scholarly journals Mucormycosis-a Fungal Infection in Patient Recovered from COVID-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 3802-3810

Recently, a fungal disease, “Mucormycosis,” has created a huge fury in everybody’s mind. It is prevalent in immunocompromised individuals, such as people suffering from Covid 19, cancer, HIV, prolonged use of steroids, immunomodulators, and diabetes. It is caused by a group of molds called mucoromycetes found in damp soil, bread, decaying fruits and vegetables, compost piles, animal waste, and moist, dusty construction sites. It can invade the human body through several routes, such as inhalation, injury site, or food/water intake. The ICMR recommends wearing a mask while visiting dusty construction sites, wearing shoes, long trousers, a full sleeve shirt, and gloves when handling soils, moss, or manure, and maintaining personal hygiene, including a good scrub bath. This article further covers the history, pathogenesis, role of Iron, GRP78, and CotH, pathophysiology, geographical spread, and treatment of this rare but fatal disease. Overall, the mortality rates account for 54%, which is further varied depending upon the patient condition, type of fungus & body site infected, speaking of which, as reported, 96% mortality rate alone accounts for the disseminated Mucormycosis.

Animals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 338 ◽  
Hany F. Ellakany ◽  
Ahmed R. Elbestawy ◽  
Hatem S. Abd El-Hamid ◽  
Rasha E. Zedan ◽  
Ahmed R. Gado ◽  

Newcastle disease is an acute fatal disease of poultry. The aim of this study was to determine the dynamics of the transmission of avian avulavirus (velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease-genotype VIId) from either intramuscularly (IM)- or intranasally (IN) infected 8-week-old Egyptian Baladi pigeons in contact with commercial Arbor Acres broiler chickens (4 weeks of age). The mortality of IM infected chickens and pigeons was 10/10 for chickens and 8/15 for pigeons, while the mortality of IN infected chickens and pigeons was 7/10 for chickens and only 1/15 for pigeons. The concentration of viral shedding in the oropharynx was higher than that in the cloaca for both IN and IM infected pigeons. Pigeons infected IN continued shedding the virus from the oropharynx from the 4th day post-infection (dpi) up to the 16th dpi, while IM infected pigeons stopped oropharyngeal shedding at the 11th dpi. Chickens in contact with infected pigeons developed severe respiratory, digestive and nervous signs. The mortality rates in chickens in contact with IM and IN infected pigeons were 2/5 and 3/5, respectively. Chickens in contact with IM infected pigeons showed higher viral shedding titres in both the oropharynx and cloaca than chickens in contact with pigeons infected IN. In conclusion, free-range pigeons are considered an efficient carrier and transmitter of NDV-VIId compared to commercial broiler chickens raised in open houses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Elvira Junita ◽  
Yuli Handayani ◽  
Lufita Nur Alfiah

AbstrakPermasalahan kesehatan yang timbul saat ini merupakan akibat dari perilaku hidup yang tidak sehat. Gaya hidup yang kurang baik mengakibatkan tingginya angka kejadian Penyakit Tidak Menular, Di Desa Rambah Hilir kunjungan penderita hipertensi dan diabetes di Puskesmas Rambah Hilir I di tahun 2018 ini sampai bulan Juni 66 kasus Hipertensi 27 Kasus Diabetes. Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) merupakan progam Pemerintah untuk mengajak masyarakat hidup sehat dengan focus pada 3 kegiatan utama yaitu melakukan aktifitas fisik, makan buah sayur dan cek kesehatan secara rutin minimal enam bulan sekali.Dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini upaya yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan gaya hidup sehat yakni meningkatnya aktifitas fisik yang dilakukan dengan melaksanakan kegiatan rutin senam bersama setiap hari minggu dan meningkatkan konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan memanfaatkan lahan perkarangan rumah warga dengan menanam buah dan sayur dihalaman rumah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi buah dan sayur. Upaya Peningkatan peran masyarakat dalam memeriksakan kesehatannya dengan mendirikan posko kesehatan untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam memeriksa kesehatannya. Luaran yang telah dicapai adalah Adanya kegiatan senam rutin, meningkatnya konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan Adanya tanaman buah dan sayur disetiap rumah warga, makan buah dan sayur bersama setiap hari minggu, Adanya pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala.Abstract.Health problems that currently emergeare resulted from unhealthy living behaviours. A bad lifestyle causes an increase innon-communicable diseases cases. According to patient visit data until June 2018 at the community health centre (Puskesmas) Rambah Hilir I, Rambah Hilir Village, Rokan Hulu, Riau, it shows that there were 66 cases of hypertension and 27 cases of diabetes.The Healthy Life Society Movement (GERMAS) is a government program to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle focusing on 3 main activities namely physical activities, eating vegetables, together with regular health check-upsat least once every 6 months. This community partnership program attempts to enhance the healthy lifestyle by intensifying physical activitiesthrough a routine collective exercise on every Sunday and increasing fruits and vegetables consumption. The community members’ yards are used as land to grow fruits and vegetables for meeting the community’s needs. Regarding the effort to improve the role of the community members to check their health, it was carried out by establishing a health post to facilitate them in checking-up their health. Outputs that have been achieved are the routine exercise; an increase in fruits and vegetables consumptionasthere are fruit and vegetable plants in every resident's houses; eating fruits and vegetables collectively on every Sunday; as well as regular health check-ups.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 977-982
Mohamed J. Saadh ◽  
Bashar Haj Rashid M ◽  
Roa’a Matar ◽  
Sajeda Riyad Aldibs ◽  
Hala Sbaih ◽  

