2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (98) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Laima Trinkūnienė ◽  
Edvinas Vensas

Background. According to various research publications, physical education teachers work in the environment where the teaching process is often hindered by low physical education subject status, insufficient number and quality of lessons, lack of facilities and equipment for learning and the environment which is neither functional nor safe or hygienic. Concerned about pupils’ physical activity decrease in secondary schools, Education and Sports Department of Šakiai District Municipality submitted a request to Physical Education study programme director of Lithuanian Sports University to carry out research revealing the existing situation about physical education and sports infrastructure in Šakiai district secondary schools. The aim of our study was to compare physical education environment in Šakiai and Šakiai district high schools, junior gymnasiums and lower secondary schools. Methods. We used a questionnaire for the survey drafted in the international study by Sport Science and Physical Education Council (ICSSPE / IOC) (Hardman & Marshall, 2009) and other references. During the study, we interviewed 13 physical education teachers from 14 Šakiai city and Šakiai district schools (2 women and 11 men). Results. The quality of learning tools in city schools was seen as excellent or good, while the quantity was also seen only as extensive or above average. Obtained results in the district schools varied, but most of them indicated that the quality (33%) and quantity (50%) was only adequate or sufficient. Physical education subject status in comparison with other subjects in half of the city schools was seen as the same and in the other half – as lower. In most schools in the district, it was seen as the same (92%). City schools did not lack hygienic equipment, but a significant number of district schools did not have changing rooms with lockers and hangers (33%) and showers (25%). In the district schools that had showers, they were not used in 56% of them. Conclusions. Schools in the city are supplied with more and better teaching tools and equipment. Physical Education subject status in half of city schools is perceived as inferior to other subjects. Hygiene conditions in city schools are good compared to the district schools, where they are poor.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 2533
Timur Yılmaz ◽  
F. Filiz Çolakoğlu ◽  
Tekin Çolakoglu

The study was undertaken in order to assess burnout levels of the physical education teachers in terms of professional variables.The population of the study was consisted of 275 physical education teachers who were employed at secondary schools and high schools of Ministry of National Education in the city center of Ordu Province during the academic year of 2012-2013. The sample of the study was composed of 163 physical education teachers who were employed at secondary schools and high schools in the city center of Ordu Province and were recruited with random sampling. As the data collection tools; Personal Information Forms and Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey Form (MBI-ES) were employed. For the data analyses; as a result of the normality tests, independent group t test was used for pairwise group comparisons whereas ANOVA and non-parametric Kruskal Wallis-H test were employed for the comparisons of the three and more groups. In light of the study results; it was determined that physical education teachers underwent “emotional burnout” for the variable of “sufficient income”.   ÖzetBu çalışma, beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin mesleki değişkenlere göre tükenmişlik düzeylerini incelemek amacı ile yapılmıştır.Araştırmanın evrenini 2012–2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında Ordu ili (merkez) ve ilçelerinde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı orta ve lise okullarında görev yapan 275 beden eğitimi öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklemini ise, Ordu ili (merkez) ve ilçelerinde görev yapan rastgele yöntemle seçilen toplam 163 beden eğitimi öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır.Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Maslach Tükenmişlik Envanteri-Eğitimci Formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, yapılan normallik sınamasına göre ikili küme karşılaştırmaları için bağımsız grup t testi, üç veya daha fazla küme karşılaştırmaları için ANOVA non parametrik Kruskal Wallis-H testi; sonucu anlamlı bulunan farklılıkların kaynağını belirlemek üzere, varyansların homojen olmasından dolayı post hoc testlerinden Scheffe ve LSD çoklu karşılaştırma testleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadaki istatistiki analizler için anlamlılık düzeyi 0.05 ve 0.01 olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre meslek gelirlerinin yeterliliği değişkeninde “duygusal tükenme” yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (191) ◽  
pp. 262-264
Olena Radionova ◽  

The article looks at the issue of health education for future physical education teachers, it also substantiates the need to insure they undergo professional development in the area of health promotion for students of elementary and secondary schools. The essence and sings of health culture of the future teachers of physical education. The data presented in this article is based on a research in the field of health education for students who are studying to become physical education teachers, which was conducted by the author. This data points to a rather low level of student health education and of their health culture level, which in return will have a negative impact on the quality of their professional activity when it comes to cultivating resiliency in elementary and secondary school students. This can be done with the destructive or indifferent attitude of future teachers to their health and affects the quality of their health function. The function of creating health is seen as a unity of components: - inclusion in the content of education of some issues related to the formation of student’s healthy lifestyle skills focused on the value of health and motivation to creative behavior. - self-development of students in the field of health saving knowledge (professional and personal). In general, the article heretically substantiates the problems of trading future teachers of physical education. the article considers the preservation of health through pedagogical means as giving a humanistic attitude to the educational environment and learning process, denial of violent training methods relying on the internal positive motivation towards training activities, development of personal and physical capacities of students elementary and secondary schools, outlines the current state of professional training of student in higher education. The article explores conceptual ideas, approaches, methods and paths for promoting health education among future teachers and development of their culture of health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-68
O.F. Zhukov ◽  

