ordinary consciousness
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Анна Игоревна Хлопова ◽  
Сергей Николаевич Курилов

Предметом исследования являются выявляемые в ходе лингвистического анализа признаки базовой ценности «свобода» в русской лингвокультуре, а также содержательная динамика базовой ценности. Цель исследования состоит в установлении психологически актуального содержания данной базовой ценности. В качестве основного метода исследования выбран свободный ассоциативный эксперимент, проведенный среди носителей русской лингвокультуры в 2019 г. Научная значимость работы заключается в возможности экспериментального установления содержания базовых ценностей. Полученные результаты показали, реакции, отражающие значимость традиционных компонентов этого понятия, совпадают в лексикографических источниках и по данным свободного ассоциативного эксперимента, что обосновывает устойчивость базовой ценности при всех возможных изменениях ее периферических компонентов. Однако, необходимо зафиксировать начало структурно-содержательных изменений: понятийное ядро ценности «свобода» остается практически неизменным, однако эмоционально-оценочные ассоциаты показывают значительные изменения, что указывает на изменение отношения респондентов к свободе как к ценности. Практическая ценность исследования заключается в возможности применения разработанной методики в практике применения его результатов в вузовском преподавании переводоведения, межкультурной коммуникации, лингвокультурологии и др. The subject of the research is the features of the basic value свобода ”freedom” in the Russian linguoculture which are revealed in the course of linguistic analysis, as well as the content dynamics of the basic value. The purpose of the study is to establish the psychologically relevant content of the basic value”freedom”. The main research method is a free associative experiment conducted among representatives of the Russian linguoculture in 2019. The scientific significance of the work lies in the experimental proof of the change in the rate of the basic values’ dynamics. The results have shown that the reactions reflecting the significance of the traditional components of the concept свобода ”freedom” coincide in the lexicographic sources and according to the data of a free associative experiment. This fact justifies the stability of the basic value with all possible changes in its peripheral components. However, it is necessary to note the beginning of the structurally substantial restructuring, which is expressed in a growing number of negative connotations. Despite the fact that the conceptual core of the value свобода ”freedom” remains practically unchanged, emotionally evaluative associates show a serious change in the connotations of the word. Thus, the attitude of representatives of the Russian linguoculture to freedom as a basic value has changed. The practical value of the study lies in the following: it is possible to apply the developed methodology in translation studies, intercultural communication, cultural linguistics and other linguistic disciplines taught at the universities.

Oksana V. Danich

The subject of the study in the article is the phenomenon of cultural literacy of junior schoolchildren in the context of the educational process in secondary schools of the Republic of Belarus. The relevance of the investigated problem is due to significant changes in the education system, which implies the development of the student’s personality, which is not simply subject knowledge and skills, but by a whole complex of universal skills that make up new, or functional literacy. In the context of this literacy, our interest causes cultural literacy as the ownership of cultural and marked information, which is part of the ordinary consciousness of most national culture carriers. The purpose of this article is to disclose a possible approach to the process of forming cultural literacy of primary school students. To achieve the goal, a theoretical analysis of scientific literature was used, as well as a descriptive method, which allows to transmit the specific features of realities that are carriers of culturally significant information. The methodological basis was the cultural, anthropocentric and competence concept of education. The formation of cultural literacy of younger schoolchildren requires use in the educational process of adequate scientific and methodological support. As a base and tool, we offer a dictionary of cultural realities, which includes the optimal information on the student of primary classes the amount of information on the extralinguistic and linguistic signs of world and national culture. We consider the working notebook for the student and guidelines for the teacher to be the recommended accompanying elements of the dictionary. Such an educational and methodical complex will help to ensure not only the formation of cultural literacy as an element of functional literacy, but also the education of the student who has the qualities of a sincere patriot and a citizen of their country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-25

