2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Kevin Bagus Priyambodo ◽  
Didi Samanhudi

Marketing strategy is one of the most important means of advancing a business. With the right strategy and in accordance with the actual situation, the business will be able to develop and become better in quality than the business or product produced. The culinary business at the Depot Ira Jaya Restaurant is one of the culinary businesses that was pioneered many years ago so that it has grown and has several small branches in parts of Sidoarjo. The turnover obtained tends to be stagnant and does not have a significant increase every year, which means there are no bright prospects. In fact, costs such as rent for small branches and other costs such as spices to the main ingredients used by Ira Jaya Restaurant Depot have increased every year. Therefore, conducting a SWOT analysis is expected to be able to come up with appropriate alternative strategies for business actors to be able to develop their business. To do this, there are several stages of the process that must be carried out from the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) which produces a score of 3,889 and the External Factor Evauation (EFE) which produces a score of 3,934. Then the SWOT table matrix produces 15 strategy alternatives. In the Grand Strategy Matrix, the IFE and EFE points skoce are in quadrant I. Likewise, the Internal External Factor Evaluation (IEFE) matrix is ​​in quadrant I. So that the results of data processing are selected strength and Opportunity strategies in which there are 4 alternative strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
P. Sitorus Benget ◽  
Nursyamsi Idayanti ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi

In a very competitive market conditions the company must have a thorough understanding about the condition of its internal and external of the company to determine an appropriate strategy. This research aims to know the proper competitive advantage strategies for PT Semen Tonasa is done by. Descriptive research is done by collecting data through observation, FGD and interviews. After IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) and EFE (External Factor Evaluation) and SWOT analysis, PT Semen Tonasa should focus their efforts on pursuing growth. Based on the analysis of the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) retrieved the right strategy to do is market penetration. PT Semen Tonasa should increase market share in the area of the market with a hefty profit margin do cost efficiency in every stage of the production process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Wahyu Eko Cahyono ◽  
Dedy Kunhadi

Abstract— Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are business sectors that play an important role as a backbone of a nation or region"s economics. Most problems faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are capital, management and production process. This study aims to give strategic proposals in expanding small and medium enterprises of gethuk pisang for conserving traditional food. The methods used in this research are internal factor evaluation (IFE), external factor evaluation (EFE), and strengths- weaknesses - opportunities - threats (SWOT), so internal factors and external factors that faced by the small and medium enterprises can be identified. Based on SWOT analysis, some analysis strategy can be used to expand the small and medium enterprises of gethuk pisang. Result showed the small and medium enterprises of gethuk pisang were in first quadrant at SWOT cartesian diagram, meant the right strategies were strengths opportunities (SO) or Growth strategy. The strategies that will be used are local government holds traditional food festival, upgrade the quality of the product and use on-line marketing technology. In conclusion, the sales of gethuk pisang products from small and medium enterprises can increase and correlate with income increase, so small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of gethuk pisang can have competitiveness and grow.Keywords— Strategy, Gethuk pisang, IFE, EFE, SWOT.  Abstrak— Usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) merupakan suatu sektor usaha yang memiliki peran penting sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian suatu negara atau daerah. Sebagian besar permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi UKM adalah permodalan, manajemen, dan proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan strategi dalam mengembangkan UKM gethuk pisang dalam melestarikan makanan tradisional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), dan Strengths–Weaknesses - Opportunities-Threats (SWOT), sehingga dapat diidentifikasi faktor-faktor internal yang dimiliki dan faktor-faktor eksternal yang dihadapi oleh UKM. Berdasarkan analisa SWOT, maka akan diperoleh beberapa alternatif strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam mengembangkan UKM gethuk pisang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UKM gethuk pisang berada di kuadran I pada diagram kartesius SWOT, yang berarti strategi yang tepat digunakan adalah strategi Strengths Opportunities (SO) atau strategi Growth. Strategi-strategi yang akan digunakan adalah: Pemerintah Daerah mengadakan festival makanan tradisional,  mutu produk lebih ditingkatkan, dan memanfaatkan teknologi media pemasaran on-line. Dengan demikian, produk UKM gethuk pisang dapat terjadi peningkatan penjualan dan berkorelasi dengan peningkatan pendapatan, sehingga UKM gethuk pisang memiliki daya saing dan dapat berkembang.Kata kunci — Strategi, Gethuk Pisang, IFE, EFE, SWOT

