scholarly journals Bibliologos and library and information education

A. V. Sokolov ◽  
A. S. Turgaev

In the Decree of the President V. V. Putin of July 21, 2020 "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030", there are two national goals that are directly related to the book and library business: the education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality and the implementation of digital transformation of key sectors of the economy and social spheres. The Russian Bibliologos (book mind) has been creatively and collectively created over millennia. Cognition of the essence of the Bibliologos is a priority task of book and library science and library and information education today. The article examines the biological and social prerequisites of book communication, the dynamics of the development of the classical Bibliologos and the scientific and pedagogical foundations of the formation of the non-classical Bibliologos of the XXI century.The Bibliologos is understood as a biologically and socially determined intelligent productive force mastered by people in the process of hominization (humanization). The following functional definition is proposed: Bibliologos is the collective mind of a historically stable community of people who own the book culture, write and read books and are directly involved in the production of the bibliosphere. The Classical Bibliosphere is defined as a supersystem of book-communication systems that ensures the reproduction, preservation and further development of the national book culture. The structure of the bibliosphere is formed by socio-cultural institutions (systems, or branches of the book business), namely: publishing, printing industry, book trade, librarianship, bibliography. Each institute includes practice, education, science, special communication, management bodies. The branch problems of the bibliosphere are studied by related, but relatively independent, scientific and practical studies (bibliography, library science, records management, book history, bibliopolistics, editsiology, etc.), and bibliology is engaged in general problems – a complex science (or a complex of sciences) about books and books, as well as general document theory, or documentology. In addition to branch institutes, the bodies of the bibliosphere are: bibliophile socio-cultural movement; non-profit and commercial founders and voluntary associations; government authorities and censorship.The participation of the Russian Bibliologos and the library school in the implementation of the human-creative project as a national target is envisaged. Particular attention is paid to the European experience of modeling a new type of person, the historical project "Memory for the Future", cyber-socialization of the society of the future, topical issues of non-classical library and information education and the synthesis of book culture and digital culture of the XXI century. It is concluded that national security and the well-being of future generations depend on the non-classical Bibliosphere, in particular on national libraries and school librarians.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-95
A. V. Sokolov

The neologism “Bibliologos” is literally translated from Greek as a “Book mind”. Real areas of bibliologos existence are education, science, management. Bibliologos can be considered from three points of view: first, genetic (or rather epistemological, theoretical and cognitive) measurement, revealing the initial substances and philosophical categories that are inherent to both the National Logos in general and its varieties – Bibliologos; secondly, the socio-functional dimension, considering the productive forces, material tools and bibliosphere technologies; thirdly, system-structural measurement, studying signs, symbols and documents that form the system of bibliologos. Hence, there are three private definitions: genetic, functional and system-structural. The generalization of private definitions is the general definition: Bibliologos-Σ is a collective mind of a civilized society in the form of a productive force providing creation, preservation, use of book culture.The idea of the Bibliologos in all interpretations will undoubtedly find use in such areas of modern mental labor as education, science, management for to educate a new type of person. It is obvious. Prospects of the synthesis of book culture and digital culture are problematic. It should be assumed that in the future digital sphere for processing the Big Data arrays, Big Logos will be required as the universal vaccine from ignorance and nonsense.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-41 ◽  
Jeannie Van Wyk

