2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-178
Iin Almeina Lubis ◽  
Romy Aulia ◽  
Febby Madonna Yuma

Abstrack: Community Service Activities in the form of training on the use of the internet at Porsea Sub-District of Toba Samosir District aim to increase the knowledge of the surrounding community about internet technology and the benefits of the internet and encourage surrounding communities to be able to independently manage and utilize network and internet functions. The main target  in this community service is the community around Porsea Sub-District, Toba Samosir District. The training method used is a form of training in the classroom using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer. The lecture method used is intended to provide a theoretical explanation of internet and network material. The discussion method is used to explore the understanding of the surrounding community about the material given in lectures. Practice methods are used to show  how to use the internet properly and correctly. The benefits of this training activity are that the surrounding community is able to use the internet and the network for positive and useful things. Keywords: Internet, Benefits, Training, Networks Abstrak : Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat berupa pelatihan pemanfaatan internet di Polsek Porsea Kab.Toba Samosir bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat sekitar terhadap teknologi internet dan manfaat dari internet serta mendorong masyarakat sekitar agar mampu dengan mandiri mengelola dan memanfaatkan fungsi jaringan dan internet. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyrakat ini adalah masyarakat sekitar Polsek Porsea Kab.Toba Samosir. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah bentuk pelatihan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Metode ceramah yang digunakan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara teori terhadap materi internet dan jaringan. Metode diskusi digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman masyarakat sekitar terhadap materi yang diberikan secara ceramah. Metode praktek digunakan untuk menunjukan langsung cara menggunakan internet yang baik dan benar. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah masyarakat sekitar mampu menggunakan internet dan jaringan untuk hal-hal positif dan bermanfaat. Kata kunci : Internet, Manfaat, Pelatihan, Jaringan 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-52
Romy Aulia ◽  
Mardalius Mardalius ◽  
Febri Dristyan

Abstract: Community Service Activities in the form of internet utilization training at LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara aim to increase students' knowledge of internet technology and the benefits of the internet and encourage students to be able to independently manage networks and the internet. The target audience in this community service is LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara students. The training method used is a form of training in the classroom using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer. The lecture method used is intended to provide a theoretical explanation of internet and network material. The discussion method is used to explore students' understanding of the material given in lectures. The practice method is used to show directly how to make a network cable. The benefits obtained from this training activity are that students are able to make wired network connections and know the benefits of the internet.Keywords: Internet, Benefits, Training, NetworksAbstrak : Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat berupa pelatihan pemanfaatan internet di LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta didik terhadap teknologi internet dan manfaat dari internet serta mendorong peserta didik agar mampu dengan mandiri mengelola jaringan dan internet. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyrakat ini adalah peserta didik LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah bentuk pelatihan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Metode ceramah yang digunakan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara teori terhadap materi internet dan jaringan. Metode diskusi digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi yang diberikan secara ceramah. Metode praktek digunakan untuk menunjukan langsung cara membuat kabel jaringan. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah peserta didik mampu membuat koneksi jaringan dengan kabel serta mengetahui manfaat dari internet.Kata kunci : Internet, Manfaat, Pelatihan, Jaringan

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Realize Realize ◽  
Tukino Tukino

Home industry production results are only traditionally managed as promoted by word of mouth, and sometimes rely solely on the number of visitors to the sales place of the product, so the product takes a long time to increase sales volume. Now with capitalize a set of computers or smartphones that have been equipped with the Internet network can be used as a tool or media to publish all activities / promotional activities undertaken by the domestic business actors. In this activity, business activists will be given material about what the website, especially weblog and its benefits, how to make it, and how to use and manage it properly to support and improve the ability in promoting the product. This is not without reason, because almost all citizens who already have a household business is less understand the use of the internet let alone use the Internet media as one of the media to promote household products that they produce. The main target in the implementation of community service activities is to improve the ability of the community in the utilization of the Internet as a powerful medium as a partner of the government in moving the economic factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yusli Yenni ◽  
Intan Utnasari ◽  
Mega Rahmawati