AdBispreneur ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Encep Sopandi

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine alternative strategies in the development of bamboo handicrafts business in Pasirjambu Village Pasirjambu District in Bandung Regency. Method used survey with SWOT analysis. The results show that the total value obtained from the IFAS table is 6.40 (average 3.20) with a strength score of 3,550 and the weakness score of 2.850, it shows that the strength factor of the bamboo handicraft business is greater than the weakness factor, while the total value EFAS of 6.10 (average 3.05). A opportunity score of 3.10 and a threat score of 3.0. This means that the opportunity factor is greater than the threat factor. The result of calculation of rating value and internal factor weight of bamboo handicraft business development strategy in Pasirjambu Village as X axis equal to 0,100, while external factor as Y axis equal to 0,700. This means the right alternative strategy is the SO strategy. The SO strategy is a strategy that uses the power to take advantage of existing opportunities.Keywords : Bamboo craft, craftmanship of bamboo, SWOT analysis  STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA KERAJINAN BAMBU(Studi di Desa Pasirjambu Kecamatan Pasirjambu Kabupaten Bandung) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi alternatif dalam pengembangan usaha kerajinan bambu di Desa Pasirjambu Kecamatan Pasirjambu Kabupaten Bandung. Metode yang digunakan survey dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil, menunjukkan bahwa total nilai yang diperoleh dari tabel IFAS  adalah 6,40  (rata-rata 3,20) dengan skor kekuatan 3,550 dan skor kelemahan sebesar 2,850, ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor kekuatan usaha kerajinan bambu lebih besar dari faktor kelemahan, sedangkan total nilai EFAS yaitu sebesar 6,10 (rata-rata 3,05).  Skor peluang 3,10 dan skor ancaman sebesar 3,0. Artinya faktor peluang yang dimiliki lebih besar dari faktor ancaman. Hasil perhitungan nilai rating dan bobot faktor internal dari strategi pengembangan usaha kerajinan bambu di Desa Pasirjambu sebagai sumbu X sebesar 0,100, sedangkan faktor eksternal sebagai sumbu Y sebesar 0,700. Artinya strategi alternatif yang tepat adalah strategi SO. Strategi SO adalah strategi yang menggunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Kata kunci : Kerajinan bambu, perajin bambu, analisis SWOT

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Tri Abdul Rahman ◽  
Sutarto Sutarto ◽  
Agung Wibowo

<p>Abstract: This research aims to find out what factors are being a strengths,<br />weaknesses, opportunities and threats, to know the proper strategic alternatives to<br />formulate, and find out the best strategy to be applied in the development of Kampung<br />organic vegetable in Ngemplak Sutan, Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta. The basic<br />method of research is descriptive. Location determination research deliberately i.e.<br />organic vegetable in Ngemplak Sutan, Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta. The data used<br />are the primary and secondary data. The technique of data collection is done with<br />observations, interviews, and recording. The analysis of the data used is (1) Internal<br />Factor Evaluation (IFE) (2) External Factor Evaluation (EFE), (3) the SWOT<br />analysis, (4) analysis of the QSPM.The results of the Internal Factor Evaluation<br />Matrix (IFE) had seven and eight strengths weaknesses. Matrix External Factor<br />Evaluation (EFE) had six chances and four threats. SWOT analysis produces eight<br />alternative strategies that can be applied. Analysis of the QSPM produces the most<br />excellent strategy priorities for applied i.e. utilize advances in technology is there to<br />do the promotion and marketing.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang<br />menjadi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman, mengetahui alternatif strategi<br />yang tepat untuk dirumuskan, serta mengetahui strategi yang paling baik untuk<br />diterapkan dalam pengembangan Kampung Sayur Organik di Ngemplak Sutan,<br />Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta. Metode dasar penelitian adalah deskriptif. Penentuan<br />lokasi penelitian secara sengaja yaitu di Kampung Sayur Organik di Ngemplak Sutan,<br />Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder.<br />Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observaasi, wawancara, dan pencatatan.<br />Analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) (2) External<br />Factor Evaluation (EFE), (3) Analisis SWOT, (4) Analisis QSPM. Hasil penelitian<br />menunjukan Matriks Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) memiliki tujuh kekuatan dan<br />delapan kelemahan.Matrik External Factor Evaluation (EFE) memiliki enam peluang<br />dan empat ancaman. Analisis SWOT menghasilkan delapan alternatif strategi yang<br />dapat diterapkan. Analisis QSPM menghasilkan prioritas strategi yang paling baik<br />untuk diterapkan yaitu memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi yang ada untuk melakukan<br />promosi dan pemasaran.<br /><br /></p><p><br /><br /></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ara Fathia Az Zahra ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Billy Nugraha