The purpose of the study is to improve the quality of assessment of students' coordination abilities in the process of physical education. The paper presents the results of testing the coordination abilities of the 4th-grade students of general educational organizations of the city of Ulyanovsk. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of indicative standards for assessing the coordination abilities of the students of the 4th grade. The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic; pedagogical testing; mathematical and statistical processing of the obtained material. As a result of the study, data on the indicators of isolated coordination abilities of students of this age were obtained. Based on the data, there were developed indicative standards for assessing the coordination abilities of students of the 4th grade. The results of the study will help physical education teachers to conduct a comprehensive study of the coordination abilities of students, using a sufficient number of tests characterizing various aspects of their development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-151 ◽  
Amanda Taiane Correia de Oliveira ◽  
Liana Lima Rocha ◽  
Luciana Venâncio ◽  
Luiz Sanches Neto

Introdução: Investigamos as características dos processos formativos de três docentes e os motivos subjacentes à sua mobilização como professores(as) que se preocupam em pesquisar. Objetivo: O objetivo de nossa investigação é compreender as idiossincrasias desses(as) professores(as)-pesquisadores(as), que investigam suas próprias práticas educativas na educação básica, na área da educação física na cidade de Fortaleza e na região metropolitana. Métodos: O nosso estudo é fundamentado em uma pesquisa qualitativa com a colaboração de professores(as) de educação física de escolas públicas da rede estadual de educação básica de Fortaleza. A pesquisa colaborativa foi realizada com uma professora e dois professores ao longo de um ano e meio. Resultados: Temos como principal resultado da pesquisa, o engajamento efetivo dos(as) professores(as) com as suas práticas educacionais. Portanto, a responsabilidade com os processos de ensino está associada aos modos de investigação realizados pelos(as) docentes. Conclusão: Consideramos que o envolvimento com projetos e também com grupos de estudos das universidades, tanto durante a graduação quanto na pós-graduação, tornam o trabalho de cada professor(a) diferenciado em termos (auto)formativos. ABSTRACT. School physical education teachers-researchers: idiosyncrasies and support to teacher educa¬tion in Fortaleza’s (Brazil) metropolitan region. Background: We have investigated the characteristics of the educative processes of three teachers and the reasons underpinned by their mobilization as teachers who care about researching. Objective: The objective of our investigation is to understand the idiosyncrasies of these teachers, who investigate their own educational practices in basic education in the area of physical education in the city of Fortaleza and in the metropolitan region. Methods: Our study is based on qualitative research with the collaboration of physical education teachers from public schools of the State basic education network at Fortaleza. The collaborative research was carried out with one female teacher and two male teachers over one year and a half. Results: The main result of the research is the effective engagement of teachers with their educational practices. Therefore, responsibility for teaching processes is associated with the modes of research carried out by the teachers. Conclusion: We consider that the involvement with projects and also within academic groups at universities, both during undergraduate and postgraduate courses, differentiate the work of each teacher in (self) educative terms.

2014 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 574-583 ◽  
Ian M. Taylor ◽  
Christopher M. Spray ◽  
Natalie Pearson

The purpose of the study was to explore change in children’s physical self-concept and self-reported physical activity over a school transition period, as well as motivational and interpersonal influences on these two outcomes. Data were collected from 545 children (mean age = 10.82, SD = 0.39, 51% female) at three time points before and after the United Kingdom secondary school transition. Multilevel modeling revealed that physical self-concept and physical activity showed different patterns of decline over the course of the study. Changes in the extent to which physical education teachers were perceived to provide psychological need support, peer focus on self-referenced learning and mastery, and changes in autonomous motives toward physical education classes were positively associated with these outcome variables. The present study provides novel insight into important motivational and interpersonal factors that may need to be targeted to prevent negative developmental patterns over a potentially challenging period for children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 294
Deise de Jesus Soares Nunes ◽  
Maria Amélia da Costa Lopes ◽  
Maria Amélia Pina Tomás Veiga

