Bastiar Bastiar

In Islamic law, a marriage contract is not only a civil matter but also a very strong sacred bond that is worth of worship. Therefore, marriage must be maintained properly to realize the sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family, but when it is in a sacred bond, there are some couples who are reluctant to fulfill their responsibilities and demand right that are not theirs so that the sakinah family will be difficult to be actualized. This study aimed to determine the understanding of husband and wife about rights and responbilities, and a significant relationship between the rights and obligations acomplishment of husband and wife in realizing a harmonious marriage or sakinah family. This research was normative-empirical legal research in the form of analytical prescriptive which was supported by primary and secondary data. Data collection was obtained through library research, documentation, interviews, and observation. Based on the research was conducted, it found the results: First, husband and wife understand that the position of wife and husband in the household are the same, but they have different rights and obligations, although on the other hand the community understands that the position of the wife in the family is under the husband, they understand it from fiqh salf which states that the wife must uphold her husband with an honor and glory. Second, the concept of Islamic marriage teaches that the rights possessed by husband and wife are balanced with the obligations burdened on them, a husband or wife has balanced obligations. Third, to build a harmonious, peace and peaceful family, they can be performed with developing the Islamic teachings, fostering the mutual respect, coaching the efficient living attitudes, and training a self-awareness from each married couples. Key Words: Fulfillment, Rights and Responbilities, Husband and Wife, Sakinah Household. Abstrak: Dalam hukum Islam akad perkawinan bukan hanya perkara perdata semata, melainkan juga ikatan suci yang sangat kokoh yang bernilai ibadah. Untuk itu perkawinan harus dipelihara dengan baik sehingga akan terwujudnya keluarga sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah, namun ketika telah berada dalam ikatan suci, ada pasangan yang enggan memenuhi kewajiban dan penuntutan hak yang diluar haknya maka keluarga sakinah sebagaimana harapan akan sulit terealisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman pasangan suami istri tentang hak dan kewajiban suami istri, dan hubungan yang signifikan antara pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami isteri dalam mewujudkan perkawinan yang harmonis atau perwujudan keluarga sakinah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif-empiris dalam bentuk preskriptif analitis yang didukung oleh data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka, dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan hasil: Pertama, Suami istri memahami bahwa kedudukan istri dan suami dalam rumah tangga sama, namun memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang berbeda, meskipun disisi lain masyarakat memahami bahwa kedudukan istri dalam keluarga berada di bawah suami, hal ini mereka pahami dari pemahaman fikih salaf yang menyebutkan bahwa istri harus menjunjung tinggi suaminya dengan kehormatan dan kemuliaan. Kedua, Konsep pekawinan Islam mengajarkan bahwa hak-hak yang dimiliki oleh suami maupun isteri adalah seimbang dengan kewajiban yang dibebankan kepada mereka,seorang suami atau isteri memiliki kewajiban-kewajiban yang seimbang. Ketiga, untuk mewujufkan keluarga yang harmonis, sakinah dan penuh kedamaian dapat di lakukan dengan cara Pembinaan penghayatan ajaran agama Islam, Pembinaan sikap saling menghormati, Pembinaan sikap Hidup Efisien, dan Pembinaan sikap suka mawas diri dari masing-masing pasangan suami isteri. Kata Kunci: Pemenuhan, Hak dan Kewajiban, Suami Istri, Rumah Tangga

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Mursyid Djawas ◽  
Nida Hani

