Ecological Analysis of Some Azerbaijan Phanerophytes in ex situ Conditions
Ex Situ
Analyzes of the relationship of 115 species of phanerophytes used in cultural conditions (Azerbaijan) against some abiotic factors (light, temperature, water, wind, etc.) have been presented in the paper. 2 species of these taxa are hygrophytes, 56 species are mesophytes, 23 species are xerophytes, 9 species are mesoskerophytes and 25 species are xeromesophytes have been determined depending from the relationship with water according to the results of analyzes. 100 light-loving species, 15 shade-loving species, 97 wind-resistant species and 18 wind-resistant species were found as a result of the study.
2020 ◽
pp. 119-125
2019 ◽
Vol 3
pp. 29-34
1983 ◽
Vol 41
pp. 194-195