poor nutritional status
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-251
Husnul Maad ◽  
Triyanti Anugrahini

The Poor nutritional status of children under five years of age remains a major concern in Indonesia. Based on RISKESDAS (Basic Health Survey) 2018, NTB province was listed as one of the 10 provinces with the highest stunting rates in Indonesia with 33,49 children are stunted, and Lombok Timur district was the highest stunting in NTB with prevalence reached 43, 5 %. Considering the long-lasting effects of child malnutrition, the district government of Lombok Timur put stunting reduction program as a priority. In 2017, Pandanwangi village was selected as one pilot village for implementing the national strategy to accelerate stunting prevention and reduction. Pandanwangi village successfully implemented integrated approach dealing with stunting reduction through specific and sensitive nutrition intervention. The aim of the study was to identify the form and role of social capital on stunting reduction program activities in Pandanwangi village. This was a qualitative study on collecting information from informants the health and non-health sector. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and focus group discussion. The results showed that several forms of social capital included in social bonding, bridging, linking and played a role in the acceleration of the decline in stunting. Based on the research results, each type of social capital plays an important role in creating a enabling environment in stunting reduction efforts. The results of the study also showed a synergy between various forms of social capital that allowed the community to accelerate stunting reduction in Pandawangi Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Inamah Inamah ◽  
Rahwan Ahmad ◽  
Wahyuni Sammeng ◽  
Hairudin Rasako

Poor environmental sanitation will result in diarrheal disease which will later lead to infection and thus lead to malnutrition. In Indonesia, it is recorded that 7.8 million out of 23 million children under five are stunted or around 35.6%. Based on the Tumalehu Health Center report (November 2019), it shows that in 2019 the number of children under five was 1467 and those with poor nutritional status were 89 children (6.07%). The research objective was to analyze the relationship between environmental sanitation and stunting in children under five in the coastal area of Tumalehu Health Center. This research method is analytic observational with a cross-sectional approach, the number of samples is 313 toddlers. Data were analyzed using Chi Square Test. The results of the study using a bivariate test showed that there was a relationship between environmental sanitation, consisting of clean water facilities (p=0.014), SPAL (p=0.05) and waste disposal facilities (p=0.00) with the incidence of stunting (HAZ) in toddler. The conclusion from the research is that poor sanitation can contribute to nutritional problems, in this case a picture of past nutrition problems for children under five, which is indicated by stunting.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Chisa Shinsugi ◽  
Ann Mizumoto

Prevailing prevention measures against morbidity, such as vaccination and safe hygiene practices, vary among local cultural contexts, and little is known about the extent to which these behaviors mitigate poor nutritional status in young children in Southeast Asia. We examined the associations between nutrition status with full immunization coverage, and water, sanitation and hygiene status among children aged 12–59 months in the 2015–2016 Thailand Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (n = 9060). When adjusted for confounding factors, children with incomplete immunization status were more likely to be stunted (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.47; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.24–1.75, p < 0.001), wasted (aOR 1.67, 95% CI: 1.31–2.12, p < 0.001), and overweight (aOR 1.24, 95% CI: 1.01–1.51, p < 0.05), whereas children who used unimproved water sources were more likely to be overweight (aOR 2.43, 95% CI: 1.27–4.64, p < 0.01). The further implementation of simple and cost-effective health promotion activities and practices at the household level may be important interventions for healthy child growth and development, particularly under restricted living conditions due to COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-234
Eliyana Eliyana ◽  
Enda Silvia Putri

In Indonesia, the problem of nutrition is still very high, we should prepare the Indonesian generation in a healthy, intelligent and quality manner to be able to continue the development of the Indonesian nation to be more advanced, just and prosperous. The survey results obtained data for 72 children under five, there were 83.3% under five with good nutritional status, 2.8% under five with overweight status, 12.5% ​​under five with malnutrition status, and 1.4% under five with poor nutritional status. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and actions of mothers in giving food to the nutritional status of children under five. This study used a cross sectional analytic survey, the primary data was obtained from the measurement of the toddler's weight. The population of this research is all mothers who have toddlers totaling 72 respondents, the sample in this study is all of the total population. The research analysis was univariate and bivariate using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that there was a relationship between mother's knowledge (P-value = 0.001), mother's attitude (P-value = 0.02), and mother's actions (P-value = 0.01) with the nutritional status of children under five.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
Ninuk Dian Kurniawati ◽  
Adi Sukma Septiana ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal ◽  
Laely Sholihah ◽  
Dyah Sekaringtyas Ciptaningrum ◽  

