
Emma Simone

The Introduction includes an overview of the content of each of the following chapters. This chapter explores the context of war and modernity that provided a shared backdrop for Woolf and Heidegger. An explication of Woolf’s sustained engagement in the critique of the social order throughout her writings is included, and is compared with Heidegger’s largely apolitical approach to Being-in-the-world in his 1927 book, Being and Time. A review of potential philosophical influences upon Woolf’s writings is provided, as well as a survey of published literature that touches upon the connections between Woolf’s writings and Heidegger’s Being and Time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 168-179
Elena Erokhina ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of imagination as a philosophical and sociological concept that played a significant role in the development of social theory in the middle of the 20th century. Exploring the premises of the contradictory relationship between science and society, it is easy to find a connection between the development of science and social change. Currently, it is generally accepted that scientific, including social theories, through the transfer of ideas, transform the social order and, on the contrary, social practices transform knowledge about the world. The article proves that imagination plays a key role in this process. An excursion into the theory of ideas reveals the connection between imagination and irrational and experiential knowledge. The author of the article refers to the works of P. Berger and T. Luckmann, C. Castoriadis and C. Taylor, who showed a direct connection between theoretical ideas and the world of "social imaginary", collective imaginary and social changes. For the first time in the history of mankind, thanks to imagination, society does not see the social order as something immutable. Methodological cases are presented that illustrate the specific role of the concept of imagination as a source of the formation of new research strategies that allow for a new look at the problem of nationalism (social constructivism) and the study of public expectations from the implementation of technological innovations (STS). For decades, Benedict Anderson's work “Imagined Communities” predetermined the interest of researchers of nationalism in social imagination and the collective ideas based on it about the national identity of modern societies, their history and geography. The research of Sheila Jasanoff and Sang-Hyun Kim has formed a new track for the study of science as a collective product of public expectations of an imaginary social order, embodied in technological projects. The conclusion is made about the contradictory nature of social expectations based on collective imagination: on the one hand, they strengthen the authority of science in society, on the other hand, they provoke the growth of negative expectations from the introduction of scientific discoveries. The article substantiates the opinion that imagination is an effective tool for assessing the risks of introducing innovations.

Emma Simone

In Chapter 3, the previous focus upon place is narrowed to that of ‘home’, an element of Being-in-the-world that is granted particular significance throughout Woolf’s writings. Heideggerian understandings of ‘not-Being-at-home’, ‘thrownness’, and ‘theyness’ are drawn upon in order to explore Woolf’s representations of women in the private space as ‘homeless at home.’ From her autobiographical accounts, to her essays and her fiction, Woolf emphasises the ways in which the physical spaces of the home – including its objects, and architectural features such as doors and rooms – are representative of the social order. Reflecting a recurrent preoccupation throughout her writings, Woolf also explores the sense of homelessness and deep unease experienced by social ‘outsiders’ such as Septimus Smith in Mrs Dalloway, and Louis and Rhoda in The Waves, each of whom unveil, question and reject society’s call for conformity and compliance.

Steve Bruce

Although we can view sociology as a disinterested intellectual discipline that stands aside from the world it observes, sociology is itself a symptom of the very things it describes. ‘The modern world’ summarizes what sociology sees as distinctive about the social formations that concern it, considering modernity, social order, social mobility, and postmodernity. The key sociological proposition that much of our world is inadvertent and unintended is important, not just for understanding why things do not go as planned, but also for understanding why things are as they are. This has serious policy implications, because if we misunderstand the causes of what concerns us, we misdirect our efforts to change it.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-55
Alessandro Ferrara

InRousseau and Critical Theory, Alessandro Ferrara argues that among the modern philosophers who have shaped the world we inhabit, Rousseau is the one to whom we owe the idea that identity can be a source of normativity (moral and political) and that an identity’s potential for playing such a role rests on its capacity for being authentic. This normative idea of authenticity brings unity to Rousseau’s reflections on the negative effects of the social order, on the just political order, on education, and more generally, on ethics. It is also shown to contain important teachings for contemporary Critical Theory, contemporary views of self-constitution (Korsgaard, Frankfurt and Larmore), and contemporary political philosophy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-61
Muhammad Himmatur Riza

