2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Imron Hadi

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang merupakan representasi kebudayaan memiliki sejumlah kesulitan. Salah satu kesulitan itu berasal dari pengenalan bunyi. Sebuah cara alternatif untuk mengakomodasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan pengenalan bentuk onomatope. Onomatope menyediakan bermacam bunyi tiruan yang berbeda sebagai ikon lintas bahasa dan budaya untuk mengartikulasikan hal yang sama. Onomatope dapat berasal dari berbagai sumber, seperti komik, karikatur, novel, koran dan lain sebagainya. Onomatope dapat memberikan berbagai sudut pandang mengenai identitas kebahasaan dan kebudayaannya, setidaknya dalam bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, dan daerah.AbstrakTeaching English as a foreign language that is a representation of culture has some difficulties. One of the them comes from sounds recognition. An alternative way to accomodate the problem is by acknowledging an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia provides several different kinds of imitative sound as a cross cultures and language icon to articulate the same thing. Its sources can be taken from comics, caricatures, novels, newspapers, and others. Onomatopoeia could give various perspective of its cultural and language identity in English, Indonesia, and local language.

Rahmawati Eka Pratiwi ◽  
Ahmad Dahidi ◽  
Nuria Haristiani

AbstrakPada saat mempelajari bahasa asing, pada umumnya kita tentu akan mempelajariya huruf dari bahasa tersebut. Setiap bahasa memiliki fonem yang berbeda-beda. Pembelajaran huruf dan bagaimana cara melafalkannya merupakan pembelajaran dasar dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Fonem adalah bunyi terkecil yang dapat membedakan makna, sedangkan huruf adalah lambang bunyi atau lambang fonem. Misalnya, dalam bahasa Indonesia yang membedakan kata “kelas” dan “keras” adalah fonem /l/ dan /r/. Contoh lainnya yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Jepang. Pada penulisan bahasa Jepang, sering kita temukan kata dari bahasa asing yang ditulis dengan fonem yang sama. Misalnya, kata “light” (cahaya) dan “right” (kanan) yang memiliki makna yang berbeda, namun sama-sama ditulis dengan huruf atau lambang fonem yang sama yaitu 「ライト」/raito/. Dengan kesalahan seperti ini akan mudah sekali terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam berkomunikasi. Terutama, komunikasi verbal.Setelah membandingkan fonem yang dimiliki oleh bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Indonesia, salah satu fonem bahasa Jepang yang tidak terdapat dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah fonem [ts]. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kampus Showa, Gunma University kepada 15 orang mahasiswa Indonesia, yang terbagi 2 suku bangsa dengan 2 bahasa daerah yang berbeda (Sunda dan Jawa). Pada penelitian kali ini, pertama-tama, penulis memperdengarkan sebuah rekaman yang berisikan kalimat yang sama dengan teks yang telah dibaca oleh responden, lalu meminta responden untuk mengulanginya dan kemudian merekamnya. Selanjutnya, penulis meminta responden untuk mebaca sebuah teks, kemudian merekamnya kembali. Setelah data terkumpul dan di periksa oleh penutur asli bahasa Jepang, penulis menganalisisnya berdasarkan teori yang ada. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bahasa ibu (bahasa daerah) tidak berpengaruh dalam kealahan pelafalan bahasa dikarenakan responden melakukan kesalahan ditempat yang sama dan persentase jumlah responden yang mampu melafalkan dengan baik dan benar, dengan yang tidak, dapat dikatakan seimbang (50:50). Kemudian, huruf “tsu” yang berada diawal kataatau tidak didahului oleh bunyi apapun lebih rentan terjadi kesalahan. Dengan kata lain, bunyi yang keluar sebelum huruf “tsu” berpengaruh dalam membantu melafalkan fonem [ts] dalam huruf konsonan “tsu”. Kata kunci : Fonetik, Huruf Konsonan Tsu, kesalahan pelafalan, linguistik  Abstract At the timen of learning a foreign languange, in general, we would learn the letters of the language. Each language has different phonemes. Learning letters and how to prounounce it is the basis of learning a foreign language learning. Phoneme is the smallest sound that can distinguish the meaning, while the letter is the epitome of sound or phoneme emblem. For example, in the Indonesian language, phoneme /l/ and /r/ differentiates the word “kelas”(class) and “keras” (hard). In relatiom to Japanese languange learning, particulary in writing Japanese loan word, we often find the word of the foreign language written with the same phoneme. For example, the word “light” (cahaya) and “right” (kanan) which have different meanings, but written in the same letters or phoneme symbols /raito/.  Such an error will lead to misunderstandings to take place in communication, especially in terms of verbal communication. After comparing of characteristic of phoneme of both Japanese and Indonesia language, it was found out that the phoneme [ts] in the Japanese phonemes does not exitst in the Indonesian language. The research was conducted at the Showa campus of Gunma University involving 15 Indonesian students who were divided into two different ethnicities with two different local languages (Sundanese and Javanese). In her study, the researcher firstly the author played recording of the same sentences as the next text will read later by the respondents. Furthermore, the author asked the respondents to recite it and then record it. Then, the author asked respondents to read a text, and then to record it. again. Once the data were collected and checked by native Japanese speaker, the author analyzed them. The results showed that the local language does not affect the pronouncation errors because the respondents made the misktake at the same place and the percentage of respondents who were able to recite properly, compared to those who were unable to, was equal (50:50). Then, the letters “tsu” located at the beginning of words or not preceded by any sound is more susceptible to errors. In other words, the sound that comes out before the letter “tsu” is influential in helping to pronounce phonemes [ts] in letters “tsu”. Keyword : phonetic, Consonant Tsu of Japanese languange, pronounce errors, linguistic