Abstrak: Agama mewajibkan suami memberi nafkah kepada istri dengan adanya ikatan perkawinan yang sah. Setelah akad nikah, maka suami wajib memberikan nafkah kepada istrinya paling kurang kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari. Kenyataannya ada beberapa istri yang menjadi penanggung jawab  keluarganya. di Kecamatan Kute Panang Kabupaten Aceh Tengah istri lebih berperan dalam memenuhi keperluan  rumah tangga, pendidikan anak, kebutuhan anak. Ada beberapa istri yang berprofesi sebagai ibu rumah tangga juga berprofesi sebagai petani, guru dan lainnya. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana peran istri sebagai penanggung jawab keluarga, apa yang melatar belakangi istri menjadi penanggung jawab keluarga dan bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terhadap istri sebagai penanggung jawab keluarga. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini yaitu dengan wawancara, dokumentasi dan angket, serta penelitian perpustakaan (library research), untuk melengkapi data sekunder yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan istri mencari nafkah sebanyak 97% dan istri berperan penuh sebagai penanggung jawab keluarga 42% responden menjawab menyetujui. Adapun yang melatarbelakangi istri menjadi penanggung jawab keluarga ialah: suami tidak mempunyai pekerjaan sama sekali, pendapatan suami yang terbatas, tidak memiliki suami (suami meninggal dunia/ bercerai), istri senang bekerja di luar rumah, meringankan beban suami, jenjang pendidikan istri lebih baik. Islam membolehkan kepada ibu rumah tangga untuk bekerja baik di rumahnya sendiri mau pun diluar rumah, agar mendapatkan dana tambahan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga.Abstract:  religion requires husbands to provide their wives with legitimate marital bonds. After the marriage contract, the husband is obliged to make a living to his wife at least the daily necessities. Some wives are in charge of their families. In Kecamatan Kute Panang District Aceh Tengah The wife is more instrumental in fulfilling household needs, child education, children's needs. Some wives work as housewives as well as farmers, teachers, and others. The problem formulation in this thesis is how the role of the wife as the family responsibilities, what is behind the wife to be the responsibility of the family and how the view of Islamic law on the wife as the responsibility of the family. In this research, the authors use qualitative research methods using a descriptive analysis method. The data collection techniques used in the writing of this thesis are interviews, documentation, and polls, as well as library research, to complement the secondary data needed in this study. The results showed the wife to make a living as much as 97% and the wife played a full role as the family responsibility of 42% of respondents answered approve. The person who is behind the wife of the family is the responsibility: the husband has no job at all, husband's limited income, no husband (husband dies/divorced), wife happy to work outdoors, relieve husband's burden, the education level of the wife is better. Islam allows the housewives to work both in his own home or outdoors, to obtain additional funds to improve the welfare of the household. 

Aulil Amri

In Islamic law, pre-wedding photos have not been regulated in detail. However, pre-wedding photo activities have become commonplace by the community. It becomes a problem when pre-wedding is currently done with an intimate scene, usually the prospective bride uses sexy clothes and is also not accompanied by her mahram when doing pre-wedding photos. Even though there have been many fatwas and studies on the limits of permissibility and prohibition in the pre-wedding procession.The results show that the pre-wedding procession that is carried out by the community in terms of poses, clothes, and also assistance in accordance with Islamic law, the law is permissible. However, it often happens in the community to take photos before the marriage contract with scenes as if they are legally husband and wife and the bride's family knows without prohibiting, directing, and guiding them according to Islamic teachings. In this case the role of the family is very important, we as parents must understand the basis of religious knowledge and how to instill religious values in our children since childhood is the key to this problem dilemma.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Eko Rial Nugroho ◽  
Abdul Wahid

One of the marriage processions is the presence of dowry. The culture of giving dowry differs from one region to another. The practice of the jujuran tradition in Kuala Samboja Village, Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara District has social impacts, including men feeling restrained to get married. Whereas Islam provides convenience, so that each can enjoy a halal and good relationship. The problem is how is the comparison between marriage with the jujuran tradition in the Bugis nomads in Kutai Kartanegara with marriage in Islamic Law. The research method is a normative legal research that bases its analysis on legislation related to the research problems studied. The approach in this study is a doctrinal approach. Sources of research data are secondary data, namely data obtained from library research in the form of legal materials consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials. The results of the study, first, the jujuran tradition is a unity in the traditional marriage procession of the community of Kuala Samboja Village, Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The jujuran tradition is one of the benchmarks for the sustainability of marriage plans. The principle of marriage in the jujuran tradition is that marriage will not be carried out or canceled, if the jujuran cannot be fulfilled by the prospective bridegroom and his family. Secondly, marriage in Islam must fulfill the terms and conditions of marriage. The marriage guardian is one of the important elements in a marriage contract because marriage will no longer valid if it is done without guardian. There has been event that a marriage guardian refusing to marry his daughter on the grounds of contradicting the syara’, a reason that are not justified by the law of shara 'which is referred to as adhal (reluctant) then there must be replaced by wali hakim. The position of the wali hakim in the process of the marriage as the guardian in lieu of the guardian of the prospective bride or replacing the position of the nashab guardian who, due to certain circumstances, cannot or does not want to become a marriage guardian for his daughter. The position and authority of the judge's guardian is the same as the nashab guardian or guardian of the bride lady who is under his guardianship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Muhammad Habib ◽  
Muhammad Shaleh ◽  
 Muhammad Hasbi

