scholarly journals Strategi Komunikasi Pariwisata Provinsi Maluku Utara pada Event Widi International Fishing Tournamen (WIFT) 2017

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hani Yuniani

Abstract   Promotion of tourism that simultaneously surge in various regions in Indonesia is currently experiencing quite encouraging developments. Indonesia's tourism potential, which is largely a marine potential, encourages local governments to manage it so that it can become an icon of the region in the world arena. Sports tourism activities are now a strategy of local governments to build their region. Like the international cycling race in Ambon that encourages the acceleration of the construction of roads that become the means of competition, as well as build a connecting road to the remote areas. Today International fishing events are also the trigger of development to remote areas. This is done by North Maluku Provincial Government through the international fishing contest, Widi International Fishing Tournament 2017 (WIFT) 2017. The event held in Widi Islands, South Halmahera Regency took place on 25-29 October 2017, is expected to become a prestigious international competition for trophies president of RI. The research method used descriptive qualitative method by evaluating marketing mix principles (marketing mix). The results revealed that the preparation (planning) is the key to success of an area in organizing a sport tourism event. In communication studies, tourism promotion can be seen as practice / implementation of local government strategy in forming image / image of an organization (government). The results revealed that promotional activities and publications at the level of government conducted by Disparpor Halsel Regency has not run optimally. However, thanks to the collaboration with all stakeholders, this event can take place orderly and smoothly. This inaugural event can be quite successful. However, with all the limitations that exist, this event has proved that marine tourism Indonesia has ogled international tourists .. this is the image / image that has been successfully built properly. Keyword: Communication tourism, Marketing Mix, WIFT 2017.

2021 ◽  

Karo regency has alot of tourism potential consist of marine tourism, religious tourism, culture tourism, ecotourism and others. The tourist destination have it’s own appeal for domestic or foreign tourists. The tourist visits increased every year. This study aims to determine the potential and strategy for developing tourism in Karo District. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Research informants were determined purposively. The technique of collecting data was done by observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis data is was with data reduction, presentation of data, conclusion and data triangulation. The data are presented and analyzed in descriptively. The results shows that department of tourism Karo regency have strategy to develop the tourism. Development strategy used such as; Man, for maximize human resources quantity of department of tourism Karo regency, then departmen of tourism has cooperate with stakeholder such as community, agent, blogger, and establish tourism promotion agency for support the tourism marketing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Zhikry Fitrian ◽  
Eka Nor Santi ◽  
Fajar Febrian Putranto

ABSTRAK  Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur melalui Visi Kaltim Maju 2018, yakni Mewujudkan Kaltim Sejahtera yang Merata dan Berkeadilan Berbasis Agroindustri dan Energi Ramah Lingkungan, berupaya untuk mengubah perekonomiannya yang semula berdasarkan pada unrenewable resources menjadi renewable resources berbasis agroindustri. Walaupun agroindustri menjadi visi utama Provinsi Kalimantan Timur namun dalam kurun waktu 2014-2017 peningkatan PDRB dari Sektor Pertanian hanya terjadi di bawah angka 1%. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis investasi di sektor agroindustri di provinsi Kalimantan Timur dalam pemasaran daerah. Pasca desentralisasi, pemerintah daerah harus dapat menarik investasi di daerah. Khususnya, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur yang memiliki visi untuk menjadi provinsi agroindustri, memerlukan kiat-kiat khusus bagi investor yang mau menanamkan modalnya di Kalimantan Timur pada sektor agroindustri. Analisis yang digunakan adalah segmentasi pasar, analisis SWOT, diferensiasi dan bauran pemasaran. Hasil dari artikel ini adalah bahwa pasar membutuhkan konsistensi dan kerja keras oleh para pemangku kepentingan. Semua aspek potensi pemasaran daerah harus dioptimalkan penggunaannya karena mereka tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Daerah tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan keuangannya sendiri untuk mengembangkan daerahnya. Upaya daerah harus memiliki kreatif dan inovatif dalam memenuhi peluang bisnis di daerah. Tren persaingan antardaerah dalam menarik investasi, terutama di sektor agroindustri di provinsi Kalimantan Timur perlu didukung dengan data dan potensi pengembangan strategi masing-masing daerah.Kata kunci: pemasaran daerah, agroindustri, investasi, Kalimantan Timur ABSTRACT The East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Vision 2018, namely To Realize a Equitable and Fair Prosperous East Kalimantan Based on Agroindustry and Environmentally Friendly Energy, strives to change its economy which was originally based on unrenewable resources into agroindustry-based renewable resources. Although agroindustry is the main vision of East Kalimantan Province, in the period of 2014-2017 the increase in GDRP from the Agriculture Sector only occurred below 1%. This article aims to analyze the investment in agroindustry sector in the province of East Kalimantan in the regional marketing. Post decentralization, local governments should be able to attract investment in the region. Specially, Eastern Kalimantan Province that has a vision to become the province of agroindustry, required special tips for investors willing to invest their capital in East Kalimantan on the agroindustry sector. The analysis used is market segmentation, SWOT analysis, differentiation and marketing mix. The results of this article is that the market takes consistency and hard work by the stakeholders. All aspects of the marketing potential of the region should be optimized usage because they can not stand on their own. Regions can not simply rely on its own finances to develop their regions. Regional efforts should have a creative and innovative in meeting the business opportunities in the area. The trend in interregional competition in attracting investment, especially in the agroindustry sector in the province of East Kalimantan needs to be supported with data and strategy development potential of each region.Keywords: regional marketing, agroindustry, investment, East Kalimantan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Wisnu Hadi ◽  
Atun Yulianto

