scholarly journals Sources of right to freedom of peaceful assembly

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-23
М. А. Sambor

The right to freedom of peaceful assembly is marked by the multifaceted nature of this right for society, the state, groups of individuals and individuals. The right to freedom of peaceful assembly is a manifestation of human nature in communication with other people, society and the state. The unconditional right to freedom of peaceful assembly has a rich history of its formation and development. However, without historical origins it is impossible to form an objective and necessary for the modern man to understand the content of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Based on the above, the purpose of this article is to investigate the sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. For the first time in modern domestic science the sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly have been explored. In order to understand and form the legal basis and mechanism (algorithm) for exercising the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, it is important to understand the origins of this right and to substantially fill the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in their retrospective dimension allow us to approach the understanding of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, taking into account the historical peculiarities of the understanding of this right, conditioned by the historical stages of the development of humanity, statehood and legal ideas about human rights in general and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in particular. Sources of law are not only formalized and materialized rules of law, but also the engine, the driving force in the identification, formulation and only in the further implementation of the rule of law in a certain materialized regulatory document. This aspect of the sources of law cannot be neglected, since in this case the sources of law, including the sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, are significantly depleted, and a number of links in the chain of law are lost. Therefore, the nature of the origin of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, which is identified with human nature, is important for the study of the sources of the right to peaceful assembly, and therefore the right to freedom of peaceful assembly is a natural human right that determines its social activity and role in society. In this regard, interest is defined as a natural legal source of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Interest is realized in the form of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, so it reveals the meaning of this right. The source of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly is an integral part of the sources of law as a whole, and therefore the study of the former is inseparable from an understanding of the sources of law. Common formal (material) sources of law are regulations, customs, legal treaties, legal precedents, and legal doctrines, so within the scope of this article, we carefully examine these sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. The natural-law component of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly emphasizes the direct dependence of the existence and enjoyment of the right on human rights and its interest in the exercise of this right, so we are convinced that the said source of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly is likely to be on the frontier of the study of legal and other social sciences. Formal legal sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, in their turn, are generally in the sphere of sources of law, with those peculiarities that dictate an understanding of the content and peculiarities of the exercise and realization of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. By far, the most widespread source of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and with didactic features of knowing this right in the system of Ukrainian law is a legal act. The Constitution of Ukraine belongs to this type of sources of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly (as its special norms intended to regulate public relations in the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in Ukrainian society, as well as general rules that ensure the ordering of relations and the formation of legal space for the implementation of the said rights), the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Code of Administrative Judiciary of Ukraine, as well as other procedural normative legal acts, which, although they do not contain any special rules, are directed to regulate relations precisely with the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, but in their general form provide the opportunity to regulate a number of aspects of the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Another, possibly key, source of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly is a legal treaty, in particular an international legal treaty. It is in such treaties that the world community, humanity, has recognized the right of each person to the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, to freedom of exercise and to the exclusivity of grounds for restricting the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Unfortunately, legal precedent in Ukraine only becomes meaningful, and as a source of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly it is characterized, in some places, by contradictory content.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-37
Ali Jamkarani

The discussion is based around these issues, history of Human Rights, timeline for Human Rights history, question asked in this regard and enemy and friend of ‘human rights’. Describing the problems and its resolve from logical reasoning perspective; intellectual argumentation based on logical reason of, what is universal human right, democracy and illegal wars in the world by super powers as example America? Attempt to describe the inner construction of a human being-perfection-. Introduction to the concept of infallibility in different parts in the article, purify yourself and being purified. What is it, is it possible for a creation named human to be not fallible, is the idea or practicing it impossible or there is a great sphere of being able to practicing it and reaching the status if one finds guidance for the right way with peace and human rights prevailed in the world. Majority of the thought in the text, based on hadith-tradition- from the Prophet of Islam Peace upon Him and His family Ahl al-Bait Peace upon Them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-146
Jenna Uusitalo

Emergency medical service (EMS) forms a sub-category of the internationally recognized right to health. However, despite the codification of the right to health in various human rights conventions which have been implemented in national legislation, EMS still seems to be regarded as an economic expense or a political decision rather than a legal norm or a human right. This paper evaluates the causes for such a misunderstanding, primarily through Scandinavian Legal Realism which emphasizes the social contextualization of law. Supplementary scholarly views, as well as a history of human rights, are also applied to support the main arguments. Essentially, the paper claims that the challenge of recognizing EMS as a legal norm is associated with the relatively abstract and impersonalized nature of emergency care.

