K. Sai ◽  
M. Petlovanyi ◽  
V. Lozynskyi ◽  
P. Saik ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 395-408
V. Bondarenko ◽  
K. Sai ◽  
M. Petlovanyi

The actuality has been revealed of the necessity to attract the gas hydrate depos- its of the Black Sea into industrial development as an alternative to traditional gas fields. This should be preceded by the identification and synthesis of geological and thermobaric peculiarities of their existence. It was noted that the gas hydrates formation occurs under certain thermobaric conditions, with the availability of a gas hydrate-forming agent, which is capable of hydrate formation, as well as a sufficient amount of water necessary to start the crystallization process. The gas hydrate accumulation typically does not occur in free space – in sea water, but in the massif of the sea bed rocks. The important role in the process of natural gas hydrates formation is assigned to thermobaric parameters, as well as to the properties and features of the geological environment, in which, actually, the process of hydrate formation and further hydrate accumulation occurs. It was noted that the source of formation and accumulation of the Black Sea gas hydrates is mainly catagenetic (deep) gas, but diagenetic gas also takes part in the process of gas hydrate deposits formation. The main component of natural gas hydrate deposits is methane and its homologs – ethane, propane, isobutane. The analysis has been made of geological and geophysical data and literature materials devoted to the study of the offshore area and the bottom of the Black Sea, as well as to the identification of gas hydrate deposits. It was established that in the offshore area the gas hydrate deposits with a heterogeneous structure dominate, that is, which comprises a certain proportion of aluminosilicate inclusions. It was noted that theBlack Sea bottom sediments, beginning with the depths of 500 – 600 m, are gassy with methane, and a large sea part is favourable for hydrate formation at temperatures of +8...+9oC and pressures from 7 to 20 MPa at different depths. The characteristics of gas hydrate deposits are provided, as well as requirements and aspects with regard to their industrialization and development. It is recommended to use the method of thermal influence on gas hydrate deposits, since, from an ecological point of view, it is the safest method which does not require additional water resources for its implementation, because water intake is carried out directly from the upper sea layers. A new classification of gas hydrate deposits with a heterogeneous structure has been developed, which is based on the content of rocks inclusions in gas hydrate, the classification feature of which is the amount of heat spent on the dissociation process.

Teng-Fei Wang ◽  
Kevin Cullinane ◽  
Dong-Wook Song

2020 ◽  
pp. 119-131

Research highlights the importance of potato crop, which occupies a prominent food and economic status in food security besides rice, wheat and corn at the local and global level. Despite the expansion of the cultivation of potato crop in Iraq in general and Ameriyah district in particular However, potato productivity remains substandard, this may be due to a lack of knowledge of the most efficient varieties and not to use productive resources at the levels at which technical, specialized and economic efficiency is achieved. Therefore, the aim of the research is to determine the technical, specialized and economic efficiency according to the cultivated seed category. The data envelope analysis (DEA) method was used to estimate technical, specialized and economic efficiency, assuming constant and variable capacity returns. As a result of the study, the Safrana variety achieved the highest average technical efficiency according to the stability of the yield and capacity efficiency in addition to achieving the highest average specialized and economic efficiency, The Lapadia variety achieved the highest average technical efficiency, assuming that capacity returns have changed. Therefore, we recommend the adoption of items that achieve higher efficiency and the need to redistribute the elements of production better and Achieving the optimum levels at which technical, specialized and economic efficiency is achieved and saving what has been wasted.

Kornilova E. B. ◽  
Holovnya-Voloskova M. E. ◽  
Kornilov M. N. ◽  
Zavyalov A. A. ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-195

Fairness in income distribution is a factor that both motivates employees and contributes to maintaining social stability. In Vietnam, fair income distribution has been studied from various perspectives. In this article, through the analysis and synthesis of related documents and evidence, and from the perspective of economic philosophy, the author applies John Rawls’s Theory of Justice as Fairness to analyze some issues arising from the implementation of the state’s role in ensuring fair income distribution from 1986 to present. These are unifying the perception of fairness in income distribution; solving the relationship between economic efficiency and social equality; ensuring benefits for the least-privileged people in society; and controlling income. On that basis, the author makes some recommendations to enhance the state’s role in ensuring fair income distribution in Vietnam. Received 11thNovember 2019; Revised 10thApril 2020; Accepted 20th April 2020

A.B. Motigullin ◽  
A.S. Lopatin ◽  
V.G. Kutcherov ◽  

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