scholarly journals Relationship of Physical Activities with Nutrition Status in Students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan Deli Serdang District

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 377-383
Hasnizar ◽  
Evawany Aritonang ◽  
Etti Sudaryati

Adolescents are age group that is vulnerable to the nutritional problems. Factors that influence nutritional status in adolescents include physical activity. Physical activity including physical exercise which is one of the efforts to stabilize the intake and expenditure of food substances which is a priority source of energy in the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of physical activity with nutritional status in students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang District in 2019. The type of research used was quantitative research with cross sectional research design. The results obtained by the relationship of physical activity with the nutritional status of students p value of 0.003 or smaller than 0.05. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship of physical activity with nutritional status in students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan. Students who are doing physical activity have normal nutritional status because there is a balance between energy intake and expenditure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Noor Diani ◽  
Devi Rahmayanti

Abstrak Tuberkulosis (TBC) mengakibatkan penurunan asupan dan malabsorbsi nutrien serta metabolisme tubuh berubah sehingga terjadi massa otot dan lemak menurun akibat mekanisme malnutrisi dari energi protein. Malnutrisi pada TBC berpengaruh terhadap prognosis dan tingkat kematian. Peningkatan produksi IFNl- γ dan IL-6, TNF α menghambat dari aktivitas Lipo Protein Lipase (LPL) dijaringan lemak. Enzim LPL berperan dalam proses bersihan trigliserida. Peningkatan ini meningkatkan trigliserida sehingga proses sintesis lemak menurun dan proses lipolisis lemak meningkat di jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan trigliserida dan status gizi pada klien TBC. Metode penelitian ini korelasi analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, sampel 25 orang, dengan uji korelasi Pearson-Product Moment. Hasil penelitian status gizi dibawah normal 56%, normal 40% dan kelebihan berat badan 4%. Kadar Trigliserida normal 84%, trigliserida tinggi 16%. Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara kadar trigliserida dan status gizi yakni r hitung sebesar 0,5: r tabel = 0,396 sehingga r hitung > r tabel dengan korelasi positif.Kata Kunci : Trigliserida, Status Gizi, Tuberkulosis.AbstractTuberculosis(TB) resulting the decreasing of nutrient intake and malabsorbsi as well as changing the metabolism of the body. The wasthing are decreased protein energy. Malnutrition on TB affects the prognosis of the treatment and death rates. The increase TNF α will inhibit the enzyme activity of Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) in the fat tissue. LPL enzyme plays a role in cleavage process of triglycerides. This research was to analyze the relationship of triglycerides and nutrition status on the client with tuberculosis. The design was cross-sectional approach. The respondents were gathered from 25 newly TB patients. The analyzed using Pearson Product-Moment correlation. The results showed 56% respondents undernutrition, and normal 40% and over nutrition 4%. Most triglyceride level of the respondent were normal (84). The concluded was a relationship between triglycerides and the nutritional status with a positive correlation ( P value 0,396).Keywords : Triglycerides, Nutritional Status, Tuberculosis

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-151
Novita Dewi ◽  
Isti Istianah

Nutritional status was an important element in determining someone health status. Nutrition status was good when nutritional intake balanced with the needs of the Body. Physical activity was a way to regulate the amount of energy entering and leaving in the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the macronutrient intake and physical activity with nutritional status at office staff of Directorate Poltekkes Kemenkes of Jakarta II. This research was conducted in April-May 2018 at the Office of Poltekkes Kemenkes Directorate of Jakarta II. The number of samples which was obtained was 49 people and Cross-sectional research design with a Chi-Square test. The data which was used was primary data. It mean the researcher took the data by conducting direct interview with using questionnaire. Most intake of more protein as many as 27 people (55.1%), fat as many as 35 people (71.4%), and carbohydrates as many as 29 people (59.2%). More nutritional status as many as 32 people (65.3%) and normal nutritional status of 17 people (34.7%). While physical activity mostly has physical activity is as much as 34 people (69.45%). There was a significant relationship between protein intake (p: 0.042), fat intake (p: 0.000), carbohydrate intake (p: 0.000) with nutritional status. There was a relationship between the intakes of macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) with nutritional status

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Franzesca Dwi Wahyu ◽  
R L N K Retno Triandhini ◽  
Sharon Regina Yalmav

