2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-140
S. V. Storozhuk ◽  
I. M. Hoian ◽  

The article shows that the modern mass interest in the occult is conditioned, on the one hand, by the world crisis, the lack of stable and reliable foundations for self-determination and human orientation in the world, and on the other – by the formation of impersonal man and the establishment of mass society. The lack of a stable worldview, universal values, ideals and social standards, and, at the same time, unwillingness to pose and solve complex socio-cultural problems, is the main reason why modern (postmodern) people choose occult ideals and norms that do not require deep reflection, however, they provide them with a sense of belonging to the universe. Most of them are offered by the modern mass culture industry. Although its products are of great concern to traditional Christian values and virtues, we have no reason to give them an unequivocally negative assessment at the moment, at least given that they offer models of The article shows that the modern mass interest in the occult is conditioned, on the one hand, by the world crisis, the lack of stable and reliable foundations for self-determination and human orientation in the world, and on the other – by the formation of impersonal man and the establishment of mass society. The lack of a stable worldview, universal values, ideals and social standards, and, at the same time, unwillingness to pose and solve complex socio-cultural problems, is the main reason why modern (postmodern) people choose occult ideals and norms that do not require deep reflection, however, they provide them with a sense of belonging to the universe. Most of them are offered by the modern mass culture industry. Although its products are of great concern to traditional Christian values and virtues, we have no reason to give them an unequivocally negative assessment at the moment, at least given that they offer models of The article shows that the modern mass interest in the occult is conditioned, on the one hand, by the world crisis, the lack of stable and reliable foundations for self-determination and human orientation in the world, and on the other – by the formation of impersonal man and the establishment of mass society. The lack of a stable worldview, universal values, ideals and social standards, and, at the same time, unwillingness to pose and solve complex socio-cultural problems, is the main reason why modern (postmodern) people choose occult ideals and norms that do not require deep reflection, however, they provide them with a sense of belonging to the universe. Most of them are offered by the modern mass culture industry. Although its products are of great concern to traditional Christian values and virtues, we have no reason to give them an unequivocally negative assessment at the moment, at least given that they offer models of social relations that due to testing by various occult organizations, may receive a public request, or be rejected.

1956 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-29
John Gillin

Are there any methods whereby we may understand the cultures of modern nation-societies both as to their detailed components and as to their total configurational characteristics? Anthropologists receive such queries because modern ethnological field work and other anthropological methods have been able to produce reliable descriptive analyses of so-called primitive tribes and small communities that are both comprehensive and detailed. And, on the basis of such data collected in a wide variety of cultures around the world, science has acquired not only a rich store of knowledge concerning the substantive varieties of human social behavior, but also a fairly elaborated theoretical apparatus regarding culture in general. With such knowledge and theory it is possible to explain and even to predict many human behaviors and attitudes that were formerly beyond the reach of science.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Zainun Wafiqatun Niam

The one of anxieties facing Muslims is about acts of violence in the name of Islam. Qur'an has mentioned that the Prophet was sent on earth as a mercy (rahmah) to the universe, and then the “rahmah” in question is to be implemented as such? Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world is famous for Islam that is able to merge with the diversity of race, religion and culture. One of the things that influenced one of them is the existence of the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia NU and Muhammadiyah who always try to show Islam wasathiyah and rahmah. The existence of NU and Muahammadiyah is believed to be a great support to the peace of Indonesia with all its diversity. This paper is intended to further explore the concept of wasathiyah NU and Muhammadiyah in an effort to realize a peaceful Islam in Indonesia. The research method used is literature research using resources such as books, journal articles and mass media to analyze the concept of Islamic organization NU and Muhammadiyah. The results show that NU and Muhammadiyah carry the same concept to show the peaceful face of Islam that can unite with the differences. This is evidenced by the concept brought by each of both Islam Nusantara and Islam berkemajuan.

Human Affairs ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-39
Nicholas Maxwell

Abstract Humanity faces two fundamental problems of learning: learning about the universe, and learning to become civilized. We have solved the first problem, but not the second one, and that puts us in a situation of great danger. Almost all of our global problems have arisen as a result. It has become a matter of extreme urgency to solve the second problem. The key to this is to learn from our solution to the first problem how to solve the second one. This was the basic idea of the 18th century Enlightenment, but in implementing this idea, the Enlightenment blundered. Their mistakes are still built into academia today. In order to le arn how to create a civilized, enlightened world, the key thing we need to do is to cure academia of the structural blunders we have inherited from the Enlightenment. We need to bring about a revolution in science, and in academia more broadly so that the basic aim becomes wisdom, and not just knowledge.