Abstrak - Dalam dunia pariwisata banyak sekali jenis-jenis wisata salah satunya Sport Tourism atau wisata olah raga. Kabupaten Sleman salah satu contoh mempunyai potensi wisata alam yang dapat dipetakan untuk wisata olah raga atau sport tourism. Pada masa pandemi covid-19 dan pembatasan sosial terdapat kecenderungan masyarakat memanfaatkan waktu untuk berolahraga dengan tujuan meningkatkan imun, seperti jalan sehat, lari ataupun bersepeda ke spot-spot wisata yang tersebar diwilayah Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali potensi wisata di Kabupaten Sleman sudah menyediakan fasilitas Sport Tourism. Dalam penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif ini, peneliti mengangkat potensi wisata alam di Kabupaten Sleman yang memiliki wahana sport tourism. Hasilnya didapatkan data bahwa disisi utara terdapat lereng gunung Merapi tepatnya di bukit Klangon yang telah dikembangkan wisata olahraga berupa Mountain Bike untuk ajang kejuaraan lokal maupun tingkat nasional. Destinasi dikawasan wisata candi prambanan juga banyak digunakan untuk event nasional dan internasioanal sebagai wisata olah raga seperti marathon, road bike, jalan sehat, sepeda santai dan yoga. Disisi barat pada aliran sungai Progo yang mengalir di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman sudah dimanfaatkan juga untuk sport tourism olah raga arung jeram dan pada aliran sungai Opak di obyek wisata Lava Bantal Berbah Sleman juga digunakan untuk wisata river tubing dan sepeda santai. Kawasan lain yang tidak kalah menarik dalam mengembangkan sport tourism adalah perbukitan yang ada kecamatan Prambanan Sleman. Kawasan ini berada disisi timur Yogyakarta yang memiliki banyak destinasi wisata baik alam maupun sejarah seperti Candi Boko, Tebing Breksi dan Spot Riyadi.  Kawasan wisata ini masih dapat dikembangkan lagi untuk kegiatan wisata olahraga yang menarik wisatawan baik nasional maupun internsional, seperti sport lari lintas alam, marathon, mountain bike, sepeda santai dan jalan santai dengan menjelajahi rute perbukitan yang melewati obyek wisata tersebut. Kata Kunci : Potensi, Wisata Alam, Sport Tourism Abstract – In the world of tourism, there are many types of tourism, one of which is sport tourism. One example of Sleman Regency has the potential for natural tourism that can be mapped for sports tourism or sport tourism. During the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions, there is a tendency for people to use their time to exercise with the aim of increasing their immunity, such as healthy walks, running or cycling to tourist spots spread across the Yogyakarta area. The purpose of this research is to explore the tourism potential in Sleman Regency which has provided Sport Tourism facilities. In this qualitative descriptive study, the researcher raised the potential of natural tourism in Sleman Regency which has a sport tourism vehicle. The results obtained data that on the north side there is a slope of Mount Merapi, precisely on the Klangon hill, which has developed sports tourism in the form of Mountain Bikes for local and national championship events. Destinations in the Prambanan temple area are also widely used for national and international events as sports tourism such as marathons, road bikes, healthy walks, relaxing bicycles and yoga. On the west side, the Progo river that flows in the Sleman Regency area has also been used for sport tourism, white water rafting and the Opak river at the Lava Pillow Berbah tourism object, Sleman is also used for river tubing and relaxing bicycles. Another area that is no less interesting in developing sport tourism is the hills in the Prambanan sub-district of Sleman. This area is located on the east side of Yogyakarta which has many natural and historical tourist destinations such as Boko Temple, Breksi Cliff and Riyadi Spot. This tourist area can still be developed again for sports tourism activities that attract both national and international tourists, such as cross-country running sports, marathons, mountain bikes, leisurely bicycles and leisurely walks by exploring hilly routes that pass through these attractions.Keyword : Potential, Nature Tourism, Sport Tourism

