scholarly journals Detecting Global Change In The Arctic

1990 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 362-362
Gunter Weller

Numerical models have predicted global temperature increases due to rising atmospheric CO2 levels, which should be detectable by now, but have not yet been identified in an unambiguous manner. This detection is complicated by inadequate data and by the fact that climate can be changed by factors other than CO2 increases. A systematic monitoring strategy is therefore needed to assess global change. In the Arctic, cryospheric parameters, including sea ice, snow cover, glaciers and permafrost are sensitive indicators of climate change and their monitoring by satellites and surface observations is of particular interest. Sea ice and snow cover are perhaps the most important of these parameters. They respond quickly to climate change, and in turn directly affect the climate through feedback processes; major changes in ice and snow extent and thickness can be expected as a consequence of climate change. Glaciers also respond to climatic variability by changes in their mass balance which can be monitored. Melting glaciers raise the level of the world ocean, and the glaciers of the sub-Arctic, particularly in the Alaskan coastal mountains, have been major contributors to the observed sea-level rise of about 20–30 cm over the last century. Past temperature changes are recorded in glacier ice and permafrost and techniques are now available to reconstruct past climates from these sources.The numerical models of the CO2 greenhouse effect show the polar regions to be affected most strongly by greenhouse warming, and sea ice, snow, glaciers and permafrost should be good indicators of such a global change. The known responses and sensitivities of cryospheric parameters to climate change are reviewed, and a monitoring strategy is suggested. The Alaska SAR Facility, utilizing synthetic aperture radar from several spacecraft scheduled for launch in the 1990s, will be a key facility for collecting and analyzing climate-related satellite data. Its monitoring capabilities are briefly reviewed.

1990 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 362 ◽  
Gunter Weller

Numerical models have predicted global temperature increases due to rising atmospheric CO2 levels, which should be detectable by now, but have not yet been identified in an unambiguous manner. This detection is complicated by inadequate data and by the fact that climate can be changed by factors other than CO2 increases. A systematic monitoring strategy is therefore needed to assess global change. In the Arctic, cryospheric parameters, including sea ice, snow cover, glaciers and permafrost are sensitive indicators of climate change and their monitoring by satellites and surface observations is of particular interest. Sea ice and snow cover are perhaps the most important of these parameters. They respond quickly to climate change, and in turn directly affect the climate through feedback processes; major changes in ice and snow extent and thickness can be expected as a consequence of climate change. Glaciers also respond to climatic variability by changes in their mass balance which can be monitored. Melting glaciers raise the level of the world ocean, and the glaciers of the sub-Arctic, particularly in the Alaskan coastal mountains, have been major contributors to the observed sea-level rise of about 20–30 cm over the last century. Past temperature changes are recorded in glacier ice and permafrost and techniques are now available to reconstruct past climates from these sources. The numerical models of the CO2 greenhouse effect show the polar regions to be affected most strongly by greenhouse warming, and sea ice, snow, glaciers and permafrost should be good indicators of such a global change. The known responses and sensitivities of cryospheric parameters to climate change are reviewed, and a monitoring strategy is suggested. The Alaska SAR Facility, utilizing synthetic aperture radar from several spacecraft scheduled for launch in the 1990s, will be a key facility for collecting and analyzing climate-related satellite data. Its monitoring capabilities are briefly reviewed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 97 (11) ◽  
pp. 2163-2176 ◽  
Abhay Devasthale ◽  
Joseph Sedlar ◽  
Brian H. Kahn ◽  
Michael Tjernström ◽  
Eric J. Fetzer ◽  

