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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Atina Winaya ◽  
Ashar Murdihastomo

Bencana alam adalah bagian dari riwayat bangsa kita sejak masa prasejarah. Meskipun bencana alam merupakan hal yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, namun disadari masih kurang kesadaran dan kesiapan terhadap kondisi ini. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tingginya angka kerugian material dan non material dalam setiap kejadian bencana. Keadaan ini disebabkan oleh belum optimalnya pelaksanaan penanggulangan bencana di Indonesia, khususnya dalam mitigasi bencana. Untuk merumuskan konsepsi baru penanggulangan bencana, masyarakat saat ini harus belajar menghadapi bencana alam dari manusia di masa lalu. Nilai dan kearifan lokal masih relevan hingga saat ini karena kita hidup di nusantara yang sama. Sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari budaya manusia yang telah punah, arkeologi dapat membantu menjelaskan sejarah bencana di suatu wilayah dan dampaknya terhadap kehidupan manusia di masa lalu. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aksi mitigasi bencana yang dilakukan oleh leluhur bangsa Indonesia sebagai acuan mitigasi bencana di zaman modern ini. Setidaknya ada dua sorotan nilai yang masih relevan. Pertama, pembinaan mental dan karakter masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah rawan bencana, dan kedua pembangunan fisik mengenai sifat bencana di masing-masing daerah. A natural disaster is part of our nation’s journey from the prehistoric era. Even though natural disaster is an inseparable matter with Indonesian people’s lives, but there is still a lack of awareness and readiness due to this issue. The high number sees it as material and non-material losses in every disaster event. This situation is caused by non-optimally disaster management implementation in Indonesia, especially in disaster mitigation. To formulate the new conception of disaster management, modern people should learn how to deal with natural disasters from ancient people. Values and local wisdom are still relevant today since we live in the same archipelago. As a science that studies extinct human culture, archaeology can help explain the history of disasters in a region and its impact on human life in the past.  Using the literature study approach, this paper aims to describe disaster mitigation actions implemented by Indonesia’s ancestors as a reference to disaster mitigation in modern times. At least there are two highlights of values that are still relevant. First is the mental and character building of people who live in a disaster-prone area, and second is the physical development regarding the nature of disaster in each region.

2022 ◽  
pp. 288-302
Julijana Nicha Andrade

The main argument elaborated in this chapter is that companies, particularly start-ups, need to continuously work on their business leadership, human capital, and organizational change and persistence in order to survive and keep thriving even in uncertain times, such as the post-COVID-19 period. Additionally, the chapter argues that Pfeffer's seven principles for organizational success are still very relevant today and recommends to start-ups to use this framework. The chapter draws from the literature on human capital and management, organizational structure and perseverance, and responsible business leadership. The drawings from the literature are then applied to a single case study, the recruitment consultancy The Big Search. The findings confirm that Pfeffer's seven principles for organizational success are highly relevant today to companies that do want to invest in their performance and success. Moreover, the findings show the challenges and opportunities that start-ups, such as The Big Search, have gone through.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (06) ◽  
pp. 1730-1739
Sergey Nikoloaevich Maksimovsky ◽  
Alexandr Nikolaevich Bobkov ◽  
Aleksey Urievich Stavtsev

In practice, in various areas of life, there is often a need to use materials that have mutually exclusive requirements. Therefore, the study of the issues related to manufacturing materials in certain states for certain technical applications, and methods of controlling structurally sensitive properties to obtain specified effects, is quite relevant today. A new effect was discovered, namely, the rapid growth of amorphous and composite materials in the form of “coherent” nanowhiskers using laser-induced plasma at temperatures exceeding 4,000oC and high pressures up to 100 thousand atmospheres at a rate reaching 80-100 m/s. This method of growing whiskers is based on fundamental studies of pulsed laser radiation and predictions of Nobel Prize laureates – Ch.H. Townes, A.M. Prokhorov (splitting of a laser beam of above-threshold power) and G.A. Askaryan (effects of self-focusing of light in the condensed state of matter, and sublimation evaporation). The authors show possible practical applications of this method, such as protection of securities, banknotes, and plastic cards, as well as production of a new type of silicon batteries, automotive catalysts, and solar silicon batteries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 876-884
V. O. Ponomarev ◽  
V. N. Kazaykin ◽  
A. V. Lizunov ◽  
A. S. Vokhmintsev ◽  
I. A. Vainshtein ◽  