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 146-152
Muhammad Fauzi ◽  
Eko Prianto ◽  
Budijono Budijono ◽  
Iskandar Putra ◽  
Muhammad Farhan Surez ◽  

Kampung Baru is one of the villages in Pekanbaru city that has the potential to develop large marine tourism. Its strategic location on the coast of Siak River and has a cultural reserve "RumahBatin" makes Kampung Baru as one of the new destinations of future historical tourism. The existence of Kampung Baru as a tourist destination is still not well exposed so there needs to be a touch of Science and improvement to accelerate its development. The purpose of this activity is to accelerate the development of marine tourism in Kampung Baru Village, Pekanbaru City. The method used is a survey method to identify activities and counseling methods to convey Science to the community. The stages of the implementation of the activity are divided into three stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation. The results of a quick survey conducted, to accelerate the development of marine tourism activities in Kampung Baru through the socialization of halal certificates, making and dividing trash cans, making and enforcing plank boards, planting trees and vegetable seedlings and cleaning inner houses. The implementation of the activity is doing well and on target this can be seen from the community and village officials in supporting this activity. With the integrated KUKERTA (Community Service), the neglected tourism potential of Kampung Baru can be reappointed as a marine tourism. This leads to the fact that the touch of Science through integrated KUKERTA (Community Service) is able to accelerate the development of marine tourism in Kampung Baru.

Meilan Sugiarto ◽  
Herri Sofyan ◽  
Herlina Jayadianti ◽  
Rudi Wibowo

There Improvements in the local economy, especially for the poor through open and sustainable tourism management, are believed to be achieved through the empowerment of the tourism sector. Mapping the potential of village tourism in the Triharjo village area is one of the essential things. Identification and mapping of village tourism potential needed in order to implementation community-based tourism (CBT). This research aims to identifying and mapping the potential of village tourism in order to produce a profile of village tourism potential and identify opportunities for developing village tourism potential. The object of this study is Triharjo village, Pandak District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Collecting data in this study used several research instruments, such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), observations, and document studies. Based on research finding while the communities and local governments of Triharjo village recognize that not all village tourism potentials are well managed. The results of the mapping of village tourism potential provide them that the involvement of local communities in the planning and management of a village tourism potential is needed and have a positive impact on the longterm. The empowerment of the local economy, especially the poor, is believed to be achieved through the empowerment of the tourism sector. Community-based tourism emphasizes community ownership and active participation, provides education to local communities, promotes and protection of culture and the environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-54
Harsya Harun

Penyelenggaraan kewenangan pemerintah daerah telah bergeser ke arah prinsip ultra vires doctrine yang nampak pada perumusan kewenangan pemerintah daerah menjadi urusan pemerintah daerah, dan pembagian kewenangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah mengedepankan prinsip yang kongkuren.Kondisi ini ditandai dengan penyelenggaraan urusan pendidikan yang terbagi antara pemerintah kabupaten/kota dengan pemerintah provinsi, dimana untuk pendidikan dasar diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota sedang pendidikan menengah dikelola oleh pemerintah provinsi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan motode kualitatif melalui observasi dan kajian pustaka.  Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan penyelenggaraan urusan pendidikan menengah yang dialihkan kepada pemerintah provinsi akan menimbulkan sejumlah kecenderungan baru dalam pengelolaannya baik pada pemerintah daerah maupun pada pemerintah provinsi. Pertama, bahwa kebijakan – kebijakan yang selama ini dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah terkait bidang pendidikan tidak seluruhnya akan diakomodir oleh pemerintah provinsi. Kedua, kecenderungan pada meningkatnya alokasi anggaran pada pemerintah provinsi sebagai ekses pengalihan kewenangan tersebut. Ketiga, proses evaluasi, pengawasan dan pengendalian penyelenggaraan pendidikan menengah oleh pemerintah provinsi yang akan semakin berat dilihat dari sisi letak geografis wilayah, dan keempat kekhawatiran akan kurang terakomodirnya muatan kearifan lokal dalam penerapan kurikulum, dimana sebelumnya setiap kabupaten/kota tentunya memiliki karakteristik budaya yang berbeda sebagai bentuk kearifan lokal yang dapat menjadi penguat dalam penyusunan kurikulum pendidikan. Key Words : Penyelenggaraan Urusan Pemerintahan, Pendidikan Menengah   Abstract Implementation of local government authority has shifted towards the principle of ultra vires doctrine which appears on the formulation of local government authority to the affairs of local government, and the division of central and local government authority put forward the principle of kongkuren. This condition is characterized by the implementation of educational affairs divided between district / municipal governments and provincial governments, where basic education is administered by district / municipal governments while high school is managed by the provincial government. This research was conducted with qualitative motive approach through observation and literature review. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of secondary education affairs transferred to the provincial government will lead to new trends in the management of both local government and provincial governments. First, that the policies that have been issued by local governments related to the education sector will not be entirely accommodated by the provincial government. Second, the tendency to increase budget allocation to the provincial government as an excess of the transfer of authority. Third, the process of evaluation, supervision and control of the implementation of high school by the provincial government will be more severe in terms of geographical location of the region, and the four concerns will be less accommodated local wisdom content in the application of the curriculum, where previously each district government / different as a form of local wisdom that can be a reinforcement in the preparation of educational curriculum. Key Words :Implementation of Government Affairs, High School

