productive force
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2021 ◽  
pp. 54-61
D. P. Gavra ◽  
J. P. Bayer

In the article, the authors consider the phenomenon of creativity, creativity as a demanded competence in contemporary society. Artists, poets, composers, musicians, carriers of the so-called fine art creativity, have always been in demand. In the “fast” digital world, creativity takes on new characteristics, turns into a mass-market productive force. The public demand for creativity and the supply for this characteristic are undergoing noticeable changes now.Creativity has now become a demanded competence that can bring high income to its owners. The authors analyze the influence of common social institutions of socialization on the development of creativity. The article provides a definition of individual and social creativity, structuring the sociological approaches available in world science to the study of creativity and its nature. The authors introduce a new term — paracreativity and reveal its features.The authors come to the conclusion that society, by creating and maintaining social norms, aimed at developing inner freedom and creativity, contributes to the formation of happier social groups and thus individuals, where each individual has created conditions for the disclosure and realization of his creative potential for the benefit of himself and a large or small society, depending on the scale of the activity. Meanwhile, in the digital world, the creator himself regulates the scale of his activities, using/neglecting social networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (4) ◽  
pp. 042077
Ya Zaitseva ◽  
N Radchevsky

Abstract The paper discusses the most important property of the land – soil fertility, which characterizes it as a productive force and the main means of production, as well as a price-forming factor. This ability is the main specific feature of agricultural land. Fertility is understood as the ability of the soil to provide a crop, the level of which depends on the objective properties of the soil itself, climatic conditions and farming culture. This property is the result of soil-forming natural processes, and when used in agriculture, it is also the result of cultivation. It has a huge impact on the value of an agricultural land plot as an object of valuation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16383
Nataliia Kholiavko ◽  
Olha Popelo ◽  
Svitlana Tulchynska

The digital economy forms a set of new challenges to the higher education system, namely: accelerating the pace of socio-economic transformations; transformation of information into a commodity and a productive force; large-scale digitalization of economic entities; virtualization of workplaces; active introduction of information and communication technologies; creation of a global information field; exacerbation of cybersecurity problems. In such conditions, the system of higher education and the activities of universities need to be adequately changed in order to ensure their competitiveness in the modern market of educational services. The article substantiates the need to increase the level of adaptability of higher education institutions to exogenous challenges. Under the category of adaptability, it is proposed to understand the desired property of the higher education system, which determines its ability to absorb shocks, adapt or reorganize in accordance with the challenges posed by the development of the digital economy. The main parameters of the adaptability of the higher education system to the digital economy are the degree of its resistance to external disturbances, the depth of response to them, the speed of recovery after crises, the degree of structural and functional reorganization, the possibility of continuing pre-board development trajectory. The purpose of the article is to formulate scientifically sound proposals to increase the level of adaptability of universities to the challenges of the digital economy. The authors of the set of such proposals are structured according to the selected types of adaptability: introversion and extraversion.

2021 ◽  
pp. mbc.E21-06-0324
Mary Ann Collins ◽  
L. Alexis Coon ◽  
Riya Thomas ◽  
Torrey R. Mandigo ◽  
Elizabeth Wynn ◽  

Nuclear movement is a fundamental process of eukaryotic cell biology. Skeletal muscle presents an intriguing model to study nuclear movement because its development requires the precise positioning of multiple nuclei within a single cytoplasm. Furthermore, there is a high correlation between aberrant nuclear positioning and poor muscle function. Although many genes that regulate nuclear movement have been identified, the mechanisms by which these genes act is not known. Using Drosophila melanogaster muscle development as a model system, and a combination of live-embryo microscopy and laser ablation of nuclei, we have found that clustered nuclei encompass at least two phenotypes that are caused by distinct mechanisms. Specifically, Ensconsin is necessary for productive force production to drive any movement of nuclei whereas Bocksbeutel and Klarsicht are necessary to form distinct populations of nuclei that move to different cellular locations. Mechanisitcally, Ensconsin regulates the number of growing microtubules that are used to move nuclei whereas Bocksbeutel and Klarsicht regulate interactions between nuclei. [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text] [Media: see text]

2021 ◽  
Penyu Mihailov ◽  

The issues of land rents are of particular importance today, the new times have brought them to the fore, now they are new dimensions. Previously in the works of Plato, Xenophon and others it was mentioned but not used as a term. With the entry of capitalism into agricultural politics - everyone talks about it. Agriculture became the main branch of social production, and rent became the object of study. Contribution to the development of the problem have: У. Petit, Fr. F. P?ti, F. Kenet, A. Smith, D. The work of Marx is indisputable. The neoclassical theory advocates a subjective treatment of the problem -opposed to Marx. The reasons are to be sought in the following circumstances: capitalism has undergone fundamental changes; it has entered a stage of global integration; the scientific-technical revolution has raised it to a greater height; new technologies have entered the economy; electronization, robotization, computerization, science has penetrated all spheres of life, has become an immediate productive force; it is rising to a higher level; production is being naturalized, it is becoming a field of application of science. History, however, follows its own logic. The immature economic forms of production do not submit to exact theoretical reflections; as they change, so do our ideas about them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-174
Naomi Haynes

