scholarly journals Development of Digital Economy in Regions of Kyrgyzstan

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-225
M. Amanalieva

The process of economic development of the regions of Kyrgyzstan with the help of digitalization is considered. It also analyzes the trend of development of digital technology and its impact on the national strategy. Normalization of the digital economy and its development is considered as the main tool in the Kyrgyz Republic. For the development of the economy of Kyrgyzstan, the main problems and the development of digital technologies are considered. In the framework of the program Taza Koom adopted in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2017, to ensure national security, as well as the development of the country, technologies affecting them were considered. For the development of the digital economy, digital technologies and major markets are considered as the main priority. Segments for the development of agriculture in Kyrgyzstan with the help of digital technologies are proposed. And also (factors) the use of digital technologies in agriculture, its role in the regions, goals and advantages are reflected in this article. The paper discusses the use of digitalization processes of the economy at the regional level. The analysis of global trends in the development of digital technologies in the agricultural sector and their impact on regional development strategies is carried out. The features of the formation of the digital economy in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic are determined. The problems and promising areas of testing digital technologies in the development of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic are identified. The possibilities of transforming the economy of the regions in the context of digitalization are considered. The analysis of existing approaches to the formation of regional digital development programs and the practice of their application is carried out. A number of methodological problems were identified and the author’s vision of the process of formation of digital transformation programs for the region was proposed. The main directions of agricultural development in the regions are formulated taking into account digitalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 802-817
I.A. Rodionova ◽  
E.I. Timofeev

Subject. The digital economy reveals the extent of technological obsolescence of the AIC. However, although the public gets more and more interested in this innovative line of development, there is still a lack of good understanding of the substance and content of the digital economy. The country has appropriate conditions for mastering digital technologies, but systemic difficulties impede their diffusion in the AIC. Objectives. The study examines respective difficulties and determines priorities of the digital economy development in the AIC. Methods. The study rests on proceedings by foreign and Russian scholars who examined theoretical and practical aspects of agricultural digitalization. We also refer to official statistics and documents on governmental and special-purpose agricultural development programs. The study involves the systems approach, monographs, statistical, graphical methods. Results. We sorted the existing approaches to interpreting the content of the digital economy. The article determined what impedes the digitalization in agriculture and examines the practices of mastering digital technologies. The scientific community was found to be very interested in the digital agriculture. However, Russian scholars are not very conversant with the digitalization practices due to multiple difficulties. Therefore, there should be respective information campaigns, involving the government. Operational cases of agricultural businesses should be showcased. Conclusions and Relevance. To overcome difficulties integrating the digital economy in agriculture, market actors should pull through serious barriers, such as high investment risks associated with investment in digital technologies, poor awareness of business communities about opportunities and successful cases of digital solutions, insufficient involvement of authorities and many other economic and political aspects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1390-1398
M A. Bryzgalina ◽  

This paper discusses the implementation of digital technologies in the production sector and business processes of agricultural enterprises in Russia. Implementation of digitalization into the economic entities’ business activity is necessary in order not only to increase the speed of their functioning several times, but also to open up new, broader opportunities for their development in the future. Currently, in the Russian Federation, the main leaders in the development of digital technologies are, first of all, IT companies, as well as organizations operating in the field of media, finance and insurance. The level of digitalization in the real sector of the economy is significantly lower, while the agricultural sector is in last place for this indicator. This article reflects the prerequisites for the development of the digital economy in the world, which include the automation of production technologies and business processes, as well as penetration into the social sphere of the countries of the global Internet and mobile communications. The author considered a number of interpretations of the concept of “digital economy”, of which, in her opinion, the most rational version of the definition of the term under consideration was selected. Within the framework of the study, the prerequisites for the effective implementation of innovative technologies in the economic and social spheres of enterprises’ activities were determined, and the main factors and conditions for the developing digital system of a particular country were established. In the presented work, the author identified a number of modern key problems that significantly impede the introduction of digital technologies in the production and economic activities of economic entities of Russia, especially in the field of agriculture. At the same time, quite popular and widespread advanced technologies are indicated, which are currently being successfully implemented in promising agricultural organizations of the country. With regard to the branches of agriculture in Russia, namely crop and livestock breeding, the most expedient areas for the introduction of advanced digital technologies into the business processes of agricultural enterprises are presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-112 ◽  
Петр Акмаров ◽  
Petr Akmarov ◽  
Миршарип Газетдинов ◽  
Mirsharip Gazetdinov ◽  
Ольга Князева ◽  

