2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (191) ◽  
pp. 262-264
Olena Radionova ◽  

The article looks at the issue of health education for future physical education teachers, it also substantiates the need to insure they undergo professional development in the area of health promotion for students of elementary and secondary schools. The essence and sings of health culture of the future teachers of physical education. The data presented in this article is based on a research in the field of health education for students who are studying to become physical education teachers, which was conducted by the author. This data points to a rather low level of student health education and of their health culture level, which in return will have a negative impact on the quality of their professional activity when it comes to cultivating resiliency in elementary and secondary school students. This can be done with the destructive or indifferent attitude of future teachers to their health and affects the quality of their health function. The function of creating health is seen as a unity of components: - inclusion in the content of education of some issues related to the formation of student’s healthy lifestyle skills focused on the value of health and motivation to creative behavior. - self-development of students in the field of health saving knowledge (professional and personal). In general, the article heretically substantiates the problems of trading future teachers of physical education. the article considers the preservation of health through pedagogical means as giving a humanistic attitude to the educational environment and learning process, denial of violent training methods relying on the internal positive motivation towards training activities, development of personal and physical capacities of students elementary and secondary schools, outlines the current state of professional training of student in higher education. The article explores conceptual ideas, approaches, methods and paths for promoting health education among future teachers and development of their culture of health.

Mykhailo Shekhavtsov ◽  
Nadiia Ahtyrskaya ◽  
Nataliia Simonenko ◽  

This article reveals the state of development of the pedagogical phenomenon, carried out a theoretical analysis of the provisions of national and international educational documents, which allowed determining the purpose, objectives, content and structure of professional training of future teachers of physical education. As a result of the logical-semantic analysis of the conceptual-categorical apparatus the basic categories of research are revealed: "professional activity", "professional activity of the future teacher of physical culture", "interaction". The content analysis is carried out and the basic definitions are offered: "competence", "interactive competence".The concept of interactive competence is revealed in the research. It is interpreted as a professional integral quality of personality, which is manifested in its ability to interpersonal communication, presupposes its ability to intensify activities within intersubjective interaction and determines its readiness for continuous individual development a set of knowledge, skills, experience of tactful and equal communication under the created comfortable creative conditions of interaction. The professional training of a future physical education teacher is a complex multifaceted system, which is aimed at obtaining and developing a sufficient level of competence for productive professional activity in the process of higher education and practical activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
V.А. Вabalich

The level of training for future teachers of physical education should be in line with the current requirements of a comprehensive school, this necessity prompts us to find ways to increase the efficiency and quality of their professional development. The article presents the methodology and results of the experiment, aimed at increasing the professional training of physical education teachers at sports-and-pedagogical improvement classes (volleyball). A step-by-step algorithm of actions is developed, which shows ways of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The components of the content of vocational training, which determined the effectiveness of the introduced methodology, were revealed. The study envisaged increasing attention to interdisciplinary integration in order to improve the quality of theoretical knowledge, practical skills for the preparation of a competent, competitive expert in physical education and sport.

Vitaliy Demchenko ◽  

The article examines the effectiveness of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future physical education teachers. The purpose of the article is to test the effectiveness of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future teachers of physical education. Research methodology includes: empirical methods: observations, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment is for checking the effectiveness of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future teachers of physical education; methods of mathematical statistics are for processing the results of experimental work. Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future teachers of physical education is based on a certain system of standards: pedagogical orientation, independence and professional maturity, which we used to diagnose their development by those activities that included students of the experimental group. After analyzing the data, it was found that students of the control and experimental groups have significant differences on such scales as: awareness, decision-making, planning and communication; as well as a positive trend on the scales: mnemonic, volitional and mental. According to the study, it can be said that future physical education teachers of the experimental group are more knowledgeable and confident in choosing their profession, they more rationally and adequately assess the situation and plan their future more thoughtfully than students in the control group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12075
Vladimir Borisenkov ◽  
Olga Gukalenko ◽  
Viktor Pustovoitov