Abstract In October 2015 the Zambian president broke ground on a new National House of Prayer, a building project meant to reaffirm the country's status as Africa's only self-proclaimed “Christian nation.” Over the next four years architects produced three separate sets of plans for the House of Prayer, images of which were circulated among Zambian Christians, primarily church leaders. Each set of plans has provoked conversations about what the House of Prayer should look like. This article shows how discussions of the building's aesthetic features were connected to the theological-political possibilities of Christian nationalism, crystalizing around two competing models of how to go about making Zambia a (more) Christian nation. By tracing the tension between these models through architectural and aesthetic debates, this article shows the link between images and the theological-political imagination. It therefore builds on anthropological analyses of other parts of the world that have emphasized the political power of aesthetics as more than representations of already existing ideas—that is, as an ideologically and politically productive force in its own right.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-95
A. V. Sokolov

The neologism “Bibliologos” is literally translated from Greek as a “Book mind”. Real areas of bibliologos existence are education, science, management. Bibliologos can be considered from three points of view: first, genetic (or rather epistemological, theoretical and cognitive) measurement, revealing the initial substances and philosophical categories that are inherent to both the National Logos in general and its varieties – Bibliologos; secondly, the socio-functional dimension, considering the productive forces, material tools and bibliosphere technologies; thirdly, system-structural measurement, studying signs, symbols and documents that form the system of bibliologos. Hence, there are three private definitions: genetic, functional and system-structural. The generalization of private definitions is the general definition: Bibliologos-Σ is a collective mind of a civilized society in the form of a productive force providing creation, preservation, use of book culture.The idea of the Bibliologos in all interpretations will undoubtedly find use in such areas of modern mental labor as education, science, management for to educate a new type of person. It is obvious. Prospects of the synthesis of book culture and digital culture are problematic. It should be assumed that in the future digital sphere for processing the Big Data arrays, Big Logos will be required as the universal vaccine from ignorance and nonsense.

V. Kulik ◽  
I. Kulik

The structure of the working day from the point of view "a necessary and additional product and its cost" is considered, two divisions of a social production, the productive capital and the income of a society, and also concepts " productive force" and "labour productivity" are determined. It was possible to specify "the law of the profit" and "the law of efficiency of a social production" and to formulate the unknown person till now "the law of proportional development of a social production by the example of change of structure of an end-product of a society". 

Lateral ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Richard Simpson

In an era when urban space is theorized as an educative science enhancing productivity, business, and management, we witness the emergence of teaching as a dominant productive force for the first time in the history of capital. Given the decisive role of knowledge production in the development of globalized urbanization it becomes vital to identify critical pedagogies that not only engage the production of space but grasp the production of space as pedagogical. To do so, I attend to interventions into regionalist studies and the global city to argue for visual spatial tactics as a tool for a critical regionalist pedagogy capable of linking material, affective, and discursive practices with a placed-based approach to globalized urbanization. Students design a collaborative website documenting the spatial history of cruise ship tourism in Alaska as an argument over the right to the city. Identifying this living process—framing the cruise industry as a constitutive system fusing discourse, space, and identity to restructure history, nature, and region—becomes a means of questioning and revising otherwise generalized theories often brought to bear on tourist landscapes, on Alaska, and on critical pedagogy itself. This case study shows the emergence of the cruise ship city as inseparable from the onset of globalized urbanization and how it, in turn, provides edifying material to mobilize a critical regionalist pedagogy within contemporary forms of educative landscapes.

Rachel J. Crellin ◽  
Oliver J.T. Harris

In this paper we argue that to understand the difference Posthumanism makes to the relationship between archaeology, agency and ontology, several misconceptions need to be corrected. First, we emphasize that Posthumanism is multiple, with different elements, meaning any critique needs to be carefully targeted. The approach we advocate is a specifically Deleuzian and explicitly feminist approach to Posthumanism. Second, we examine the status of agency within Posthumanism and suggest that we may be better off thinking about affect. Third, we explore how the approach we advocate treats difference in new ways, not as a question of lack, or as difference ‘from’, but rather as a productive force in the world. Finally, we explore how Posthumanism allows us to re-position the role of the human in archaeology,

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