Diskursus Pilkada Jawa Timur 2018 Di Media Televisi Lokal TV9

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-66
Vinda Maya Setianingrum ◽  
Anam Miftakhul Huda ◽  
Galuh Gita Indrajayani

Abstract— General election to be one of public concern because in the process leaders will be selected both at the executive and legislative levels. Television media makes the implementation of elections as the content of choice to be broadcast to the public. If the national election is packaged in a broadcast program on national television, then the holding of regional head elections or local elections becomes the material for broadcast programs on local television. East Java is the province that held simultaneous regional elections in 2018, both the election of the Governor and the election of Regents and Mayors. This moment was then managed by TV9, which was one of the local televisions in East Java to present a dialogue program called Ruang Pilkada. From this background, the researcher wanted to find out how the results of the discussion presented in the broadcast program were related to the East Java elections. Talks from the speakers were important to describe as references to the next election. This study uses a case study method and collects data through interviews, observation, and documentation. The result is that the regional election broadcast program can provide an overview of the implementation of the election in accordance with the expected stages and processes of democracy. The discourse in the broadcast program is a reference that the socialization and discussion that educates the public will have an impact on the implementation of a safe and dignified local election. Keywords—: broadcast media; television program; East Java regional election;TV9.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Nadhillah Kusindriani ◽  
Martha Tri Lestari

Ustadz Evie Effendi was a public figure who is known by the public as a modern ustadz that use the Sundanese language when do Da’wah. The perceptions given by the society particularly of ustadz Evie Effendi Da'wah pilgrims are positive until ultimately ustadz Evie exposed "misinterpretation" case in August 2018 when he misinterpreted a verse in the Sura in the Quran. The occurrence of a case of "misinterpretation" had a significant impact for ustadz Evie Effendi, one of them is a lot of pilgrims from ustadz Evie Effendi in Bandung which is no longer a loyal following lectures activities conducted by him. The existence of the impact that occurs from the "misinterpretation" case encourages researchers to see how the changes in perception that occurred in ustadz Evie Effendi Da'wah worshipers in Bandung. This study used a qualitative approach through the case study method uses the concept of Yin (2015). The results of this research show that changes in perception that occurred in Ustadz Evie Effendi Da'wah worshipers in Bandung is different for adult ages (40 – 50 years) and adolescents (20 years) as well as temporary caused culture society Indonesia which is permissive.Ustadz Evie Effendi merupakan seorang publik figur yang dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai ustadz kekinian yang menggunakan bahasa Sunda ketika ceramah. Persepsi yang diberikan masyarakat khususnya jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi positif sampai pada akhirnya ustadz Evie terkena kasus “salah tafsir” pada bulan Agustus 2018 ketika ia salah menfasirkan ayat dalam suatu surat di Al-Quran. Terjadinya kasus “salah tafsir” memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi ustadz Evie Effendi salah satunya adalah banyak dari jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi di Kota Bandung yang tidak lagi setia mengikuti kegiatan ceramah yang dilakukan ustadz Evie Effendi. Adanya dampak yang terjadi dari kasus “salah tafsir” mendorong peneliti untuk melihat bagaimana perubahan persepsi yang terjadi pada jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode studi kasus menggunakan konsep Yin (2015). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan persepsi yang terjadi pada jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi di Kota Bandung berbeda untuk kalangan usia dewasa (40 – 50 tahun) dan remaja (20 tahun) serta bersifat sementara yang disebabkan kultur masyarakat Indonesia yang permisif.