2020 ◽  
pp. 158-163
M. H. Motoryhina

The article presents the issues on ensuring effective defense in criminal proceedings. Analysis of international legal documents, generalization of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights give grounds to divide international legal standards, that have been formed to facilitate the enforcement of the right to defense, into the following groups: 1) standards designed to facilitate the effectiveness of the defense by the accused him- or herself; 2) standards facilitating effective defense by the defense counsel; 3) standards, the adoption of which contributes to the effective defense maintained by the defense (when the defense is conducted jointly by the accused and the defense counsel) 4) standards that contain requirements for the state or its bodies and compel them to ensure the possibility of effective defense. The latter group of standards is important among others because the conduct of defense seems impossible without imposing certain requirements on the state and its bodies, and fixed guarantees of effective defense will turn into a declaration. The study of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on maintaining effective defense in criminal proceedings allows us to state the lack of unity in its legal positions, since the issue of the effectiveness of ensuring the human right to defense in criminal proceedings depends on the specific circumstances of the case. The court notes that, on the one hand, the state can only intervene in the activities of defense counsel within the limits of public interests, given the independent nature of the legal profession. On the other hand, it cannot stand aside in the event of the discovery of violations of the standards for the conduct of defense in criminal proceedings, which assigns it a special role in maintaining effective defense for the suspect, the accused in criminal proceedings. Based on the analysis of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, standards are identified that contain requirements for the state or its bodies and compel them to ensure the possibility of effective defense: 1) the obligation of the state to conduct real (not illusionary or formal) defense for the suspect, the accused, since the appointment of a defense counsel does not ensure maintaining effective legal services; 2) the obligation to provide the defense team with the time and opportunity to conduct effective defense.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Ali Jamkarani

The discussion is based around these issues, history of Human Rights, timeline for Human Rights history, question asked in this regard and enemy and friend of ‘human rights’. Describing the problems and its resolve from logical reasoning perspective; intellectual argumentation based on logical reason of, what is universal human right, democracy and illegal wars in the world by super powers as example America? Attempt to describe the inner construction of a human being-perfection-. Introduction to the concept of infallibility in different parts in the article, purify yourself and being purified. What is it, is it possible for a creation named human to be not fallible, is the idea or practicing it impossible or there is a great sphere of being able to practicing it and reaching the status if one finds guidance for the right way with peace and human rights prevailed in the world. Majority of the thought in the text, based on hadith-tradition- from the Prophet of Islam Peace upon Him and His family Ahl al-Bait Peace upon Them.Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2015 Vol.6 (1):15-21.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Linda Evirianti

Everyone has the right of religious freedom or belief which becomes one of important parts of Human Rights (HAM/Hak Asasi Manusia). Thus, no one can be subjected to coercion that can interfere his freedom to adopt or embrace a religion or belief of his choice. The main characteristic of modern constitutional state is the guarantee of human rights in its constitution. In the Constitution NKRI 1945 has set human rights and the rights of citizens in the form of guarantees freedom for each citizen to embrace religion and worship according to their religion or belief. A state guarantees the freedom of each citizen to adopt a religion or belief, but the state (the government) must regulate the freedom in implementing and practicing a religion or belief so that the government can respect, protect, enforce and promote Human Right (HAM) and conserving security, order, health or public morals. Speaking of human rights in Islam is not an historical product arising from human ideology, a concept that has a theological dimension and will be accountable to God. Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief is part of the most important human rights, even have status as a right that should not be reduced and violated under any circumstances. On the other hand, religious freedom protects the phenomenon that can be controversial and dangerous for human existence, because religion and systems of ideological belief can be misused to trigger intolerance, discrimination, prejudice, hatred, and violence.[Setiap orang berhak atas kebebasan beragama atau kepercayaan yang menjadi salah satu bagian penting Hak Asasi Manusia. Dengan demikian, tidak ada yang bisa terkena paksaan yang bisa mengganggu kebebasannya untuk mengadopsi atau menganut agama atau kepercayaan pilihannya. Karakteristik utama negara konstitusional modern adalah jaminan hak asasi manusia dalam konstitusinya. Dalam Konstitusi NKRI 1945 telah menetapkan hak asasi manusia dan hak warga negara dalam bentuk jaminan kebebasan bagi setiap warga negara untuk merangkul agama dan ibadah sesuai agama atau kepercayaan mereka. Sebuah negara menjamin kebebasan setiap warga negara untuk mengadopsi agama atau kepercayaan, namun negara (pemerintah) harus mengatur kebebasan dalam melaksanakan dan mempraktikkan agama atau kepercayaan sehingga pemerintah dapat menghormati, melindungi, menerapkan dan mempromosikan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Dan melestarikan keamanan, ketertiban, kesehatan atau moral publik. Berbicara tentang hak asasi manusia dalam Islam bukanlah produk historis yang muncul dari ideologi manusia, sebuah konsep yang memiliki dimensi teologis dan akan bertanggung jawab kepada Tuhan. Kebebasan berpikir, hati nurani, agama dan kepercayaan adalah bagian dari hak asasi manusia yang paling penting, bahkan memiliki status sebagai hak yang tidak boleh dikurangi dan dilanggar dalam kondisi apapun. Di sisi lain, kebebasan beragama melindungi fenomena yang bisa kontroversial dan berbahaya bagi eksistensi manusia, karena agama dan sistem kepercayaan ideologis dapat disalahgunakan untuk memicu intoleransi, diskriminasi, prasangka, kebencian, dan kekerasan.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Olga O. Semyonova