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 244
Hamid Darmadi

The purpose of this study is to obtain objective information and clarity regarding the impact of management authority transfer of senior high school (SMA)/vocational high school (SMK) from regency/city government to the provincial government in West Kalimantan Province. The benefit of the results theoretical and practical for teachers, school principals, education and culture services and regional governments. The population in this study were SMA/SMK teachers, SMA/SMK principals, regency/city education office and the provincial education office of West Kalimantan. This study uses direct communication techniques, direct observation techniques, and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Management of SMA/SMK by the regency/city government and school activities run smoothly before the authority transfer of SMA/SMK to the Provincial Government Staffing. There is no separation between elementary school, junior school, high school and vocational school by Regency/City Education Service; (2) Management of SMA/SMK after the transfer of authority by the provincial government is obtained data and information there is a tendency for SMA/SMK to be abandoned by Regency/City Education Services because they are not responsible anymore to take care of SMA/SMK, while the Provincial Education Service which has the mandate to take care of SMA/SMK is difficult to reach schools, especially SMA/SMK far in remote areas, outermost, disadvantaged and remote areas; (3) The workload of the Head of Regency/City SMA/SMK Court MKKS after the transfer of management of SMA/SMK to the province is felt to be increasingly heavy. Because the duties of the School Supervisor that should be handled by the SMA/SMK Supervisor cannot be implemented properly due to the limited budget of the visit, the location of the SMA/SMK is too far away. Finally, the task of the School Supervisor was forced to be taken over by the Chairperson of the Regency/City MKKS. Even to the extent that the selection of selected SMA/SMK principals is conducted by the Chairperson of the MKKS.

Anita Medhekar ◽  
Ho Yin Wong ◽  
John Hall

The aim of this chapter is to critically examine the latest development of medical tourism as an innovation in India. The existing theories and concepts in medical tourism are reviewed and synthesised in order to lay down a foundation for marketing managers to deploy marketing mix strategies to deliver values to the medical tourists. A secondary research method is adapted to gather relevant literature. This chapter not only provides a background introduction to the growing importance of the medical tourism industry to the Indian economy, but also makes major contributions: firstly, that global healthcare service marketing is quite different from marketing of other services and goods. Secondly, it proposes to examine the application of 8Ps of tourism marketing-mix along with another 6Ps, such as personalisation of healthcare, publication for patient, patient packaging, patient education, patient privacy, and patient medical and cultural sensitivities for effective marketing of the popular Indian wellness and medical tourism destinations, super-speciality hospitals, and complex diagnostic tests and surgeries to the world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 229 ◽  
pp. 01006
Zefnihan ◽  
Zikri Alhadi

Development of community-based tourism became the forerunner of its formation a tourist village that has been increasingly accepted in most developing countries as a strategy against poverty reduction. In the tourism development should pay attention to the economic, social and cultural aspects as well as the environment. West Sumatera Provincial government is actively developing the tourism sector including Mandeh’s tourism area. One of the reasons why this area become any parties concern is because this place has great potential in social, economic, cultural and environmental. Mandeh Tourism Area is not only having a beautiful scenery but many activities related to the potential that is related to each other. Therefore, this article aims to describe the development of sustainable tourism and a positive impact for the welfare of the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 151 ◽  
pp. 01060
Cut Nelly ◽  
Saida Rasnovi ◽  
Zumaidar Zumaidar

Iboih is one of the villages located in the western area of Weh Island which has been popular as the marine tourism potential. The mangrove ecotourism potential has not been well developed. This study aims to review the mangrove ecosystem suitability as ecotourism area in Iboih Village – Sabang. The methodology used was an explorative survey method. The method of potential suitability determination was scoring and weighting achieved from each parameter reviewed consisting of mangrove density, mangrove species, tidal, biota object, area characteristics, and accessibility. The output of the study found 3 (three) mangrove species including Rhizhophora mucronata, Rhizhophora apiculata, and Avicennia alba. There are supporting biota objects consisting of aquatic dan land fauna. Based on the matrix of potential suitability for mangrove ecotourism, it was found that the tourism suitability index (TSI) as 82.14% indicating that the mangrove ecosystem in Iboih is very suitable for ecotourism area. The benefit of the study is to provide a contribution to science and become the facilities for environmental education and conservation to the community.

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