information flow security
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (OOPSLA) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Pengbo Yan ◽  
Toby Murray

We present Security Relaxed Separation Logic (SecRSL), a separation logic for proving information-flow security of C11 programs in the Release-Acquire fragment with relaxed accesses. SecRSL is the first security logic that (1) supports weak-memory reasoning about programs in a high-level language; (2) inherits separation logic’s virtues of compositional, local reasoning about (3) expressive security policies like value-dependent classification. SecRSL is also, to our knowledge, the first security logic developed over an axiomatic memory model. Thus we also present the first definitions of information-flow security for an axiomatic weak memory model, against which we prove SecRSL sound. SecRSL ensures that programs satisfy a constant-time security guarantee, while being free of undefined behaviour. We apply SecRSL to implement and verify the functional correctness and constant-time security of a range of concurrency primitives, including a spinlock module, a mixed-sensitivity mutex, and multiple synchronous channel implementations. Empirical performance evaluations of the latter demonstrate SecRSL’s power to support the development of secure and performant concurrent C programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 181 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Jane Hillston ◽  
Andrea Marin ◽  
Carla Piazza ◽  
Sabina Rossi

In this paper, we study an information flow security property for systems specified as terms of a quantitative Markovian process algebra, namely the Performance Evaluation Process Algebra (PEPA). We propose a quantitative extension of the Non-Interference property used to secure systems from the functional point view by assuming that the observers are able to measure also the timing properties of the system, e.g., the response time of certain actions or its throughput. We introduce the notion of Persistent Stochastic Non-Interference (PSNI) based on the idea that every state reachable by a process satisfies a basic Stochastic Non-Interference (SNI) property. The structural operational semantics of PEPA allows us to give two characterizations of PSNI: one based on a bisimulation-like equivalence relation inducing a lumping on the underlying Markov chain, and another one based on unwinding conditions which demand properties of individual actions. These two different characterizations naturally lead to efficient methods for the verification and construction of secure systems. A decision algorithm for PSNI is presented and an application of PSNI to a queueing system is discussed.

Marco Eilers ◽  
Severin Meier ◽  
Peter Müller

AbstractMost existing program verifiers check trace properties such as functional correctness, but do not support the verification of hyperproperties, in particular, information flow security. In principle, product programs allow one to reduce the verification of hyperproperties to trace properties and, thus, apply standard verifiers to check them; in practice, product constructions are usually defined only for simple programming languages without features like dynamic method binding or concurrency and, consequently, cannot be directly applied to verify information flow security in a full-fledged language. However, many existing verifiers encode programs from source languages into simple intermediate verification languages, which opens up the possibility of constructing a product program on the intermediate language level, reusing the existing encoding and drastically reducing the effort required to develop new verification tools for information flow security. In this paper, we explore the potential of this approach along three dimensions: (1) Soundness: We show that the combination of an encoding and a product construction that are individually sound can still be unsound, and identify a novel condition on the encoding that ensures overall soundness. (2) Concurrency: We show how sequential product programs on the intermediate language level can be used to verify information flow security of concurrent source programs. (3) Performance: We implement a product construction in Nagini, a Python verifier built upon the Viper intermediate language, and evaluate it on a number of challenging examples. We show that the resulting tool offers acceptable performance, while matching or surpassing existing tools in its combination of language feature support and expressiveness.

Jan Baumeister ◽  
Norine Coenen ◽  
Borzoo Bonakdarpour ◽  
Bernd Finkbeiner ◽  
César Sánchez

AbstractHyperproperties are properties of computational systems that require more than one trace to evaluate, e.g., many information-flow security and concurrency requirements. Where a trace property defines a set of traces, a hyperproperty defines a set of sets of traces. The temporal logics HyperLTL and HyperCTL* have been proposed to express hyperproperties. However, their semantics are synchronous in the sense that all traces proceed at the same speed and are evaluated at the same position. This precludes the use of these logics to analyze systems whose traces can proceed at different speeds and allow that different traces take stuttering steps independently. To solve this problem in this paper, we propose an asynchronous variant of HyperLTL. On the negative side, we show that the model-checking problem for this variant is undecidable. On the positive side, we identify a decidable fragment which covers a rich set of formulas with practical applications. We also propose two model-checking algorithms that reduce our problem to the HyperLTL model-checking problem in the synchronous semantics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 2687-2705
Congdong Lv ◽  
Ji Zhang ◽  
Zhoubao Sun ◽  
Gang Qian

Entropy ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 753
Xi ◽  
Lv ◽  
Sun ◽  

The advances in mobile technologies enable mobile devices to cooperate with each other to perform complex tasks to satisfy users’ composite service requirements. However, data with different sensitivities and heterogeneous systems with diverse security policies pose a great challenge on information flow security during the service composition across multiple mobile devices. The qualitative information flow control mechanism based on non-interference provides a solid security assurance on the propagation of customer’s private data across multiple service participants. However, strict discipline limits the service availability and may cause a high failure rate on service composition. Therefore, we propose a distributed quantitative information flow evaluation approach for service composition across multiple devices in mobile environments. The quantitative approach provides us a more precise way to evaluate the leakage and supports the customized disciplines on information flow security for the diverse requirements of different customers. Considering the limited energy feature on mobile devices, we use a distributed evaluation approach to provide a better balance on consumption on each service participant. Through the experiments and evaluations, the results indicate that our approach can improve the availability of composite service effectively while the security can be ensured.

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