Christiana Karayianni

The chapter is based on a study focusing on the uses and impact of different forms/media of communication on bicommunal relations in Cyprus. It presents a case study of bicommunal communication through Facebook Groups that took place in Cyprus between 2007-2010. The discussion identifies the ways in which certain Facebook Groups facilitate bicommunal communication in Cyprus and explains why they can be considered part of a counter-public sphere. The analysis suggests that groups whose voices or discourses are excluded from the public domain/sphere can find through the use of tools like Facebook Groups alternative forms of organising and debate, which places them—at least as far as this medium is concerned—on an equal footing with discourses sanctioned by power and hegemonic institutions, such as the press and broadcast media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Lisa Adatin Filla Wahida ◽  
Heny Triyaningsih

Abstrak Media merupakan komponen yang berpengaruh terhadap pelestarian sekaligus perkembangan budaya suatu daerah. Melalui media, budaya terjaga kelestariannya dan dapat diperkenalkan kepada khalayak. Namun, era digital dan perkembangan teknologi informasi dikhawatirkan mengikis budaya lokal dari segi program atau konten yang dibawa. Peranan penting dalam pelestarian budaya pada tingkat lokal seperti Madura, adalah melalui radio daerah salah satunya adalah radio Karimata, Pamekasan. Dalam hal ini menjadi penting untuk radio lokal mengemas program yang mendukung pelestarian budaya lokal. Untuk mengetahui strategi Radio Karimata, sebagai salah satu radio dalam melestarikan budaya di Madura digunakan metode kualitatif, data yang diperoleh dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan analisis data kualitatif deskriptif, dan dicek keabsahannya dengan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program siaran yang mendukung pelestarian budaya di Madura adalah program bingkai Madura yang dikemas dalam bentuk Feature. Beberapa strategi yang digunakan radio Karimata Pamekasan dalam melestarikan budaya Madura melalui program siarannya, adalah, menyajikan program yang berbeda dengan radio lainnya serta memperbanyak topik, menjadikan program tersebut program unggulan dari program yang ada, menggali informasi dari masyarakat ataupun pendengar dengan cara membuat rekaman singkat yang bersentuhan dengan budaya sekitar, dan menyajikan acara pada platform media sosial seperti ke laman facebook dan laman web radio Karimata Pamekasan. Abstract Media is a component that influences the preservation and development of a region’s culture. Through the media, the culture is preserved and can be introduced to the public. However, it is feared that the digital era and the development of information technology will erode local culture in trems of the programs or content carried. An important role in cultural preservation at the local level such as Madura, is through regional radio, one of which is the Karimata radio, Pamekasan. In the case, it is important for local radio to package programs that support the preservation of local culture. To find out the radio Karimata strategy as one of the radios in preserving culture in Madura, qualitative methods were used, the data were obtained by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative data analysis, and the validity was checked by triangulation of sources and methods. The results of this study indicate that the broadcast program that supports cultural preservation in Madura is a Madura frame program tha is packaged in the from of a Feature. Some of the strategies used by Karimata Pamekasan radio in preserving Madura culture through its broadcast programs are presenting programs that are different from other radios and multiplying topics, making the program the flagship program of existing programs, gathering information from the public or listeners by making short recordings that touch with the surrounding culture, and present events on social media platfroms such as the facebook page and the Karimata Pamekasan radio web page.

Chairunnisa Widya Priastuty ◽  
Pawito Pawito ◽  
Andre Novie Rahmanto

The stigma about COVID-19 sufferers along with the effects of stigma messages is now increasingly attached to the lives of people, especially those living in the environment around COVID-19 sufferers and or survivors. Not only for sufferers, said stigma today is also attached to marked supporters because of its existence that has a close relationship with sufferers. Stigma arises as a result of the community's complete lack of understanding of COVID-19 itself. The effect is not missed in influencing the communication between individuals and each other. This also happens in Kauman Village Yogyakarta where stigma and its effects are felt by many marked supporters. This is unique because so far the stigma has hit the sufferer more often, but not in this case, the stigma is more about marked supporters. Seeing the phenomenon, the question arises how stigma affects the relationship of marked supporters to the community in Kauman Village Yogyakarta after the message of stigma. This study uses a case study method. The focus of this study is the stigma about COVID-19 sufferers who hit marked supporters and the effect of stigma messages that appear on marked supporters after being hit by stigma messages. The findings suggest that the effect of stigma messages on each individual results in different findings depending on how the acceptance of the stigma message is then able to influence the interpersonal relationship between the marked supporters and the public in general.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-211
Hendri Koeswara ◽  
Ira Irawati ◽  
Arry Bainus

