Monitoring system of changes in air composition
The article considers a new approach to air monitoring based on phase-measurement in the SHF range and homodyne frequency conversion. Information about the change in the air composition is obtained by determining the phase progression of the microwave signal when it passes through the environment under study. At the same time, to determine the change in the content of exclusively harmful gases in the air composition, the meteorological component of the environment is subtracted from the information signal. The implementation of the method involves the organization of a monitoring system consisting of several microwave measuring lines synchronized with a monitoring center through a VHF communication channel, which will allow for global and continuous monitoring of changes in the composition of the air environment. The block diagram of the developed system is presented and its individual blocks, the theoretical possibilities of its operation are considered. An experimental study of the influence of meteorological characteristics of the environment on the phase progression of the microwave signal was also carried out.