scholarly journals Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Internet Berbasis Media Sosial Sebagai Usaha dan Transaksi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yusli Yenni ◽  
Intan Utnasari ◽  
Mega Rahmawati

Abstract: Information technology era requires speed and processing to obtain information. Users are required to quickly obtain and process information as needed. The use of the internet covers many fields of education but the use of the internet also covers the scope of business and transactions. Development of internet technology is widely used in business and sales transactions. Because the internet can create new entrepreneurs. Internet-based social media is an application service that is widely used as a means for the purpose of publishing a service or product. In the implementation of the service, the pre-test method was used which was given to the mothers of the village of RT 03 RW 01 by giving a questionnaire to measure their understanding of social media. Furthermore, given the delivery of material on understanding social media and the internet. The next method is carried out in practice to implement it. This will provide benefits in understanding social media and the internet for business ventures, both businesses that are established individually or in groups. Because social media can be used as a promotional media, see market developments, provide experiences for consumers and serve as social media for competitors. The results obtained from this service, the community / village mothers have business facilities, namely using the social media Facebook. With this media, the native mothers of the village can promote or sell their products there.. Keywords: internet; social media; transactions  Abstrak: Era teknologi informasi memerlukan kecepatan dan pemrosesan untuk mendapatkan informasi. Pengguna dituntut untuk lebih cepat memperoleh dan mengolah informasi sesuai kebutuhan. Penggunaan internet mencangkup banyak bidang pendidikan tetapi penggunaan internet juga mencangkup lingkup bidang usaha dan transaksi.Perkembagan teknologi internet banyak digunakan dalam bidang usaha dan transaksi penjualan. Kerena internet bisa menciptakan para enterpreneur yang baru. Internet berbasis media sosial merupakan suatu layanan aplikasi yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk tujuan mempublikasikan suatu jasa atau produk. Dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian digunakan metode pra test yang diberikan kepada ibu-ibu tiban kampung RT 03 RW 01 dengan memberikan koesioner untuk mengukur pemahaman tentang media social. Selanjutnya diberikan penyampaian materi tentang pemahaman media social dan internet. Metode selanjutnya di lakukan pelaksaan prakterk untuk mengimplemantasikannya.  Hal ini akan memberikan pemanfaatand dalam pemahaman media social dan internet  untuk usaha bisnis, baik usaha yang didirikan secara individual maupun kelompok. Karena media sosial dapat dijadikan suatu media promosi, melihat perkembangan pasar, memberikan pengalaman bagi konsumen dan sebagai media sosial kompetitor. Hasil yang didapat dari pengabdian ini, masyarakat/ibu-ibu tiban kampung mempunyai sarana usaha yaitu menggunakan media sosial facebook. Dengan media tersebut ibu-ibu tiban kampung dapat mempromosikan atau menjual produknya di sana. Kata kunci : media sosia; internet; transaksi

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-85
Pandu Bimantara

  The phenomenon of the use of the internet as a learning media at the Al-Ihya (Unisa) Islamic University of Kuningan is increasingly passionate about the existence of hotspot facilities, so students can access the internet anywhere and anytime as long as they are active on the Unisa Kuningan campus. This interesting phenomenon is investigated because every new use of information and communication technology will have social consequences for the Unisa Kuningan academic community. The results of the study show that there are accessibility, frequency, and duration of internet usage by students who are quite high among students in accessing the internet. The social consequences that arise have not shown the existence of negative trends such as internet addiction and social alienation.   Keywords: Internet, learning media, social consequences.  

Open Medicine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1170-1174
Concetta M. Vaccaro ◽  
Giulia Guarino ◽  
Dario Conte ◽  
Emanuela Ferrara ◽  
Laura Dalla Ragione ◽  

Abstract Objective The purpose of this study is to assess the increase both in the use of the Internet and social media and in Google searches regarding eating disorders (ED) in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our aim is also to verify the possible impact of such an increase on ED, since patients treated for ED by the National Health Service (NHS) have increased in the first 6 months of 2020 as well. Method We used data from Wearesocial surveys on Internet users in the first 6 months of 2020 and the Google searches related to the query of “food disorders” and “body shaming.” The first results of a project of the Italian Ministry of Health on ED have been considered too. Results The social media users in July 2020 increased to 60% of the Italian population; a tendential increase in Google searches on these issues has emerged. Finally, new patients of NHS with ED showed a high increase in the first 6 months of 2020 (+40.9%). Conclusion Considering the contents diffused on the Internet, it is fundamental to watch over net usage in the adolescent population and those with ED, because massive access to social media can be considered almost as a risk factor.