The Solok Mayor Election was one of the simultaneous Election of Regional Heads held on the first wave of national elections along with 269 regions in Indonesia and simultaneously with the Governor Election and 13 Regents/Mayors in West Sumatera Province. Not only the simultaneous implementation of Pilkada but the joint funding was initiated to reduce the burden of the regional budget. The research which aims to explain the process of budgeting of Solok Mayor Election in the first wave regional elections in year 2015. Using qualitative research method with a case study approach, this study concludes that the Solok Mayor Election budget has been based on the principles in the budget preparation stage and formulation in the budget cycle. Turbulence policy on the implementation of the election model in the Election of Regional Heads is anticipated with policy anticipation both in terms of planning and budgeting that it doeas not disrupt the regional budget cycle. But on the other hand, there is no proportional joint funding (cost sharing) according to the workload among the executors of the Simultanoeus Regional Head Election that it makes the budget for the Election of Regional Heads burden for the Solok City Regional Revenue Budget Keywords: Budgeting, budget, simultaneously local elections Abstrak Tulisan ini tentang analisis anggaran pelaksanaan Pemilihan Walikota Solok Tahun 2015yang termasuk dalam Pilkada serentak nasional gelombang pertama di Indonesia bersama 269 daerah dan serentak dengan Pemilihan Gubernur serta 13 Bupati/Walikota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Tidak saja pelaksanaan Pilkadayang serentak tetapi pendanaan bersama kembali digagas untuk mengurangi beban anggaran daerah. Riset yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses penganggaran Pemilihan Walikota Solok pada Pilkada Serentak Nasional Gelombang Pertama pada Tahun 2015 yang lalu. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dalam penelitian. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa anggaran Pemilihan Walikota Solok telah berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip dalam tahapan budget preparation and formulation dalam siklus anggaran. Turbulensi kebijakan tentang pelaksanaan model pemilihan dalam Pilkada diantisipasi dengan kesiapan kebijakan (policy anticipation) baik dari sisi perencanaan maupun anggaran sehingga tidak mengganggu siklus anggaran daerah. Tapi, disisi lain tidak terjadi pendanaan bersama yang proporsional (cost sharing) sesuai beban kerja diantara pelaksana Pilkada serentak sehingga menjadikan anggaran Pilkada beban bagi APBD Kota Solok Kata Kunci : Penganggaran, anggaran, pilkada serentak  

2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Choirul Fajri

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) have formed the public relations as liaison tooutsiders (spokesman). With the UAD’s Public Relations, expected various publicinterest and the interests of the organization can run together. Programs and strategyhas been conducted by UAD’s Public Relations to have good relations with stakeholdersof UAD. This research own, intended to see how the role of public relations UAD tobolster loyalty of stakeholders. By using the case study method, with data collectionmethod using focus group disscussion, it is hoped the result of research is could becomebasic to improving UAD’s Public Relations. This research result indicates that publicrelations are expected to draw up strategies appropriate to enhance loyalty stakeholders,both in terms of the management of its own organization, communication pattern, andmanagement of media connection.AbstrakUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) telah membentuk bidang kehumasan sebagaipenghubung dengan pihak luar (juru bicara). Dengan adanya Humas UAD tersebut,diharapkan berbagai kepentingan publik dan kepentingan organisasi dapat berjalanbersama. Berbagai program maupun strategi telah dilakukan oleh Humas UAD untukmenjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak-pihak (stakeholders) UAD. Penelitian ini sendiri,dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran humas UAD guna meningkatkanloyalitas dari stakeholders. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, dengan metodepengumpulan data dengan menggunakan focus group disscussion, diharapkan hasildari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan untuk perbaikan kinerja humas UAD itusendiri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa humas diharapkan mampu menyusunstrategi-strategi yang tepat untuk dalam meningkatkan loyalitas stakeholders, baikdari segi pengelolaan organisasi sendiri, komunikasi yang dijalankan, dan pengelolaanmedia komunikasinya.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lilik Rukitasari ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