The description of the main characteristics of the modern stage of development of information technology and global trends in digitalization is given. A brief information is given on the state of informatization in Russia as a whole, as well as in the country’s agriculture. A comparative analysis of the level of digitalization in rural areas and urban districts is given, the main reasons for the differences are highlighted. The necessity of information technologies development in the agricultural sector of the economy, as a factor in ensuring the country’s food security and a factor in the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products, is substantiated. The features of intellectual agriculture, its benefits for producers and for the population are shown. The dynamics of innovative technologies development is given based on the digital economy in recent years with the release of lagging branches of the agro-industrial complex. The regional differentiation of digitalization of the economy among the population is shown, the interrelation of the informatization level of the population with the development of innovative technologies in the economy of the region is shown. Using the example of cellular communication development, the convergence of digitalization level in cities and villages of the country has been proved. The main problems hindering the information technologies development in agriculture and new solutions adopted at the level of the President and the Government of Russia on the development of informatization are highlighted. The most promising areas of agricultural transformation are shown, focused on the digitization of various aspects of the industry and infrastructure production and sales.

Muhamad Rusliyadi ◽  
Wang Libin

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview description of important differences in agricultural development China and Indonesia in poverty reduction efforts in rural areas and some strategy. This chapter hopes to provide an objective picture of the development from agricultural sector level of evidence both Indonesia and China. China and Indonesia are agriculture-based countries with a program of integrated rural development as a whole to be a target of poverty reduction programs. Several farm programs related to poverty alleviation have been launched and had a good impact or significance, especially in China that is able to reduce extreme poverty from 30% in 1978 to less than 3% in 2008. Certainly many lessons can be obtained from this success, especially the concept and strategy development in rural China to be a reference of other states in its development model, especially for poverty alleviation programs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 495-504
Артём Рада ◽  
Artem Rada ◽  
Елена Федулова ◽  
Elena Fedulova ◽  
Петр Косинский ◽  

The paper features digital technologies in satellite farming and introduces a quantitative methodology to evaluate various types of their effectiveness. The authors determined the main types of efficiency and components of evaluation and substantiated the algorithm of analysis. The paper also contains a list of related economic, environmental, and social components, as well as a set of formulas and dependencies. The methodology for assessing the effectiveness of digital technologies has a two-block structure. The first block determines the needs and opportunities for the implementation of digital technologies and helps to define the enterprises that may benefit from digital technologies. The second block involves a direct evaluation of the results and efficiency of the digital technologies to be implemented and substantiates management solutions. The paper describes approaches and procedures that help to assess the biological, technological, and economic benefits of digital technologies for an agricultural enterprise. The authors quantified the structure of the environmental effect of the introduction of digital technologies and introduced some dependencies can determine profitability and cost recovery indicators. The research used the methodological approach to assess the environmental and social efficiency of digital technologies for an agricultural enterprise. The approach corresponds with the requirements of sustainable agricultural development declared by the UN. The results can be used by enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and suppliers of digital technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 10003
Olga Maksimchuk ◽  
Elena Maznitsa ◽  
Larisa Chizho

The conditions of the digital economy dictate new challenges in order to correct structural imbalances; answers to these challenges are possible in the format of innovations. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has become even more obvious that enterprises that have actively introduced innovations, in particular digital technologies and products, have become successful players in all markets. And tax stimulation has always been the most effective tool for innovation in economic activity.The purpose of this study is to substantiate the role of tax potential in stimulating the effectiveness of innovation in the digital economy. The object of research is the tax potential of the territory. The subject of the research is tax stimulation for the efficiency of innovation in the digital economy. The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of the existing tax system for stimulating innovation in Russia, the tax benefits as the main tool for stimulating innovation in the Russian Federation, the proposals for improving legislation on taxes and fees.