The Covid-19 pandemic has plagued all over the world. Many aspects of the social order have changed including da'wah activities. The development and existence of technology and restrictions on various religious activities during the Covid-19 pandemic are challenges and opportunities in da'wah activities. Research conducted is literature research that is by collecting data from various sources of references that already exist. The result of this research indicates that the speaker is required to have mastery in the field of technology and continuously to upgrade soft skills to preach in this era. The method that must be modern and practical dawah material becomes a bargaining value that is in demand by the community. This provides an opportunity for dai to document all forms of activities that are da'wah and can also publish muslims and the dynamics of their developing lives. Dai's role must be able to adapt and compete with the globalization of information technology that is already rapidly evolving and liberally controlled by the west, so as to build a new civilization of the face of Islam in the Islamic preaching activities.Keywords: Digitization of Da'wah, Covid-19 Pandemic, Islamic Civilization.Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah dunia. Banyak aspek tatanan kehidupan sosial mengalami perubahan termasuk dalam kegiatan dakwah. Adanya perkembangan dan keberadaan teknologi serta pembatasan berbagai kegiatan keagamaan di masa pandemi Covid-19 menjadi tantangan dan peluang dalam kegiatan dakwah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berbasis data kepustakaan yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber referensi yang sudah ada. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dai atau penceramah dituntut untuk memiliki penguasaan dibidang teknologi dan terus menerus untuk mengupgrade soft skill guna mampu berdakwah di era sekarang ini. Metode yang harus dimodernisasi dan materi dakwah yang praktis menjadi nilai tawar yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Hal ini memberikan peluang bagi para dai untuk mendokumentasikan segala bentuk kegiatan yang bersifat dakwah dan juga dapat mempublikasikan umat islam beserta dinamika kehidupannya yang sedang berkembang. Peran dai harus mampu beradaptasi dan bersaing dengan globalisasi teknologi informasi yang dikuasai yang sudah secara pesat berkembang dan dikuasai secara liberal oleh barat, sehingga mampu membangun peradaban baru wajah Islam dalam berdakwah.Kata kunci: Digitalisasi Dakwah, Pandemi Covid-19, Peradaban Islam.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Nur Hidayat

Language is a set of words used by a group of people to express or reveal a purpose. Arabic is one of the Sam languages, Arab nation is a kind of Sam  nations (identical to sam ibn nuh). As we all know that the Arabic language is not only used by the Arab nation, but also used in many nations of the world. Before the arrival of the Islamic religion in the Arab nation, the Arab nation lives in the Jahiliyyah. Arabic civilization before Islam in the social field has a bad social order, but in the field of arts and language is highly advanced. The Arabic language since its oldest era has been divided  into many dialects that differ from each other in many aspects of Phonology, Semantic, Sintax, and Vocabulary

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-120
Indah Sri Utari

The community of inmates children as a unique and unique social system is difficult to understand when viewed only from the outside, so it is necessary to systematically attempt to know the values, norms, relationships, and objectives-through where and with what they are living, and understand both their own experiences and the world in which they liveThe situational system of the inmates children as human beings (although in this case is the child) to be fostered, is one of the important elements in the whole process of assistance in the Penitentiary is no exception to the Children Penitentiary in Kutoarjo. The entire penitentiary system design, from the assistance program, the assistance mechanism, and the assistance implementation, is actually determined by the circumstances and the reality of the people who are to be fostered, the inmates.The reality of the children inmates who are always on the "social order" in their various communities is essentially constantly changing. Specifically, this study finds links between: the institutional reality of a children penitentiary, which includes the factual circumstances concerning facilities and infrastructure, and the administrative aspects of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary. The reality of the member of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiaryin the form of identified number of occupants, placement systems, and formal and informal groupings of the targeted children in addition to the build and formed a community of the assisted children in KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary and the basic elements of the Social System of the Auxiliaries in all the community of assisted children and etc.As Soerjono Sukanto said that even though human "convicts" live in a confined state, they instinctively want to interact with fellow inmates. This instinct is referred to as "gregariousness" (Soekanto: 1998: 73), which in the last instance will give birth to so-called "social groups". In this context created social structure, social system, norms and so on.

