scholarly journals Family Relations after the Emergence of Social Media: A Comparative Analysis of Single-Family and Joint Family Systems

2020 ◽  
Vol V (I) ◽  
pp. 544-551
Tanveer Hussain ◽  
Iqra Imtiaz ◽  
Ashraf Iqbal

This study's main aim is to explore the impact of social media on family ties. A quantitative method of survey is used to gather data. The survey is conducted both face-to-face and through emails. One hundred respondent take part in this research through a survey while media displacement theory implemented on present research. Statistics indicate that people living in a single-family group use more social media than people living together. Findings also say people are using social media to escape family problems. There is a small disparity between the people who live in both family systems on whether or not social media eliminates the original family. The present research suggests more awareness in better usage of social media to avoid family values destruction.

Social media is very useful in present scenario. It is powerful medium to circulate all informations in present time. The whole world becomes a village through social media. The study examines the impact of social media on society in Haryana. This study was conducted in Rohtak district of Haryana. The interview scheduled method was employed. In this study, 240 respondents were selected by purposive sampling. The objectives of the study were to find out the attitude of the people towards reliability of social media; to know the attitude of the people about advantages and disadvantages of social media. On the basis of this study researcher found that the youth belonged to different age, and education group indicate their varied responses on impact of social media on society.

Iris Klosi

The stress and anxiety resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has lead to a significant increase in escapist media-based coping. This paper examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on social media escapist activities by the students at the State University of Tirana. In total 52 undergraduate and graduate students aged 20-24 were involved in the study. The students reported 39 digital media involved in their escapist activities, with media sharing networks having a dominant role. From the analysis of their discussion of the motivations and different forms of escapist activities using social media, 5 different but interrelated discourses emerged: (1) Social media have both positive and negative aspects; (2) Social media escapism distorts reality; (3) Social media offer easy and affordable ways to escape; (4) Social media escapism needs to be managed to avoid addiction; and (5) Social media escapism enhances English language skills. The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic through restrictions on socializing, face-to-face interaction and online teaching were discussed within and across the identified discourses. Increasing their communicative competence in English while interacting with people of different cultural background, including English native speakers was one of most the positive aspects in students’ discussions of social media escapism. The stress and anxiety resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has lead to a significant increase in escapist media-based coping. This paper examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on social media escapist activities by the students at the State University of Tirana. In total 52 undergraduate and graduate students aged 20-24 were involved in the study. The students reported 39 digital media involved in their escapist activities, with media sharing networks having a dominant role. From the analysis of their discussion of the motivations and different forms of escapist activities using social media, 5 different but interrelated discourses emerged: (1) Social media have both positive and negative aspects; (2) Social media escapism distorts reality; (3) Social media offer easy and affordable ways to escape; (4) Social media escapism needs to be managed to avoid addiction; and (5) Social media escapism enhances English language skills. The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic through restrictions on socializing, face-to-face interaction and online teaching were discussed within and across the identified discourses. Increasing their communicative competence in English while interacting with people of different cultural background, including English native speakers was one of most the positive aspects in students’ discussions of social media escapism.

Elham Mohammadi ◽  
Azam Masoumi

This chapter examines the path of human interaction by using modern technologies. There are two sides: those in favor of using modern technologies and those who argue that modern technologies have unwanted, detrimental effects on people's lives and health. This chapter explores virtual communication's properties. It focuses on the impact that using social media instead of face-to-face interaction has on the users' health, specifically mental health. In this viewpoint, social media is not an alternative to face-to-face interaction but a complementary device that reminds us the vitality of interaction even with those who are physically unavailable to us.

M. A. Rentroia-Bonito ◽  
J. Jorge ◽  
C. Ghaoui

Technology-rich environments are assuming a key role in the individual learning processes. Still, one of the major IT challenges identified in the education field is to establish e-learning as a credible and viable complement to face-to-face education. This represents a paradigm shift in the way of learning, which is driving changes at individual, process, institutional, and societal levels. However, despite last-decade advances in the application of usability principles in system design, there is still a need to better understand the people-technology fit in learning contexts. Current results, gaps, and issues define the challenges that dictate new requirements. Among these new requirements, minimizing the impact of the distance factor on communication and learning effectiveness calls for alternatives approaches. Due to the importance of communication among instructor and students in learning, the scope of this work focuses on exploring the role of emotions within the user and learning-support technology fit.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S694-S695
Yin Liu ◽  
Elizabeth B Fauth ◽  
Myles Maxey ◽  
Troy Beckert

