N. Zanko ◽  
T. Gaidai ◽  
S. Stepchenko ◽  
N. Nilova

Aim. Investigation of the influence of natural factors on the quality of grain drying in a grain modular dryer. Methods. Experimental studies in operational conditions and graphical modeling of dried grain moisture depending on natural factors. The results. The change in the environmental conditions causes a certain influence on the return of the spent waste dryer to the environment and the processes of drying the grain in it. This causes the production of undried grain and reduced drying efficiency. The influence of natural factors - temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure and wind speed on the humidity of corn grain during its drying with a single-module grain dryer has been studied. The output of the refrigerant with moisture vapor is carried out through the perforated panels of the dryer circuit and at the same time experiences some resistance from atmospheric pressure. The results show that the reduction of atmospheric pressure helps to reduce the resistance for the exit of the coolant through the surface of the dryer housing. As a result, the coolant in the chamber is more efficiently spent on the grain drying process. This is evidenced by the simultaneous decrease in pressure and humidity of the dried grain The dryer is also affected by the wind: its body experiences cooling, and the drying temperature and drying conditions of the grain deteriorate. Thus, during the research period, the wind speed decreased from 5,3 m / s to 4,4 m / s, and the humidity of the dried grain decreased from 15,2 % to 13,9 %. That is, the reduction of the effect of wind on the surface of the dryer has a positive effect on the drying process of grain. The ambient air is characterized by the moisture present in it. Its reduction in atmospheric air promotes better moisture yield from corn grain and the "filling" of this air moisture: the humidity of the dried grain decreases. The positive temperature of the atmospheric air causes additional thermal action on the dryer and the drying process in it. In this case, the heat supplied to the working chamber of the dryer is more productively used for the drying process: in accordance with the increase in atmospheric air temperature, the humidity of the dried grain decreased from 15,2 % to 13,9 %. Based on the results of experimental studies, graphical dependences of the humidity of dried corn grain on humidity, pressure, temperature and velocity of atmospheric air are constructed. The grain harvester is a system adapter for Conclusions. Conclusions. The process of grain drying and the moisture content of the resulting dried grain of modular grain dryers depends on the influence of objective natural factors. These include, in particular, the weather conditions during the operation of dryers. With an increase in humidity, pressure and air velocity, the quality of drying deteriorates: when the moisture content of the grain decreases from 18,5 ° C to the regulated 14 %, with a single pass through the dryer, the moisture content of the dried grain exceeds the regulated one and vice versa. Drying grain in conditions of positive ambient air temperatures, especially at an air temperature of more than 21 °C, is most favorable for obtaining grain with a moisture content that is significantly less than 14 % and vice versa. Low wind speed, dry and warm atmospheric air with low pressure contribute to the production of dried grain with regulated humidity. For the maximum elimination of the unfavorable influence of natural factors on the quality of operation of modular dryers according to the criterion of the moisture content of dried grain in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, it is advisable to carry out the drying process in the period from late September to early October.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-73

The paper provides rationale for safe modes and methods for calculating a two-stage drying technology with partial recirculation of grain, in which the grain is under-dried by 2…3% to the standard humidity in a grain dryer, and the hot grain is cooled by active ventilation with outside air, while drying it to the standard humidity. The safe mode of two-stage drying in S-40 provides for partial recirculation of grain with moisture removal close to the standard, and the moisture content of the recirculated mixture not exceeding 18%. The recirculation coeffi cient calculated based on this condition is used to determine the temperature of the recirculating grain mixture, taking into account the reversible component in the shaft dryer. The minimized recirculation ratio provides for the permissible unevenness in drying and minimal fracturing. The recirculation drying process was analyzed according to the standard method, but with the adjusted values of moisture removal and temperature of the grain mixture. Economic tests of the S-40 dryer were carried out using a two-stage technology on corn grain. It has been experimentally established that the S-40 dryer with a recirculation coeffi cient of 2 and a moisture pick-up of 4% per cycle when drying corn grain with a moisture content of 23.5 to 15.6%, at a drying agent temperature of 95°C, provides a throughput of 10 t/h (without refrigeration). Cooling was carried out in the warehouse. No signifi cant changes in the quality of dried and cooled grain have been established: the starch content and fracturing practically did not change; the unevenness of the dried seeds did not exceed the original requirements. The expediency of using the S-40 direct-fl ow dryer in the recirculation mode has been experimentally established.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Aminullah Aminullah ◽  
Tjahja Muhandri ◽  
Subarna Subarna

The drying process of corn noodles was an effort to increase the shelf life and it was a form of noodles diversification. The objective of this research was to study and analyze the effect of guar gum addition on the physical quality of the extruded dry corn noodle made from a mixture of wet and dry corn flour. Manufacturing dry corn noodles was conducted using wet corn noodles from a mixture of wet and dry corn flour, which was then dried in a tray dryer at a temperature of 60-70 °C for 1 - 1.5 hours. The treatments used were a combination of alum levels of 0.01%; moisture content of 80% (dry base); and guar gum concentration of 0%, 1%, and 2%. Physical properties of dry corn noodles included rehydration time, hardness, adhesiveness, suppleness, elongation, and cooking loss. The results showed that the optimum rehydration time for dry corn noodles was about 9 minutes. The addition of guar gum to the physical qualities of dry corn noodles tended not to be significant statistically, but as a score, an increase in guar gum levels tended to increase the elongation of dry corn noodles. While, increasing levels of guar gum tended to reduce the stickiness and cooking loss levels of them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
RTM Sutamihardja ◽  
Nia Yuliani ◽  
Oktavio Rosani