Ion Marian CROITORU ◽  

Although scientific research is in full bloom regarding, for instance, the environment, the fact of creation cannot be ignored either, even if some scientists deny it, while others ascertain it, albeit from perspectives, however, foreign to the patristic vision specific of the Orthodoxy. Consequently, the limits of cosmology are structured as well by Christian theology, which shows that the study of the world, guided by laws of physics in a limited framework, is carried out inside the creation affected by the consequences of the primordial sin, so that the reality of the world before sin is known only to those who reach spiritual perfection and holiness, therefore, from an eschatological perspective, since they, too, go through the moment of separation of the soul from the body, waiting for the general resurrection. Therefore, a new way of being is affirmed in the Orthodox Church, by the personal experience of each believer, which is a transformation on the personal and cosmic level, according to Jesus Christ’s resurrected body, which means the reality of a new physics, which concerns both the beginning of the universe, but also its new dimension, at the Lord’s Second Coming, when heaven and earth will be renewed by transfiguration. Regarding the existence of the universe, the differences are given by the perceptions of two cosmologies. Thus, the theonomous cosmology highlights man’s purpose on earth, the necessity of moral and spiritual life, and the transfiguration of creation, explaining God’s presence in His creation, but also His work in it, namely the transcendence and the immanence in relation to the creation. The autonomous cosmology engenders the evolutionist theory, which leads to secularism and, consequently, to the gap between the contemporary man’s technological progress, and his spiritual and moral regress. Today, more scientists are turning their attention also to the data of the divine Revelation, the way it makes itself known by its organs, the Holy Scripture and the Holy Tradition, in the one Church, which will mean a deepening of the dialogue between science and theology in favour of the man from everywhere and from the times to come.

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
Manuel Alberto Morales Damián

2012:  IDEAS  MAYAS  ACERCA  DE  LA  RENOVACIÓN CíCLICA DEL UNIVERSO. 2012:                MAYA‟S    CIVILIZATION     IDEAS   ABOUT    THE CYCLIC RENEWAL OF THE UNIVERSE.       Resumen El pensamiento maya con respecto a la astronomí­a y el calendario poseen una gran originalidad y corresponden a una forma de entender la realidad completamente  diferente  a  la  del  pensamiento  occidental.  Los  mayas conciben que el tiempo está sujeto a recurrencias cí­clicas (dí­a-noche, año solar, perí­odos de 52 años), cada una de las cuales supone la destrucción y renovación del cosmos. Por otra parte, las supuestas profecí­as mayas acerca de un evento astronómico el próximo 21 de diciembre de 2012, en realidad no son acordes a la cosmovisión maya prehispánica, coinciden sin embargo con temores milenaristas propios del pensamiento occidental que se agudizan en una época de crisis global.   Palabras Clave: Mayas, religión, astronomí­a, profecí­as del 2012.   Abstract Mayan  thought  in  respect  to  astronomy  and  the  calendar  have  a  great originality and correspond to a way of understanding a complete different reality to the one of the western thought. Mayan people conceive that time is subject to cycle recurrences (day-night, solar year, and periods of 52 years), each one supposes destruction and renovation of cosmos. On the other hand, the supposed Mayan prophecies about an astronomical event next December 21st  2012, do not in fact agree with the view of the world of the pre Hispanic Mayans, however they coincide with millennial fear proper of the western thought that worsen in this times of global crisis.   Key words: Mayans, religion, astronomy, 2012 prophecies.      

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-116
T. Ibrahim ◽  
N. V. Efremova
Ibn Sina ◽  
The One ◽  

Abstract: it is a continuation of the translation into Russian of Ibn-Sina’s treatise al-Isharat wa-t-Tanbihat (“Remarks and Admonitions”). The present chapter deals with the origination of the world from the One / Necessary Existent. Divine creation is described as an act of intellection. The cosmogonic scheme is constructed through the synthesis of Neoplatonian emanationism with the Aristotelian-Ptolemy model of the Universe.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 019-042 ◽  
Mikhail Yu. Skorchenko