The level of competition is usually influenced by a variety of factors such as: promotions, services, security and others. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the strategy of marketing management SME snacks. Although it already has a fairly large market share, but the bare possibility of the presence of competitors engaged in the same field. Then the right strategy is to use the analysis of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat (SWOT). In addition, with the approach of matrix internal factor evaluation (IFE), matrix external factor evaluation (EFE) and the matrix internal external (IE). Renewal in the research is the use of the IFE, EFE and IE matrix. This is so that the results of the assessment can determine the position and strength of the business. Then the results of the study show that SME snacks have 8 strength, 7 weaknesses, 6 opportunities and a 5 threat. In addition, the results of the IFE matrix is weighted by 2.74 this show is in the position of the average. While the results of the EFE matrix weighted by 3.01 it is shown to be in a strong position. While the results of the IE matrix is in quadrant II, it is within the scope of a strategy to growth and nurture (growth and build).

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Mahkruf Joko Purwanto ◽  
Mohd. Harisudin ◽  
Aulia Qonita

This study aims to determine the cost, revenue and profit in potato cultivation in  Ngablak  subdistrict,  analyze  internal  and  external  factors,  formulate  strategic alternatives, prioritize strategies that can be applied in developing in potato cultivation in  the  Ngablak  subdistrict.  The  basic  method  of  research  is  descriptive  analysis.  The research location in Ngablak subdistrict  Magelang regency. The data used are primary and  secondary  data.  Analysis  of  the  data  were  used:  (1)  Cost,  Revenue,  Income  and Profit, (2) Analysis of Internal Factor Evaluation, (3) External Factor Evaluation, (4) SWOT  Analysis,  (5)  QSPM.  The  Results  showed,  the  cost  potato  cultivationis Rp.11,413,271.00,  revenue  is  Rp.18,631,117.00.  income  to  Rp.7,217,846.00  and  the profit received Rp.4,827,071.00. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) showed that there are four strengths and six weaknesses. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) shows that there are six opportunities and three threats. SWOT Analysis generate alternative strategies that  can  be  applied  is  to  maintain  the  quality  and  increase  the  quantity  of  potato cultivation  with  agricultural  intensification,  maximizing  land  for  planting  potato through  monoculture  cropping  systems  and  crop  rotation  as  well  as  utilizing  existing technology and marketing cooperation relationship with more than a middleman. QSPM analysis showed that the priority of strategy can be applied is to maintain the quality and increasing the quantity of potato cultivation with agricultural intensification.