A educação equitativa e de qualidade para todos os cidadãos é uma das mais importantes formas de ultrapassagem das desigualdades que ainda se fazem sentir fortemente nas sociedades. A qualidade dos professores é uma dimensão central dos processos educativos, a qual depende em grande parte da qualidade da formação inicial. Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa desenvolvida com o objetivo de explorar as características das identidades de professores formadores e dos climas de formação que formam professores focados na inclusão social e na humanização. Teoricamernte o estudo ancora-se no conceito de identidade profissional.  Metodologicamente, a pesquisa segue uma orientação qualitativa que se estrutura através de entrevista em grupo com professoras formadoras de um curso de ensino da educação física em uma universidade portuguesa e de análise documental sobre o ensino superior em Portugal a nível nacional e a nível da instituição das pessoas em estudo. A instituição foi escolhida devido à qualidade reconhecida de seu curso. Para dar conta da identidade dos formadores, a entrevista considerou o percurso profissional dos professores formadores e a sua perspectiva sobre a formação inicial; os documentos incluíram legislação, planos de estudos, ementas de documentos de auto e hétero avaliação do curso. A análise sugere que é possível a academia formar professores para a inclusão e a humanização, nomeadamente em certas condições: (i) existência de identidades duais (de registro acadêmico e profissional) e (ii) existência de verdadeiras comunidades de prática de professores formadores, professores cooperantes e estudantes estagiários.Palavras-chave: Formação de Professor. Percurso Profissional.  Ensino da Educação Física.Can the academy train teachers? An experience of training physical education teachers at the universityABSTRACTEquitable and quality education for all citizens is one of the most important ways to overcome the inequalities that are still strongly felt in societies. The quality of teachers is a central dimension of educational processes, which largely depends on the quality of initial training. This article presents a research developed with the objective of exploring the characteristics of the identities of teacher educators and the training climates that form teachers focused on social inclusion and humanization. Theoretically, the study is based on the concept of professional identity. Methodologically, the research follows a qualitative orientation that is structured through a group interview with teachers who teach a physical education teaching course at a Portuguese university and documentary analysis on higher education in Portugal on national level and on studied people institutional level. The institution was chosen due to the recognized quality of its course. To account for the identity of the trainers, the interview considered the professional path of the teacher educators and their perspective on initial training; the documents included legislation, study plans, menus for self and straight course evaluation documents. The analysis suggests that it is possible for the academy to train teachers for inclusion and humanization, namely under certain conditions: (i) existence of dual identities (of academic and professional record) and (ii) existence of true communities of practice for teacher educators, cooperating teachers and student trainees.Keywords: Teacher Training. Professional Path. Physical Education Teaching.¿Puede la academia formar profesores? Una experiencia de formación de profesores de educación física en la universidadRESUMENLa educación equitativa y de calidad para todos los ciudadanos es una de las formas más importantes de superar las desigualdades que aún se sienten con fuerza en las sociedades. La calidad de los docentes es una dimensión central de los procesos educativos, que depende en gran medida de la calidad de la formación inicial. Este artículo presenta una investigación desarrollada con el objetivo de explorar las características de las identidades de los formadores de docentes y los climas de formación que forman los docentes enfocados en la inclusión social y la humanización. Teóricamente, el estudio se basa en el concepto de identidad profesional. Metodológicamente, la investigación sigue una orientación cualitativa que se estructura a través de una entrevista grupal con profesores que imparten un curso de docencia de educación física en una universidad portuguesa y un análisis documental sobre la educación superior en Portugal a nivel nacional y a nivel institucional. La institución fue elegida por la reconocida calidad de su curso. Para dar cuenta de la identidad de los formadores, la entrevista consideró la trayectoria profesional de los formadores de docentes y su perspectiva sobre la formación inicial; los documentos incluían legislación, planes de estudio, menús para autoevaluación y documentos de evaluación del curso. El análisis sugiere que es posible que la academia capacite a los docentes para la inclusión y la humanización, es decir, bajo ciertas condiciones: (i) existencia de identidades duales (de expediente académico y profesional) y (ii) existencia de verdaderas comunidades de práctica para los formadores de docentes, profesores colaboradores y alumnos en formación.Palabras clave: Formación Docente. Carrera. Enseñanza de la Educación Física.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 118-121
María Carrasco Poyatos ◽  
Manuel Vaquero Abellán ◽  
Alberto Espino Poza