An interesting phenomenon that occurs in the people of the Tanjung Pura Subdistrict, Langkat Regency, who still consider the kiai to be a highly respected and respected figure. In terms of problems that occur between husband and wife such as nusyuz and syiqaq, people still believe that by telling the kiai, they will get the best solution as an effort to resolve conflicts that occur in their families. This type of research is juridical-empirical law research (Socio-Legal Research). This research was conducted by looking for field data (field research) and library research, namely analyzing data sources on books. Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews with kiai and communities in several villages in the Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the role played by the kiai in resolving family conflicts in Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency and to find out the review of Islamic law and its legislation related to the resolution of family conflicts involving a kiai. The results of the research that have been carried out conclude that the kiai has a role in reducing family conflicts in the community in the Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency, including the first role of the kiai in providing good solutions to problems faced by married couples, secondly the role of the kiai in trying to reconcile husband and wife. -wife who is in disagreement, the three roles of the kiai are good protectors in an effort to resolve family conflicts. Islam gives up the freedom of settlement to reach an agreement to make peace for those who are in dispute. This is done because Islah-shulh is part of Islamic teachings to resolve a dispute or conflict peacefully. However, it is different from the laws and regulations which have their own rules in the implementation of mediation in court. In accordance with Perma No. 1 of 2016 Article 13 that to be a mediator in the mediation process must have a certificate. With regard to efforts to resolve family conflicts by involving the kiai as hakam, this is permissible. However, the role of the kiai as a mediator or hakam can only be carried out in an effort to resolve disputes that have not been submitted to court with the consent of the conflicting parties. Unless, the kiai already has a certificate as a mediator. Keywords: kiai; mediator; Family

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Febi Febi ◽  
Iskandar Budiman

AbstractThe main problem discussed here is The Domestic Responsibility of Economic Development in Islam, focusing on economic growth analisis of fisherman community in Lhokseumawe. The objective of this discussion is to illustrate the whole things related to right and obligation of husband and wife in the household, particularly the fisherman’s family. This is a qualitative-explorative study. The primary source of data in this study was found from participant observation, questionnaires, and from interview, while the secondary data was collected through document analysis as well as library research which were related to economic growth issues of fisherman’s community. The analysis of data was done through interpretation of proposition which was based on the opinion of Islamic Law Expert (Fuqaha) or Islamic scholars. The result of research shows that Islam recommends that the position of man and women or husband and wife have the same right and obligation based on Islamic Shari’ah. According to Quranic values and Islamic point of view, the position of husband and wife are the same in term of right and obligation in surviving family and educating children, in associating with the community, and also the same right before the law. In case of family economic development, especially for lower scale family as it is experienced by the fisherman’s family in Lhokseumawe, the involvement of wife in working to survive the family is significantly influenced for increasing family income. The efforts of women or wifes to earn for living are very limited because most of the fisherman’s community think that the main responsibility or obligation of earning money to survive the family is burdened exclusively on husband as the head of family. It is necessary to inform and enlighten comprehensively that Islamic Shari’ah has recommended the same right and obligation between husband and wife forimproving welfare of their family.Keywords: Domestic Responsibility, fisherman’s family, economic development

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Febi Febi

AbstractThe main problem discussed here is The Domestic Responsibility of Economic Development in Islam, focusing on economic growth analisis of fisherman community in Lhokseumawe. The objective of this discussion is to illustrate the whole things related to right and obligation of husband and wife in the household, particularly the fisherman’s family. This is a qualitative-explorative study. The primary source of data in this study was found from participant observation, questionnaires, and from interview, while the secondary data was collected through document analysis as well as library research which were related to economic growth issues of fisherman’s community. The analysis of data was done through interpretation of proposition which was based on the opinion of Islamic Law Expert (Fuqaha) or Islamic scholars. The result of research shows that Islam recommends that the position of man and women or husband and wife have the same right and obligation based on Islamic Shari’ah. According to Quranic values and Islamic point of view, the position of husband and wife are the same in term of right and obligation in surviving family and educating children, in associating with the community, and also the same right before the law. In case of family economic development, especially for lower scale family as it is experienced by the fisherman’s family in Lhokseumawe, the involvement of wife in working to survive the family is significantly influenced for increasing family income. The efforts of women or wifes to earn for living are very limited because most of the fisherman’s community think that the main responsibility or obligation of earning money to survive the family is burdened exclusively on husband as the head of family. It is necessary to inform and enlighten comprehensively that Islamic Shari’ah has recommended the same right and obligation between husband and wife forimproving welfare of their family.Keywords: Domestic Responsibility, fisherman’s family, economic development

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-48
Siah Khosyi’ah

The division of marital joint property after the breakup of marriage, whether dropping out of marriage due to divorce or due to death, is a new thing in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). This is because the concept of mutual treasure is not known in the books of classical Islamic jurisprudence of Muslim scholars of the schools at their times, in which their work are always made as referral in the legal cases up to the present days. In Indonesia, the distribution of common property is regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Laws Articles 96 and 97, which stipulate the rules of distribution of joint property for married couples whose married are off as a result of divorce or death. Article 97 of the Compilation of Islamic Law actually provides an overview of the flexibility of the distribution of common marital property, including in certain cases because the article is regulating (regelen) rather than forcing (dwigen), so that the division is not absolutely divided equally between husband and wife, and casuistically the provisions of that article may be disregarded.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ade Jamarudin ◽  
Ofa Ch Pudin