Abstract Arctic sea ice is declining rapidly and its annual ice extent minima reached record lows twice during the last decade. Large environmental and socioeconomic implications related to sea ice reduction in a warming world necessitate realistic simulations of the Arctic climate system, not least to formulate relevant environmental policies on an international scale. However, despite considerable progress in the last few decades, future climate projections from numerical models still exhibit the largest uncertainties over the polar regions. The lack of sufficient observations of essential climate variables is partly to blame for the poor representation of key atmospheric processes, and their coupling to the surface, in climate models. Observations from the hyperspectral Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument on board the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s Aqua satellite are contributing toward improved understanding of the vertical structure of the atmosphere over the poles since 2002, including the lower troposphere. This part of the atmosphere is especially important in the Arctic, as it directly impacts sea ice and its short-term variability. Although in situ measurements provide invaluable ground truth, they are spatially and temporally inhomogeneous and sporadic over the Arctic. A growing number of studies are exploiting AIRS data to investigate the thermodynamic structure of the Arctic atmosphere, with applications ranging from understanding processes to deriving climatologies—all of which are also useful to test and improve parameterizations in climate models. As the AIRS data record now extends more than a decade, a select few of many such noteworthy applications of AIRS data over this challenging and rapidly changing landscape are highlighted here.

2021 ◽  
Katharina Hartmuth ◽  
Lukas Papritz ◽  
Maxi Boettcher ◽  
Heini Wernli

<p>Single extreme weather events such as intense storms or blocks can have a major impact on polar surface temperatures, the formation and melting rates of sea-ice, and, thus, on minimum and maximum sea-ice extent within a particular year. Anomalous weather conditions on the time scale of an entire season, for example resulting from an unusual sequence of storms, can affect the polar energy budget and sea-ice coverage even more. Here, we introduce the concept of an extreme season in a distinct region using an EOF analysis in the phase space spanned by anomalies of a set of surface parameters (surface temperature, precipitation, surface solar and thermal radiation and surface heat fluxes). To focus on dynamical instead of climate change aspects, we define anomalies as departures of the seasonal mean from a transient climatology. The goal of this work is to study the dynamical processes leading to such anomalous seasons in the polar regions, which have not yet been analysed. Specifically, we focus here on a detailed analysis of Arctic extreme seasons and their underlying atmospheric dynamics in the ERA5 reanalysis data set.</p><p>We find that in regions covered predominantly by sea ice, extreme seasons are mostly determined by anomalies of atmospheric dynamical features such as cyclones and blocking. In contrast, in regions including large areas of open water the formation of extreme seasons can also be partially due to preconditioning during previous seasons, leading to strong anomalies in the sea ice concentration and/or sea surface temperatures at the beginning of the extreme season.</p><p>Two particular extreme season case studies in the Kara-Barents Seas are discussed in more detail. In this region, the winter of 2011/12 shows the largest positive departure of surface temperature from the background warming trend together with a negative anomaly in the sea ice concentration. An analysis of the synoptic situation shows that the strongly reduced frequency of cold air outbreaks compared to climatology combined with several blocking events and the frequent occurrence of cyclones transporting warm air into the region favored the continuous anomalies of both parameters. In contrast, the winter of 2016/17, which shows a positive precipitation anomaly and negative anomaly in the surface energy balance, was favored by a strong surface preconditioning. An extremely warm summer and autumn in 2016 caused strongly reduced sea ice concentrations and increased sea surface temperatures in the Kara-Barents Seas at the beginning of the winter, favoring increased air-sea fluxes and precipitation during the following months.</p><p>Our results reveal a high degree of variability of the processes involved in the formation of extreme seasons in the Arctic. Quantifying and understanding these processes will also be important when considering climate change effects in polar regions and the ability of climate models in reproducing extreme seasons in the Arctic and Antarctica.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (18) ◽  
pp. 2880
Shuang Liang ◽  
Jiangyuan Zeng ◽  
Zhen Li ◽  
Dejing Qiao ◽  
Ping Zhang ◽  

