scholarly journals Persistent Stochastic Non-Interference

2021 ◽  
Vol 181 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Jane Hillston ◽  
Andrea Marin ◽  
Carla Piazza ◽  
Sabina Rossi

In this paper, we study an information flow security property for systems specified as terms of a quantitative Markovian process algebra, namely the Performance Evaluation Process Algebra (PEPA). We propose a quantitative extension of the Non-Interference property used to secure systems from the functional point view by assuming that the observers are able to measure also the timing properties of the system, e.g., the response time of certain actions or its throughput. We introduce the notion of Persistent Stochastic Non-Interference (PSNI) based on the idea that every state reachable by a process satisfies a basic Stochastic Non-Interference (SNI) property. The structural operational semantics of PEPA allows us to give two characterizations of PSNI: one based on a bisimulation-like equivalence relation inducing a lumping on the underlying Markov chain, and another one based on unwinding conditions which demand properties of individual actions. These two different characterizations naturally lead to efficient methods for the verification and construction of secure systems. A decision algorithm for PSNI is presented and an application of PSNI to a queueing system is discussed.

1993 ◽  
Vol 22 (433) ◽  
Flemming Nielson ◽  
Hanne Riis Nielson

<p>Reppy's language CML extends Standard ML of Milner et al. with primitives for communication. It thus inherits a notion of strong polymorphic typing and may be equipped with a structural operational semantics. We formulate an effect system for statically expressing the communication behaviours of CML programs as these are not otherwise reflected in the types.</p><p>We then show how types and behaviours evolve in the course of computation: types may decrease and behaviours may loose alternatives as well as decrease. It will turn out that the syntax of behaviours is rather similar to that of a process algebra; our main results may therefore be viewed as regarding the semantics of a process algebra as an <em>abstraction</em> of the semantics of an underlying programming language. This establishes a new kind of connection between ''realistic'' concurrent programming languages and ''theoretical'' process algebras.</p>

1998 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 481-540 ◽  

This paper, a revised version of Rutten and Turi (1993), is part of a programme aiming at formulating a mathematical theory of structural operational semantics to complement the established theory of domains and denotational semantics to form a coherent whole (Turi 1996; Turi and Plotkin 1997). The programme is based on a suitable interplay between the induction principle, which pervades modern mathematics, and a dual, non-standard ‘coinduction principle’, which underlies many of the recursive phenomena occurring in computer science.The aim of the present survey is to show that the elementary categorical notion of a final coalgebra is a suitable foundation for such a coinduction principle. The properties of coalgebraic coinduction are studied both at an abstract categorical level and in some specific categories used in semantics, namely categories of non-well-founded sets, partial orders and metric spaces.

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