Abstract                                                       Background: In developing countries, infant and child mortality rates are relatively higher compared to developed countries. The main causes of death are infectious and parasitic diseases, and many of them are associated with malnutrition. Infectious diseases are closely related to poor nutritional status. Purpose: to analyze the relationship between nutritional status of children with the incidence of infection in Getasan and see the factors that influence the incidence of infection. Methods: This type of quantitative research is cross sectional to study the relationship of nutritional status with the incidence of infection in Getasan. To find the relationship between nutritional status and infection using 2 methods, namely using descriptive analysis or univariate and bivariate using Spearmen R'ho Correlation Test. Results: Obtained a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.056 (α = <0.05). This shows that there is no correlation between toddler nutrition status and infectious events in Tolokan village. Discussion: Nutritional status is not only affected by infection in infants but also caused by several factors including genetic, psychological, social status, education, household income and the environment. Conclusion: Nutritional status in the village is caused by various factors, namely hand washing habits, smoking habits, the absence of chimneys and the presence of pets at home.Keywords: nutritional status, infection, infant.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Irene Ubro

Abstract: Humans need a certain amount of energy in order to support the growth and activity. Energy can arise due to combustion derived from carbohydrates, fats and proteins in foods consumed by the body, therefore to have enough energy one should consume enough and balanced food.Nutritional status is a state of the body that is the final result of a balance between the nutrients into the body and its utilization. Adolescence (10-19 years) is a period that is often prone to nutritional problems, because in this period there is less and over nutrient intake. This study aims to determine the relationship between energy intake and Student’s Nutrition Status of  Faculty of Medical Education, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado Year 2013. This study was an observational analytic using cross - sectional approach. Results of statistical analysis using the Spearman rank test shows that, the value of the correlation coefficient (r) of - 0.234 on IMT and 0.077 on WHR and p value of < α = 0.05 on IMT and 0.514 > α = 0.05 on WHR. From the results it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between energy intake with BMI, while the relationship between energy intake with WHR there is no significant relationship. Keywords : Energy Intake, Nutritional Status    Abstrak: Manusia membutuhkan energi dalam jumlah tertentu guna untuk menunjang proses pertumbuhan dan melakukan aktifitas. Energi dapat timbul karena adanya pembakaran yang diperoleh dari karbohidrat, lemak dan protein dalam makanan yang di konsumsi oleh tubuh, karena itu agar energi tercukupi perlu  mengkonsumsi makanan yang cukup dan seimbang. Status gizi adalah keadaan tubuh yang merupakan hasil akhir dari keseimbangan antara zat gizi yang masuk ke dalam tubuh dan utilisasinya.Masa remaja (10-19 tahun) merupakan masa yang sering rentan terhadap masalah gizi, dikarenakan pada masa ini terjadi asupan gizi kurang dan asupan gizi lebih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan energi dengan status gizi pada mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Angkatan 2013 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional (potong lintang). Kesimpulan: Hasil analisis statistik dengan menggunakan uji spearman rank menunjukkan bahwa, nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar -0,234 pada IMT dan 0,077 pada WHR serta nilai p sebesar < α = 0,05 pada IMT dan 0,514 > α = 0,05 pada WHR. Dari hasil tersbut disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan bermakna antara asupan energi dengan IMT sedangkan hubungan antara asupan energi dengan WHR tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna. Kata Kunci : Asupan Energi, Status Gizi

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Firman Edigan ◽  
Deny Pratama Putra