Sea ice concentration (SIC) plays a significant role in climate change research and ship’s navigation in polar regions. Satellite-based SIC products have become increasingly abundant in recent years; however, the uncertainty of these products still exists and needs to be further investigated. To comprehensively evaluate the consistency of the SIC derived from different SIC algorithms in long time series and the whole polar regions, we compared four passive microwave (PM) satellite SIC products with the ERA-Interim sea ice fraction dataset during the period of 2015–2018. The PM SIC products include the SSMIS/ASI, AMSR2/BT, the Chinese FY3B/NT2, and FY3C/NT2. The results show that the remotely sensed SIC products derived from different SIC algorithms are generally in good consistency. The spatial and temporal distribution of discrepancy among satellite SIC products for both Arctic and Antarctic regions are also observed. The most noticeable difference for all the four SIC products mostly occurs in summer and at the marginal ice zone, indicating that large uncertainties exist in satellite SIC products in such period and areas. The SSMIS/ASI and AMSR2/BT show relatively better consistency with ERA-Interim in the Arctic and Antarctic, respectively, but they exhibit opposite bias (dry/wet) relative to the ERA-Interim data. The sea ice extent (SIE) and sea ice area (SIA) derived from PM and ERA-Interim SIC were also compared. It is found that the difference of PM SIE and SIA varies seasonally, which is in line with that of PM SIC, and the discrepancy between PM and ERA-Interim data is larger in Arctic than in Antarctic. We also noticed that different algorithms have different performances in different regions and periods; therefore, the hybrid of multiple algorithms is a promising way to improve the accuracy of SIC retrievals. It is expected that our findings can contribute to improving the satellite SIC algorithms and thus promote the application of these useful products in global climate change studies.

Elem Sci Anth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Nadja S. Steiner ◽  
Jeff Bowman ◽  
Karley Campbell ◽  
Melissa Chierici ◽  
Eeva Eronen-Rasimus ◽  

A rigorous synthesis of the sea-ice ecosystem and linked ecosystem services highlights that the sea-ice ecosystem supports all 4 ecosystem service categories, that sea-ice ecosystems meet the criteria for ecologically or biologically significant marine areas, that global emissions driving climate change are directly linked to the demise of sea-ice ecosystems and its ecosystem services, and that the sea-ice ecosystem deserves specific attention in the evaluation of marine protected area planning. The synthesis outlines (1) supporting services, provided in form of habitat, including feeding grounds and nurseries for microbes, meiofauna, fish, birds and mammals (particularly the key species Arctic cod, Boreogadus saida, and Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, which are tightly linked to the sea-ice ecosystem and transfer carbon from sea-ice primary producers to higher trophic level fish, mammal species and humans); (2) provisioning services through harvesting and medicinal and genetic resources; (3) cultural services through Indigenous and local knowledge systems, cultural identity and spirituality, and via cultural activities, tourism and research; (4) (climate) regulating services through light regulation, the production of biogenic aerosols, halogen oxidation and the release or uptake of greenhouse gases, for example, carbon dioxide. The ongoing changes in the polar regions have strong impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services. While the response of sea-ice–associated primary production to environmental change is regionally variable, the effect on ice-associated mammals and birds is predominantly negative, subsequently impacting human harvesting and cultural services in both polar regions. Conservation can help protect some species and functions. However, the key mitigation measure that can slow the transition to a strictly seasonal ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, reduce the overall loss of sea-ice habitats from the ocean, and thus preserve the unique ecosystem services provided by sea ice and their contributions to human well-being is a reduction in carbon emissions.

1998 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 543-552 ◽  
Gunter Weller

Regional assessments of impacts due to global climate change are a high priority in the international programs on global-change research. in the polar regions, climate models indicate an amplification of global greenhouse warming, but there are large differences between the results of various models, and uncertainties about the magnitude and timing of the expected changes. Also, the observed high-latitude climate trends over the past few decades are much more regional and patchy than predicted by the models. As a first step in assessing possible climate impacts, model results are compared with observations of changes in temperature, precipitation, sea-ice extent, the permafrost regime and other cryospheric parameters. While considerable uncertainties remain in the long-term prediction of change, there is some agreement between model results and observed trends by season on shorter time-scales, The warming observed over the land masses of the Arctic over the past few decades is matched by corresponding observed decreases in snow cover the glacier mass, balances, by thawing of the permafrost, and to a lesser degree by reductions in sea-ice extent. in Antarctica, warming in the Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Sea regions is associated with large decreases in ice-shelf areas and reduced ice thicknesses on the lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Major future impacts due to global greenhouse warming are likely to include permafrost thawing on and and its consequences for ecosystems and humans; changes in the productivity of marine ecosystems in the Arctic and Southern Ocean: economic impacts on fisheries, petroleum and other human activities; and social impacts on northern indigenous populations. Some of these impacts will have positive ramifications, but most are likely to be detrimental. While uncertainties exist about the future, climate change in the polar regions during the past few decades can be shown to have had major impacts already which will become much mole pronounced if present trends continue.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (17) ◽  
pp. 3425-3437 ◽  
Mattia Greco ◽  
Lukas Jonkers ◽  
Kerstin Kretschmer ◽  
Jelle Bijma ◽  
Michal Kucera