Abstract: Information technology era requires speed and processing to obtain information. Users are required to quickly obtain and process information as needed. The use of the internet covers many fields of education but the use of the internet also covers the scope of business and transactions. Development of internet technology is widely used in business and sales transactions. Because the internet can create new entrepreneurs. Internet-based social media is an application service that is widely used as a means for the purpose of publishing a service or product. In the implementation of the service, the pre-test method was used which was given to the mothers of the village of RT 03 RW 01 by giving a questionnaire to measure their understanding of social media. Furthermore, given the delivery of material on understanding social media and the internet. The next method is carried out in practice to implement it. This will provide benefits in understanding social media and the internet for business ventures, both businesses that are established individually or in groups. Because social media can be used as a promotional media, see market developments, provide experiences for consumers and serve as social media for competitors. The results obtained from this service, the community / village mothers have business facilities, namely using the social media Facebook. With this media, the native mothers of the village can promote or sell their products there.. Keywords: internet; social media; transactions  Abstrak: Era teknologi informasi memerlukan kecepatan dan pemrosesan untuk mendapatkan informasi. Pengguna dituntut untuk lebih cepat memperoleh dan mengolah informasi sesuai kebutuhan. Penggunaan internet mencangkup banyak bidang pendidikan tetapi penggunaan internet juga mencangkup lingkup bidang usaha dan transaksi.Perkembagan teknologi internet banyak digunakan dalam bidang usaha dan transaksi penjualan. Kerena internet bisa menciptakan para enterpreneur yang baru. Internet berbasis media sosial merupakan suatu layanan aplikasi yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk tujuan mempublikasikan suatu jasa atau produk. Dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian digunakan metode pra test yang diberikan kepada ibu-ibu tiban kampung RT 03 RW 01 dengan memberikan koesioner untuk mengukur pemahaman tentang media social. Selanjutnya diberikan penyampaian materi tentang pemahaman media social dan internet. Metode selanjutnya di lakukan pelaksaan prakterk untuk mengimplemantasikannya.  Hal ini akan memberikan pemanfaatand dalam pemahaman media social dan internet  untuk usaha bisnis, baik usaha yang didirikan secara individual maupun kelompok. Karena media sosial dapat dijadikan suatu media promosi, melihat perkembangan pasar, memberikan pengalaman bagi konsumen dan sebagai media sosial kompetitor. Hasil yang didapat dari pengabdian ini, masyarakat/ibu-ibu tiban kampung mempunyai sarana usaha yaitu menggunakan media sosial facebook. Dengan media tersebut ibu-ibu tiban kampung dapat mempromosikan atau menjual produknya di sana. Kata kunci : media sosia; internet; transaksi

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Andri Nata ◽  
Havid Syafwan ◽  
Fauriatun Helmiah ◽  
Nur Wati

Abstract: Community Service Activities are carried out in the form of a day training for students in designing posters using Adobe Photoshop software as a way to add and develop the abilities and creativity of students in SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai. The target in this activity is the students of SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai, amounting to approximately 18 people. This dedication activity is carried out using lecture, demonstration, and practice methods accompanied by questions and answers. The lecture method is used to explain the introductory concept of the introduction of Adobe Photoshop software as one of the media in processing images. The demonstration method is used to show a work process that is the stages of introducing tools in Adobe Photoshop software and knowing each of its functions, while the training method is to practice directly how to design posters in the application. While the question and answer method is to give participants the opportunity to consult to overcome obstacles in understanding the material that has been obtained. The final results of this activity are expected to add insight to students in designing posters as a way to present or convey information. Keywords: Adobe Photoshop Software, Poster Design, Information Technology,  Abstrak:Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan sehari bagi siswa-siswi dalam mendesain poster menggunakan software adobe Photoshopsebagai salah satu cara untuk menambah dan mengembangkan kemampuan dan kreatifitas siswa-siswi di SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai.Sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah parasiswa-siswi SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai yang berjumlah lebih kurang 18 orang.Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan metodeceramah, demonstrasi, dan latihan yang disertai tanya jawab. Metodeceramah digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep pengantar dari pengenalan software adobe Photoshopsebagai salah satu media dalam mengolah gambar. Metode demonstrasidipakai untuk menunjukkan suatu proses kerja yaitu tahap-tahapmengenalan tool-tool yang ada pada software adobe Photoshopdan mengetahui masing-masing fungsinya, sedangkanmetode latihan untuk mempraktikkan langsung cara mendesain poster pada aplikasi tersebut. Sementara metode tanya jawab untukmemberi kesempatan para peserta dalam berkonsultasi untuk mengatasi kendaladalam memahami materi yang sudah didapat.Hasil akhir dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapatmenambah wawasanbagi para siswa dalam mendesain poster sebagai salah satu cara dalam menyajikan atau menyampaikan informasi. Kata kunci: Desain Poster, Software Adobe Photoshop,  Teknologi Informasi,

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Febri Dristyan ◽  
Herman Syahputra ◽  
Gunawan Syahputra