The problem of chemo/antibiotic resistance in modern medicine remains relevant today. The sensitivity of microorganisms (MO) determines the range of drugs used, which ultimately affects the effectiveness of treatment and the prognosis for the patient. However, taking into account the adaptation process of individual strains of MO, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics will inevitably lead to the maintenance of the so-called crisis of antibiotic resistance throughout the world, as well as the formation of a vicious circle that reduces the functional and anatomical outcomes of the treatment of any inflammatory diseases, including ophthalmological ones. This article presents the process of experimental creation and certification, assessment of the physicochemical properties of quantum dots, as well as biological nanoconjugates as an option for overcoming the antibiotic resistance of certain strains of microorganisms in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathology in ophthalmology, in particular endophthalmitis. Also, an animal model has demonstrated the safety of using InP / ZnSe / ZnS 660 quantum dot solutions for intravitreal administration in pure form and in combination with antibiotics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4(76)) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Oleksandr Yu. Maslov ◽  
Mykola A. Komisarenko ◽  
Serhii V. Kolisnyk ◽  
Olga V. Antonenko ◽  
Olena V. Kolisnyk ◽  

Aim. Today, there are a lot of dietary supplements with lingonberry at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine; therefore, the analysis and quality control of these products are relevant. In this connection, the aim of the research was to study the qualitative composition and determine the quantitative content of phenolic compounds in dietary supplements with lingonberry.Materials and methods. Such dietary supplements as “Extract of lingonberry” (MEDAGROPROM), “Lingonberry” (Danikafarm), “Lingonberry nano” (LSS SYSTEM) were chosen for the study. The qualitative analysis was performed by thin layer chromatography (TLC), spectrophotometry was used for the quantitative determination.Results and discussion. Hydroquinone derivatives, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids were found in the dietary supplements analyzed. The total content of phenolic compounds was 8.70, 0.26, 0.30 %, flavonoids – 6.37, 0.15, 0.12 %, hydroxycinnamic acids – 0.94, 0.06, 0.13 %, and hydroquinone derivatives – 1.01, 0.04, 0.03 % in such dietary supplements as “Extract of lingonberry” (MEDAGROPROM), “Lingonberry” (Danikafarm), “Lingonberry nano” (LSS SYSTEM), respectively. Conclusions. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the dietary supplements with lingonberry analyzed has been performed. “Extract of lingonberry” (MEDAGROPROM) dietary supplement meets the requirements of the State of Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine 2.0, whereas “Lingonberry” (Danikafarm) and “Lingonberry nano” (LSS SYSTEM) do not. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the problem of compliance of dietary supplements is relevant today and requires the introduction of regulatory documentation for the detection and determination of biologically active substances in dietary supplements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-88
Darko Trifunović ◽  
Milica Ćurčić

The aim of this paper is a review of the conceptualization of national interest in the theoretical assumptions of realism. A review of the literature and its analysis provides an overview of the main findings of prominent realists who shaped the national interest and created a solid foundation for future research: Hans Morgentau, Raymond Aron, and Kenneth Waltz. Consequently, the scientific goals of this paper are to summarize the scope and manner of national interest’s thematization in realist’s research and, to analyze the significance of their scientific contribution to the Science of Security. National interest remains one of the most important terms in Security Science. A prudent articulation of national interests is a key factor for the security of any state, so understanding this concept is extremely important for Security Science theorists. A realistic understanding of the national interest as a key driver, but also a determinant of the behavior of states concerning other states, is still relevant today.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 79-95
A. A. Schelchkov