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Pablo Farías ◽  
Luis Torres

PurposeThis paper explores which market and product category characteristics could influence the use of foreign language brand names (i.e. whether a brand uses a foreign language versus local language brand name) in some of the largest Latin American countries.Design/methodology/approachHypotheses are tested using 880 brands from 39 product categories and nine Latin American markets using a hierarchical logistic regression.FindingsResults revealed that foreign language brand names are more likely to be used in product categories related to local infrastructure, high-tech and global community. In contrast, local language brand names are more likely to be used in product categories associated to subscriptions. Findings also suggest that Hofstede's national cultural dimensions are significant factors. Finally, the results revealed that foreign language brand names are more likely to be used in markets with a low level of foreign language proficiency.Originality/valueThis paper shows the importance of considering market and product category characteristics and their potential influence on local versus foreign language branding in Latin America – an ignored issue in previous research.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-88
Wenny Hulukati, Maryam Rahim, Yusuf Djafar

Local language is one of the characteristics as well as a cultural richness of an area that needsto be preserved existence. In Gorontalo, some teenagers are not confident in their local languages, andchildren who are unable to communicate with Gorontalo language even in very simple contexts, especiallypeople in urban areas. Learning local languages of Gorontalo at the level of Early Childhood Education isconsidered to be one solution, considering the early age is a potential moment to develop various potentials,including the potential for language. Conditions encountered in early childhood education institutions showthat learning / language activities in Gorontalo are not structured, resulting in the development of Gorontalolanguage ability in children is very low. For that reason, learning language of Gorontalo in early childhoodneeds to be organized in a systematic and structured based on clear guidelines. These guidelines include:(a) learning programs that are appropriate to the characteristics of early childhood development, (b) learningmaterials appropriate to the characteristics of early childhood development, and (c) evaluation guidelinesthat can clearly measure the development of local language skills in children aged early. Keywords: learning, local language of Gorontalo, early childhood