Abstract: Community Service Activities in the form of internet and network training in SMA Negeri 1 Air Joman aims to increase students' knowledge of network technology and the benefits of internet and encourage students to be able to independently manage network and internet. The training method used is the form of training in the classroom by using lecture, discussion and question and answer methods as well as network practice directly. The lecture method used is intended to provide a theoretical explanation of internet and network material. Discussion methods are used to explore students' understanding of the material given in the lecture. Practice method is used to show directly how to make a network cable. Benefits derived from this training activity is the students are able to make a network connection with cable and know the benefits of the internet.Keywords: Internet, Networking, Community Service, studentsAbstrak: Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat berupa pelatihan internet dan  jaringan di SMA Negeri 1 Air Joman bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa terhadap teknologi jaringan dan manfaat dari internet serta mendorong   siswa agar mampu dengan mandiri mengelola jaringan dan internet. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah bentuk pelatihan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan Tanya jawab serta praktek jaringan secara langsung. Metode ceramah yang digunakan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara teori terhadap materi internet dan jaringan. Metode diskusi digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang diberikan secara ceramah. Metode praktek digunakan untuk menunjukan langsung cara membuat kabel jaringan. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah siswa mampu membuat koneksi jaringan dengan kabel serta mengetahui manfaat dari internet.Kata kunci:Internet, Jaringan, PKM, siswa

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-85
Pandu Bimantara

  The phenomenon of the use of the internet as a learning media at the Al-Ihya (Unisa) Islamic University of Kuningan is increasingly passionate about the existence of hotspot facilities, so students can access the internet anywhere and anytime as long as they are active on the Unisa Kuningan campus. This interesting phenomenon is investigated because every new use of information and communication technology will have social consequences for the Unisa Kuningan academic community. The results of the study show that there are accessibility, frequency, and duration of internet usage by students who are quite high among students in accessing the internet. The social consequences that arise have not shown the existence of negative trends such as internet addiction and social alienation.   Keywords: Internet, learning media, social consequences.  

2009 ◽  
pp. 152-153
Rana Tassabehji ◽  
James Wallace ◽  
Anastasios Tsoularis

The Internet has reached a stage of maturity where its innovative adoption and implementation can be a source of competitive advantage. Supply chains are one of the areas that has reportedly benefited greatly, achieving optimisation through low cost, high efficiency use of the Internet, almost seamlessly linking global supply chains into e-supply networks. This field is still in its academic and practical infancy, and there is a need for more empirical research to build a robust theoretical foundation, which advances our knowledge and understanding. Here, the main aims and objectives are to highlight the importance of information flows in e-supply chains/networks, and the need for their standardisation to facilitate integration, legality, security, and efficiency of operations. This chapter contributes to the field by recommending a three-stage framework enabling this process through the development of standardised Internet technology platforms (e-platforms), integration requirements and classification of information flows.

Matthew Warren ◽  
William Hutchinson

During the last ten years there has been a growth of Information Systems and related Internet technology. In recent years the Internet has grown from a solely military/academic network to one that can be used by business or individuals. In the years since the first World Wide Web (WWW) applications were developed, there has been an explosion in the global use of the Internet. With this growth has come an increasing usage of the medium by criminal and terrorist groups.This chapter will explain why and how cyber-terrorists attack these services. The aims of the chapter are to: describe the background of cyber-terrorism; describe what cyber-terrorism is; describe the vulnerabilities of electronic commerce to cyber-terrorism; discuss the future of electronic commerce and cyber-terrorism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Neny Aditina ◽  
Lilik Sugiharti

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of internet technology and social demographic variables on women's decisions to work at home. Using National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) conducted in February 2018, this study observed working women aged 15 years and over, which amounts to 36.378 observations. The model in this research is using logistic regression. The result shows that women who use the internet for primary jobs are more likely to work at home than those who do not use the internet. This study argued that internet supports flexible work for women. In general, internet technology is used for communication with consumers and promotional needs. Further analysis suggests that a policy is needed to improve communication infrastructure in rural areas as well as internet use to develop brand and transaction effectiveness. The younger woman, highly educated, experienced in training and living in rural areas are more likely to prefer working at home. Keywords: Internet Technology, Work at Home, Women Work.Pengaruh Teknologi Internet Terhadap Keputusan Perempuan untuk Bekerja di RumahAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan variabel teknologi internet dan variabel karakteristik sosial demografi terhadap keputusan perempuan untuk memilih bekerja di rumah. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas) Februari 2018, unit analisisnya adalah perempuan berumur 15 tahun ke atas yang berstatus bekerja dengan observasi berjumlah 36.378. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan yang memanfaatkan teknologi internet pada pekerjaan utama lebih berpeluang untuk bekerja di rumah dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang tidak menggunakan internet. Penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa internet mendukung terciptanya pekerjaan yang sifatnya fleksibel untuk perempuan. Secara umum teknologi internet digunakan untuk komunikasi dengan konsumen dan promosi. Peluang perempuan umur 15 tahun ke atas akan semakin besar untuk bekerja di rumah jika: berumur 15-24 tahun dan berumur 25-39 tahun; berstatus tidak kawin; berpendidikan tinggi (SMA ke atas); pernah mengikuti pelatihan kerja; dan tinggal di perdesaan. Kata kunci: Teknologi Internet, Bekerja di Rumah, Perempuan Bekerja.

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