Astria Hindratmo ◽  
Ong Andre Wahyu Riyanto

Madura Island besides producing salt, it turns out that it is also the producer of the craft written batik. One of the regions that have batik-producing SMEs is in Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan Madura District. In Tanjung Bumi Subdistrict there are very many batik craftsmen with a distinctive bird motif. However, although there are many batik SMEs, there are also many craftsmen who close their businesses due to having several problems in their business. One of the problems is not having a good marketing concept and not being able to utilize information technology through the internet in marketing activities. This can be seen from the sales activities that still rely on shops and also just waiting for suppliers or buyers from outside the city such as from Surabaya. With the competition of batik sales outside the city, such as Surabaya, causing the number of buyers from Surabaya is currently decreasing. The decline finally drastically impacted the decline in sales of Tanjung Bumi written batik. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge and insight into designing 4P marketing mix concepts (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and determining STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) and making SME partners begin to take advantage of internet technology for online advertising. The method used in this activity is to train to create marketing concepts and train the use of online media and social media to advertise. The result of this activity is that partners have the knowledge of designing marketing concepts and are able to innovate in marketing activities using information technology with the internet on social media

Sneha. S. Jain ◽  
Sachin. S. Bhosle ◽  
Vinayak. I. Pujari

The world is growing fast with the technology. Due to the use of information technology is increased; every activity may have to perform on the computers. The one roof covers the huge activities in the information technology. The internet has bounded the core group of people. There are the people are using social media to connect with the people in the entire world. The Social media is used to viral messages over the internet. As the social media playing the very important role in accessing and providing the related information. There are many sources of social media which are used to communication on the internet. In that Twitter, YouTube, Whatsapp, Facebook etc. are the common using applications which people are using for communicate over the internet. These application can operated from the another applications through computer. Some social media applications provide the developer tool to perform such development operations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Moh Ahsan ◽  
Abdul Aziz

Sidodadi Village is one of the villages located in southern Malang area located in Gedangan sub-district. The village is one of the villages that has the most extraordinary natural potentials such as Ungapan Beach, Bajulmati Beach, Parangdowo Beach, Jolangkung Beach, Bengkung Beach, Ngudel Beach, and Ngantep Beach, which is a beach located in the southern cross of Malang Regency. Rows of mountains are sturdy and beautiful to make the tourists interested to travel there.Sidodadi village area bounded with Sumbermanjing wetan district in the east, village elephant rejo in the west. On the other hand, not only the potential of nature is extraordinary, but the results of the abundant earth. Rice, corn, coconut, banana, rice, cassava, mangosteen, durian, and palm are natural products that can be processed there. The potential possessed and remarkable until now has not been published or promoted through websites and social media, to hog the visitors who more aplagi most visitors see the first reference before coming directly.The abundant natural resources with the stammered human resources of technology will make the potential of nature unknown to the wider community. Coral cadets and devices in the village of Sidodadi maximal educated High School (SMA) and only two people who can take the bench lecture. This is where the turmoil experienced by villagers Sidodadi where they can not publish the area. Only limited to the beaches that have been published, but for other natural potentials can not be published because of lack of knowledge about the use of the internet (Online Media). Keywords:Sidodadi, Karangtaruna, Publikasi, Online.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-178
Iin Almeina Lubis ◽  
Romy Aulia ◽  
Febby Madonna Yuma

Abstrack: Community Service Activities in the form of training on the use of the internet at Porsea Sub-District of Toba Samosir District aim to increase the knowledge of the surrounding community about internet technology and the benefits of the internet and encourage surrounding communities to be able to independently manage and utilize network and internet functions. The main target  in this community service is the community around Porsea Sub-District, Toba Samosir District. The training method used is a form of training in the classroom using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer. The lecture method used is intended to provide a theoretical explanation of internet and network material. The discussion method is used to explore the understanding of the surrounding community about the material given in lectures. Practice methods are used to show  how to use the internet properly and correctly. The benefits of this training activity are that the surrounding community is able to use the internet and the network for positive and useful things. Keywords: Internet, Benefits, Training, Networks Abstrak : Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat berupa pelatihan pemanfaatan internet di Polsek Porsea Kab.Toba Samosir bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat sekitar terhadap teknologi internet dan manfaat dari internet serta mendorong masyarakat sekitar agar mampu dengan mandiri mengelola dan memanfaatkan fungsi jaringan dan internet. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyrakat ini adalah masyarakat sekitar Polsek Porsea Kab.Toba Samosir. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah bentuk pelatihan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Metode ceramah yang digunakan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara teori terhadap materi internet dan jaringan. Metode diskusi digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman masyarakat sekitar terhadap materi yang diberikan secara ceramah. Metode praktek digunakan untuk menunjukan langsung cara menggunakan internet yang baik dan benar. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah masyarakat sekitar mampu menggunakan internet dan jaringan untuk hal-hal positif dan bermanfaat. Kata kunci : Internet, Manfaat, Pelatihan, Jaringan 