Taking into account interstate and national requirements, an analysis of the significance was carried out and trends in the preparation of teachers for professional activity in the context of the digitalization of education were identified. It is noted that the ongoing scientific research affects various areas of training future teachers, however, they mainly consider certain aspects of professional training of teachers. Among the promising directions for the development of the process of training teachers are identified: the development of methodological concepts, strategic national projects and programs for the training of teachers, taking into account the prospects for economic development, digitalization of society and the education system; the transition to understanding the digitalization of professional pedagogical education as a process that includes the formation of future teachers’ personal readiness for professional activity in the context of the digitalization of society and education; provision of the process of training pedagogical personnel with hardware, network and software resources adequate to the needs; reducing the level of academic load on teachers who train teachers; improving the quality of professional pedagogical education based on personalization and targeting; ensuring the parity of interests of commercial organizations, state and public institutions, personal interests of future teachers; purposeful formation of future teachers’ competence in the design and modernization of educational space based on IR technologies; formation of professional competence among future teachers in the field of ensuring the protection of children and youth in the information space.

Nadiia Gramatik

The success of modern transformational changes in public life depends crucially on the quality of professional training of future professionals. In this view, under conditions of reforming the Ukrainian society, a social significance of a competent specialist is extremely growing. An important area of transformational changes is the training of future teachers on a competence basis, which is conditioned by qualitative features of the competence-based paradigm in the context of modern socio-economic and spiritual development of society, changes in the nature and content of work, complexity as well as increasing requirements to performance results, on the one hand; and on the other hand – by the need to more quickly overcome the negative phenomena occurring in the system of training future professionals. The modern labour market, above all, provides for the presence of a professionally competent worker who is fluent in the profession-centred assignments and well-oriented in related fields, ready for continuous personal growth, social and professional mobility. These requirements can be fully applied to the training intended for the future teachers. At the same time, since the future specialist of any profession begins with the school, namely "the school stands for their teacher", the solution of these complicated problems depends entirely on the teacher, the quality of his / her training. As the teacher’s professional activity under conditions of the New Ukrainian school is filled with qualitatively new content, conditioned by the new demands of the society, the professional requirements to the training of the future teacher are significantly strengthened. This outlines a radical change in approaches to the process of professional training intended for future teachers. This is the general pedagogical core of this training that is important, because it deals with the equipping of students with knowledge of the basics of pedagogical theory and school practice, the development of professional thinking, the developed pedagogical skills and abilities to implement social functions alongside the subject component of the professional development aimed at mastering the logic of deploying the specifics of the content. Based on the understanding that each subject, including Biology in particular, is a means of developing the student's personality; the problem of forming future Natural Science teachers’ subject competence in Biology is becoming extremely important. This also requires the expansion of scientific knowledge about the structure of originality, in particular the subject competence in Biology under conditions of the bachelor courses, where basic higher education is obtained.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (98) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Laima Trinkūnienė ◽  
Edvinas Vensas

Background. According to various research publications, physical education teachers work in the environment where the teaching process is often hindered by low physical education subject status, insufficient number and quality of lessons, lack of facilities and equipment for learning and the environment which is neither functional nor safe or hygienic. Concerned about pupils’ physical activity decrease in secondary schools, Education and Sports Department of Šakiai District Municipality submitted a request to Physical Education study programme director of Lithuanian Sports University to carry out research revealing the existing situation about physical education and sports infrastructure in Šakiai district secondary schools. The aim of our study was to compare physical education environment in Šakiai and Šakiai district high schools, junior gymnasiums and lower secondary schools. Methods. We used a questionnaire for the survey drafted in the international study by Sport Science and Physical Education Council (ICSSPE / IOC) (Hardman & Marshall, 2009) and other references. During the study, we interviewed 13 physical education teachers from 14 Šakiai city and Šakiai district schools (2 women and 11 men). Results. The quality of learning tools in city schools was seen as excellent or good, while the quantity was also seen only as extensive or above average. Obtained results in the district schools varied, but most of them indicated that the quality (33%) and quantity (50%) was only adequate or sufficient. Physical education subject status in comparison with other subjects in half of the city schools was seen as the same and in the other half – as lower. In most schools in the district, it was seen as the same (92%). City schools did not lack hygienic equipment, but a significant number of district schools did not have changing rooms with lockers and hangers (33%) and showers (25%). In the district schools that had showers, they were not used in 56% of them. Conclusions. Schools in the city are supplied with more and better teaching tools and equipment. Physical Education subject status in half of city schools is perceived as inferior to other subjects. Hygiene conditions in city schools are good compared to the district schools, where they are poor.