Introduction. The article is devoted to the concept and legal characteristics of asylum. The relevance of the topic is due to the eclectic character of the research available in the literature on this issue. Purpose. Definition of the concept of asylum, as well as research on whether asylum is a right or an obligation of the state. Methodology. The study of problems was carried out on the basis of scientific analysis and synthesis, formal-logical, system, comparative-legal methods, the method of interpretation of law, etc. The theoretical basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign legal scientists, practicing lawyers in the field of general theory of state and law, public international law, constitutional law of Russia and Germany. Results. Asylum should be considered in three aspects: as a legal institution, as a form of protection of human rights, and as a legal position. Asylum as a form of protection is the temporary territorial protection of fundamental human rights granted by the state to a refugee (as defined in the 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees), whose main characteristics are security, dignity, fundamental human rights and freedoms, family unity and confidentiality. The human right to asylum as temporary protection is a fundamental human right. The provision of permanent protection and integration in the state of asylum is the sovereign right of states. Conclusion. For the effective functioning of the asylum system in Russia and to avoid conflicts in law enforcement practice, it is necessary to consolidate the concept of asylum at the legislative level. When improving the legal framework for granting asylum in Russia, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristics of the right to asylum in accordance with international standards and to provide legal guarantees for granting asylum on a temporary basis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Mahmud Arif

The issue of human rights has prevailed globally although it is can’t denied that historically that issue comes from tradition of the West Liberalism based on individualism standpoint. In fact, freedom and equality as essential part of human rights have not been appreciated yet suitably in the realm of long history of humankind so it was still found the slavery system. Even in the modern time, at several regions, the right of vote consisting of human right has not possessed by the women. There was a accusation from some scholars in the West that Islam is a religion opposing to human rights and gender equality. They argue that Islam has justified any religious violence, has cut religious freedom down, and has tolerated gender unequality. If it is viewed from the basic principle of takhfif wa rahmah (giving easiness and love), such accusation looks obviously problematic, because Islamic tenets normatively appreciate to establish human rights and gender equality. But empirically, religious interpretation often contributes in mainstreaming culture that castrates any religious freedom and gender equality. As one of religious interpretation product, fiqih (Islamic jurisprudence) for instance is claimed to contain many problems relating to religious freedom and gender equality. Such is the case, the reality of our national education. For a long time, in the Indonesian school system there are many factors causing failure of every endeavor for achieving the aim of human right education. This means that such basic priciple must be reactualized in the education system through hard efforts in humanizing education processes and pupil’s potencies.[Isu hak asasi manusia (HAM) telah mencuat sedemikian universal meski tidak bisa dinafikan bahwa dalam sejarahnya isu ini bermula dari tradisi liberalisme Barat yang titik pijaknya individual. Kebebasan dan kesetaraan sebagai elemen penting HAM ternyata belum diapresiasi secara semestinya dalam sejarah panjang pelbagai peradaban sehingga masih ditemukan adanya sistem perbudakan. Bahkan dalam kurun modern ini pun di sebagian wilayah, hak untuk memilih yang menjadi bagian dari hak asasi belum juga dinikmati oleh kaum perempuan. Muncul tuduhan dari sebagian kalangan di Barat bahwa Islam adalah agama anti HAM dan bias gender. Argumen yang dikemukakan, Islam membenarkan tindak kekerasan atasnama agama, memasung kekebasan beragama, dan mentolerir ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan. Diletakkan dalam konteks prinsip dasar takhfif wa raḥmah, tuduhan tersebut nampak problematik, mengingat secara normatif ajaran Islam sangatlah menjunjung tinggi penegakan HAM dan kesetaraan gender. Hanya saja, dalam realitas empirisnya tafsir keagamaan tidak jarang justru ikut andil dalam pembentukan arus besar budaya yang memberangus kebebasan beragama dan ketidakadilan terhadap kaum perempuan. Sebagai salah satu produk tafsir keagamaan, fikih misalnya diakui masih menyimpan banyak persoalan menyangkut kekebasan beragama dan kesetaraan gender. Demikian halnya dengan dunia pendidikan nasional. Selama ini, dalam sistem persekolahan di Indonesia masih banyak ditemukan faktor penyebab kegagalan bagi setiap upaya mencapai tujuan pendidikan HAM. Ini berarti prinsip dasar tersebut perlu diejawantahkan dalam sistem pendidikan melalui upaya memaksimalkan peran humanisasi dan hominisasi pendidikan.]