The article addresses the problem of the genesis of the beauty principle in scientific cognition from the standpoint of the gnoseological approach supplemented by some conceptual generalizations from the fields of social epistemology and sociology of thinking. The relevance of this approach is due to the critical attitude to gnoseology as a general theory and methodology of science on the part of non-classical epistemology, the history of science and scientific theories of the middle range. An external factor that actualizes the current internal scientific situation is the prolongation of integration processes typical for postmodern culture associated with the search for points of contact between science and art. The article shows that despite the addition of the principle of beauty to the heuristic tools of modern exemplary science, there is an unresolved problem of the genetic relationship between aesthetics and science. This connection was best demonstrated in detail by the example of the similarity and difference between mathematics and music initiated in antique culture and reflecting the love of symmetry and harmony inherent in the Greek worldview. On the other hand, the differences in the perception of works of science and art which are obvious to ordinary consciousness required ancient thinkers to introduce concepts and principles that synthesize different aspects of the manifestations of the useful, true, and beautiful. In this connection, the binary mythopoetic cosmos-chaos opposition, which is found in its direct form in archaic and natural-philosophical cosmologies, is proposed as the historically first form that integrates the complex and contradictory content of the beauty principle. The results of the study lead to the conclusion that only natural philosophical models of the cosmos make a fundamental distinction between the “chaos” of opinions about phenomena and the “cosmos” of the true knowledge about their speculative entities. It is this worldview scheme of a single, conceptually ordered, and therefore truly beautiful world that served as an ideal model for classical European science.


He problem of interaction between language and society is more and more relevant in the modern world. Changes of the world have influenced the discourse in various spheres of communication. Moreover the progress of medicine has led to changes in the system of medical terms, and, consequently, to difficulties in understanding of terms in the ordinary consciousness. A person always wants to understand other people and to be understood by them. So it is the main goal of communication. The article deals with the issue of the functioning of medical terms in the minds of first-year French-speaking students. First-year stu- dents have the ordinary consciousness. Medical terms, which are studied by them (first-year students), function in the ordinary consciousness in incorrect form. It's because they are based on associations, feelings which the person has during the process of cognition, and, therefore, they must be interpreted. During the process of learning, there is a need to clarify the personal meanings that medical students have in regarding to special terms. In this article the author gives the results of the research concerning the French-speaking students' knowledge of medical terminology. The author gives examples of the perception and rethinking of medical terms based on common knowledge and examines the formation of scientific knowledge to develop the language of medicine in the consciousness of students and its competent use in the future.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-68
Svetlana V. Voloshina ◽  
Tatiana A. Demeshkina ◽  
Maria A. Tolstova ◽  

The aim of the article is to analyze the implementation of the concept “family” in the speech genre of an autobiographical story. The research material is 200 oral autobiographical stories, which were recorded in the villages of Tomsk Oblast during dialectological expeditions from 1946 till 2021. The informants are residents of villages of Tomsk Oblast; they are representatives of different types of speech culture (native speakers of dialect and literary language). All stories are characterized by a relatively stable theme, means of language implementation, and structure, which allows qualifying them as a speech genre whose communicative purpose is to tell about life from the moment of birth to the moment of communication. The novelty of the article is connected with: (1) its appeal to the problem of interaction and mutual influence of the concept and the speech genre in oral everyday discourse, (2) the identification of cognitive features of the concept, (3) the definition of factors of transformation of ideas about the family in ordinary consciousness. The analysis of the concept makes it possible to obtain new data about the speech genre of the autobiographical story and its construction. The speech genre shows the dependence of the features of the content and implementation of the concept “family” on the sphere of functioning. This factor determines the theoretical significance of the results obtained. The analysis of the concept in the speech genre is carried out using the method of modeling and description of the conceptual, figurative, and value layers in the structure of the concept. As a result of contextual analysis, 16 cognitive features were identified; they are represented in the conceptual layer of the concept “family” and actualized in the speech of informants (family size, social status, compliance with moral norms, relations between family members, attitude to work, etc.). The conceptual layer is developed in detail in the oral everyday communication of Siberians. It is represented by a large number of lexical units. The figurative layer of the concept is characterized by single actualizations. At the same time, the variety of their expression is noted: metaphor, metonymy, comparisons are used. The world of the family can form the initial and resulting spheres of metaphorical models. In the initial sphere, the world of plants (roots, mushrooms), products (noodles) is mainly reflected; the semantics of unity and kinship is actualized in the initial sphere. The value layer of the concept “family” is well represented in the oral autobiographical discourse. It indicates that the family occupies one of the main places in the system of life values of peasants. The specifics of structuring this concept in the oral everyday discourse are determined mainly by the attitudes, norms of traditional culture (the family should be large, friendly, hardworking, young members of family honor the older ones, etc.). At the same time, changes in the system of family values determined by sociohistorical processes are noted. These changes are evaluated ambiguously by informants, and the family is still one of the main values of life for them. Regional (natural, social, historical, geographic) specificity is reflected in the actualization of the concept.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-338
Vladimir S. Malakhov ◽  
Alexander S. Motin