Abstract Social support serves as a protective factor, buffering stress in both adolescents and adults, however Socioemotional Selectivity Theory suggests developmental differences in stress reactivity and social support. It is unclear how modern forms of social contact, such as social media buffer stress, and the extent to which this differs across the lifespan. We utilized ecological momentary data to examine the moderating effects of age and two distinct types of social contacts the person had experienced in prior hours (frequency of face-to-face, or social media contacts) on the association between daily stress and momentary mood. Participants were recruited initially through’s Mechanical Turk (adolescents referred by a parent). A total of 119 adolescent (n = 44; Agemean= 15.73) and middle-aged/older adult participants (n = 75; Agemean= 59.67) provided momentary data three times a day, on three consecutive days, every two weeks, for up to 12 weeks. Multi-level models showed significant 3-way interactions between stress appraisal of avoiding an argument, age group, and frequency of social contact via face-to-face (β = 1.698, se = 0.542, p = .002) and social media (β = 3.341, se = 0.984, p = .001). Older adults experienced better mood than adolescents. When avoiding an argument was appraised as more stressful, both age groups displayed worse mood. Whereas high levels of recent social contact (both face-to-face and social media) seemed to exacerbate the impact of this stressor on poorer mood for older persons, high levels of recent social contact, particularly social media, had stress-buffering benefits for adolescents.

Shahzad Qaiser ◽  
Nooraini Yusoff ◽  
Farzana Kabir Ahmad ◽  
Ramsha Ali

Many different studies are in progress to analyze the content created by the users on social media due to its influence and social ripple effect. Various content created on social media has pieces of information and user’s sentiments about social issues. This study aims to analyze people’s sentiments about the impact of technology on employment and advancements in technologies and build a machine learning classifier to classify the sentiments. People are getting nervous, depressed and even doing suicides due to unemployment; hence, it is essential to explore this relatively new area of research. The study has two main objectives 1) to preprocess text collected from Twitter concerning the impact of technology on employment and analyze its sentiment, 2) to evaluate the performance of machine learning Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier on the text. To achieve this, a methodology is proposed that includes 1) data collection and preprocessing 2) analyze sentiment, 3) building machine learning classifier and 4) compare the performance of NB and support vector machine (SVM). NB and SVM achieved 87.18% and 82.05% accuracy respectively. The study found that 65% of the people hold negative sentiment regarding the impact of technology on employment and technological advancements; hence people must acquire new skills to minimize the effect of structural unemployment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Anisa Putri Amalia ◽  
Shelviana Aprilliani Nurjanah ◽  
Ully Purbandani

<p>The business market in Indonesia, for now, is benefiting greatly from the presence of Instagram social media. Instagram is an application that allows its use to share photos and videos. Instagram is a social media that can be used as marketing in the digital era to expand and increase consumer reach. Instagram makes it easy for users, especially in this case, Instagram users who use this application to promote brands or product brands. Utilizing Instagram media as a means of marketing products during the Covid-19 Pandemic is an opportunity to open an online business, where in the online shop there is no need for face-to-face contact and physical contact between sellers and buyers which is in accordance with the government's advice during the Covid-Pandemic. 19 is to keep applying physical distancing and stay at home. Along with the times, of course, new trends will emerge among the people today. Especially in terms of fashion for each individual. One of the online shops that is developing its business is Ulvisa Shop. Where Ulvisa Shop markets products in the form of women's accessories and masks, which are currently the main needs for preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Rahmadhani Ayu Harvianti ◽  
Oji Kurniadi

Abstract. Ecotransport Indonesia is still fresh with diverse activities, from walking, public transportation, and cycling. The thing that is most crowded with the people of Bandung is cycling. Based on this phenomenon, the problem in this research is formulated as follows: (1) How does ecotransport plan a communication campaign program about reducing personal transportation? (2) How does ecotransport choose media as a publication tool? (3) Why does ecotransport use a persuasive approach in the communication campaign to reduce personal transportation? Researcher using qualitative case studies. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews with key informan, observation, and literature. The results of this study are: The results obtained from this research are (1) the planning of the campaign carried out by determining the issues raised, one of which is in the discipline of driving, setting goals to provide education about environmentally friendly transportation or by other names Ecotransport, determining the message delivered to the public, this audience from Ecotransport which is not only focused on the community but also on the government as well and the strategy used is communication that is done face-to-face and persuasive through social media but still not maximized. (2) Media publications include conducting talk shows on the radio, in addition to making e-posters uploaded through social media. (3) The use of face-to-face communication to provide clear explanations will protect the environment. Abstrak. Ecotransport Indonesia ini terbilang masih fresh dengan kegiatan yang beraneka ragam, dari berjalan kaki, transportasi umum dan bersepeda. Hal yang paling ramai diikuti oleh masyarakat kota Bandung adalah bersepeda. Berdasarkan fenomena ini, masalah dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana ecotransport merencanakan program kampanye komunikasi tentang pengurangan transportasi pribadi? (2) Bagaimana ecotransport memilih media sebagai alat publikasi? (3) Mengapa ecotransport menggunakan pendekatan persuasif dalam kampanye komunikasi untuk mengurangi transportasi pribadi? Peneliti menggunakan studi kasus kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dengan informan kunci, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah (1) perencanaan kampanye yang dilakukan adalah menentukan isu yang diangkat salah satunya adalah dalam disiplin berkendara, penyusunan tujuan untuk memberikan edukasi mengenai transportasi ramah lingkungan atau dengan nama lain Ecotransport, menentukan pesan yang disampaikan kepada khalayak publik, khalayak dari Ecotransport ini yang tidak hanya terfokus kepada masyarakat saja melainkan kepada pemerintah juga dan strategi yang digunakan adalah komunikasi yang dilakukan secara face-to-face dan persuasive melalui media sosial dan hasilnya belum maksimal. (2) Media publikasi yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan talkshow di radio, selain itu dengan membuat e-poster yang diunggah melalui media sosial. (3) Penggunaan komunikasi secara tatap muka ini untuk memberikan penjelasan yang jelas akan menjaga lingkungan sekitar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-123
Cristiane Guilherme Bonfim ◽  
Márcia Vidal Nunes