[ID] PT PLN Rayon Tembilahan adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan tenaga listrik, pada penelitian awal terdapat pekerja pada shift siang masih banyak pekerja yang tidak menggunakan APD dengan lengkap sesuai dengan bagian pekerjaanya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan pekerja, kondisi lingkungan, ketersediaan sarana, pengawasan terhadap penggunaan APD pada pekerja teknisi mesin di PT PLN Rayon Tembilahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling dimana pekerja teknisi mesin di PT PLN Rayon Tembilahan yang berjumlah 35 orang. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji-square. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan penggunaan APD dengan nilai p=0,899, adanya hubungan kondisi lingkungan dengan penggunaan APD dengan nilai p=0,022 dan diperoleh nilai OR=8,500, adanya hubungan sarana prasarana  dengan penggunaan APD dengan nilai p=0,031 dan diperoleh nilai OR=6,857, tidak ada hubungan pengawasan dengan penggunaan APD dengan nilai p=0,854 dan diperoleh nilai OR=1,429. Diharapkan kepada pihak PLN Rayon Tembilahan agar memperihatikan kondisi lingkungan kerja  dan bisa melengkapi sarana prasarana untuk pekerja agar dapat mengurangi resiko terhindar dari kecelakaan kerja. [EN] PT PLN Rayon Tembilahan is a company in the provision of electric power, In the initial study there are workers in the afternoon shift there are still many workers who do not use the complete PPE related with their work, the purpose of this study to determine the relationship of worker knowledge, environmental conditions, the availability of facilities, supervision of the use of PPE on workers in the engine technician PT PLN Rayon Tembilahan. The research method used is quantitative research with Cross Sectional research design. The sample in this research use total sampling where machine technician workers in PT PLN Rayon Tembilahan which amounted to 35 person. Univariate and bivariate data analysis with square test. The result of this research is no correlation with the use of PPE with p = 0,899, there is relation of environmental condition with PPE usage with p value = 0,022 and obtained value OR = 8,500, there is correlation of facility of infrastructure by using PPE with p value = 0,031 and Value OR = 6.857, there is no relationship of supervision with the use of PPE with the value p = 0.854 and obtained the value OR = 1.429. It is expected to PLN Rayon Tembilahan to envisage the condition of the work environment and can equip the infrastructure for workers to reduce the risk of avoidance of work accident.  

e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Vini Maleke ◽  
Adrian Umboh ◽  
Vivekenanda Pateda

Abstract: Nutrition is needed for growth and development, energy, thinking, and physical well-being. Selection of proper nutrition will optimize growth and brain development. This study aimed to determine the relationship of nutritional status and academic achievement of elementary school students in Modoinding. This was a descriptive analytical study with a cross sectional design. The nutritional status was based on BMI value meanwhile the academic achievement was based on school reports. Samples were 114 students. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate analyses as well as ANOVA F test. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between nutritional status and academic achievement with a p value = 0.792. Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between nutritional status and academic achievement among the elementary students in Modoinding.Keywords: nutritional status, achievementAbstrak: Gizi dibutuhkan anak sekolah untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, energi, berpikir, serta daya tahan tubuh. Gizi yang berkualitas akan mengoptimalisasikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan prestasi belajar siswa Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Modoinding. Penelitian ini bersifat dekriptif analitik dengan desain potong litang. Status gizi dan prestasi dilihat berdasarkan nilai IMT dan hasil rapor. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 114 siswa. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji anova F. Hasil analisis data memperlihatkan tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar siswa dengan nilai p = 0,792. Simpulan: Pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Modoinding tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar.Kata kunci: status gizi, prestasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Puput Dwi Cahya Ambar Wati ◽  
Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo

Background: The Surabaya City Health Office report showed, the coverage of hygienic and healthy lifestyle in 2016 was 75.07%. In Rangkah Village, a total of 2,770 (11.84%) out of 23,390 families were monitored, and as many as 1,552 of them (56.03%) had applied hygienic and healthy lifestyle. Objective: This study identified the relationship between knowledge and attitude with the implementation of clean and healthy lifestyle in Rangkah Village. Method: This study deployed quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. As many as 249 people became the sample selected by using the cluster random sampling. The independent variables were knowledge of and attitudes towards hygienic and healthy lifestyle, while the dependent variable was hygiene and healthy lifestyle. The data were then processed with SPSS to identify whether there is a relationship among the variables observed. Results: Knowledge variable obtained P value of 0.014<α (0.05), meaning there is a relationship of knowledge with hygienic and healthy lifestyle. While attitude variable had P value of 0.082>α (0.05), suggesting that there is no relationship of attitudes with hygienic and healthy lifestyle. Conclusion: One of the factors which greatly influences hygienic and healthy lifestyle in the familiesis knowledge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-165
Magdalena Agu Yosali ◽  
Nurlita Bintari