Astrid Kurnia Sherlyanita ◽  
Nur Aini Rakhmawati

Abstrak— Perkembangan fungsi dari internet membuat internet dapat diakses bagi semua kalangan. Akhir-akhir ini, beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa sebagian besar pengguna internet adalah kalangan remaja. Berkembangnya media sosial secara mendunia secara tidak langsung memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap penggunaan internet bagi remaja. Fokus pada paper ini adalah penelitian seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan internet dan media sosial bagi remaja ditinjau dari beberapa aspek serta pola aktivitas penggunaan sosial media pada remaja. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 44  siswa dan 2 (dua) guru SMPN 52 Surabaya. Hasil survey kemudian dianalisis apakah para siswa memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup terhadap hal-hal yang sebaiknya dilakukan dan tidak berkaitan dengan keamanan dalam penggunaan media sosial. Didapatkan hasil bahwa siswa SMPN 52 Surabaya secara umum sudah dapat menentukan penggunaan internet secara baik, baik untuk sarana pembelajaran maupun fungsi hiburan seperti media sosial, di mana waktu interaksi siswa pada interaksi langsung di kehidupan sehari-hari dan waktu interaksi pada media sosial sudah seimbang dan sesuai dengan porsinya. Serta dapat diketahui bahwa para siswa SMPN 52 Surabaya sudah dapat mengetahui hal-hal dasar yang perlu diterapkan keamanan, seperti pembatasan privasi dan sharing  hanya untuk orang yang dikenal.Kata Kunci— Internet, Media Sosial, RemajaAbstract—Nowdays, internet is accessable for everyone. Previous studies prove that the majority of internet users are teenagers. Development of worldwide social media indirectly have a major influence on the use of the internet for teen. The focus of this paper is to investigate the impact of the Internet and social media for teens. We evaluated from several aspects as well as social media usage patterns of activity in adolescents. The study was conducted on 44 students and two teachers at SMPN 52 Surabaya. The results then analyzed whether the students have sufficient knowledge of the things that should be done and not related to safety in the use of social media. The results showed that the most of students at SMPN 52 Surabaya generally been able to determine the use of the Internet, both for the means of learning and entertainment functions such as social media, where the interaction time students on direct interaction in daily life and time interaction on social media is already balanced and accordance with the portions. As well as it can be seen that the students of SMPN 52 Surabaya already be aware of the basic things that need to be applied to security, such as restrictions on privacy and sharing only to people you know. Keywords— Internet, Social Media, Teen

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-144
Maria Purnawati M.Pd.

As technology emerges so fast and the demands of curriculum to integrate technology and innovation into classrooms, teachers are pushed to penetrate technology and bring the internet to everyday talks with the students. In accordance, using the euphoria of digital natives, students are also pushed to absorb and adjust themselves to growth of technology. In turn, there is no specific course on the use of the internet like the 90s curriculum had in the university level. However, the fact that not so many students bring laptop to campus everyday might indicate that they did not use the internet for learning outside classroom intensively. This study aims at describing how much internet literacy that students have. After analyzing the questionnaire descriptively, it was found that the participants of this study had poor internet literacy, in terms of the use of email, the use of social media, and the use of English in social media.   Keywords: internet literacy, descriptive, poor category

Mustafa Yılmaz ◽  
Volkan Polat

Entrepreneurship has an effective position in the economic context. The positive impact of entrepreneurship on economic development, employment, and welfare in societies has increased the interest of different disciplines in the concept of entrepreneurship. The concept of digital entrepreneurship has emerged as a result of developments in digital technologies, especially internet technology. The increasing volume of electronic commerce has increased the interest in digital entrepreneurship because of the increased use of the internet and the impact of social media platforms. Digital entrepreneurship ecosystem encompasses all the elements that support the development of this field. In line with this information, the conceptual framework of digital entrepreneurship will be explained, and the technological applications within the digital entrepreneur ecosystem and how these applications support digital entrepreneurship will be explained.

Idva Maria Das Dores Gomes Xavier

The research was intended to know how matter of email function in working. Email has been used, when the first time everyone start to used internet. And email also the one of the social media that have in that time. Agree with the expansion of the internet, have a lot of people that use email to make a communication with the other people. One of the ways that make everyone happy to use email are easy to sending information and easy to use. Email afoot from optional communication to essential. This is proved if we see the work ethic in the big/great city. Every day and every time they can’t stop to open their computer to check out their account email. Because they use to make a business communication from email. Once of the most popular application in the mobile devices is email client.

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