Abstract. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma is the dominant planktonic foraminifera species in the polar regions. In the northern high-latitude ocean, it makes up more than 90 % of the total assemblages, making it the dominant pelagic calcifier and carrier of paleoceanographic proxies. To assess the reaction of this species to a future shaped by climate change and to be able to interpret the paleoecological signal contained in its shells, its depth habitat must be known. Previous work showed that N. pachyderma in the northern polar regions has a highly variable depth habitat, ranging from the surface mixed layer to several hundreds of metres below the surface, and the origin of this variability remained unclear. In order to investigate the factors controlling the depth habitat of N. pachyderma, we compiled new and existing population density profiles from 104 stratified plankton tow hauls collected in the Arctic and the North Atlantic oceans during 14 oceanographic expeditions. For each vertical profile, the depth habitat (DH) was calculated as the abundance-weighted mean depth of occurrence. We then tested to what degree environmental factors (mixed-layer depth, sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, and sea ice concentration) and ecological factors (synchronized reproduction and daily vertical migration) can predict the observed DH variability and compared the observed DH behaviour with simulations by a numerical model predicting planktonic foraminifera distribution. Our data show that the DH of N. pachyderma varies between 25 and 280 m (average ∼100 m). In contrast with the model simulations, which indicate that DH is associated with the depth of chlorophyll maximum, our analysis indicates that the presence of sea ice together with the concentration of chlorophyll a at the surface have the strongest influence on the vertical habitat of this species. N. pachyderma occurs deeper when sea ice and chlorophyll concentrations are low, suggesting a time-transgressive response to the evolution of (near) surface conditions during the annual cycle. Since only surface parameters appear to affect the vertical habitat of N. pachyderma, light or light-dependant processes might influence the ecology of this species. Our results can be used to improve predictions of the response of the species to climate change and thus to refine paleoclimatic reconstructions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1957
Fabian Reiser ◽  
Sascha Willmes ◽  
Günther Heinemann

The presence of sea ice leads in the sea ice cover represents a key feature in polar regions by controlling the heat exchange between the relatively warm ocean and cold atmosphere due to increased fluxes of turbulent sensible and latent heat. Sea ice leads contribute to the sea ice production and are sources for the formation of dense water which affects the ocean circulation. Atmospheric and ocean models strongly rely on observational data to describe the respective state of the sea ice since numerical models are not able to produce sea ice leads explicitly. For the Arctic, some lead datasets are available, but for the Antarctic, no such data yet exist. Our study presents a new algorithm with which leads are automatically identified in satellite thermal infrared images. A variety of lead metrics is used to distinguish between true leads and detection artefacts with the use of fuzzy logic. We evaluate the outputs and provide pixel-wise uncertainties. Our data yield daily sea ice lead maps at a resolution of 1 km2 for the winter months November– April 2002/03–2018/19 (Arctic) and April–September 2003–2019 (Antarctic), respectively. The long-term average of the lead frequency distributions show distinct features related to bathymetric structures in both hemispheres.