Zhanna V. Chashina

Introduction. The problem of the search for the ways of understanding of the picture of the world and, as a consequence, the development of an approach to the social management is relevant for all times of the existence of mankind. A human is basically a biological phenomenon, therefore, the natural order should be regarded as the basis of the social order. Having in mind this formulation of the question, it becomes necessary to analyze modern concepts of natural science in understanding not only ontological vision of human society, but also developing new ways of its understanding. Materials and Methods. The theoretical and methodological approach was based on the concepts of natural science including the theories of evolutionism, quantum mechanics and synergetics. Using the model transfer of these theories to the idea of social development, the author proposes the methodology based on the principle of interdependence of the theories analyzed in the article. Results. An analysis within the framework of the described theories has shown that according to the evolutionary model, progress is assumed to be taken for granted. Linear scenarios are useful only at the stage of forecasting and provoke a passivity of existence, which leads to deadlocks in development. In the synergetic model, society is represented as a complex open system characterized by opposite trends: destruction, manifesting itself as entropy, and creation, or negentropy. Progress depends on changes that help to survive. If the synergistic picture of the world appears in the form of an order that is formed from chaos, then in a quantum one – society is chaos in the originally existing order. Consequently, the presence of a goal-oriented vector compels a person to move towards the restoration of the system, in particular society, to its initial or even higher level of organization. Discussion and Conclusion. A progressive evolutionary model is manifested in the form of successful adaptation, synergetic combines the idea of evolutionism with the idea of multivariance of the historical process. The quantum approach continues the idea of multivariance, but unlike classical synergetics, it assumes a goal-oriented nature of development. In fact, these approaches do not express contradiction, but the disclosure of the multidimensional development of being, therefore, it is necessary to take into account their interdependence, which allows a more productive cognition of reality in order to manage it.

SEER ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Arzu Çerkezoğlu

This article explores the reaction to the pandemic in Turkey, specifically as regards its impact on workers’ health, livelihoods and employment. It is clear that the pandemic, which has hit Turkey very hard, has had a disproportionate impact on working people and members of the union. The government has shortened the service record required to qualify for short-time working allowance, and also imposed a ban on lay-offs, but these are far from complete solutions. Meanwhile, its relief package - the ‘Economic Stability Shield’ - predominantly consists of credit lines and debt relief and is also the second lowest in the G20. Times are uncertain for all workers, particularly unregistered ones, as well as for poor families in terms of meeting basic needs now and during the next period of the pandemic, on top of the employment and unemployment crisis which has already been going on since August 2018. The government has decided not to take the advice of trade unions and professional organisations, but DİSK continues to raise its voice as regards maintaining the social order both now and in the crucial post-pandemic period.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-38
Evgeniy Karchagin

The COVID-19 pandemic forces us to reconsider the conceptual boundaries of the world and everyday social order, affecting such pairs of concepts as: natural / artificial; habitual / extraordinary. The author considers one of the aspects of the changes having occured: the transformation of spatial mobility, which is connected with deep social changes. In the first part, the experience of isolation is interpreted on the basis of the theoretical resources of the social theory of mobilities, primarily the concepts of mobility capital and mobility justice. Not all social groups were equally mobile, because they had different mobility capital. The issue of mobility equity has taken in a new context: a natural global threat that has exacerbated the existing inequalities caused by the emergency. The second part of the article deals with the concept of "state of emergency" by G. Agamben and analyzes the issue of transgression of the system of the world social order, including its everyday dimension. The answer to this question is given on the basis of an analysis of the interpretations and forecasts of the leading contemporary European intellectuals (Agamben, Žižek, Latour, Sloterdijk, Fuller). The problems of social distancing, the transformation of higher education, the increase in the powers of the state, associated with medical justifications are considered. Important parameters of the new social order are the environmental factor and the need for sociocritical optics to understand the consequences of the pandemic. Analysis captures the increasing role of digital intermediaries of social interactions, which forms a new context for the problem of justice, opening up perspectives for issues of distance with digital technologies and issues of digital ecology.

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