Gibran van Ert

SummarySome advocates of Québec separatism claim that Quebecers could retain their Canadian nationality following Québec’s secession from Canada. This article examines international nationality law to test the accuracy of that claim. A device known as an option exists in international law as a means of allowing individuals to determine for themselves the effect of state succession upon their nationality. This article considers the place of options in the law of state succession, both as it now stands and as proposed by the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States, 1997. Four possible arguments in favour of a Québécois option are given, the most convincing of which arises by analogy to state practice in the use of plebiscites. This argument suggests that international law would require the state of Québec to grant all Canadians affected by Québec’s secession a right to opt for Canadian nationality instead of Québécois nationality with the caveat that those opting to retain Canadian nationality could face expulsion from Québec. Finally, the article suggests that the development of human rights in international law should extend to recognize a true human right of option in cases of state succession. Regrettably, the ILC Draft hinders, rather than encourages, this desirable development.

2013 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-59 ◽  
Sharmila L Murthy ◽  
Mark Williams ◽  
Elisha Baskin

In the case 9535/06 Abadallah Abu Massad and Others v Water Commissioner and Israel Lands Administration (2011), the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the right to water deserves constitutional protection under Israel's Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom. The Court also found support for the right to water under both international human rights law and Israeli statutory law. At the same time, the Court held that the right to water is not absolute but must be balanced against the rights of the state. The case was brought by residents of unrecognised Bedouin villages in the Negev, a desert region in southern Israel, who do not have access to household water. The Court found that in exercising its discretion regarding additional water access points, the Israeli Water Authority could consider the ‘illegal’ nature of these villages. Applying the criteria of reasonableness and proportionality, the Court ultimately affirmed the Israeli Water Authority's policy in unrecognised villages in the Negev. Despite this administrative deference, the invocation of constitutional and international human rights law raises the level of scrutiny that should be applied to a review of the Israeli Water Authority's exercise of discretion. The Court's opinion is coloured and influenced by long-standing land disputes between the indigenous Bedouin population and the State of Israel. Drawing on empirical research conducted in December 2011, the analysis attempts to place the Abu Massad decision in its proper historical and political context. The dispute over land in the Negev can be traced back to the days of the Ottoman Empire. More recent efforts by the Israeli government as set out in the Goldberg Report and the Prawer Plan, and the international community's response to these efforts, are discussed. In light of the history and current political context, it may be prudent for the Israeli Water Authority to re-assess the effectiveness of its existing water policy in unrecognised Bedouin villages in the Negev.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Clartje Silvia E. Awulle

This paper examines the organization of Christian education by the Theological College in the context of the fulfillment of human rights in the field of education. The writing of this paper uses qualitative discription methods and literature studies. In the context of human rights, the right to education is categorized as a positive right (positive right) because to realize these rights, it really requires an active role of the state so that the formulation of the right to education uses the term right to (right to) meaning that every citizen has the right to proper education as a basic human right that must be protected and fulfilled by the state with the aim that humans are protected their dignity, welfare and continuity of life. Having the opportunity to attend Christian education is a basic right of every Indonesian citizen who is a Christian who must be protected, guaranteed and fulfilled by the state. In the end all Christian citizens have the same opportunity to enjoy Christian higher education as a national education sub-system without discrimination. Abstrak Makalah ini mengkaji mengenai penyelenggaraan pendidikan kristen oleh Sekolah Tinggi Theologi dalam konteks pemenuhan hak asasi manusia (HAM) di bidang pendidikan. Penulisan makalah ini menggunakan metode qualitative discription dan studi literatur. Dalam konteks HAM, hak atas pendidikan dikategorikan sebagai hak positif (positive right) karena untuk merealisasikan hak-hak tersebut, sangat membutuhkan peran aktif negara sehingga rumusan hak atas pendidikan menggunakan istilah right to (berhak atas) artinya setiap warga negara berhak atas pendidikan yang layak sebagai hak dasar manusia yang harus dilindungi dan dipenuhi oleh negara dengan tujuan agar manusia terlindungi martabat, kesejahteraannya dan kelanjutan kehidupannya. Memperoleh kesempatan untuk mengikuti pendidikan kristen adalah hak dasar setiap warga negara Indonesia yang beragama kristen yang wajib dilindungi, dijamin dan dipenuhi oleh negara. Pada akhirnya semua warga negara Kristen memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk menikmati pendidikan tinggi kristen sebagai sub sistem pendidikan nasional tanpa diskriminasi.

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