The economic crisis being overcome by the Russian economy, on the one hand, combined with the inevitable globalisation processes, on the other hand, brings to the forefront the economic efficiency of technical processes associated with environmental safety and the possibility of introduction into the world system. One example of effective use of innovative technologies in the interaction of transport systems in the world is the piggyback transportation. Aim: The author has conducted the analysis of international experience of the organisation of the piggyback transportation in order to identify technological solutions suitable for efficient use in the Russian market of intermodal transportation. Methods: To assess the efficiency of different technological systems, the author uses comparative analysis methods, inductive reasoning, system approach method. The author has also synthesised the world experience in the organisation of the piggyback transportation. Result: The results of the analysis have revealed that the current economic situation in Russia allows the evaluation of innovative transport systems in the first place in terms of the possibility of rapid return, which draws attention to the most economical technologies. In this regard, the use of the rolling highway and Lift-on – Lift-off (Lo-Lo) piggyback systems seems to be the most rational at this stage. Conclusion: Since 1990s Russia has made a number of attempts to organise regular piggyback service on certain routes. However, due to the lack of demand for this type of services in the Russian market at the moment, investing in the development of piggyback technology involves high risks. The experience of other countries shows that regardless of the chosen technology, stimulating the demand for innovative "green technologies" is not possible without the participation of governmental bodies. At the same time, the creation of the necessary methodological framework for the organisation of piggyback transportation in Russia is possible by virtue studying the multifaceted world practice of piggyback technology operation in the world.

Corpus Mundi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-39
Serguey N. Yakushenkov ◽  
Olesya S. Yakushenkova

Zombies were and still are one of the most important symbols of modern mass culture. The zombie discourse originated among African slaves brought to the sugar plantations in the Caribbean. In many ways, the narratives of the “living dead” were a reaction to the crisis phenomena of plantation life. This is evidenced by the rich comparative material presented on many peoples of the world. Such notions of invulnerability after formal death proved to be an important tool of resistance to new conditions caused by external threats. Termed “revitalization,” they were an important element of the Millennialist movements. While initially the sorcerers who could bring themselves back to life were central to these beliefs, in the following period the focus shifted to the victims of various manipulations, transformed into soulless beings. Leaving the environment of their original “habitat,” zombies took on a new life, occupying a firm place in modern mass culture. Having become a symbol of ruthless exploitation of man, relegated to the level of a machine appendage, zombies proved to be one of the most “productive” symbols. They reflected the main trends in the development of society and even began to function as instruments of philosophical reflection. All this allows us to consider zombies as an indicator of altered society, producing new “walking dead”. The metaphors associated with zombies allows us to conclude that the comprehension of zombies makes modern man begin to perceive them constructively, creating a new image, demonstrating the movement towards humanization.

Natalya N. Rostova ◽  

The article analyzes modern western projects to update anthropology. The projects are united by the idea of the end of human exclusiveness, which is a modern form of the concept of human death. According to idea of the end of human exclusiveness, a person has no ontological privileges in the world, and he must be thought of as a part in the totality of other parts of the whole — nature, space, objects, etc. It is possible to allocate four forms of the realization of this idea: overcoming the oppositions “nature-culture”, “man-animal”, “man-technician”, and “man-objects”. In the article the first form of this idea, projects of anthropology beyond nature and culture, is analyzed. Within the framework of these projects, two tendencies are observed — naturalization of man and anthropomorphization of the world. Both directions are investigated on the example of works, on the one hand, of Jean-Marie Schaeffer, on the other, Philippe Descola and Ernesto B. Viveiros de Castro. Schaeffer’s anthropology becomes anti-anthropology the moment he starts speaking of man in the language of evolutionary biology. Man fits them into an evolutionary process, within which the cause of a person’s actions appears beyond him. The anthropomorphization of the world is based on ethnographic data on the so-called “primitive peoples”. If naturalism concerns the reduction of the anthropological to the biological, then here it is possible to speak of an intellectual forgery. Descola and de Castro identify the ideas of weak philosophy on the bases where the life of the mystery community is constructed. In this case, the mystery is described in social categories, and the exotic content of representations of the studied peoples serves as an argument for the chaotization of our own ideas. The author of the article believes that modern anti-anthropologists are trying to interpret the truly human, contained in mysteries, in terms of the inhuman.

1981 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 377-386 ◽  
Carl Olson

In probably the earliest Upanisad text, one learns that at the beginning of the world there was only Ātman in the form of a person. Discovering that only he existed, he declared ‘I am’. After losing his fear of being alone, he found that he did not have pleasure because of his solitary condition. Thereupon, he divided himself and became a man and a woman. When the two beings copulated other beings and forms of life were produced. Thus the original universal principle is androgynous. By knowing itself, it became all that there is in the universe. The philosophical implication of this myth is that he who knows that he is Brahman becomes the All. It is unclear, however, whether or not the author of this section of the text means to imply that the one who knows becomes androgynous.

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