesmelova

Abstract. The productivity of wild strawberries is significantly determined not only by the biological characteristics of the variety and soil and climatic conditions, but also by agrotechnical techniques and the use of organomineral fertilizers. The effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers on strawberries has been proven by numerous studies [5, p. 48; 6, p. 99; 14, p. 233; 15, p. 513; 16, p.101; 17, p. 513]. The purpose is a comparative assessment of the effect of various types of complex fertilizers for strawberries. The task was to study the effect of complex fertilizers on the yield of strawberry and its structure. In 2015–2018, studies were conducted on the introduction of complex fertilizers for wild strawberries, which are used during the growing season to improve their nutrition during periods of maximum consumption of nutrients. Methods. The studies were conducted according to generally accepted methods [4], [7]. The influence of “Azophoska”, “Perm-yagodnoye” and “Fasko-yagodnoye” fertilizers on the yield and elements of its structure in strawberry was studied in the conducted studies. Results. The best results for all the years of research were obtained when using the pre-planting application of the fertilizer “Fasko-yagodnoye”. In this variant, there was a significant increase in the number of berries by 1.8 pcs., their weight by 0.68 g and yield by 0.13 kg/m2. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic, the effect of the pre-planting application of complex fertilizers “Perm-yagodnoye” and “Fasko-yagodnoye” was studied on strawberry garden. Practical significance. The obtained research results are of great practical value, since it is proved that the productivity of wild strawberries in the Udmurt Republic increases with the use of complex fertilizers.

Film Matters ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-142
Drew Pisano ◽  
Jesse Schlotterbeck

Wild Strawberries (1957)SwedenDirector Ingmar BergmanRuntime 92 minutesBlu-rayUSA, 2013Distributed by The Criterion Collection (region A)

Tripodos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 105-120
José Antonio Planes Pedreño ◽  
Aarón Rodríguez Serrano

Este artículo plantea una nueva lectu­ra de la película Fresas salvajes (Smul­tronstället; Ingmar Bergman, 1957) a través de la exploración narratológica de dos procedimientos fundamentales en su cuerpo textual: el flashback y la metalepsis. La unión de estos dos recur­sos origina el fenómeno del flashback metaléptico, cuya particular naturale­za pone de relieve, en tres escenas cru­ciales del relato, la influencia de los con­flictos del presente en la reconstrucción del pasado: si bien en las dos primeras las cualidades metalépticas de las re­gresiones adoptan un sesgo excluyente en lo relativo a la clase de inscripción del sujeto recordatorio dentro de las mismas, será en la última remembran­za cuando, una vez el personaje prota­gonista ha resuelto la crisis existencial que padecía, el sesgo se torna definiti­vamente inclusivo, indicio de la recon­ciliación efectuada con respecto a sus experiencias pretéritas.   The Embodied Spectre: Semantic Implications of the Metaleptic Flashback in ‘Wild Strawberries’ (‘Smultronstället’, 1957) This paper aims to carry out a new reading of the film Wild Strawberries (Smultronstället; Ingmar Bergman, 1957) through a narratological explo­ration of two fundamental techniques used in the body of the work: the flashback and metalepsis. The joined use of these two techniques creates the phenomenon of metaleptic flashback, which, through its particular nature, sheds light on the influence of present conflicts on the reconstruction of the past in three crucial scenes within the story. While the metaleptic properties of the regressions in the first two cases take an exclusive focus with regard to the kind of involvement of the reminis­cing individual within those scenes, in the last scene of remembrance, once the main character has resolved the existential crisis that he has been expe­riencing, the perspective becomes de­ finitively inclusive, a sign of his having reached a reconciliation with his past experiences.

V.M. Gurenko ◽  
M.V. Shishlyannikova

Представлены результаты исследований по эффективности глубокого объемного рыхления при выращивании земляники в засушливых условиях Волгоградской области.The results of studies on the effectiveness of deep bulk cultivation in the cultivation of wild strawberries in arid conditions of the Volgograd region are presented.

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