SARS-COV2 virus causes Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and represents the causative agent of a potentially fatal disease that is of great global public health concern. The novel coronavirus (2019) was discovered in 2019 in Wuhan, the market of the wet animal, China with viral pneumonia cases and is life-threatening. Today, WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. COVID-19 is likely to be zoonotic. It is transmitted from bats as intermediary animals to human. Also, the virus is transmitted from human to human who is in close contact with others. The computerized tomographic chest scan is usually abnormal even in those with no symptoms or mild disease. Treatment is nearly supportive; the role of antiviral agents is yet to be established. The SARS-COV2 virus spreads faster than its two ancestors, the SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), but has lower fatality. In this article, we aimed to summarize the transmission, symptoms, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and vaccine to control the spread of this fatal disease.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Huseyin BUYUKGOL ◽  
Fatma Aysen EREN ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 455-461
Gabriela M. Baia ◽  
Otniel Freitas-Silva ◽  
Murillo F. Junior

Fruits and vegetables are foods that come into contact with various types of microorganisms from planting to their consumption. A lack or poor sanitation of these products after harvest can cause high losses due to deterioration and/ or pathogenic microorganisms. There are practically no post-harvest fungicides or bactericides with a broad spectrum of action that have no toxic residual effects and are safe. However, to minimize such problems, the use of sanitizers is an efficient device against these microorganisms. Chlorine is the most prevalent sanitizing agent because of its broad spectrum, low cost and well-established practices. However, the inevitable formation of disinfection by-products, such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), is considered one of the main threats to food safety. Alternative sanitizers, such as chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and ozone, are becoming popular as a substitute for traditional post-harvest treatments. Thus, this review addresses the use of chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone emphasizing aspects, such as usage, safe application, spectrum of action and legislation. In order to ensure the quality and safety of final products, the adoption of well-prepared sanitation and sanitation programs for post-harvest fruits and vegetables is essential.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Minh-Cam Duong ◽  
Hung Nguyen-Viet ◽  
Delia Grace ◽  
Chhay Ty ◽  
Huy Sokchea ◽  

Abstract Objective: To examine whether mothers’ perceived neighborhood food access is associated with their own and their young children’s consumption of animal-flesh food, fruits and vegetables in peri-urban areas of Cambodia. Design: A cross-sectional survey measured food consumption frequency and perceived neighborhood food access, the latter including six dimensions of food availability, affordability, convenience, quality, safety and desirability. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the association between food access and food consumption. Setting: Peri-urban districts of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia Participants: 198 mothers of children between 6 to 24 months old. Results: Over 25% of the mothers and 40% of the children had low consumption (< once a day) of either animal-flesh food or fruits and vegetables. Compared with perceived high food access, perceived low food access was associated with an adjusted 5.6-fold and 4.3-fold greater odds of low animal-flesh food consumption among mothers (95% CI 2.54, 12.46) and children (95% CI 2.20, 8.60) respectively. Similarly, relative to perceived high access, perceived low food access was associated with 7.6-times and 5.1-times higher adjusted odds of low fruits and vegetables consumption among mothers (95% CI 3.22, 18.02) and children (95% CI 2.69, 9.83) respectively. Conclusions: Mothers’ perceived neighborhood food access was an important predictor of their own and their young children’s nutrient-rich food consumption in peri-urban Cambodia. Future work is needed to confirm our findings in other urban settings and examine the role of neighborhood food environment on the consumption of both nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor food.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Marjorie Cornu ◽  
Bénédicte Bruno ◽  
Séverine Loridant ◽  
Pauline Navarin ◽  
Nadine François ◽  

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