Eviet Sri Setiyorini ◽  
Bambang Pramudya Noorachmat ◽  
Muhammad Syamsun

Cindy Group is a company grouped as SMEs which produces boiled fish, both traditional and hygienic. Companies to keep their survival in order to survive in a competitive market, must have a strategy to attract consumers to buy their products. One of the best strategy is to evaluate and develop appropriate marketing strategies. The objectives of this research are: (1) to identify and analyze internal and external factors influencing Cindy Group marketing strategy, (2) to formulate Cindy Group marketing strategy, and (3) to prioritize Cindy Group marketing strategy. Based on internal and external factors, Cindy Group formulated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats toward marketing strategy using Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE). The total score in the IFE and EFE matrices illustrated that the firm's stable position in responding to external situations. The total IFE score of 3.3436 indicated that the strengths of Cindy Group could overcome the weaknessess very well. Total EFE score of 2.5545 indicated that Cindy Group was good enough to respond the opportunities and minimize threats. Based on QSPM analysis, the priority strategy to be applied in the marketing of fishery processed products at UMKM Cindy Group which was expanding marketing network, maintaining quality, increasing sales service and increasing cooperation with related institutions and cooperatives/other SMEs in order to get raw material access.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-138
Tradiga Nur Aziz ◽  
Muhamad Rizal ◽  
Ria Arifianti ◽  
Asmaul Husna

CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif is an industry engaged in garment or convection. The results of the CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif from September 2017 to April 2019 can be seen if there are some months of income that do not meet the income target that has been set. Therefore CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif is obliged to devise a new strategy in order to increase income in order to achieve the targets that have been set. SWOT analysis is used to obtain alternative strategies, where strategic alternatives are obtained from internal and external aspects of the industry. Information and research data consist of primary and secondary information, the analytical tools used in this research are the IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) matrix, the EFE (External Factor Evaluation) matrix, the IE (Internal-External) matrix, the SWOT matrix (Strengths, Weakness). , Opportunities, and Threats), as well as QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). The SWOT matrix creates 5 strategic alternatives that can be implemented by the industry. Based on the QSPM results from 5 alternatives, one of the prioritized alternative strategies is to use existing technology to carry out marketing activities and sell products online such as through social media and e-commerce with a TAS score of 6, 303.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Anas Mujahid ◽  
Murianai Emelda Isharyani ◽  
Dharma Widada

<p><em>Borneo Project is a new business in the field of ordering services of various types of clothing. In doing its marketing strategy Borneo Project relies on marketing through friendship, word of mouth from one to another one and using social media as a marketing tool. This has not had a much positive effect on sales in Borneo Project. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the marketing strategy that can be applied in Borneo Project.</em></p><p><em>Determining the strategy carried out in three stages: an input stage, matching stage, and the stage of the decision. The input stage is done by using Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE). In the IFE matrix, obtained a total score of 2.407, while the EFE Matrix obtained score of 2.831. Based on internal and external factor analysis then matching phase with IE Matrix method and SWOT Matrix. The final stage was the decision stage used QSPM method. QSPM is used to evaluate alternative strategies obtained in the SWOT Matrix, then rank them. The first rank is the strategy of applying for credit funds, seeking investors or business joint venture partners and seeking financial assistance from corporate CSR with the acquisition of power score Pull of 5,824. Alternative strategies are prioritized to be applied is to ask a credit fund, seek a joint venture partner and investor or business and are looking for financial aid CSR.</em><em></em></p><strong><em>Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Borneo Project, QSPM</em></strong>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Yayuk Yuliana ◽  
Diana Sopha

In the village, Batu Jong-Jong Village, Bahorok District the land is very fertile. Lush plants that can be used as a mixture of traditional medicines. Housewives with a hereditary recipe to produce herbs derived from plants that become traditional business ingredients Karo. The purpose of this research is to find out alternative strategies and priority strategies that can be used as an effort to develop karo traditional ingredients in Batu Jong-Jong Village. Research methods with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection through interviews, observations, discussions. Interviews were conducted with the owners of the traditional herbs Karo business in the stone frog hamlet and also a questionnaire with forestry counselors and village heads. The results of the study, based on the results of the calculation of the IFE (Internal Factor Evalution) matrix, found that the total score was 3.15. While the results of calculations on the EFE (External Factor Evalution) matrix table, obtained a total weighted score of 2.87. The conclusion is that the traditional herb business in Karo is of moderate value because the score weight is above 2.50. So that the right strategy is market penetration and product development strategies.

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