2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-143
Ekaterina Panarina

The focus on the relationship between sustainable development, regionalism and clusterisation of economy formed a scientific interest of the present paper. Based on a questionnaire filled in by a sample of managers from 3 cluster-oriented regions of Russia, the perception of business strengths and weaknesses and the assessment of the external environment were investigated and paralleled with the main causes for the success of clusters or underutilization of the clusters integrated benefits. The efficiency of a region’s cluster-type development was linked to optimization of resources potential and national industrial complex enlargement, growth of market infrastructure, recruiting qualified personnel, attracting small and medium-size innovative businesses, and collaborative engagement of all entities participating in the strategic alliance within a cluster. The purpose of this research was to identify key factors of successful clustering of an economy based on experience of foreign clusters and leading clusters of the Russian economy, and to stimulate the influence of innovative clusters on regional social-economic development in Russia. The research methodology is based on the cluster concept of regional management and numerous case-studies that describe the cases of high-tech clusters nationally and internationally. Conclusions of the study give a plausible picture of the level of development, interrelated with the quality of business strategies in the measured regions, and ask for a comparative analysis of more Russian regions. The present study contributes to the government body of regional management to approach sustainable development of social-economic systems and increasing entrepreneurial activity in the regions of the Russian Federation. Keywords: cluster efficiency, cluster strategy, economic competitiveness, innovation economy, innovative industrial cluster, national innovation systems, regional development, clustering success factors

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-133
S. V. Shchurina ◽  
A. S. Danilov

The subject of the research is the introduction of artificial intelligence as a technological innovation into the Russian economic development. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that the Russian market of artificial intelligence is still in the infancy and the necessity to bridge the current technological gap between Russia and the leading economies of the world is coming to the forefront. The financial sector, the manufacturing industry and the retail trade are the drivers of the artificial intelligence development. However, company managers in Russia are not prepared for the practical application of expensive artificial intelligence technologies. Under these circumstances, the challenge is to develop measures to support high-tech projects of small and medium-sized businesses, given that the technological innovation considered can accelerate the development of the Russian economy in the energy sector fully or partially controlled by the government as well as in the military-industrial complex and the judicial system.The purposes of the research were to examine the current state of technological innovations in the field of artificial intelligence in the leading countries and Russia and develop proposals for improving the AI application in the Russian practices.The paper concludes that the artificial intelligence is a breakthrough technology with a great application potential. Active promotion of the artificial intelligence in companies significantly increases their efficiency, competitiveness, develops industry markets, stimulates introduction of new technologies, improves product quality and scales up manufacturing. In general, the artificial intelligence gives a new impetus to the development of Russia and facilitates its entry into the five largest world’s economies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 58 ◽  
Rui Alexandre Castanho ◽  
Arian Behradfar ◽  
Ana Vulevic ◽  
José Manuel Naranjo Gómez

The scarcity of resources, the limited land, and the overstressing of tourism, as well as the estrangements of movement, make the insular territories relevant case studies in terms of their regional management and governance and, consequently, sustainable development. Thereby, Transportation and Infrastructures’ Sustainability in these territories is not an exception. In this regard, the present study, through exploratory tools, expects to analyze, using accessibility and connectivity indicators, the impacts over the social-economic sphere that the local Transportation and Infrastructures may deliver to the populations of the Canary Islands Archipelago. The study enables us to identify the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, Fuerteventura, and La Gomera as those with better accessibility patterns.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 4-13 ◽  
Пименов ◽  
Vladimir Pimenov ◽  
Быстров ◽  
Andrey Bystrov ◽  
Калиматова ◽  

The current challenges and threats undermine economic security of the most production enterprises, primarily as the result of such environmental factors, as sanctions and declining oil prices, which in turn significantly affects the whole Russian economy, heavily dependent on energy resources exports. These external factors also threaten the financial stability and create prerequisites for crisis situations at the enterprises, ultimately undermining their economic security. The paper reveals the close relationship between such concepts, as sustainability and economic security, and shows the role of financial strategy as one of the tools to ensure sustainable development of an enterprise under the mentioned conditions. The research findings are considered through the case study of high-tech enterprises within the defence-industrial complex of this country.