Ijarah is a contract on the transfer of goods or services with rewards instead. Ijarah based transactions with the displacement benefit (rights to), not transfer of ownership (property rights), there ijara financing translates as buying and selling services (wages hired), that take advantage of human power, there is also a translate lease, which take advantage of goods. Application ijarah growing financial institutions in the current Shari'ah is happening on the leasing company (financial institution based on Islamic teachings, as well as Islamic banking is one of the products in Islamic finance. Application ijarah emerging financial institutions shari'ah 'ah at the moment that is happening on the leasing company (financial institution based on Islamic teachings, as well as Islamic banking is one of the Islamic financing products). This research is a library research (library research) and field research (field research), and is descriptive, analytic and comparative. Data sources used in this study are sourced from primary and secondary data. Ijarah transactions are based on the transfer of benefits (use rights), not the transfer of ownership (ownership rights), some translate ijarah financing as the sale and purchase of services (wage wages), i.e., taking the benefits of human labor

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Moh. Faizur Rohman

Abstract: this article discusses changes brought by the ruling of Constitutional Court No. 69/PUU/XIII/2015 which reviewed Marriage Law No. 1/1974, article 29 on pre nuptial agreement.  The article previously stated that such an agreement must be done prior or at the eve of marriage contract was signed. The Constitutional Court  decided upon a petition that nuptial agreement may be done prior the marriage or during the marriage. The implication of this reuling by Constitutional Court is the additional legal protection regime that women can have in marriage against misfortunes such as domestic violence and property loss. In doing so, married couples will be focused on the realization of islamic marriage of everlasting, peaceful and happy family.  Abstrak: Salah satu tujuan utama pernikahan adalah terbentuknya keluarga yang bahagia, kekal, penuh kasih sayang di antara suami istri. Namun di luar itu berkemungkinan terjadi permasalahan dalam perkawinan, sehingga butuh diadakan sebuah perjanjian perkawinan. Dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 pasal 29 ayat (1) disebutkan bahwa perjanjian perkawinan harus diadakan saat atau sebelum perkawinan dilaksanakan. Hal ini dapat mengganggu konsentrasi pasangan terhadap tujuan utama perkawinan. Ditetapkannya putusan MK Nomor 69/PUU/XIII/2015, menjadikan frasa “pada waktu atau sebelum perkawinan dilangsungkan” dalam pasal 29 ayat (1) dimaknai dengan “pada waktu, sebelum dilangsungkan atau selama dalam ikatan perkawinan”. Jadi, perjanjian perkawinan yang semula harus diadakan sebelum atau saat perkawinan dilangsungkan, sekarang boleh diadakan setelah perkawinan dilangsungkan selama dalam ikatan perkawinan. Implikasi dari hal ini adalah adanya perlindungan hukum lebih, terutama bagi perempuan agar tidak menjadi korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, menjamin perlindungan terhadap hak milik atau hak guna bangunan suatu harta, pasangan juga lebih fokus terhadap tujuan utama perkawinan yakni membentuk keluarga yang bahagia, kekal, penuh kasih sayang bersama pasangan.

Heri Herdiawanto ◽  
Valina Singka Subekti

This study examines Hamka's political thinking about Islam and the State in the Basic State debate that took place in the Constituent Assembly 1956-1959. Hamka belongs to the basic group of defenders of the Islamic state with Mohammad Natsir in the Masyumi faction, fighting for Islamic law before other factions namely the Nationalists, Communists, Socialists, Catholics-Protestants and members of the Constituent Assembly who are not fractured. Specifically examines the issue of why Islam is fought for as a state basis by Hamka. and how Hamka thought about the relationship between Islam and the state. The research method used is a type of library research with literature studies or documents consisting of primary and secondary data and reinforced by interviews. The theory used in this study is the theory of religious relations (Islam) and the state. This study found the first, according to Hamka, the Islamic struggle as the basis of the state was as a continuation of the historical ideals of the Indonesian national movement. The second was found that the constituent debate was the repetition of Islamic and nationalist ideological debates in the formulation of the Jakarta Charter. Third, this study also found Hamka's view that the One and Only God Almighty means Tauhid or the concept of the Essence of Allah SWT. The implication of this research theory is to strengthen Islamic thinking legally formally, that is thinking that requires Islam formally plays a major role in state life. The conclusion is that Indonesian society is a heterogeneous society in terms of religion. This means that constitutionally the state recognizes the diversity of religions embraced by the Indonesian people and guarantees the freedom of every individual to embrace religion and realize the teachings he believes in all aspects of life. Hamka in the Constituent Assembly stated that the struggle to establish a state based on Islam rather than a secular state for Islamic groups was a continuation of the ideals of historical will.

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