Our spatial environment is one of the most important determinants of our well-being and life chances. It relates to schools, opportunities, businesses, recreation and access to public services. Spatial injustice results where discrimination determines that spatial environment. Since Apartheid in South Africa epitomised the notion of spatial injustice, tools and instruments are required to transform spatial injustice into spatial justice. One of these is the employment of principles of spatial justice. While the National Development Plan (NDP) recognised that all spatial development should conform to certain normative principles and should explicitly indicate how the requirements of these should be met, the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA) contains a more concrete principle of spatial justice. It echoes aspects of both the South African land reform programme and global principles of spatial justice. Essentially section 7(a) of SPLUMA entails three components: (1) redressing past spatial imbalances and exclusions; (2) including people and areas previously excluded and (3) upgrading informal areas and settlements. SPLUMA directs municipalities to apply the principle in its spatial development frameworks, land use schemes and, most importantly, in decision-making on development applications. The aim of this article is to determine whether the application of this principle in practice can move beyond the confines of spatial planning and land use management to address the housing issue in South Africa. Central to housing is section 26 of the Constitution, that has received the extensive attention of the Constitutional Court. The court has not hesitated to criticize the continuing existence of spatial injustice, thus contributing to the transformation of spatial injustice to spatial justice. Since planning, housing and land reform are all intertwined not only the role of SPLUMA, but also the NDP and the myriad other policies, programmes and legislation that are attempting to address the situation are examined and tested against the components of the principle of spatial justice in SPLUMA.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (0) ◽  
pp. 41-71
Myung-Won Choi

Abbie J. Shipp

Temporal focus is the individual tendency to characteristically think more or less about the past, present, and future. Although originally rooted in early work from psychology, research on temporal focus has been steadily growing in a number of research areas, particularly since Zimbardo and Boyd’s (1999) influential article on the topic. This chapter will review temporal focus research from the past to the present, including how temporal focus has been conceptualized and measured, and which correlates and outcomes have been tested in terms of well-being and behavior. Based on this review, an agenda for research is created to direct temporal focus research in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (7) ◽  
pp. 818-820
Heidi Forbes Öste

Erin K. Chiou ◽  
Eric Holder ◽  
Igor Dolgov ◽  
Kaleb McDowell ◽  
Lance Menthe ◽  

Global investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are on the rise, with the results to impact global economies, security, safety, and human well-being. The most heralded advances in this space are more often about the technologies that are capable of disrupting business-as-usual than they are about innovation that advances or supports a global workforce. The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier is one of NSF’s 10 Big Ideas for research advancement. This panel discussion focuses on the barriers and opportunities for a future of human and AI/robot teaming, with people at the center of complex systems that provide social, ethical, and economic value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Daren K. Heyland ◽  
J. Paige Pope ◽  
Xuran Jiang ◽  
Andrew G. Day

Abstract Background People are living longer than ever before. However, with living longer comes increased problems that negatively impact on quality of life and the quality of death. Tools are needed to help individuals assess whether they are practicing the best attitudes and behaviors that are associated with a future long life, high quality of life, high quality of death and a satisfying post-death legacy. The purpose of paper is to describe the process we used to develop a novel questionnaire (“Preparedness for the Future Questionnaire™ or Prep FQ”) and to define its psychometric properties. Methods Using a multi-step development procedure, items were generated, for the new questionnaire after which the psychometric properties were tested with a heterogeneous sample of 502 Canadians. Using an online polling panel, respondents were asked to complete demographic questions as well as the Prep-FQ, Global Rating of Life Satisfaction, the Keyes Psychological Well-Being scale and the Short-Form 12. Results The final version of the questionnaire contains 34 items in 8 distinct domains (“Medico-legal”, “Social”, “Psychological Well-being”, “Planning”, “Enrichment”, “Positive Health Behaviors”, “Negative Health Behaviors”, and “Late-life Planning”). We observed minimum missing data and good usage of all response options. The average overall Prep FQ score is 51.2 (SD = 13.3). The Cronbach alphas assessing internal reliability for the Prep FQ domains ranged from 0.33 to 0.88. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) used to assess the test–retest reliability had an overall score of 0.87. For the purposes of establishing construct validity, all the pre-specified relationships between Prep FQ and the other questionnaires were met. Conclusion Analyses of this novel measure offered support for its face validity, construct validity, test–retest reliability, and internal consistency. With the development of this useful and valid scale, future research can utilize this measure to engage people in the process of comprehensively assessing and improving their state of preparedness for the future, tracking their progress along the way. Ultimately, this program of research aims to improve the quality and quantity of peoples live by helping them ‘think ahead’ and ‘plan ahead’ on the aspects of their daily life that matter to their future.

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