scholarly journals Social Media in English and Russian Language Consciousness. Article 1. Psycholinguistic experiments

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-416
Svetlana Shlyakhova ◽  
Nikita Klyuev

Introduction. This research is devoted to the systematic description of a concept «social media» in the Russian and English linguistic consciousness. The article consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to the research of the concept in a serial psycholinguistic experiment. The second part includes the analysis of the concept’s presence in text corpora and also the field and the classificational cognitive models of the concept. The first part describes nominative fields of the concept «social media» and its subconcepts and provides a cognitive interpretation and a comparative analysis of the data in Russian and English languages. Methods of the research. The structure of the concept «social media» is set by the method of subjective definition of the word. The structure of subconcepts (social network, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) is set by the method of free associations. The procedure of cognitive interpretation sets cognitive classifiers of the concept. The significance of the quantitative analysis was diagnosed by the Fisher angular transformation method (criterion φ). Results. The non-specific trait of the concept «social media» in Russian and English discourses is the identical classificational cognitive structure. Dissimilarities in the structure are noticeable only in the peripheral zones. The diffusion of the reactions (in various experiments) in the core and peripheral zones shows that the concept «social media» is socially and culturally specific. Conclusion. The results can be useful in the development of psycholinguistics 2.0, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics (OCR, ASR, data mining, automatic translation, etc.), lexicography, etc.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 268-287 ◽  
Victor Barger ◽  
James W. Peltier ◽  
Don E. Schultz

Purpose In “Social media’s slippery slope: challenges, opportunities and future research directions”, Schultz and Peltier (2013) asked “whether or how social media can be used to leverage consumer engagement into highly profitable relationships for both parties”. The purpose of this article is to continue this discussion by reviewing recent literature on consumer engagement and proposing a framework for future research. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews the marketing literature on social media, paying particular attention to consumer engagement, which was identified as a primary area of concern in Schultz and Peltier (2013). Findings A significant amount of research has been conducted on consumer engagement since 2010. Lack of consensus on the definition of the construct has led to fragmentation in the discipline, however. As a result, research related to consumer engagement is often not identified as such, making it difficult for academics and practitioners to stay abreast of developments in this area. Originality/value This critical review provides marketing academics and practitioners insights into the antecedents and consequences of consumer engagement and offers a conceptual framework for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Shamima Yesmin ◽  
S.M. Zabed Ahmed

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate Library and Information Science (LIS) students’ understanding of infodemic and related terminologies and their ability to categorize COVID-19-related problematic information types using examples from social media platforms. Design/methodology/approach The participants of this study were LIS students from a public-funded university located at the south coast of Bangladesh. An online survey was conducted which, in addition to demographic and study information, asked students to identify the correct definition of infodemic and related terminologies and to categorize the COVID-related problematic social media posts based on their inherent problem characteristics. The correct answer for each definition and task question was assigned a score of “1”, whereas the wrong answer was coded as “0”. The percentages of correctness score for total and each category of definition and task-specific questions were computed. The independent sample t-test and ANOVA were run to examine the differences in total and category-specific scores between student groups. Findings The findings revealed that students’ knowledge concerning the definition of infodemic and related terminologies and the categorization of COVID-19-related problematic social media posts was poor. There was no significant difference in correctness scores between student groups in terms of gender, age and study levels. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time an effort was made to understand LIS students’ recognition and classification of problematic information. The findings can assist LIS departments in revising and improving the existing information literacy curriculum for students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Marina V. Pimenova ◽  
Aigul A. Bakirova ◽  

The article analyzes the cognitive signs of the macroconcept universe in Russian linguoculture. The relevance of the research is determined by the prospect of studying a new type of mental structures - symbolic macroconcepts. The purpose of the article is to describe the specifics of the macroconcept universe structure formation from the standpoint of the definition of syncretic primordial signs. The main methods in the work are the historical and etymological analysis of the studied macroconcept representative, descriptive and interpretive methods. During the study, seven motivating signs of the macroconcept universe were noted: 'earth', 'live', ‘world’,‘inhabit’,‘inhabited’,‘settlement’,‘light’. All identified motivating signs are syncretic symbolic primordial signs 'house' (conceptum, according to V. V. Kolesov). Motivating signs express two main symbolic meanings of Russian linguoculture: home is a place where people live, settle; home is the world of people and all living beings, this world-light (unlike that world-light where the souls of the dead go: that world-light is located in the sky), it is built on earth. The macroconcept universe is objectified by erased metaphors of a closed space (in particular, the metaphor of a key), which has an internal volume, center-middle, limits, parts, edges, corners, people live in this house, they live and exist in it, it is inhabited and settle down in Russian linguoculture. The model of the universe in the Russian language picture of the world is three-parted: the middle part in it represents the human world, in which the principle of anthropocentrism is manifested - a person measures space and chooses himself as a reference point. The syncretic primary sign ‘house’ unites in itself all the motivating signs of the studied macroconcept, keeping their relevance to our days. Keywords: macroconcept, motivating signs, first sign, language picture of the world, linguoculture, comparative studies