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Anisa Dimas ◽  
Yazid Rivai

Film “Yowis Ben 2” merupakan salah satu film komedi Indonesia yang memasukkan unsur bahasa daerah di dalam percakapannya. Hal tersebut menjadi nilai lebih untuk meninggikan bahasa daerah di lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan pragmatik, yaitu analisis deiksis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk deiksis dalam film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah percakapan yang terdapat di dalam film tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian, film “Yowis Ben 2” memuat bahasa daerah yang merujuk pada suatu kegiatan yang sedang dibicarakan serta memiliki hubungan dengan dimensi ruang dan waktu pada saat dituturkan oleh pembicara atau yang diajak bicara. Deiksis berfungsi untuk memperjelas isi ujaran dalam film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya ujaran deiksis persona, waktu, tempat, sosial, dan wacana. “Yowis Ben 2” is an Indonesian comedy movie that includes elements of local language in the conversation. This elements of local language becomes more value to elevate regional languages in the community environment. This research is in the form of a descriptive qualitative research with a pragmatic approach, namely deixis analysis. The purpose of this study is to describe deixis in the movie “Yowis Ben 2” by Fajar Nugros and Bayu Skak. The data source of this research is the conversations contained in the movie. Based on research, the “Yowis Ben 2” movie contains local languages that refer to an activity being discussed and has a relationship with the dimensions of space and time when spoken by the speaker or the person being spoken to. Deixis functions to clarify the contents in utterances that contain persona, time, place, discourse, and social.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-155
Joan F. Chevalier

Subtractive bilingualism is widespread throughout Siberia, with indigenous youth often more proficient in Russian than in their non-Russian local languages. Siberia’s national schools, which are secondary schools offering instruction in local languages of Russia, provide critical institutional support for minority languages. The goal of this interdisciplinary regional study is to present an overview of national schools’ development in two neighboring southern Siberian republics, Altai and Tyva, up to the present, and to evaluate the role of national schools’ local language programs in promoting language vitality. The study examines a shift in priorities and challenges in local language education since 1991, the factors contributing to the shift, particularly federally-enacted educational reforms, and what has been done in these regions to meet these challenges.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-109 ◽  
Mohammad Naseh Nasrollahi Shahri

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Nurhidayati Kurniasih

Abstract: The objective of this study is (1) to describe the choice of using foreign and local languages on the bussiness banners and advertisements in Banjarbaru and Martapura; and (2) to explain the reasons or the cause of using those languages. Data is obtained from purposive samples of business sign board found in Banjarbaru and Martapura city. Data analysis is using descriptive approach; it was describing the error from the sample. This research uses the rule of Indonesianization of foreign words and terms and AIDA theory (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). The results of this research are (1) many Banjar and foreign languages are used in one business sign board; (2) three reasons of using foreign and local language: 1. latest icon are used to attract consumer’s attention to goods and services even though the icon is not relevant to Indonesian Language. 2. Using different languages deviate from grammar and uncommon word choice to attract consumer’s attention to the advertisement of product or business. 3. The use of local language is familiar to consumers of detail and services. This research shows that local phrases or terms are used to evoke consumer’s feeling. On the other hand, the use of English gives an educated impression to advertisers. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Nita Handayani Hasan