La finalidad del presente estudio fue conocer las patologías más frecuentes que afectan a los profesores de Educación Física de E.S.O. de la provincia de Jaén, las bajas que habitualmente les mantienen alejados de su lugar de trabajo y las soluciones que proponen para mejorar su situación laboral y a la vez su salud y su calidad de vida. Participaron 216 docentes de los que se seleccionó al azar una muestra de 50 profesionales. La recogida de datos se llevó a cabo mediante una encuesta original auto cumplimentada. El 30% de la muestra sufrió alguna patología física en su lugar de trabajo. Las patologías más frecuentes fueron: esguince de tobillo (13%) y lumbalgia (10%). La duración de la baja laboral producida por estas patologías fue de 1 a 20 días. Las soluciones que propusieron para reducir la incidencia de lesiones fueron: mejorar los materiales y las instalaciones (72%) y menos horas de trabajo por jornada laboral (20%). En conclusión, las soluciones propuestas por los docentes para reducir la incidencia de estas patologías son competencia de la Administración General del Estado y, por consiguiente, es su labor resolver esta situación para mejorar la seguridad y la salud de sus trabajadores.Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate Physical Education teacher’s injuries related to their workplace conditions in the secondary schools from Jaen province, their effect in sick leaves, and the solutions suggested to enhance their health and quality of life. 50 teachers were randomly chosen from a sample of 216 instructors. All teachers filled in a standard questionnaire. 30% suffered any injury in their workplace. The most common injuries suffered were: uncle sprain (13%) and backache (10%). These injuries caused 1 to 20 days long sick leaves. The solutions suggested by those Physical Education teachers were related to change teaching material and building conditions (72%), and to reduce the timetable (20%). In conclusion and owing to legal regulations, General State Administration should improve Physical Education teacher’s workplace conditions in order to keep their safety and health.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Dimitri Wuo Pereria ◽  
Renan Oliveira De Paula ◽  
André Batista Da Silva ◽  
Camila Bianca Galindo ◽  
Vinicius Sampaio Feitoza Dos Santos

A observação de pessoas procurando praças, ruas, paredes de escalada, bancos, muros e rampas pela cidade, para se divertir e se exercitar representa um novo contexto de prática esportiva que esta pesquisa busca revelar. O objetivo deste estudo foi reconhecer os locais e atores das práticas de skate, escalada e slakline e suas motivações para a busca destas modalidades. Utilizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória com 46 sujeitos, sendo 16 escaladores, 20 skatistas e 10 slakliners, da cidade de São Paulo, que responderam um questionário desenvolvido especificamente para essas atividades. Os resultados apontaram que: Há predominância do sexo masculino entre os participantes, revelando um preconceito que ainda perdura na prática esportiva. Os escaladores têm média de idade maior do que os demais, talvez devido à necessidade de equipamentos mais caros, dos maiores riscos da prática e da necessidade de cursos para aprendizagem. Os skatistas em média praticam há mais tempo, provavelmente porque a cultura do skate é mais antiga e consolidada em São Paulo. Observa-se que no slakline todos praticam a menos de três anos mostrando que é uma modalidade ainda recente no cenário nacional. Os participantes da pesquisa afirmam ter aprendido sozinhos, ou com amigos e familiares, evidenciando-se nesse aspecto que a Educação Física não é considerada como iniciação. Os sujeitos apontam o ganho de benefícios físicos, mentais e sociais nas suas vidas e sua intenção de continuar a prática pela qualidade de vida, diversão, evolução física e psicológica. Apenas 10,8% afirmam competir, o que mostra que os esportes radicais são considerados na perspectiva da participação voluntária. Conclui-se que os esportes radicais estão sendo incorporados à rotina das pessoas, acrescentando novo contorno à cultura corporal, numa busca de superação, de enfrentamento de desafios, do controle do risco, do prazer, e da qualidade de vida. Fica evidente que há uma distância entre a formação dos profissionais de Educação Física e estas novas práticas.ABSTRACT.  Extreme sports through urban environment in the São Paulo City.  The observation of people looking for squares, streets, climbing walls, benches, walls and ramps around the city to have fun and exercise represents a new context of sports practice that this research seeks to reveal. The objective of this study was to recognize the places and actors of skateboarding, climbing and slakline practices and their motivations for the search of these sports. Exploratory descriptive research was used with 46 subjects, 16 climbers, 20 skaters and 10 slakliners, from the city of São Paulo, who answered a questionnaire developed specifically for these activities. The results showed that: There is predominance of males among the participants, showing a prejudice that still persists in sports practice. Climbers have a higher average age than others, perhaps due to the need for more expensive equipment, greater risks of practice and the need for courses to learn. Skaters on average have been practicing for more time, probably because the skate culture is older and consolidated in São Paulo. It is observed that in slakline all practice less than three years showing that it is a modality still recent in the national scenario. The participants of the research affirm to have learned alone, or with friends and family, evidencing in this aspect that the Physical Education is not considered like initiation. The subjects point out the gain of physical, mental and social benefits in their lives and their intention to continue the practice by quality of life, fun, physical and psychological evolution. Only 10.8% claim to compete, which shows that Extreme Sports are considered from the perspective of voluntary participation. It is concluded that Extreme Sports are being incorporated into the routine of the people, adding a new contour to the body culture, in a search for overcoming, facing challenges, control of risk, pleasure, and quality of life. There is evidence that there is a gap between the graduation in Physical Education professionals and these new practices.

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