2019 ◽  
pp. 592-601
Galina Yamaletdinova ◽  
Sergey Belykh ◽  
Mykhailo Kolyada ◽  
Olga Oleynik

The conducted study was triggered by the problem of transition from a body-oriented approach to a personality-oriented approach inyoung people’sphysical education. The personality-oriented paradigm underlying training and retraining of teachers for students’ physical education was selected as the research methodology, and the model of improving such training of the teaching staff was suggested as a tool for implementing this paradigm. The presented model reflects the most important structural elements that we wished to test during the pedagogical experiment – improving future teachers’ motivation for their own physical activity and assessing the efficiency of a number of elective subjects. The modelis based on the assumed target of implementing activities by a health culture physical education teacher and reflects the actual system of knowledge concerning health and personal responsibility for teachers’ own health and that of students under their care. Also, the stages of building teachers’ professional competence and basic academic disciplines that will make the greatest contribution towards the achievement of the set goals are provided. The outlined stages represent a single process of physical and spiritual education to build future teachers’ knowledge and skills in the field of health culture. As a way to achieve these goals, it was proposed to introduce new elective disciplines for future teachers of physical education, namely: Pedagogical Anthropology, Personality-Oriented Physical Education and Creative Valeology. The conclusion is made that application of the personality-oriented approach to train future physical education teachers and the model of their training and retraining based on this approach would promote building their health culture education in the quickly changing world aimed at physical perfection of its individuals.

2020 ◽  
pp. 104-109
Konokh A.P. ◽  
Makovetska N.V. ◽  
Konokh A.A.