2019 ◽  
Mattia Greco ◽  
Lukas Jonkers ◽  
Kerstin Kretschmer ◽  
Jelle Bijma ◽  
Michal Kucera

Abstract. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma is the dominant species in the polar regions. In the northern high latitude ocean, it makes up more than 90 % of the total planktonic foraminifera assemblages, making it the dominant pelagic calcifier and carrier of paleoceanographic proxies. To assess the reaction of this species to future climate change and to be able to interpret the paleoecological signal contained in its shells, its habitat depth must be known. Previous work showed that N. pachyderma in the northern polar regions has a highly variable depth habitat, ranging from the surface mixed layer to several hundreds of metres below the surface, and the origin of this variability remained unclear. In order to investigate the factors controlling the habitat depth of N. pachyderma, we compiled new and existing population density profiles from 104 stratified plankton tow hauls collected in the Arctic and the North Atlantic Oceans during 14 oceanographic expeditions. For each vertical profile, the Depth Habitat (DH) was calculated as the abundance-weighted mean depth of occurrence. We then tested to what degree environmental factors (mixed layer depth, sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, Chlorophyll a concentration and sea ice concentration) and ecological factors (synchronised reproduction and daily vertical migration) can predict the observed DH variability and compared the observed DH behaviour with simulations by a numerical model predicting planktonic foraminifera distribution. Our data show that the DH of N. pachyderma varies between 25 m and 280 m (average ~ 100 m). In contrast with the model simulations, which indicate that DH is associated with the depth of chlorophyll maximum, our analysis indicates that the presence of sea-ice together with the concentration of chlorophyll at the surface have the strongest influence on the vertical habitat of this species. N. pachyderma occurs deeper when sea-ice and chlorophyll concentrations are low, suggesting a time transgressive response to the evolution of (near) surface conditions during the annual cycle. Since only surface parameters appear to affect the vertical habitat of N. pachyderma, light or light-dependant processes might influence the ecology of this species. Our results can be used to improve predictions of the response of the species to climate change and thus to refine paleoclimatic reconstructions.

2021 ◽  
Joanna Davies ◽  
Anders Møller Mathiasen ◽  
Kristiane Kristensen ◽  
Christof Pearce ◽  
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz

<p>The polar regions exhibit some of the most visible signs of climate change globally; annual mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has quadrupled in recent decades, from 51 ± 65 Gt yr<sup>−1</sup> (1992-2001) to 211 ± 37 Gt yr<sup>−1</sup> (2002-2011). This can partly be attributed to the widespread retreat and speed-up of marine-terminating glaciers. The Zachariae Isstrøm (ZI) is an outlet glacier of the Northeast Greenland Ice Steam (NEGIS), one of the largest ice streams of the GrIS (700km), draining approximately 12% of the ice sheet interior. Observations show that the ZI began accelerating in 2000, resulting in the collapse of the floating ice shelf between 2002 and 2003. By 2014, the ice shelf extended over an area of 52km<sup>2</sup>, a 95% decrease in area since 2002, where it extended over 1040km<sup>2</sup>. Paleo-reconstructions provide an opportunity to extend observational records in order to understand the oceanic and climatic processes governing the position of the grounding zone of marine terminating glaciers and the extent of floating ice shelves. Such datasets are thus necessary if we are to constrain the impact of future climate change projections on the Arctic cryosphere.</p><p>A multi-proxy approach, involving grain size, geochemical, foraminiferal and sedimentary analysis was applied to marine sediment core DA17-NG-ST8-92G, collected offshore of the ZI, on  the Northeast Greenland Shelf. The aim was to reconstruct changes in the extent of the ZI and the palaeoceanographic conditions throughout the Early to Mid Holocene (c.a. 12,500-5,000 cal. yrs. BP). Evidence from the analysis of these datasets indicates that whilst there has been no grounded ice at the site over the last 12,500 years, the ice shelf of the ZI extended as a floating ice shelf over the site between 12,500 and 9,200 cal. yrs. BP, with the grounding line further inland from our study site. This was followed by a retreat in the ice shelf extent during the Holocene Thermal Maximum; this was likely to have been governed, in part, by basal melting driven by Atlantic Water (AW) recirculated from Svalbard or from the Arctic Ocean. Evidence from benthic foraminifera suggest that there was a shift from the dominance of AW to Polar Water at around 7,500 cal. yrs. BP, although the ice shelf did not expand again despite of this cooling of subsurface waters.</p>

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