Introduction: Inadequate nutritional status in a person with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA) has a high risk of declining health in general. If a person is infected with HIV but has a good nutritional status, his immune system will be better than someone who is infected with HIV but has poor nutritional status. With good nutritional status, it can prevent HIV disease from entering the AIDS stage. Malnutrition that occurs in a person with HIV/AIDS can accelerate the progression of HIV disease and hinder treatment, thereby worsening the patient's condition. The use of Antiretroviral (ARV) has an effect that can worsen a person's condition if it is not accompanied by good nutritional intake.Methods: The method used in this study is a literature review with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sample: The total number of samples obtained from the results of the literature review is 128 respondents. The instrument used in evaluating the research is using an instrument from The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Results: Protein-energy enriched macronutrient supplementation along with ARV initiation was effective in improving physiological nutritional status and immune response in PLWHA.Conclusion: This can prevent people living with HIV from experiencing malnutrition and wasting, can restore the ideal body weight, increase and maintain the body's ability to fight various opportunistic infections, increase the effect of drugs, and can improve and improve the quality of life of PLWHA patients

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 4388
Roma Krzymińska-Siemaszko ◽  
Ewa Deskur-Śmielecka ◽  
Aleksandra Kaluźniak-Szymanowska ◽  
Beata Kaczmarek ◽  
Hanna Kujawska-Danecka ◽  

Poor nutritional status (PNS) threatens successful aging. Identifying potentially modifiable predictors of PNS is essential for elaborating a preventive strategy for the population at risk. To assess the prevalence of PNS in the Polish elderly population and analyze its socioeconomic correlates based on the data from the nationwide PolSenior2 project. Special emphasis was put on potentially modifiable factors among the identified PNS predictors. Nutritional status was assessed in 5698 community-dwelling older adults with the Mini Nutritional Assessment–Short Form. We evaluated the effect of age, sex, level of education, marital status, place of residence, subjective loneliness, and self-reported poverty on the nutritional status of the studied subjects. PNS was found in 25.3% of studied subjects (27.7% women and 21.9% men; p < 0.001). Female sex, older age, unmarried status (in men), subjective loneliness, and self-reported poverty were independent correlates of PNS. The two last above-mentioned predictors were identified as potentially modifiable. Based on our results, we recommend preventive interventions (e.g., performing regular screening), particularly in unmarried (men), poorly educated individuals, self-reporting poverty, complaining of loneliness, and the oldest old. PNS preventive strategies should include social support (both emotional and instrumental) to reduce the effect of poverty and subjective loneliness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 301
Niswatun Asnawati ◽  
Muh. Efendi Jayadi ◽  
Salwa Afrilia ◽  
M. Sofyandi ◽  
Sri Wahyuni ◽  

ABSTRAKProgram pengabdian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan informasi dan menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat di Desa Menggala, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat akan potensi madu trigona dan pengembangan budidayanya dalam menyelesaikan masalah gizi buruk. Usaha peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dari Desa Menggala terkendala rendahnya kualitas kesehatan penduduk di Desa Menggala, hal ini dapat diketahui dari banyaknya penduduk di Desa Menggala memiliki status gizi buruk. Program pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk memperbaiki status gizi buruk dari masyarakat di Desa Menggala. Usaha peningkatan tersebut dilakukan dengan mengadakan edukasi, diskusi tentang potensi madu trigona dan pengembangan budidayanya dalam menyelesaikan masalah gizi buruk. Tahapan pelaksaanaan kegiatan meliputi observasi awal (1 September 2021) dan edukasi (2 September 2021). Walaupun tidak seluruh anggota masyarakat di Desa Menggala dikumpulkan untuk edukasi dikarenakan mengikuti protokol Covid-19, namun pada pelaksanaannya para keluarga yang memiliki anggota keluarga berstatus gizi buruk dan kader-kader kesehatan desa dapat hadir dan mengikuti kegiatan tersebut, selain itu, antusias dan respon positif dari para peserta tersebut menghasilkan berjalannya dengan baik program pengabdian ini. Kata kunci: edukasi; gizi buruk; terapi merdeka madu trigona; desa menggala. ABSTRACTThis service program is intended to provide information and raise public awareness in Menggala Village, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province about the potential of Trigona honey and the development of its cultivation in solving the problem of malnutrition. Efforts to improve the quality of human resources from Menggala Village are constrained by the low quality of health of the residents in Menggala Village, this can be seen from the large number of residents in Menggala Village who have poor nutritional status. This service program is carried out to improve the poor nutritional status of the community in Menggala Village. The improvement efforts were carried out by conducting education, discussing the potential of Trigona honey and developing its cultivation in solving the problem of malnutrition. The stages of implementing the activities include initial observation (1 September 2021) and education (2 September 2021). Although not all community members in Menggala Village were gathered for education because they followed the Covid-19 protocol, in practice, families with family members with poor nutritional status and village health cadres were able to attend and participate in the activity, in addition, enthusiastic and positive responses. of the participants produced their performance with this good program of service. Keywords: education; malnutrition; trigona honey free therapy; menggala village. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 264
Sudarmi Sudarmi ◽  
St. Halimatusyaadiah ◽  
Ni Putu Dian Ayu Anggraeni