У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан формування фахової компетентності майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, що підтвердив актуальність і доцільність вибраної проблеми дослідження, її недостатню теоретичну розробленість у педагогічній теорії та практиці. Це пов’язане з тим, що спеціалізація «Екологічний та спортивний туризм» відсутня у навчальних планах підготовки майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання в закладах вищої освіти України. Доведено, що фахова підготовка майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання, здатних на високому рівні використову-вати екологічний туризм у професійній діяльності, є однією з важливих умов підвищення інтересу дітей та молоді до занять фізичною культурою, туризмом і спортом, забезпечення необхідної рухової актив-ності, розвитку, збереження та зміцнення їхнього здоров’я. Фахова компетентність викладача фізично-го виховання у сфері екологічного туризмурозглядається як інтегративна характеристика особистості, що містить сукупність мотивів та інтересів, теоретичні знання, практичні вміння й навички, фахово важливі якості (фізичну підготовленість, креативність і емпатію, комунікативні та організаторські здіб-ності).Визначено, що з урахуванням значного попиту на фахівців цієї галузі фахова підготовка майбут-ніх викладачів фізичного виховання, компетентних у сфері екологічного туризму, має здійснюватися на факультетах фізичного виховання за спеціалізацією «Екологічний та спортивний туризм», адже саме ця спеціалізація враховує особливості цієї підготовки. Практичне значення одержаних результатів поля-гає у забезпеченні навчально-методичного супроводу формування фахової компетентності майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, що охоплює: авторські навчально-ме-тодичні комплекси дисциплін спеціалізації «Екологічний та спортивний туризм» та їх електронний контент; навчально-методичний посібник та методичні рекомендації; програми наскрізної практичної підготовки; тестові завдання; програму роботи туристського студентського гуртка Запорізького націо-нального університету.Матеріали дослідження були використані в процесі модернізації професійної підготовки майбут-ніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, у теоретичних і експериментальних дослідженнях з теорії та методики професійної освіти, для вдосконалення освітнього процесу в закла-дах вищої освіти. The article analyzes the current state of formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the field of eco-tourism confirmed the relevance and feasibility of the chosen research problem, its lack of theoretical development in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the fact that the specialization “Ecological and sports tourism” is absent in the curricula of future physical education teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine. It is proved that professional training of future physical education teachers, able to use eco-tourism in professional activities at a high level, is one of the important conditions for increasing the interest of children and youth in physical culture, tourism and sports, providing necessary physical activity, development, preservation and strengthening their health. The following structural components of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the field of ecological tourism have been identified and characterized: personal, cognitive, praxeological, reflexive.The practical significance of the obtained results is to provide educational and methodological support for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, which covers: the author’s educational and methodological complexes of disciplines of specialization “Ecological and sports tourism” and their electronic content; training manual and guidelines; cross-cutting practical training programs; test tasks; program of work of the student tourist circle of Zaporizhzhia National University. The research materials were used in the process of modernization of professional training of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, in theoretical and experimental studies on the theory and methodology of vocational education, to improve the educational process in institutions of higher education. On the basis of secondary diagnostics of the level of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, the results are obtained, which testify a significant positive dynamics according to all criteria. Analysis of the results has showed positive changes in the control group and the experimental group, but in the experimental group they have occurred more intensively. Thus, by the end of the experiment, the number of future teachers increased by 89% at the high level, by 2% at the sufficient level, and at the average and low levels their number decreased by 77% and 14%, respectively. The control groups also experienced positive changes, but at a high level they were not significant.Solving the objectives of the study made it possible to achieve its purpose – to substantiate scientifically the set of organizational and pedagogical conditions and conceptual model that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in eco-tourism.

Suzanna Ihnatenko

The article focuses on the process of training future physical education teachers for future activity on the basis of simulation teaching as a training prerequisite. The essence and significance of simulation and game-based learning in the process of future teachers’ professional training are described. The following means of simulation and game-based learning are distinguished: simulation game, business game, role-playing game, problem situations, game training; the feasibility of their usage is argued. Keywords: professional activity, simulation and game-based learning, training of students, physical education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-172
Antonina Rozsokha ◽  
Michael Kravets

The article analyzes the current state of professional training of future physical education teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine for local lore on the basis of a competent approach. The criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of future physical education teachers for local lore in the course of their professional training are highlighted. A number of different approaches to the evaluation of the criteria for the formation of readiness of future specialists have been investigated. The correspondence of each criterion of readiness of future teachers of physical culture to local lore activity is established by the indicators reflecting qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its competences. On the basis of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, the indicators of the readiness of future teachers of physical culture for local lore are determined, namely: motivational, cognitive and activity. The boundaries of the level of preparedness of future physical education teachers for local lore are clearly defined on the basis of the competence approach: insufficient, sufficient and high. The criterion of formation of future physical education teachers' readiness for local lore is an objective characteristic that reflects its essential features and by means of which they make comparative assessment of the effectiveness of its formation in traditional and isolated pedagogical conditions. The structure of future physical education teachers' readiness for local history activities included a motivational component, a cognitive component, and an activity component. The level of readiness for local lore activity of future physical education teachers has been determined: insufficient level (low, reproductive), sufficient level (average, productive), high level (creative). The readiness of physical culture teachers for local lore is determined by the functions: cognitive, communicative, developmental, adaptive, informative, reflexive.

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