scholarly journals Pengaruh Media Papan Flanel Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 226
Hadi Gunawan Sakti ◽  
Hamzah Parhan

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the use of flannel board media on students' interest in learning mathematics in class VII in Al Rusnaniah Islamic Junior High School. This research method uses experiments. The population in this study was grade VII students of Al Rusnaniah Islamic Middle School. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire and documentation method. Data analysis techniques used statistical analysis with the Chi square formula (〖x〗^ 2). The results of this study indicate that the value of x_ (count) ^ 2 by 6.477 and the value of x_ (table) ^ 2 at a Significant level of 5% with dk (f_h-1) = 2-1 = 1 greater than the value of x ^ 2 in the table (6,477 > 3,841), means that H_0 is rejected and Ha is accepted which reads that there is an influence of the use of flannel board media on students' interest in learning for grade VII in mathematics in Al Rusnaniah Islamic Junior High School, so it can be concluded that the results of this study are significant.

GeoEco ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
MS Khabibur Rahman ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi

<p>This research was conducted to find out and analyze the coverage of junior high school and madrasah tsanawiyah services to the user community in Cepogo District. The research used descriptive geographical research method using map analysis and the data collection methods used were documentation studies and field observations. The data collection technique in this study used a population that includes all junior secondary schools and Islamic elementary schools in Cepogo sub-district with primary data in the form of school locations obtained through field measurements using GPS (Global Potential System) and secondary data obtained from agencies authority and results from previous studies. The data analysis technique used was secondary data analysis techniques and map analysis techniques using buffer analysis. The results showed that there was a difference between supply (number of elementary school graduates) and demand (study group) in which supply was greater than demand. In addition, the coverage of education facilities at the junior high school / MTs level in Cepogo District is in accordance with the minimum standards of the national education minister's regulation no. 24 of 2007 concerning the maximum distance to education facilities, which is no more than 6 km with no hazardous track.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Wayan Murtayasa ◽  
La Sahara ◽  
Rosliana Eso

In this study aims to describe the ability and difficulty profile of students in solving graphic motion concept problems using diagnostic tests on grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 10 Kendari. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The subjects in this study were 30 students of class VIII3 of Junior High School 10 Kendari in the 2018/2019 school year and conducted in May 2019. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by providing research instruments in the form of description tests. Data analysis techniques in the form of analysis of the results of tests of ability and difficulty associated with solving graphical problems. The results of this study indicate that the average ability of students in solving graphic motion concepts is less category with each interpretation ability of 10.14%, interpolation of 30%, extractpolation of 16.66% and transformation ability of 19, 11%. To profile the difficulties of students based on the KKM achievement, students still experience difficulties for all indicators with the average category being the weak category. While the difficulty profile is based on the material profile, students still experience difficulties for all sub materials with an average weak category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
M Najmudin Rahmatullah ◽  
Imam Tholkhah ◽  
Amie Primarni

ABSTRACT  Management is a process of activities that are planned and carried out intentionally and continuously to all students in the relevant educational institutions in order to be able to participate in the learning and teaching process effectively and efficiently.  Learning achievement is the level of humanity students have in accepting, rejecting and assessing the information obtained in the teaching and learning process.  A person's learning achievement is in accordance with the level of success of something in learning subject matter which is expressed in the form of grades or report cards for each field of study after experiencing the teaching and learning process.  This study aims to determine the extent of implementation, acceptance, student management, efforts made, as well as the implications of the application of student management in At-Thiriiriah Junior High School in improving the quality of students.  This study uses a qualitative approach using a type of case study research by taking a background in At-Thiriahah Junior High School, Gunung Bunder I, Pamijahan, Bogor.  Data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation.  Data analysis uses descriptive analysis method.  Based on the process of data collection and data analysis, researchers can conclude several things including: (1) The application of student management that takes place at At-Thiriahah IT Junior High is classified as good, where the concept of student management starts from the  planning and implementation of new students, monitoring or control and evaluation can be applied by all at IT Thohiriah Junior High School.  (2) In an effort made by schools related to student management to improve the quality of students in At-Thiriahah Junior High School, among others: improving discipline including a).  At-Thiriahah Junior High School students arrive at 07.00 WIB, b) Wearing Uniforms.  (3) As for the implications of the implementation of student management to improve the quality of students in At-Thiriah Gunung Bunder I Junior High School, seen from the academic achievement in the form of UN scores that have increased, non-academic achievements achieved  by At-Thiriahah IT Middle School students have also increased, and graduates of At-Thiriiriah IT Middle School were accepted into public and private schools.  Keywords: Student Management, Academic Quality of Students