This article aims to reflect on the impact that the campaign #PrimeiroAssédio [first harassment], created by the NGO Think Olga, in 2015, had on the perception of Facebook female users on the subject of harassment, drawing from the perspective of Cultural Studies. This hashtag encouraged the sharing of content and placed the feminist issue of combating sexual harassment on the agenda. We have used Martín-Barbero’s (1997) concept of mediation to investigate the context in which users published posts on Facebook and have conducted interviews with women who have published comments in the campaign’s posts. In a context of prolific content generation and intense participation, with many people speaking to many people, many authors see the emergence of politically driven action on social media, the so-called “digital activism”, as being relative, holding little expectations of radical social change. Our interviewees’ answers indicate that, in terms of tangible changes, they found that they were able to engage in dialogue about the topic with the people who were closest to them.         Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o impacto da campanha #PrimeiroAssédio, criada pela ONG Think Olga, em 2015, na percepção de leitoras no Facebook sobre o tema assédio, sob a perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais. A hashtag incentivou compartilhamento de conteúdo e agendou veículos de mídia sobre assédio, uma pauta que é bandeira de movimentos feministas. O conceito de mediações de Martín-Barbero (1997) é usado para investigar o contexto de postagens no Facebook e entrevistas com mulheres que comentaram em posts da campanha. No cenário de geração de conteúdo em profusão e da participação de muitos falando para muitos, a atuação política nas redes sociais, o chamado ativismo digital, é perpassada com alguma relativização, sem expectativa de mudança radical. As respostas das entrevistadas sinalizam que campanhas como essa podem  alcançar repercussão fora das redes, mas indicam que a mudança gerada foi o diálogo mais frequente sobre o tema com o círculo de pessoas mais próximo.Este artículo objetiva hacer una reflexión sobre el impacto de la campaña #PrimeiroAssédio (#Primeracoso), creada por la Organización no Gubernamental Think Olga el 2015, en la percepción de lectoras en Facebook sobre el tema acoso, bajo la perspectiva de los Estudios Culturales. La etiqueta incentivó que el contenido fuera compartido y generó agenda setting de medios de comunicación sobre acoso, una pauta que es bandera de los movimientos feministas. El concepto de mediaciones de Martín-Barbero (1997) es usado para investigar el contexto de publicaciones en Facebook y entrevistas con mujeres que comentaron en posts de la campaña. En el escenario de geración de contenido en profusión y de participación de muchos comunicando para muchos, la actuación política en las redes sociales, el llamado activismo digital, se puede identificar alguna relativización, sin expectativa de cambio radical. Las respuestas de las entrevistadas señalan que campañas como esa pueden alcanzar repercusión más allá de las redes, pero apuntan que el cambio generado ha sido el diálogo más a menudo sobre el tema con el círculo de personas más cercanas.

Isaac Mhute ◽  
Hugh Mangeya ◽  
Ernest Jakaza

The human species is in great danger of extinction due to the novel coronavirus that was first detected in China around December 2019. By March 2021, the world had witnessed over 116million cases, of which 36,223 are Zimbabwean. The disease that the coronavirus stimulates is quite fatal and has seen 2.57million lives succumbing to it, of which 1483 are Zimbabwean, by the same date. No cure has been discovered for it yet, though scientific researchers have already discovered several vaccines with varying efficacies. Employing a socio-pragmatic approach, the chapter explores the impact of fake covid-19 social media communications on efforts to minimize infections and fatalities in Zimbabwe, an already endangered country. It accomplishes this by qualitatively analyzing purposively sampled fake communications in circulation on social media as well as some of the utterances and behaviors people make in response to them. The chapter demonstrates the negative impact of the communications on international mitigating efforts and emphasizes the need for the government, media practitioners and social workers to always be watchful for such misleading communications and in every case to quickly counter their impact by availing correct information to the people.

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