Optimization of Drying Temperature Using Oven on Quality of Black Pepper and White Pepper Powder           Pepper (Piper Nigrum L) is an Indonesian spice plant widely used for export and import activity. The post-harvest process of pepper affected the quality, especially on the drying process. One of secondary metabolite compound is piperin. Piperin is an active substance of alkaloid group giving a distinctive spicy flavor to the pepper. Drying process by using the oven could improve the quality of pepper. The results showed that the optimum temperature for white pepper was 85° C for 20 minutes with the water content of 10.65%, total mold/yeast was 1 x 104 colony/g, and piperin content of 4.58%. For Black pepper, the optimum temperature was at 105° C for 20 minutes with the moisture content of 7.84%, total mold/yeast was 1.3 x 104 colony/g and piperin 5,01%.Keywords: White Pepper, Black Pepper, Piperin Content.ABSTRAK           Lada (Piper Nigrum L) adalah tanaman rempah Indonesia yang banyak digunakan untuk ekspor dan impor. Proses pasca panen lada yang tidak maksimal menyebabkan kualitas menurun. Lada memiliki senyawa metabolit sekunder berupa piperin. Piperin adalah zat aktif golongan alkoloid yang memberikan cita rasa pedas khas pada lada. Pengeringan dengan menggunakan oven mampu meningkatkan mutu lada. Hasil penelitian menunjukan suhu optimum untuk pengovenan lada putih adalah 85°C selama 20 menit dengan kadar air sebesar 10,65 %, AKK 1 x 104 koloni/ g, dan kadar piperin 4,58 %. Lada hitam efektif pada suhu optimum 105°C selama 20 menit dengan kadar air sebesar 7,84 %, AKK 1,3 x 104 koloni / g dan kadar piperin 5,01 %.Kata kunci : Lada Putih, Lada Hitam, Kadar Piperin

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 362-371
Antoni Hardi ◽  
Ichwana Ichwana ◽  
Rita Khathir

Abstrak. Sebagai produsen kopi Arabica, masyarakat Gayo terkendala pada suhu lokal di Aceh Tengah yang relatif dingin dan teknologi sederhana yang digunakan untuk proses pengeringan kopi. Suhu rata-rata harian adalah 23-29°C. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu biji kopi yang diolah dengan metode semi basah sebanyak 9kg. Parameter penelitian meliputi suhu pengeringan, kelembaban relatif, kadar air dan rendemen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu pengeringan menggunakan alat pengering Hohenheim jauh lebih tinggi sekitar 10-20°C dari suhu pengeringan secara penjemuran. Proses pengeringan kopi labu sampai bisa digiling membutuhkan waktu selama 12 jam yaitu 8 jam pada hari pertama dan 4 jam pada hari ke-2. Sedangkan proses pengeringan tahap 2 membutuhkan waktu selama 16 jam sampai menghasilkan kopi beras dengan kadar air 9,32%. Kualitas kopi beras yang dihasilkan sudah baik dengan kadar air  yang sudah memenuhi standar SNI, tidak berbau busuk, dan tidak terkontaminasi. Nilai rendemen kopi beras berbasis kopi labu adalah 35%.Study of Drying Semi Washed Gayo Coffee Use Dryer Type Hohenheim Abstrack. As an Arabica coffee producer, the Gayo community is constrained by the relatively cold local temperatures in Central Aceh and the simple technology used for the coffee drying process. The average daily temperature is 23-29 ° C. The material used in this study was coffee beans which were processed by the semi-wet method of 9kg. Research parameters include drying temperature, relative humidity, moisture content and yield. The results showed that the drying temperature using a Hohenheim dryer is much higher around 10-20 ° C than the drying temperature by drying. The process of drying pumpkin coffee until it can be ground needs 12 hours, which is 8 hours on the first day and 4 hours on the second day. While the process of drying stage 2 takes 16 hours to produce rice coffee with a moisture content of 9.32%. The quality of rice coffee produced is good with water content that meets SNI standards, does not smell bad, and is not contaminated. The yield of pumpkin coffee-based rice coffee is 35%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Nur Syahidah Ramly ◽  
Izzati Shahira Rosidi Sujanto ◽  
Asmaliza Abd Ghani ◽  
John Tang Yew Huat ◽  
Nadiawati Alias ◽  