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 252
M Syarafuddin ◽  
Yuliastri Yuliastri

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of assertive training techniques on the adaptation of class X students at SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram. This research method uses experiments. The population in this study were all students of class X SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram, amounting to 16 students. In this study using purposive sampling to determine the sample and produced 6 students to study who experienced low adjustment. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using statistical analysis with the t-test formula. In accordance with the results of the calculation of tcount obtained from the results of the study showed 12,156. While the t-test value in the table with db (N-1) = 6-1 = 5 with a significance level of 0.05 or 5% = 2.015. So the results obtained in this study are greater than t table (12,156> 2,015), thus the conclusion obtained in this study is that there is an influence of assertive training techniques on the adjustment of class X students in SMAS Darul Hikmah Mataram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Andini Widya Ningsih ◽  
Samsul Maarif

This study aims to describe the sociomatematical norms that are owned by students when learning mathematics in class. The subjects of this study were students of class VII-A Jakarta 113 Junior High School. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. This research uses sociomatematical norms questionnaire and interview. Based on the results of the study, there were 9 students who had very good sociomatematical norms categories with a total percentage of indicators of 81% and there were 14 students who had good sociomatematical norms categories with a total percentage of indicators of 72%. The results showed that very good sociomatematical norms owned by students would affect the high results obtained by students in mathematics learning and good sociomatematical norms would affect the moderate and low results obtained by students in learning mathematics.

Benny Badaru ◽  
Sufitriyono Sufitriyono

This research generally aims to give an idea of the extent of the VO2Max ability of the futsal team at SMA Negeri 22 Makassar. The subjects of this study were 20 students from the SMA Negeri 22 Makassar team, this sample was also called the "saturated sample". The sampling technique used in this study uses a total sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study are using observation sheets and bleep test forms. Research instruments in the study for data collection in this study using the Bleep Test. Data analysis techniques in the study used descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that the ability of the VO2Max level of the futsal team at the 22nd High School Makassar Makassar is in the medium category with a mean value (42.375) with detailed data that is in the excellent criteria of 0 students (0%), on good criteria a number of 10 students ( 50%), students on the medium criteria were 10 people (50%) and students who were included in the criteria were poor and the criteria were very few at 0 students (0%). The conclusion of this study is the VO2Max level of the Futsal Team at SMA Negeri 22 Makassar is in the medium category.

Moh Iqbal Abdullah Kafi ◽  

Cases of verbal bullying are still prevalent among students in schools. Therefore, efforts are needed through various approaches to overcome the problem. One of the efforts that can be done is through the habituation of krama language in the school environment. This article aims to analyze the application of krama language as an educational communication ethic in Junior High School Islam Prestasi Al Mubtadi-ien Bantul in the perspective of Islamic education. The important issue discussed is the purpose and form of application of manners language as educational communication and its impact on the formation of student behavior seen from the perspective of Islamic education. This research is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach in Junior High School Islam Prestasi Al Mubtadi-ien Bantul, Yogyakarta. Data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data exposure, and inference/verification measures. Data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data exposure, and inference/verification measures. The results of this study showed: First, the form of educational communication ethics applied in Junior High School Islam Prestasi Al Mubtadi-ien Bantul is based on the cultural values of krama language carried out during the implementation of the learning process in the classroom and in interactions outside the classroom in the school environment. The application of krama language aims to shape student behavior and participate in preserving the culture of krama language as is done in a pesantren environment. Second, the application of communication ethics using Javanese culture krama in Junior High School Islam Prestasi Al Mubtadi-ien Bantul is considered to have provided positive benefits and impacts for students. Third, from the perspective of Islamic education, the application of krama language culture in Junior High School Islam Prestasi Al Mubtadi-ien Bantul is very relevant. Islam is very concerned about the ethical issue of communication. Islam teaches the delivery of information messages to citizens using good language, friendly and polite.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 306-318
Tanti Tanti ◽  
Dwi Agus Kurniawan ◽  
Rahmi Putri Wirman ◽  
Rini Siski Fitriani ◽  
Nur Ika Sandi Pratiwi ◽  

