2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Utrisa Luftania Furi ◽  
NFn Mustaji

The purpose of this research is to produce a decent and effective digital photo video media for the subject of composition for the students of class XI Multimedia of Vocational High School. The development model used is the ADDIE model. To determine the feasibility of the product is based on expert test ie media experts and content experts. To know the effectiveness of the product is based on a comparison of learning result test between experiment class and control class at SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Based on the results of expert test data analysis obtained conclusion that the learning video media developed feasible to use in learning. The result of the value of pre-test and post- test conducted in control class and experimental class by using t-test obtained t-count is 13,11 and by using t-test distribution table with significant level 5% obtained t-table = 2 , 68, thus the video learning media declared effective. The conclusion of this study indicates that the video learning media subjects composition of digital photos declared feasible and effective for students class XI Multimedia Vocational Secondary School.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media video mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital yang layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk didasarkan pada uji ahli yakni ahli media dan ahli isi. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan produk didasarkan pada perbandingan tes hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol di SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data uji ahli diperoleh simpulan bahwa media video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil nilai dari pre-test dan post-test yang dilakukan pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan uji-t diperoleh t-hitung adalah 13,11 dan dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi uji-t dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh t-tabel = 2,68, dengan demikian media video pembelajaran dinyatakan efektif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media video pembelajaran mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital dinyatakan layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Utrisa Luftania Furi ◽  
NFn Mustaji

The purpose of this research is to produce a decent and effective digital photo video media for the subject of composition for the students of class XI Multimedia of Vocational High School. The development model used is the ADDIE model. To determine the feasibility of the product is based on expert test ie media experts and content experts. To know the effectiveness of the product is based on a comparison of learning result test between experiment class and control class at SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Based on the results of expert test data analysis obtained conclusion that the learning video media developed feasible to use in learning. The result of the value of pre-test and post- test conducted in control class and experimental class by using t-test obtained t-count is 13,11 and by using t-test distribution table with significant level 5% obtained t-table = 2 , 68, thus the video learning media declared effective. The conclusion of this study indicates that the video learning media subjects composition of digital photos declared feasible and effective for students class XI Multimedia Vocational Secondary School.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media video mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital yang layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk didasarkan pada uji ahli yakni ahli media dan ahli isi. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan produk didasarkan pada perbandingan tes hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol di SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data uji ahli diperoleh simpulan bahwa media video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil nilai dari pre-test dan post-test yang dilakukan pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan uji-t diperoleh t-hitung adalah 13,11 dan dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi uji-t dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh t-tabel = 2,68, dengan demikian media video pembelajaran dinyatakan efektif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media video pembelajaran mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital dinyatakan layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Utrisa Luftania Furi ◽  
NFn Mustaji

The purpose of this research is to produce a decent and effective digital photo video media for the subject of composition for the students of class XI Multimedia of Vocational High School. The development model used is the ADDIE model. To determine the feasibility of the product is based on expert test ie media experts and content experts. To know the effectiveness of the product is based on a comparison of learning result test between experiment class and control class at SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Based on the results of expert test data analysis obtained conclusion that the learning video media developed feasible to use in learning. The result of the value of pre-test and post- test conducted in control class and experimental class by using t-test obtained t-count is 13,11 and by using t-test distribution table with significant level 5% obtained t-table = 2 , 68, thus the video learning media declared effective. The conclusion of this study indicates that the video learning media subjects composition of digital photos declared feasible and effective for students class XI Multimedia Vocational Secondary School.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media video mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital yang layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk didasarkan pada uji ahli yakni ahli media dan ahli isi. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan produk didasarkan pada perbandingan tes hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol di SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data uji ahli diperoleh simpulan bahwa media video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil nilai dari pre-test dan post-test yang dilakukan pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan uji-t diperoleh t-hitung adalah 13,11 dan dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi uji-t dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh t-tabel = 2,68, dengan demikian media video pembelajaran dinyatakan efektif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media video pembelajaran mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital dinyatakan layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Utrisa Luftania Furi ◽  
NFn Mustaji