Abstract Broadcasting has become part of peoples’ lives needs for information, entertainment and education. Broadcasting agency as mass communication media play a role to shape the behavior of political, social, and economic in every society, in order to establish the public legal compliance through broadcasting activities that are counseling and law clarification, it takes effective communication media so that the target is expected to be achieved through increased the quality broadcast programs and attractive containing understanding and knowledge about the law will be able to increase publics’ consciousness and legal compliance. This study using sociological-juridical approach by analyzing the empirical data in order to understand the social and legal responsibilities and functions of broadcasting as a mass communication media is effective in disseminating the law and the formation of values, the result of study drawn through the broadcast media were able to create a culture norms, it means the function of media is not only as a transmitter of information to disseminate the law to the public but also it can have the effect of influencing and encouraging the change of behavior towards the law-abiding. Keywords: Broadcasting Agency, Law Compliance, Society

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1
Tezar Arkaansyah Farazian ◽  
Caroline Paskarina

The 2019 Simultaneous General Election was the first election joined by the Indonesia Solidarity Party (Partai Solidaritas Indonesia or popular as PSI) to compete. In the domain of the Regional House of Representatives, the party won the most seats in the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta compared to other provinces that were won by the PSI. This study aims to determine the efforts and strategies used by the Indonesia Solidarity Party, especially in the Province of Jakarta, as well as the image that was generated during the 2019 Simultaneous General Election to the public so that they could win the most seats of the Regional House of Representatives from all other provinces. This study focuses on the realm of political communication and uses the 4Ps political marketing theory (product, promotion, price, place) which was adapted from the marketing theory by Firmanzah. This study also uses a qualitative approach with case study method. The results of the research found that Jakarta Indonesia Solidarity Party focused more on candidates’ campaigns rather than promoting the party as an institution. The use of digital media as a means of promotion during the campaign period was also carried out by the Indonesia Solidarity Party, but conventional methods such as the usage of banners, blusukan (face to face visit) activities, and the distribution of merchandise to the public were also carried out in the context of political marketing by Jakarta Indonesia Solidarity Party.   Received: 11 March 2021 / Accepted: 19 June 2021 / Published: 5 September 2021

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Gabriel Henderson ◽  
Roger Turner

Scientists can be important public advocates in environmental issues. But scientific activism can take different forms, and deciding when and how to become an activist can be difficult for people who are trained to understand science as the objective pursuit of truth. This case study explores these issues through the history of the Oxygen Depletion Crisis. Between 1966 and 1970, it appeared that the global oxygen supply might be endangered by pesticides, industrial pollution, or the ongoing combustion of fossil fuels. The science was uncertain, but the potential threat was considerable. One response came from geophysicists Lloyd Berkner and Lauriston Marshall, who quietly initiated a research program and refrained from speaking publicly until the full scope of the crisis was better understood, in a conscious effort to avoid provoking public concern. We label this approach “public reticence.” Ecologist LaMont Cole instead made oxygen depletion a prominent talking point in his Congressional testimony and presentations across the country, so successfully stimulating the public concern that oxygen depletion became one of the multiple environmental anxieties motivating mass action on Earth Day in 1970. While the oxygen depletion crisis had a relatively clear scientific resolution, its legacy for environmental policy is interestingly complicated. This case uses historical perspective to help students to debate on scientific activism, an issue especially relevant today in light of climate change and events like the March for Science on Earth Day, 2017.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-233 ◽  
Claudia Kozman

This case study examines the Tiger Woods sex scandal using second-level agenda setting and attribute priming as its theoretical structures. It approaches the case through the compelling-arguments hypothesis to explain the transfer of salience from the media agenda to the public agenda. A content analysis of print and broadcast media is employed to determine the dominance of scandal stories in general, and the “sex/adultery” attribute in particular, on the media agenda. This study also uses attribute priming to measure the presence of opinion and its direction in the public, after exposure to the scandal stories. The data that form the public agenda come from a nationally representative survey of the American public, as well as online search queries on Google.

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