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-41
Donato VESE

Governments around the world are strictly regulating information on social media in the interests of addressing fake news. There is, however, a risk that the uncontrolled spread of information could increase the adverse effects of the COVID-19 health emergency through the influence of false and misleading news. Yet governments may well use health emergency regulation as a pretext for implementing draconian restrictions on the right to freedom of expression, as well as increasing social media censorship (ie chilling effects). This article seeks to challenge the stringent legislative and administrative measures governments have recently put in place in order to analyse their negative implications for the right to freedom of expression and to suggest different regulatory approaches in the context of public law. These controversial government policies are discussed in order to clarify why freedom of expression cannot be allowed to be jeopardised in the process of trying to manage fake news. Firstly, an analysis of the legal definition of fake news in academia is presented in order to establish the essential characteristics of the phenomenon (Section II). Secondly, the legislative and administrative measures implemented by governments at both international (Section III) and European Union (EU) levels (Section IV) are assessed, showing how they may undermine a core human right by curtailing freedom of expression. Then, starting from the premise of social media as a “watchdog” of democracy and moving on to the contention that fake news is a phenomenon of “mature” democracy, the article argues that public law already protects freedom of expression and ensures its effectiveness at the international and EU levels through some fundamental rules (Section V). There follows a discussion of the key regulatory approaches, and, as alternatives to government intervention, self-regulation and especially empowering users are proposed as strategies to effectively manage fake news by mitigating the risks of undue interference by regulators in the right to freedom of expression (Section VI). The article concludes by offering some remarks on the proposed solution and in particular by recommending the implementation of reliability ratings on social media platforms (Section VII).

Elena Mikhailovna Severina

This article reviews the methodological principles of studying cultural concepts in the context of cognitive approach, possibilities for conducting reconstruction of certain fragments of linguistic worldview based on the material of digital text corpora. Leaning on the cognitive approach towards concept as a unit of structured and unstructured knowledge that forms cognition of a separate individual and culture as a whole, results of conceptual research of the texts of philosophers who view culture as symbolic creativity of a person associated with freedom (concepts of I. Kant, E. Cassirer, N. A. Berdyaev), the authors conducted reconstruction of certain fragments of the linguistic worldview and ordinary consciousness, correlated with the concept of “culture” in digital text corpora in the Russian and Anglo-Saxon cultures. Examination of the contexts of usage of verbal representations of the concept of “culture” in the digital text corpora of Russian language and different varieties of English language demonstrates that the crucial ideological values of Anglo-Saxon linguistic worldview are the following representations: culture is of instrumental nature; civilization is considered as the path development of humanity; freedom is viewed as an intrinsic right to freedom that should be protected, i.e. initial and inherent to a human. In the Russian-language texts, culture implies the value-based attitude towards world, mostly associated with the national culture; civilization is viewed in the context of a value-based attitude towards world, but as the path of development of humanity as a whole; freedom has value-based individual, personalistic connotation, supposed to be full, absolute, which is often understood as the liberty of action and choice. It is underlines that utilization of corpus methods allows reconstructing the techniques of formation of worldview, choice of value priorities, mechanisms of perception of surrounding reality in a specific culture from contexts of practical usage of the verbal manifestations of cultural concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Akhmad Roja Badrus Zaman ◽  
Mahin Muqaddam Assarwani

Advances in technology and information provide new opportunities for preachers to be able to take part in spreading Islamic teachings through various social media platforms. One of the preachers who took the role to preach through social media was Habib Husein Jafar al-Hadar. This article examines Habib Husein Jafar’s missionary activities on the social media platform he uses, Youtube. The researcher analyzes the data by observing virtually and visually (virtual ethnography) on the da’wa content displayed by Habib Husein Jafar through Youtube. The study shows that: 1) the attention to the spiritual enlightenment efforts of the younger generation is the basis of the selection of the social media platform Youtube - because based on previous research, the users of this social media platform are 18-29 years of age; 2) starting from the da’wa consumers who are primarily young people, the content they present is suitable to their needs and lifestyle and 3) by using the concept of the circuit of culture analysis, Habib Husein Jafar in various ranges can reconstruct people’s perception of one’s definition of holiness. It is not limited based on normative appearance - cloaked and sacrificed, for example - but more on the substantive side, namely by behaving and having knowledgeable skills. With the variety of content, he could visualize himself as a pious young man by not abandoning his social status as a young person.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-87
Nina Gorenc