ABSTRAKGizi buruk dapat terjadi pada semua kelompok umur, Prevalensi berat badan kurang sangat tinggi di NTB melebihi 30 % sehingga perlu lebih diperhatikan pada kelompok bayi dan balita usia 0 - 2 tahun yang merupakan masa tumbuh kembang yang optimal (golden period). Penanganan secara nonfarmakologis salah satunya pijat bayi berbasis budaya Sasak (OBISA) sangat diperlukan untuk membantu meningkatkan berat badan bayi dan mencegah terjadinya kurang gizi pada bayi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka kami bermitra dengan Puskesmas Cakranegara, Puskesmas Tanjung Karang dan Puskesmas Karang Pule, melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi tanya jawab, konseling, demonstrasi, dan pemeriksaan antropometri. Pada akhir kegiatan setelah dilakukan pemantauan pelaksanaan Pijat bayi berbasis budaya Sasak ini dirangkaikan dengan pemberian makanan tambahan pendamping ASI selama 3 bulan menunjukkan peningkatan berat badan bayi dengan status gizi kurang sebelumnya berat badan bayi rata-rata 6,69±0,547 meningkat setelah intervensi pijat bayi OBISA menjadi 7,67±1,261 dan menunjukkan peningkatan status gizi bayi menjadi status gizi baik sekitar 63.3%. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat memberikan pendidikan  kesehatan kepada masyarakat tentang pijat bayi berbasis budaya Sasak (OBISA) mengenai cara pelatihan pijat bayi dan pemberian makanan pada bayi sesuai usia sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya stunting. Kata kunci : status gizi; pijat bayi; OBISA ABSTRACTMalnutrition can occur in all age groups, the prevalence of underweight is very high in NTB exceeding, 30% so that more attention needs to be paid to the group of infants and toddlers aged 0-2 years which is the optimal growth and development period (golden period). Non-pharmacological treatment, one of which is baby massage based on Sasak culture (OBISA) is needed to help increase baby's weight and prevent malnutrition in infants. Based on this, we partnered with the Cakranegara Health Center, Tanjung Karang Health Center and Karang Pule Health Center, carrying out community service activities with the methods used were lectures, question and answer discussions, counseling, demonstrations, and anthropometric examinations. At the end of the activity, after monitoring the implementation of Sasak culture-based baby massage, coupled with the provision of complementary food for breastfeeding for 3 months, it showed an increase in the weight of infants with poor nutritional status before the average baby weight of 6.69±0.547 increased after the OBISA infant massage intervention. became 7.67±1.261 and showed an increase in the nutritional status of infants to good nutritional status of about 63.3%. It is hoped that this community service activity can provide health education to the community about Sasak culture-based baby massage (OBISA) regarding how to train baby massage and provide age-appropriate feeding to infants so as to prevent stunting. Keywords: nutritional status; baby massage; OBISA 

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. S688-S689
N. Wierdsma ◽  
H. Kruizenga ◽  
L. Konings ◽  
D. Krebbers ◽  
J. Jorissen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. S729-S730
M. Ruiz Pons ◽  
I. Ros Arnal ◽  
M. Rodriguez Salas ◽  
C. Rivero de la Rosa ◽  
S. Redecillas Ferreiro ◽  

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