Breast cancer is a cancer that occurs most often among women, which affects the 1,5 million women every year and cause the death toll due to cancer is found among women.In 2015, 570.000 women dying of breast cancer, which is about 15 % of cancer death among women.The incident breast cancer relating to the risk of breast cancer, the main risk factors associated with the incident breast cancer is the state of hormonal and genetic. Family history hormonal factors can be influenced by some one is the age of menarche To know relations age menarche with the occurrence of breast cancer in women age 25-55 years in women in Yayasan Kanker Payudara Indonesia ( YKPI ) in 2019. This is the kind of research quantitative research with a design research analytic used the cross sectional performed at Yayasan Kanker Payudara Indonesia (YKPI) Jakarta in 2019 , respondents were 30 .Uses the technique total sampling .An instrument used is the questionnaire and a observation and analysis techniques using spearman.The results of the analysis of 30 the smallest number of respondents there are 22 ( 100 % ) a woman whose period menarche at the age of ≤ 12 years the proportion who experienced breast cancer , from 30 the smallest number of respondents there are 20 ( 100 % ) a woman whose period menarche ≤ 12 year have been of breast cancer 8 ( 80 % ) a woman whose period menarche > 12 year have been of breast cancer , 2 ( 20% ) a woman whose period menarche & gt; 12 years they had experienced no cancer of the breast , sehigga ho refused to play host to which would mean there are even closer ties between the between the ages of menarche with an instance of cancer of the breast . P value = 0,007 .The value of persons of very = 0,800 As for advice for the research can be used as evalusi in providing information about breast cancer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-252
Rian Maylina Sari ◽  
Muhammad Arifki Zainaro

LEADERSHIP STYLE, MOTIVATION IN EFFECTIVE PATIENT ROUNDING TECHNIQUESBackground : The Nursing round is the way for a nurses to discuss more about the problems and needs of patients and is a learning process for nurses it hopes of improving cognitive, affective, psychomotor and motivated bias. The results of the interview with the head of the Raden Mattaher General Hospital operating room in Jambi found that nursing rounds were very rare.Purpose: The study is to determine the relationship between nurse motivation and leadership style of nursing rounds in the Surgical Inpatient Room of Raden Mattaher Hospital in Jambi City.Methods: The research was used a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. This study was conducted in the Surgical hospitalization rooms. The population of this study were all of nurses who worked in the Surgical Inpatient Room of Raden Mattaher Hospital in Jambi which totaling 38 nurses. The samples were taken in total sampling thenique. The data collection did by filling out a questionnaire. The data analysis used univariate and bivariate by using chi square test.Results: The results of this study indicated that of 38 respondents, 55.3% had low motivation, 71.1% with good leadership style and 57.9% who did a nursing round. There is no relationship between nurses' motivation for the nursing round with p value 0.122> 0.05. There is a relationship of leadership style to the nursing round because the p value is 0.002 <0.05.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the leadership style influences the nursing round.Latar Belakang: Ronde keperawatan merupakan media bagi perawat untuk membahas lebih dalam masalah dan kebutuhan pasien serta merupakan suatu proses belajar bagi perawat dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif, afektif, psikomotor dan bisa termotivasi. Hasil wawancara kepada kepala ruangan bedah RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi diketahui ronde keperawatan sangat jarang sekali dilakukan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi perawat dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap ronde keperawatan diruang rawat inap bedah RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantiatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan diruang rawat inap bedah, dengan populasi penelitian seluruh perawat pelaksana yang berkerja diruang rawat inap bedah RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi yang berjumlah 38 perawat. Sample diambil secara total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan pengisian kuesioner, analisis yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 38 responden, 55,3% memiliki motivasi rendah, 71,1% dengan gaya kepemimpinan baik dan 57,9% yang melakukan ronde keperawatan. Tidak terdapat hubungan motivasi perawat terhadap ronde keperawatan dengan p value 0,002 > 0,05. Terdapat hubungan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap ronde keperawatan karena nilai p value 0,002<0,05.Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan mempengaruhi ronde keperawatan. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Hariani Hariani ◽  
Deris Atma Subrin

Early menstruation in adolescents can be influenced by nutritional status and nutrients consumed by teenagers. This studyaims to determine the relationship of nutrient intake and nutritional status on the incidence of early menstruation at SMPN 1East Kabaena. This research is descriptive analytic with Cross Sectional Study. The population in this study were allstudents of SMPN 1 East Kabaena as many as 94 people. Sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data were obtainedusing a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. Data were analyzed by using Chi-square test. Results show thatfrom 42 adolescents who consumed enough energy, there were 25 people (59.5%) experienced early menstruation, andfrom 38 adolescents who consumed less protein, there were 29 people (76.3%) experienced early menstruation. While the33 adolescents who consumed less fat, there were 25 people (75.8%) experienced early menstruation, and of 37 teenagerswho consumed more carbohydrates, there were 24 people (64.9%) had normal menstruation, while from 37 teenagers whohad over-nutrition status, there were 24 people (60.0%) had normal menstruation. The results show that there is arelationship between nutritional intake and nutritional status with the incidence of early menstruation in female students atSMPN 1 East Kabaena.

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