V.Ya. Akhmetov ◽  
R.N. Galikeev

According to the results of 2020, in the rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation for the production of gross agricultural output, the Republic of Bashkortostan came in 6th place and 2nd in the Volga Federal District. The long-term leadership of the republic in terms of the development of the agro-industrial complex is largely explained by the presence of large areas of agricultural land (more than 7.2 million hectares), sufficient labor resources and relatively favorable soil and climatic conditions for the development of many branches of agriculture. However, in the XXI century, without the introduction of agro-innovations and the development of high-tech agriculture, processing industry, an effective system for the sale of manufactured products, it is becoming increasingly problematic to ensure the long-term competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex of the region both at the All-Russian and global levels. Current trends in the development of agribusiness in the world and in our country clearly show the priority of using the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress and significant investments in new agricultural technologies at the regional level in order to ensure high quality products and compete with domestic and foreign companies. Within the framework of this study, the need to improve the interaction of agribusiness with the scientific and educational sphere and the formation of the regional innovation infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Bashkortostan with the coordinating role of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan is actualized. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of the key problems in the creation of a regional agro-industrial scientific and production cluster in the Republic of Bashkortostan and outlined priorities in its development.

2014 ◽  
Vol 657 ◽  
pp. 1046-1050 ◽  
Jolanta Krolczyk ◽  
Stanisław Legutko

The topic about innovations and success factors in innovations has frequently been discussed by researchers and other writers. ‘Innovation’ is different in science for a researcher and in business for an engineer. In science an innovation is something which is ‘interesting’ and it does not have to be useful, but for engineer an innovation must be something ‘new’ and ‘useful’ and does not have to be interesting. Innovation is as a key factor for entrepreneurial activity which has an influence on the competitiveness of enterprises. In today's increasingly competitive environment, managers are having to update themselves on the range of factors that determine innovation success. The aim of the study was to presents success factors in high-tech companies at start-up stage based on individual surveys and compare them with success factors present by other researches.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-223
Busori Sunaryo ◽  
Bambang Eko ◽  
Reta Yudistyana

The government is currently trying to realize Sustainable Development Goals/ SGDs. SGDs are not merely dreams that cannot be realized. The noble goal of SDG is to realize sustainable development for the better future that is in line with the concepts of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). One of the companies that participated in the realization of SDGS is PT Badak NGL. This study used descriptive analysis to provide clear descriptions or overviews of the object of the study. The study also used a case study of a MSME under the guidance of PT Badak NGL, namely Saputra Snack. Thus, the common goals between CSR, and SDGs is the spirit to realize sustainable development in terms of business strategies by implementing CSR programs. If all elements are committed to realize 17 SDG, so we can provide better future for our children - with low poverty, environment and earth sustainability, low levels of inequality in the economic, social and legal education sectors. Based on the observation and analysis, one of the keys of success to Saputra Snack was its high commitment. The high commitment did not only come from Saputra Snack itself, but also from PT Badak NGL Community Development party.  

ijd-demos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Ahmad Fajar Rahmatullah ◽  
Ahmad Farhan Rahmatullah

AbstractSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a concept of sustainable development combines aspects of social, economic and environmental 17 sustainable development Goals where the first point is No poverty or no poverty. No poverty to be the first point in the SDGs indicates that all the Countries that signed the Document of the SDGs agreed to see the problem of poverty became a serious problem that must be handled by all Countries in the world. To eradicate poverty of course, every Country has her way each. Interesting things seen in the program which is run by the government of President Jokowi in terms of the alleviation of poverty by through education. The concept of no poverty by way of education is not a new thing.  This study uses the study of a literature review with a focus on the study of how the government program in the fight against poverty through education. This study resulted that the efforts to alleviate poverty through education has been run by the Government of Joko Widodo in the period from the first through the Indonesia Smart Program whereby in the year 2015 until the year 2019 poverty significantly decreased and the school participation rate (APS) is increased. In addition have implemented the goals of the first SGD is no poverty, the government of Joko Widodo also indirectly apply goals to 4, namely Quality Education in Indonesia Smart Program.Keywords : sustainable development goals; no poverty ;education; kartu indonesia pintar.  AbstrakSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) merupakan sebuah konsep pembangunan yang berkelanjutan mengkombinasikan aspek sosial, ekonomi serta lingkungan dengan 17 Tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan dimana point pertama adalah No poverty atau tanpa kemiskinan. No poverty menjadi point pertama dalam SDGs mengindikasikan bahwa seluruh Negara yang menandatangani Dokumen SDGs sepakat melihat permasalahan kemiskinan menjadi masalah yang serius yang harus di tangani oleh seluruh Negara di dunia. Dalam memberantas kemiskinan tentunya tiap Negara memiliki cara nya masing-masing. Hal menarik terlihat dalam program yang di jalankan oleh pemerintah Presiden Jokowi dalam hal pengentasan kemiskinan dengan cara melalui pendidikan. Konsep pemberantasan kemiskinan dengan cara pendidikan bukan merupakan hal yang baru.  Studi ini menggunakan studi literatur  dengan fokus studi tentang bagaimana program pemerintah dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan melalui pendidikan. Studi ini menghasilkan bahwa upaya pengentasan kemiskinan melalui pendidikan telah dijalankan oleh Pemerintahan Joko Widodo pada periode pertamanya melalui Program Indonesia Pintar dimana pada tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2019 kemiskinan  secara signifikan menurun  dan angka partisipasi sekolah (APS) meningkat. Selain telah menerapkan goals pertama SGD yaitu no poverty, disamping itu pemerintahan Joko Widodo juga secara tidak langsung menerapkan goals ke 4 yaitu Quality Education pada Program Indonesia Pintar.Kata kunci:  sustainable development goals; kemiskinan; pendidikan; kartu indonesia pintar.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Michael Louis Fabien Pompeia

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the suitability of a single brand for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the hospitality sector to boost sustainable development in Mauritius. Design/methodology/approach The research design focuses on a literature review, face-to-face interviews and focus groups. The focus group method was used to consult 24 MSMEs and to gather their opinions on the value of a single brand for the hospitality sector. Other stakeholders were interviewed via face-to-face unstructured interviews, including at least one representative from the government, intergovernmental agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Findings The findings demonstrated that MSMEs in the accommodation sector have yet to realize the importance of effective brand management. Currently, they are focusing on short-term business strategies that could jeopardize their survival. Meanwhile, some businesses have noted a change in the profile of tourists and that more of them are looking for an authentic tourism experience. Respondents feel that the process of becoming certified is tedious and for a family business, and time consuming but perhaps necessary in the medium term. The survey also revealed that MSMEs involved in the hospitality sector in Mauritius are turning toward the digitalization of their offering. Respondents felt that this will help them to deliver a better service to the customers and provide a worthy experience. Research limitations/implications The main limitation of this study is the modest sample size. Emphasis was placed on targeting key respondents to provide expert opinions on the topic. Originality/value To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first study of its kind in Mauritius to analyze the suitability of an existing ecosystem for a single branding approach that integrates with the sustainable development goals in a practical way.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
Claudia Zylberberg ◽  
Asli Ceylan Oner ◽  
Ezequiel Zylberberg

Biotechnology related developments in Argentina have gained momentum in the past few years. The creation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovative Production in 2007 that focuses on high-tech growth in technology related fields including biotechnology, demonstrates the public sector commitment to a field with a thriving business sector and promising improvements in research and development. By embracing its agricultural advantage and investing in research and innovation, Argentina has seen its stock of biotech companies grow to 120, of which 90 percent are domestic small and medium size. Today, biotechnology researchers in Argentina engage in international collaboration with other scholars and globally recognized institutions and the country has bilateral agreements with other countries to support biotechnology related research and development. There are many governmental and non-profit organizations that are influential in shaping Argentina’s vision on biotechnology. Although the government places importance in providing support in biotechnology research, innovation and investment, the paper argues that the rapid growth trends in the industry requires biotechnology to become higher on the national agenda. The lack of a royalty collection system, the absence of patent protection, and the inadequate sources of venture capital still remain as important problems. Attracting new forms of foreign capital, higher investment in infrastructure, building on existing regional and global networks in research and development, are all important areas for improvement to advance biotechnology in Argentina.  

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