The purpose of this research is to produce a decent and effective digital photo video media for the subject of composition for the students of class XI Multimedia of Vocational High School. The development model used is the ADDIE model. To determine the feasibility of the product is based on expert test ie media experts and content experts. To know the effectiveness of the product is based on a comparison of learning result test between experiment class and control class at SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Based on the results of expert test data analysis obtained conclusion that the learning video media developed feasible to use in learning. The result of the value of pre-test and post- test conducted in control class and experimental class by using t-test obtained t-count is 13,11 and by using t-test distribution table with significant level 5% obtained t-table = 2 , 68, thus the video learning media declared effective. The conclusion of this study indicates that the video learning media subjects composition of digital photos declared feasible and effective for students class XI Multimedia Vocational Secondary School.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media video mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital yang layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk didasarkan pada uji ahli yakni ahli media dan ahli isi. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan produk didasarkan pada perbandingan tes hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol di SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data uji ahli diperoleh simpulan bahwa media video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil nilai dari pre-test dan post-test yang dilakukan pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan uji-t diperoleh t-hitung adalah 13,11 dan dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi uji-t dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh t-tabel = 2,68, dengan demikian media video pembelajaran dinyatakan efektif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media video pembelajaran mata pelajaran komposisi foto digital dinyatakan layak dan efektif bagi siswa kelas XI Multimedia Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Meryanti Napitupulu And Anni Holila Pulungan

This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of applying Demonstration Method on students’ achievement in speaking skill. It was an experimental research. The subject was students of Grade XII, Vocational High School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan: SMK), which consisted of 79 students. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was speaking test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula. The result of the reliability was 0.7, and it was found that the test was reliable. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significant m = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 77, t-observed value 8.9 > t-table value 1.99. The findings indicate that using Demonstration Method significantly affected the students’ achievement in speaking skill. So, English teachers are suggested to use Demonstration Method in order to improve students’ achievement in speaking skill.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Tawali Tawali

This research is aimed to find out the effect of definitions toward students’ vocabulary mastery: it was an experimental study at the second grade student of MTs NW Haqqul Yaqin Sayang- sayang. The subject of this research was the second grade of MTs NW Haqqul Yaqin Sayang- sayang.The research was used experimental method with quantitative approach. The population of this research consist of 55 students, and the sample is 29 for experimental group while 26 for control group. The technique of collecting data was used definition for experimental group and matching word with antonym for control group. The data was collected by using post-test only and the data was analyzed by t-test formula. Based on data analysis the mean score of experimental group was 76,4 and control group was 69,23, beside of that standard deviation for experimental group was 114,28 and for control group was 113,09 and the value of t-test was 2,44 and t-table was 2,000. Degree of freedom is 53 with significant level 0,05. It means that the value of t-test was higher than t-table (t-test ˃ t-table). The alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Thus, the conclusion of this research was there was an effect of definition toward students’ vocabulary mastery: an experimental study at the second grade students of MTs NW Haqqul Yaqin Sayang-sayang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-88
Ahmad Muzaffar ◽  
Adhe Saputra

Small sided-games training is a small-scale field, an appropriate situation developed for young players, so they can learn and develop. Small sided games training is also one of the methods of soccer training using smaller fields with fewer players. This training method  is a fairly effective exercise in physical improvement, techniques and tactics Passing is to feed the ball or pass the ball to a friend, while passing determination is the ability to set goals / pass the ball according to the goal or target. This research is an experimental research conducted with the aim to find out whether or not there is a result of something done on the sample to be studied. The research began with a pretest and ended with a posttest. The number of samples in this study amounted to 20 people. The training given was done during 16 meetings. This research was tested using a statistical analysis of the hipotsis test (t test). Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the small sided games exercise gives a significant effect on the accuracy of passing on extracurricular students at SMP Negeri  1 Muaro Jambi, proven in the pre-test and post-test assessments with an average pre-test = 505 and post-test = 7.65, with the increment difference of 7.65. This can be seen by the T test that is Tcount = 3.492787 ˃ Ttable = 1.72913. Based on the results of research and  calculations from the data and discussions that have been carried out, this research proves that there is an influence of small sided games training on the passing accuracy of extracurricular students at Muaro Jambi State Junior High School. Small sided-games training is a small-scale field, an appropriate situation developed for young players, so they can learn and develop. Small sided games training is also one of the methods of soccer training using smaller fields with fewer players. This training method  is a fairly effective exercise in physical improvement, techniques and tactics Passing is to feed the ball or pass the ball to a friend, while passing determination is the ability to set goals / pass the ball according to the goal or target. This research is an experimental research conducted with the aim to find out whether or not there is a result of something done on the sample to be studied. The research began with a pretest and ended with a posttest. The number of samples in this study amounted to 20 people. The training given was done during 16 meetings. This research was tested using a statistical analysis of the hipotsis test (t test). Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the small sided games exercise gives a significant effect on the accuracy of passing on extracurricular students at SMP Negeri  1 Muaro Jambi, proven in the pre-test and post-test assessments with an average pre-test = 505 and post-test = 7.65, with the increment difference of 7.65. This can be seen by the T test that is Tcount = 3.492787 ˃ Ttable = 1.72913. Based on the results of research and  calculations from the data and discussions that have been carried out, this research proves that there is an influence of small sided games training on the passing accuracy of extracurricular students at Muaro Jambi State Junior High School.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Nur Rahmi Akbarini ◽  
Wiedy Murtini ◽  
Andre N Rahmanto

