Handling WSD using Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm with sentences
Clustering is the process of grouping objects into subsets that have meaning in the context of a particular problem. It does not rely on predefined classes. It is referred to as an unsupervised learning method because no information is provided about the "right answer" for any of the objects. Many clustering algorithms have been proposed and are used based on different applications. Sentence clustering is one of best clustering technique. Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm is applied for multiple levels for accuracy. For tagging purpose POS tagger, porter stemmer is used. WordNet dictionary is utilized for determining the similarity by invoking the Jiang Conrath and Cosine similarity measure. Grouping is performed with respect to the highest similarity measure value with a mean threshold. This paper incorporates many parameters for finding similarity between words. In order to identify the disambiguated words, the sense identification is performed for the adjectives and comparison is performed. semcor and machine learning datasets are employed. On comparing with previous results for WSD, our work has improvised a lot which gives a percentage of 91.2%