The research behind this paper is set in the context of the 2016 US presidential election that has come to symbolize the post-truth era. We conducted a literature review on the 2016 election, with the aim to better understand the impact of computational propaganda on the election outcome and on the behaviour of voters. The paper opens with a definition of post-truth society and related concepts such as fake news and computational propaganda. It explores the changes of political communication in a digital environment and analyses the role of social media in the 2016 election. It probes into phenomena such as the trivialization of politics and the loss of credibility of political actors, which are both common in post-truth societies. The reviewed literature seems to indicate that social media have become strong actors on the political stage, but so far not the predominant source of political information and influence on the behaviour of voters. The paper makes two important contributions. Firstly, drawing on the concept of post-truth society, it analyses the role of computational propaganda in the 2016 presidential election, and secondly, it attempts to explain the paradox of general political apathy on one hand, and increased political activism on the other. These are some of the challenges we are now facing, and in order to be able to cope with them it is important to acknowledge and understand them.

2019 ◽  
Derek Howard ◽  
Marta M Maslej ◽  
Justin Lee ◽  
Jacob Ritchie ◽  
Geoffrey Woollard ◽  

BACKGROUND Mental illness affects a significant portion of the worldwide population. Online mental health forums can provide a supportive environment for those afflicted and also generate a large amount of data that can be mined to predict mental health states using machine learning methods. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to benchmark multiple methods of text feature representation for social media posts and compare their downstream use with automated machine learning (AutoML) tools. We tested on datasets that contain posts labeled for perceived suicide risk or moderator attention in the context of self-harm. Specifically, we assessed the ability of the methods to prioritize posts that a moderator would identify for immediate response. METHODS We used 1588 labeled posts from the Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (CLPsych) 2017 shared task collected from the forum. Posts were represented using lexicon-based tools, including Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner, Empath, and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, and also using pretrained artificial neural network models, including DeepMoji, Universal Sentence Encoder, and Generative Pretrained Transformer-1 (GPT-1). We used Tree-based Optimization Tool and Auto-Sklearn as AutoML tools to generate classifiers to triage the posts. RESULTS The top-performing system used features derived from the GPT-1 model, which was fine-tuned on over 150,000 unlabeled posts from Our top system had a macroaveraged F1 score of 0.572, providing a new state-of-the-art result on the CLPsych 2017 task. This was achieved without additional information from metadata or preceding posts. Error analyses revealed that this top system often misses expressions of hopelessness. In addition, we have presented visualizations that aid in the understanding of the learned classifiers. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we found that transfer learning is an effective strategy for predicting risk with relatively little labeled data and noted that fine-tuning of pretrained language models provides further gains when large amounts of unlabeled text are available.

Andrea Conchado Peiró ◽  
José Miguel Carot Sierra ◽  
Elena Vázquez Barrachina ◽  
Enrique Orduña Malea

Cybermetrics field is attracting considerable interest due to its utility as a data-oriented technique for research, though it may provide misleading information when used in complex systems. This paper outlines a new approach to market research analysis through the definition of composite indicators for cybermetrics, applied to the Spanish wine market. Our findings show that the majority of cellars were present in only one or two social media networks: Facebook, Twitter or both. Besides, the presence on the Web can be summarized into three principal components: website quality, presence on Facebook, and presence on Twitter. Three groups of cellars were identified according to their position in these components: cellars with a high number of errors in their website with complete absence of information in social media, cellars with strong presence in social media, and cellars in an intermediate position. Our results constitute an excellent initial step towards the definition of a methodology for building composite indicators in cybermetrics. From a practical approach, these indicators may encourage cellar managers to make better decisions towards their transition to the digital market.

D. V. Isyutin-Fedotkov

The article considers and analyzes various opinions on the category "forensic study of personality". From the point of view of the Russian language, the various meanings of the term "study" fully and in a multifaceted way reflect the activities of the investigator in the study of the person in the course of sufficient disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is concluded that forensic study of personality can be considered as a process, theory (doctrine) and part of criminalistics (educational discipline, special course). In this connection, the definition of the term "forensic study of personality" depends on understanding of its essence. Forensic study of personality as a process for the study of personality is associated with activity. Forensic study of the personality as a theory (doctrine) is associated with the objective laws that constitute the subject of criminalistics. Forensic study of the personality as a section of criminalistics (academic discipline, special course) is based on a theoretical basis, on the basis of which methods, approaches to studying personality are considered. The ultimate goal of forensic study of personality is solving the problems of disclosure and investigation of crimes. Author's definitions of the term "forensic study of personality" are proposed.

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