The objective of research was to reveal: (1) the learning outcome of students in experiment class, (2) the learning outcome of students in control class, (3) the effect of lectora inspire-based interactive learning media on the learning outcome of students. This study was a quasi-experiment research with Pretest-Posttest Control Design with students of SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta being the subject of research. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire and test. The result of research showed that: (1) the learning outcome for experiment class indicated mean posttest value of 84.53, (2) the learning outcome for control class indicated mean posttest value of 71.73, and (3) there was an effect of Lectora Inspire-based interactive learning media on the learning outcome of students, as can be seen from the result of t-test calculation with t statistic 0,000< t table 0.05. The conclusion of research was that there was a difference of effect of lectora inspire-based interactive learning media application on the learning outcome of students between control and experiment classes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3S) ◽  
pp. 37
Ercan Gür ◽  
Gürkan Tokgöz

The aim of this study is to research on the effect of core exercises on the upper extremity posture structure of young individuals. 30 male students between 16 to 18 years old studying in a high school in the province of Elazig and not doing regular sport volunteered for this study. The participants were randomly divided into two as the subject group and the control group; each group was formed with 15 people. Out of the groups formed, the subject group carried out specially designated core exercises for 8 weeks, and for 3 days each week. The control group didn't do any work; they continued their normal lives. Before and after the study, the height, weight, body mass index, bodily fat percentage, upper extremity posture(from the front, back, right and left)of the subject and control groups formed were measured and the Adams(stoop) test was applied. The data obtained were analyzed through SPSS 22.0 statistical program. For the in-group and intergroup comparisons, ındependent samples T test and paired samples T test were used. After the statistical analysis, during the initial and subsequent test comparisons of the control group, no difference was detected in measurements apart from the one for shoulders from the anterior side. Statistical differences were determined for a lot of values during the comparison of the initial and subsequent test results of the subject group and during the comparison of the differences between the initial and subsequent test results of the subject and control group. In conclusion, it was determined that core exercises made a positive impact on the upper extremity posture structures of male individuals between the ages of 16 and 18. 

Benny Jefri Wijaya Hutabarat And Tina Mariany Arifin

This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of applying skimming technique on Grade XI students’ reading comprehension. It was an experimental research. The subject was students of Grade XI, Private Senior High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas Swasta: SMA) Methodist-7, which consisted of 60 students. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was reading comprehension test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula. The result of the reliability was 0.89. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analyze showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 60 , t-observed value 3.71 > t-table value 2.00. Based on the reliability of the test, it was found that the test was reliable. The findings indicated that using Skimming Technique significantly affected the students’ reading comprehension. So, English teachers are suggested to use Skimming Technique in order to improve students’ reading comprehension.   Keywords: Skimming Technique, Reading Comprehension, Experimental Research.

Dita Fitriana ◽  
Rahmawati Khadijah Maro

Vocabulary is the language resource, students have to know vocabularies to produce sentences. Thus, the aim of this study was to find out whether snake and ladder board game could improve students’ vocabulary mastery or not. The subject analyzed in this research were the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah I. The experimental group was X-IPS-I while the control group was X-IPS-II.This study employed quantitative research design. This design was selected due to this present study was required a concrete evidence whether Snake and Ladder Board Game could enhance students’ vocabulary mastery in senior high school or not. In this study the instruments used were pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The pre-test was given to both experimental and control group. After the pre-test was given to both groups, then the experimental group was treated or taught by using snake and ladder board game, while the control group was not treated by using snake and ladder board game. After that, the post-test was also given to both experimental and control group. The researcher used t-test to know the significant difference between the mean score of the experimental and control group. The process of t-test was counted using computer SPSS 17 version.The result of this study was shown that snake and ladder board game could improve students’ vocabulary mastery due to the score of pre-test in control group was higher than the pre-test score of experimental group. Otherwise, the post-test score of experimental group was higher than the control group. Accordingly, related to the result of this experimental research, the researcher concludes that snake and ladder board game can improve students’ vocabulary mastery in the first year students of senior high school.

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