The transformation of the university system in Latin America, initiated by the reform in Argentina in 1918, marked the beginning of a period of democratization and modernization of society. The university reform was the result of a stubborn and dramatic struggle of students against the clerical-aristocratic order in the universities of Argentina. Ideologically, the movement was based on radical anti-clericalism, on the ideas of the conflict of generations, the special role of the young, on the Kulturtraegerism, on the concept of Arielism — a term coined by Enrique Rodo. The student movement, supported by progressive intellectuals and left-wing political parties, almost from the point of its inception, created a network of contacts and solidarity with other countries of the continent, which showed its high efficiency in disseminating ideas, political programs, and forms of struggle. This ability of the intellectual movements to create cross-border networks of influence and activism is relevant today and not only in Latin America. Thanks to this, the reform spread throughout the continent with various and sometimes contrary results, somewhere very successfully, and somewhere met with fierce resistance. The further ideological evolution of the movement and its leaders led to the emergence of new ideological and political currents, such as revolutionary nationalism, which became the dominant political trend in Latin America in the 20th century world. The spread of revolutionary nationalism, the main ideologist of which was the student leader in Peru, Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, relied on the same network of youth structures that led to the spread of the movement for university reform. The reform movement also resulted in the emergence of powerful left-wing movements of the intellectuals, such as the Latin American Union, closely associated not only with the student movement, but also with the labor movement. University reform was not only a political, but also a cultural phenomenon that marked a profound change in Latin American society, which chose the path of modernization of all spheres of life. This work is devoted to the study of this process.

A. Nikolayeva ◽  
O. Gorbunova

When designing and implementing BIM technologies, it is of particular importance to take into account fire safety requirements to eliminate errors in the decisions made, as well as for safe operation in the future. This topic is very relevant today and the need for compliance with fire safety requirements is very high. To solve these problems, the use of modern software products, such as Autodesk Revit, can play a huge role. The use of such programs makes it possible to significantly speed up the design process of all systems of the building under construction, as well as to develop an information model in detail, which will allow an objective assessment of accidents and provide objective information about them. These technologies make it possible to fully design buildings and structures, having calculated all the processes, to provide the most effective solutions at all stages of the project, which reduces costs and reduces the time of commissioning of the object. The article reveals the concept of BIM technologies, their main advantages, and application experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Kristina Dmitrievna Kryukova ◽  
Valeriya Olegovna Gresis

One of the most urgent tasks in sugar beet production for Russia today is irregularities in cultivation technology and a low-efficiency crop protection. It leads to a high level of weed infestation of agricultural fields. Developing and identifying the most efficient, selective and accessible herbicides, which have low phytotoxicity, do not have a negative effect on soil chemical characteristics and can be used in sugar beet cultivation is relevant today. The aim of this study was to examine and compare biological efficiency of various doses and concentrations of one- and two-component graminicides on sugar beet crops against the following weeds: Cockspur grass Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv., Wild millet Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. and Couch Grass Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski. The experiment was conducted on the territory of the Tula region in 2020. The total field experiment area was 480 m2. Application of clethodim + quizalofop-P-ethyl (0.5 l/ha) resulted in reducing the number and weight of annual weeds by 6471 %, reducing the number and weight of perennial weeds by 5458 %, which had the same efficiency as clethodim (0.6 l/ha). The efficiency of clethodim + quizalofop-P-ethyl (1.0 l/ha) was higher than Clethodim (0.6 l/ha) and amounted to 7387 % of reduction in the number of weeds compared to the control, but was lower than Clethodim (1.8 l/ha), which resulted in 8995 % reduction in the number of weeds compared to the control. The highest sugar beet yields were obtained in the variants with clethodim (1.8 l/ha) and two-component herbicide (1 l/ha), which amounted to 28 and 25 % yield increase, in comparison with the control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Lyubov Zablotska ◽  
Liudmyla Chernii ◽  
Vira Meleshchenko

The informatization of education is one of the priorities on the path to open education and is an indicator of the development of modern society. The use of information tools in education, including mobile technologies, creates conditions for the implementation of the educational process and ensures its continuity by integrating traditional and distance learning, which is especially relevant today, in quarantine times, when many educational institutions use distance or blended (combined) form of education. The aim of the article is to understand the notion of mobile education and its influence on current development of educational processes in higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

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