Melinda Noer ◽  
Ira Wahyuni Syarfi ◽  
Rafnel Azhari

The cooperation has long been a pillar of the national economy in Indonesia, especially in developing the economy in rural areas. The Village Unit Cooperation (KUD) was developed to accelerate agricultural development, aimed at improving the farmers 'and peasants' farming in rural areas. KUD has also assisted in the success of regional development programs based on the agricultural sector, one of the plantation sub-sector, which is a partner of the plasma of palm oil farmer group of People’s Core Plantation (PIR) program throughout Indonesia. In the province of West Sumatra, the PIR of palm oil plantations began in the 1980s as a base of regional development, and now the age of harvest has made the age of plants unproductive. Accordingly, KUD Bukit Jaya in Dharmasraya District, one of the KUDs who wishes to apply replanting to farmer groups whose members,t found some obstacles in the implementation. This activity aims to facilitate KUD Bukit Jaya in order to realize the replanting activities in its working area. This action research is conducted using four stages of approach, namely: [1] introduction of problems with dialogical approaches, using interview techniques and discussions with cooperative managers as well as farmers whose gardens have to implement replanting; [2] the team analyzes the problems found and contacts the parties related to issues conveyed by cooperatives and farmers; the parties are insurance companies, bappeda as coordinator of cooperative technical service; [3] holding discussions and discussions with the cooperation, farmer groups and involved parties (insurance companies, cooperative agencies, and district government); [4] agreed on assistance for the preparation of cooperative and peasant group work plans for the preparation and implementation of replanting

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 33-38

Digitalization in the article is considered as a key factor in the further development of rural areas and agriculture. Attention is paid to the backwardness in the digital development of our country from world powers and to significant interregional as well as intersectoral imbalances in the digitalization of the economy and society as a whole. Objective and subjective reasons for the insufficient use of digital technologies in the agricultural sector are given, taking into account regional specifics. The main drivers of agribusiness digitalization and the potential for their use in the region are identified. Particular attention is paid to the problems of the development of electronic commerce in the agricultural sector, distance learning for rural schoolchildren and agricultural specialists, Internet services for rural residents, the use of ICT in agricultural production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 4-16
D. V. IVANOV ◽  

The paper shows that the main limit to the growth of "digitalization" in the XXI century may be not so much the limits of technology development, but rather the difficulties with staffing such a knowledge-intensive process as digital development. This problem is mainly associated with a decrease in the rate of growth of the World's population, which is determined by other social, economic, and factors. The personnel problem of the development of the digital economy is based on the need to maintain the number of researchers and the intensity of solving the problems of economic and social development through the creation and implementation of digital technologies. Solving this problem in the coming decades may face a chronic shortage of specialists to implement the most ambitious plans.

Nataliia Havrylenko ◽  
Iryna Tarasenko ◽  

The article is described the issue of «digital economy» and highlights its role in modern economic and social development of society, in particular the ability to implement simultaneous management of all sectors of the economy; the level of formation of the digital economy in Ukraine, the main threats and opportunities of digitalization and the readiness of Ukraine to introduce and using digital technologies are studied. Analyzing the current state of Ukraine's economy and global trends in the field of digital transformation, digitalization of all sectors of the economy should become a priority for the state. The main prerequisites for the formation of the global era of digital economy are information and communication technologies, which are one of the most influential factors in economic growth and welfare. Nowadays, Ukraine is one of the European country that does not have a sufficient digital resource of its own. In recent years, Ukraine is actively forming information infrastructure as an integrated set of computers and communications equipment, telecommunications networks, databases, information technology, information and analytical centers of various levels, which aims to ensure the effect of innovative economic development. Digitization processes are extremely important for the Ukrainian economy. The digitalization is a modern stage in the development of informatization, the characteristics of which are the predominance of digital technologies for the collection, processing, transmission, storage and visualization of data. The article identifies the relationship between Internet availability and the development of the digital economy, as well as identifies the main type of Internet that affects the level of digitalization of the national economy and its quality. Analyzing the trends of the digital economy in Ukraine, it should be considered as the economy of new business processes and new markets that provide a competitive offer using the latest ICT.

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