The quality of honey are naturally differs depending on its geographical origin and the botanical source of honeydew collected by the bees. These characteristics influence the physical appearance of honey such as its colour lightness and liquid thickness; which then may influence the honey attractiveness to the consumers. The thickness of honey is correlate with its moisture content. The higher the moisture content of honey, the higher the risk of fermentation, thus honey is commonly process before marketed. However, the processing methods may change the nutritional content, original taste and physical characteristics of the honey. This paper reviews the effect of five types of processing methods on the quality of honey; which are the spray-drying process, thermal treatment technique, thermosonication technique, high-pressure processing technique and microwave processing method. Overall, it can be concluded that all processing methods reviewed in this article altered the nutritional quality and physicochemical characteristics of honey. However, the different processing methods may alter the quality of honey differently. This information is very important for consumer to understand the reasons on the variability of honey quality in the market. It also will help the honey industry players to choose the best method in processing their honey and ensuring the best quality of honey can be produce to fulfil the consumers need and satisfaction.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1290 ◽  
Grzegorz Zając ◽  
Grzegorz Maj ◽  
Joanna Szyszlak-Bargłowicz ◽  
Tomasz Słowik ◽  
Paweł Krzaczek ◽  

The paper presents the results of a study on chemical composition of ashes from three types of waste biomass in terms of fertilizer usefulness. Waste from the process of corn grain drying, including corn cobs, corn grains and corn husk and their mixtures in the ratio 4:1 (v/v) were examined. The study proved that corn grain was the material with the highest concentration of macroelements among those studied (P—21,452 ppm, K—25,970 ppm, S—5911 ppm) and the mixture of corn cobs with corn grains (Ca—81,521 ppm). When microelements were considered, the highest concentration was recorded for corn cobs (Cu—207 ppm, Mn—844 ppm, Zn—857 ppm) and corn husk (Fe—15,100 ppm). The analysis of toxic elements in the ashes of the biomass studied showed their highest concentration in corn husk ash (Ni—494 ppm, Cr—301 ppm, Pb—42.7 ppm, As—4.62 ppm). The analysis showed that regardless of the type of biomass studied, all ashes were strongly enriched (in relation to the average soil content) with phosphorus and corn husk ash with calcium in particular. A slight enrichment in copper and lead was recorded for all ashes, and moderate or low for the other elements. It was found that the examined ashes from biomass, which is a residue from the drying of maize grain, have a high fertilizer usefulness.

2008 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-291
Monica Mares ◽  
Gabriela Isopencu ◽  
Cosmin Jinescu ◽  
Paul Vasilescu1 ◽  
Gheorghita Jinescu

Present paper have like objective the experimental study regarding the intensification of the drying process of malt using like drying agent the atmospheric air at ambient temperature and at 45oC, in flotation-fluidized bed. To reduce the operating drying period by using the fluidization agent at 45oC, it was studied the drying in mixt bed, formed by inert particles (sand, dp=150mm, smashed malt, ) and wet malt grains (in flotation state). Comparing the drying periods and the final moistures obtained at the malt drying in fixed bed (fixed mixt bed) with those obtained in fluidized mixt bed was establish that: the drying in fluidized conditions conduce at an uniform final moisture product; the economical operating conditions for a final moisture (4 - 6%) imposed by the technological process.

2011 ◽  
Vol 66-68 ◽  
pp. 573-576
Chun Shan Liu ◽  
Wen Fu Wu ◽  
Jia Yao ◽  
Ya Qin Li ◽  
Chuang Liu

The purpose of this study is to explore the effecting principle in the drying process. The factors such as hot air temperature, hot air flow, drying time on the grain moisture content have been all investigated. Using UD to establish the optimization mathematics model which making the grain dryer moisture content as the goal of the design, making the factors of hot air flow, drying time, air temperature as parameters, with the help of UD to analysis the effecting principle of the drying process parameters on the grain moisture content, some references have been provided to the tower dryer.

Luís Eugênio Lessa Bulhões ◽  
Rogério Teixeira Duarte ◽  
Cícero Luiz Calazans De Lima ◽  
Maria José de Holanda Leite ◽  
Igor Cavalcante Torres ◽  

The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of the Ripa enriched with urea, yeast and sugar cane molasses, fermented and subjected to the drying process. Using as parameters: moisture content, Brix, pH, acidity and protein content. We used a completely randomized design with ten replications, two treatments and one control. The model included non-fermented (RNFM) and fermented (RFM) treatments of the variety of Rosinha cassava. Fermentation was performed during 132 hours under ambient conditions, with a 10% yeast treatment (w/V), 4% Urea (w/V) and 20% molasses (w/V) and the other 70 ml of distilled water. Regarding the moisture content of the material after the dehydration period, mean values between 46.42% and 58.33% were observed. The Brix degree of the water treatment and the control samples did not differ, however, differed from the treatment urea + molasses + yeast, which presented the highest values of this parameter. The pH averages ranged from 4.49 to 7.85, differing statistically. Titratable acidity ranged from 1.760 to 14.040. A considerable gain of crude protein was observed in the treatment urea + molasses + yeast, which was statistically higher than the others.

Food Control ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 18 (8) ◽  
pp. 928-933 ◽  
Xueqiang Liu ◽  
Xiaoguang Chen ◽  
Wenfu Wu ◽  
Guilan Peng

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