The existence of folksong is an important thing for the Moluccas. It has functions as an entertainment and the way to deliver the events that existed in the past. This research discuss about jarjinjin and largula folksongs based on hermeneutics approach. The purposes of this research are to transcript and to understand the deepest meaning of the jarjinjin and largula folksongs, and to know the functions of those folksongs for the owner and the young generations. Jarjinjin and largula comes from Longgar village, Kepulauan Aru district, Maluku province. This research use qualitative description method. After transcripted and analyzed  the lyrics, the results show about the history of Longgar, Karey, and Gomu-Gomu village; the folksongs taught the people always remember the message of the ancestors in maintaining brotherhood and culture. For the owner, jarjinjin and largula made brotherhood relation closed beyond the villagers in Longgar, Karey, and Gomu-Gomu village; remaining the history of the ancestors; preservation of local languages; entertaining, because they have sang together and escorting by stampted drums and gongs; and maintaining and preserving the tradition. For young generations, they improved the knowledge about the history of Aru’s ancestors; practicing and demonstrating local language ability; reinforcing love of the history; and maintaining and preserving the tradition. Keberadaan nyanyian rakyat bagi masyarakat Maluku merupakan hal yang penting. Nyanyian rakyat berfungsi sebagai penghibur hati dan cara untuk  menyampaikan peristiwa-peristiwa yang ada di masa lampau. Penelitian ini mengkaji nyanyian adat yang berjudul jarjinjin dan largula dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mentranskripsi nyanyian adat jarjinjin dan largula, mengetahui makna yang terkandung di dalamnya, dan mengetahui fungsi kedua nyanyian adat bagi pemilik lagu dan generasi muda. Lagu jarjinjin dan largula merupakan nyanyian adat yang berasal dari Desa Longgar, Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, Maluku. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Setelah melakukan transkripsi dan analisis terhadap kedua lirik-lirik lagu, diketahui kedua nyanyian adat tersebut menceritakan perjalanan sejarah nenek moyang desa Longgar, Karey, dan Gomu-Gomu. Selain itu, dalam nyanyian adat mengandung ajaran untuk selalu mengingat pesan leluhur dalam menjaga persaudaraan dan adat-istiadat. Fungsi bagi pemilik lagu yaitu mendekatkan hubungan persaudaraan antar masyarakat Desa Longgar, Karey, dan Gomu-Gomu; mengingatkan sejarah perjalanan leluhur; pelestarian bahasa daerah; penghibur hati, karena dinyanyikan secara bersama-sama dan diiringi alat musik tifa dan gong; dan menjaga serta melestarikan tradisi. Sedangkan fungsi lagu jarjinjin dan largula bagi generasi muda yaitu menambah pengetahuan terkait sejarah perjalanan leluhur masyarakat Aru; media melatih dan mempertunjukkan kemampuan berbahasa daerah; memperkuat rasa cinta terhadap sejarah masa lalu; serta menjaga dan melestarikan tradisi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-207
Evita Dewi Ahmad ◽  
Zaenal Mukarom ◽  
Aang Ridwan

ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dakwah Ramdan Juniarsyah dengan wayang mudah diterima, relevan dengan budaya yang ada, menggunakan bahasa lokal, dan dakwah melalui wayang golek dapat menghibur. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi melalui observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan mendeskripsikan informasi tersebut sesuai data yang dibutuhkan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dakwah melalui wayang golek mudah diterima masyarakat dalam beragam bentuk,seperti tanggapan positif dan antusias masyarakat yang datang. Kemudian, dakwah melalui wayang golek relevan dengan budaya yang ada yaitu dapat ditampilkan dalam acara-acara di masyarakat seperti PHBI, walimah, dll. Adapun bahasa lokal yang digunakan yaitu bahasa Sunda juga dengan bahasa Indonesia. Serta dakwah melalui wayang golek bukan hanya untuk berdakwah,tetapi dapat menghibur masyarakat dengan berbagai macam bentuk, seperti dari kelucuan tokoh Punakawan, meng-improve lagu-lagu dan dialog yang segar antara ustad dengan tokoh wayang. Kata Kunci :wayang golek;media dakwah;media tradisional. ABSTRACT This paper aims to describe the propaganda of Ramdan Juniarsyah with puppets easily accepted, relevant to the existing culture, using local languages, and preaching through puppet show can entertain. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, namely by collecting data and information through observation, interviews and documentation then analyzed by describing the information according to the data needed. The results of the study found that preaching through puppet shows was easily accepted by the community in various forms, such as positive responses and enthusiastic people who came. Then, da'wah through wayang golek is relevant to the existing culture, which can be displayed in public events such as PHBI, walimah, etc. The local language used is Sundanese also in Indonesian. As well as preaching through puppet show not only to preach, but can entertain the community in various forms, such as the humor of Punakawan figures, improve songs and fresh dialogue between ustadz and puppet figures. Keywords: puppet show; da'wah media; traditional media.

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