Education has a very important role in educating the life of the nation. Education should not only give birth to someone who is an expert in a particular field, but also includes how someone is able to bring themselves in a community, nation and state environment in accordance with applicable norms and rules. Therefore, the character of responsibility and attitude towards subjects is very important for every individual. However, education that is happening at this time still does not provide space for students to behave honestly because the learning process tends to teach moral education and character limited to the knowledge written in the text. Therefore this study was designed to see how the relationship between attitude and student responsibility towards science subjects especially junior high students. This study is a mix of correlational type associative method research. The procedure of this study began by following the procedure in stages. In the preparation stage, it is done by formulating the problem and its variables. Then a literature review is conducted, looking for supporting theories and deepening the discussion of the problem under study in order to obtain an overview of the research to be carried out as well as the instruments needed. At the stage of questionnaire data questionnaire data collection was given to 136 students in Adhyaksa 1 Junior High School, Jambi City. From the data, data analysis is then carried out, namely data coding, proper data collection and analysis of the data. The data analysis technique uses correlational tests to find out whether there is a relationship between attitude and responsibility. The results of this study indicate a relationship between attitude and responsibility with a Pearson Correlation value of 0.000 0.05 so that it can be concluded that there is a relationship between attitude and responsibility in Adhyaksa 1 Junior High School, Jambi City

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-178
Nova Okta Afriyani

                                                     AbstractThis study aims to determine the role of family on student achievement in social studies subjects. The study was conducted using qualitative methods through interview techniques as data collection instruments. The study was conducted at State Junior High School 1 Mejobo, Kudus Regency. This case study research was conducted at State Junior High School 1 Mejobo Kudus with a research method using qualitative research methods. The research method used is the naturalistic method, which is research that originates from the aspect of phenomenology and seeks to understand the meaning of events or problems and their relationship to the object of research. Data collection techniques aside from using observation were also carried out through deep interviews. The results showed that the family is the main place for the formation of student character. The process of forming good character requires good communication between children and other family members. The attitude of parents in caring for and educating children greatly influences the increase in children's intelligence and creativity. Children's intelligence and creativity affect student achievement in social studies subjects.Keywords: Social Studies Subjects, Achievement, Family                                                    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keluarga terhadap prestasi siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui teknik wawancara sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMPN 1 Mejobo, Kabupaten Kudus. Penelitian studi kasus ini dilakukan di SMPN 1 Mejobo Kudus dengan metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode naturalistik, yaitu penelitian yang bersumber pada aspek fenomenologi dan berusaha memahami arti peristiwa atau permasalahan dan hubungannya terhadap obyek penelitian.  Teknik pengumpulan data di samping dengan menggunakan  observasi juga dilakukan melalui deep interview. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keluarga merupakan tempat utama untuk pembentukan karakter siswa. Proses pembentukan karakter yang baik memerlukan komunikasi yang baik antara anak dengan anggota keluarga lainnya. Sikap orangtua dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anak sangat memengaruhi peningkatan kecerdasan dan kreativitas anak. Kecerdasan dan kreativitas anak berperan terhadap prestasi siswa pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial.Kata Kunci: Mata pelajaran IPS, Prestasi, Keluarga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 153
Hikmah Nata Rabay

<div><p class="1eAbstract-text">The success of students learning Mathematics at “X” Junior High School is very low. Alike success of students learning Mathematics, the students also have low motivation, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence. According to this fact, guessed that there is correlation between motivation and success of students, between self-esteem and success of students, and between self-confidence and success of students learning Mathematics, so needed a research to see that correlation. Research method that was used to see that correlation is correlation method, with questionnaire as a tool to collect data from 131 students of “X” Junior High School. Technique used to analyze data are statistical techniques, which are descriptive and inferential statistic. The conclusions are 1) there is a significant correlation between motivation and success of students learning Mathematics at “X” Junior High School, 2) there is significant correlation between self-esteem and success of students learning Mathematics at “X” Junior High School, and 3) there is significant correlation between self-confidence and success of students learning Mathematics at “X” Junior High School.</p></div>

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