The article is focused on the mythologized photos of the global migration phenomena circulating in the ordinary consciousness and in the media. Authors consider deconstruction of this mythology important for two reasons. Firstly, the reproduction of negative stereotypes about migration allows the right-wing populist parties and movements to accumulate political capital, provoking new waves of anti-migration sentiments and creating a vicious circle. Secondly, these sentiments directly or indirectly influence the decision-makers. As a result, decision-making process in the field of migration regulation become influenced by irrational factors. Turning to common misconceptions about international migration, authors show that: a) the mechanical extrapolation of modern demographic trends into the distant future and causal relationship between demographic indicators and migration processes are not scientifically justified; b) there is no direct correlation between the size of the population in less developed regions and the intensity of migration flows from these regions to industrialized countries; c) international migration is by no means a one-way South - North process; d) perception of North countries migration policies, as charity, is fundamentally wrong because it doesnt take into account the complex interdependence of modern world. In addition, authors demonstrate inadequacy of the image of a migratory tsunami threatening to flood Europe.

Nikolay Sergeevich Bozhok

The object of this research is images of the past, actualized in the festival practices of cultural-historical reconstruction. The subject of this research is the mechanisms of formation and strategies of representation of images of the past in the festivals of cultural-historical reconstruction. It is noted that the author views festival as the representative of the more general phenomenon –  cultural-historical reconstruction, an integral interpretation of which allows embracing the variety of nonacademic practices aimed at studying and most accurate reconstruction of the material and spiritual culture of the past, preservation, actualization, representation and conveyance of cultural-historical values. In the context of commemorative practices of reconstruction, arrangement and representation of images of the past is conducted “intentionally, collectively and adapted for stage”. Relevance of the selected topic is defined by the fact that the reenactment movement becomes an increasingly meaningful actor in commemorative space of modern Russia, which significantly affects the formation of consensual images of the past. From theoretical and methodological perspective, the conducted analysis is based on the conceptual approaches presented in the Russian historical-culturological research on imagery. Internet resources, such as websites and forums of reenactors, social networks, and online media, served as the empirical foundation for this research. In the course of preparation and execution of cultural-historical reconstructions, the author employed quantitative and qualitative methods, including of thorough overt observation. As a result of the conducted analysis, the author determines specificity of the mechanisms for creating authentic images of the past and strategies for revealing collective representations on the past in the festivals of cultural-historical reconstruction, which have a positive impact upon ordinary consciousness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 13-19

The purpose of the research. The research is aimed at identifying specific features of the process through which stereotypes influencing the image of the authority as perceived by the society, in particular, by the legal community, are formed and manifest themselves. The Mass Media play an essential role in fixing and multiplying the stereotypes that people have about state bodies and key directions of their activity. The authors have undertaken to specify and illustrate unintentional negativization of the authority's image deriving from neutral informative publications in the Mass Media as a result of frequent use of words naming negative and undesirable aspects of the state bodies and structures' activity. The research that has been based on Mass Media publications has focused mainly on verbal representation of the already formed stereotypes and relied heavily on the results of the association experiment with the involvement of legal community members. According to the authors, identifying patterns of how negative stereotypes of the authority at large and its specific bodies and structures are formed may lay the foundation for further solutions aimed at neutralizing the Mass Media's negative effect. Conclusions. The results of the research lead to the conclusion that in some cases ordinary consciousness reflects unintentional negativization of the authority's image as a result of frequent use of words verbalizing negative and undesirable aspects of the state bodies and structures' activity. It is deemed rational to further develop strategies meant to minimize and neutralize the Mass Media's damaging effect taking into account the results of the research. It is regarded desirable to work out recommendations for higher education syllabus that would help counterbalance possible negative influence through strengthening students' trust to the authority. The methodology and method of the research. The commonly accepted dialectical method of studying societal processes and social and legal phenomena as well as their interconnection and interdependence has been used as the methodological basis for the research aimed at determining the ways through which stereotypes that influence the image of the authority come into existence. Alongside the dialectical method, the following private scientific methods have been applied: the formal logical method helping to study the notion, essence and significance of the negative stereotypes; association experiment based on a social research and carried out in the form of an interview that has helped to reveal reactions to the stimulus word; content analysis of the Mass Media materials.

О.С. Дейнека ◽  
Е.В. Забелина ◽  
Ю.В. Виноградов

В политической и экономической психологии существует дефицит исследований отношения граждан к экономической политике и отдельным ее видам. Цель данной работы состояла в выявлении характеристик отношения к денежно-кредитной политике и ее субъектам в предыдущие годы и на фоне ситуации распространения коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 в 2020 г. Дополнительно решалась задача проверки авторского опросника отношения к денежно-кредитной политике (ОДКП) на надежность и конструктную валидность. До эпидемии было выполнено три замера (всего 164 чел.) на сходных по демографическим характеристикам выборках (в 2016 г., 2017 г. и в конце 2018 и начале 2019 гг.). В мае 2020 г. на фоне экономического кризиса в ситуации распространения коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 был выполнен еще один четвертый замер (113 респондентов, средний возраст 37 лет, 51% мужчин и 49% женщин). Результаты исследования позволили выявить проблемные зоны отражения гражданами ДКП в России, в частности слабое доверие ее институтам. Основные претензии респондентами предъявлялись к низкой степени прозрачности политики Центробанка и к ее зависимости от иностранного влияния, а также к слабой поддержке бизнеса и производства, с дефицитом дешевых кредитов для бизнеса. На фоне реализации программы финансовой поддержки населения во время эпидемии был выявлен статистически значимый положительный сдвиг в оценке субъектов ДКП и их деятельности. При этом упростилась структура отражения ДКП в обыденном сознании граждан. In political and economic psychology, there is a shortage of research on the attitude of citizens to economic policy and its individual types. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of attitudes toward monetary policy and its subjects in previous years and against the background of the spread of the COVID-19 in 2020. In addition, the task of testing the author’s questionnaire on monetary policy attitude (AMP) and its checks for reliability and design validity realized. Before the epidemic, three measurements (164 people in total) were performed on samples with similar demographic characteristics (in 2016, 2017, and at the end of 2018 - beginning of 2019). In May 2020, against the backdrop of the economic crisis in the situation of the spread of infection COVID-19, another fourth measurement was performed (113 respondents, average age 37 years, 51% men and 49% women). The results of the study revealed the problem areas of the reflection of monetary policy in Russia by citizens’ weak trust in the institutions of this policy. The main complaints by the respondents were to a low degree of transparency of the Central Bank's policy and its dependence on foreign influence, as well as to poor support for business and production, with a shortage of cheap loans for business. Against the background of the implementation of the program of financial support for the population during the epidemic, a statistically significant positive shift was identified in the assessment of the subjects of monetary policy in Russia and their activities. At the same time, the structure of the reflection of monetary policy in the ordinary consciousness of citizens was simplified.

Elena Mikhailovna Severina

This article reviews the methodological principles of studying cultural concepts in the context of cognitive approach, possibilities for conducting reconstruction of certain fragments of linguistic worldview based on the material of digital text corpora. Leaning on the cognitive approach towards concept as a unit of structured and unstructured knowledge that forms cognition of a separate individual and culture as a whole, results of conceptual research of the texts of philosophers who view culture as symbolic creativity of a person associated with freedom (concepts of I. Kant, E. Cassirer, N. A. Berdyaev), the authors conducted reconstruction of certain fragments of the linguistic worldview and ordinary consciousness, correlated with the concept of “culture” in digital text corpora in the Russian and Anglo-Saxon cultures. Examination of the contexts of usage of verbal representations of the concept of “culture” in the digital text corpora of Russian language and different varieties of English language demonstrates that the crucial ideological values of Anglo-Saxon linguistic worldview are the following representations: culture is of instrumental nature; civilization is considered as the path development of humanity; freedom is viewed as an intrinsic right to freedom that should be protected, i.e. initial and inherent to a human. In the Russian-language texts, culture implies the value-based attitude towards world, mostly associated with the national culture; civilization is viewed in the context of a value-based attitude towards world, but as the path of development of humanity as a whole; freedom has value-based individual, personalistic connotation, supposed to be full, absolute, which is often understood as the liberty of action and choice. It is underlines that utilization of corpus methods allows reconstructing the techniques of formation of worldview, choice of value priorities, mechanisms of perception of surrounding reality in a specific culture from contexts of practical usage of the verbal manifestations of cultural concepts.

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