scholarly journals Object-Based Geomorphological Mapping: Application on an Alpine Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation Contest (Germanasca Valley, Western Alps—Italy)

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 778
Maria Gabriella Forno ◽  
Giandomenico Fubelli ◽  
Marco Gattiglio ◽  
Glenda Taddia ◽  
Stefano Ghignone

This research reports the use of a new method of geomorphological mapping in GIS environments, using a full-coverage, object-based method, following the guidelines of the new geomorphological legend proposed by ISPRA–AIGEO–CNG. This methodology is applied to a tributary valley of the Germanasca Valley, shaped into calcschist and greenschist, of the Piedmont Zone (Penninic Domain, Western Alps). The investigated sector is extensively affected by dep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) that strongly influences the geological setting and the geomorphological features of the area. The mapping of these gravitational landforms in a traditional way creates some difficulties, essentially connected to the high density of information in the same site and the impossibility of specifying the relationships between different elements. The use of the full-coverage, object-based method instead is advantageous in mapping gravitational evidence. In detail, it allows for the representation of various landforms in the same sector, and their relationships, specifying the size of landforms, and with the possibility of multiscale representation in the GIS environment; and, it can progressively be update with the development of knowledge. This research confirms that the use of the full-coverage, object-based method allows for better mapping of the geomorphological features of DSGSD evidence compared to classical representation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-246
F. Caso ◽  
S. Nerone ◽  
A. Petroccia ◽  
M. Bonasera

2011 ◽  
Vol 115 (12) ◽  
pp. 2976-2985 ◽  
Niels S. Anders ◽  
Arie C. Seijmonsbergen ◽  
Willem Bouten

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 137-149
Rafaela Mattos Costa ◽  
Carina Petsch ◽  
Maria Eliza Sotille ◽  
Katia Kellem da Rosa ◽  
Jefferson Cardia Simões ◽  

A geomorphological interpretation of the glacial geomorphology of the proglacial environments of the Buenos Aires, Kenney and Flora glaciers in Hope Bay, Antarctica, between the coordinates 63° 23'S and 63° 26'S latitude and 56° 8'W and 57° 4'W longitude. Sedimentary, granulometric and morphological analyzes were carried out on 15 samples collected in 2017 for the identification of depositional geomorphological features and subsequent geomorphological mapping. The glacier fronts were delineated from Sentinel-2 and Quickbird images of 1988, 2008 and 2017 using the ArcGIS® software to identify the landforms chronology of the shapes. The higher number of coarse grains, low selection, and high values of C40 in all samples indicate modification by erosive processes in supraglacial environment and/or transport distance after substrate quarrying process and grain fracturing by post-depositional physical weathering. The reconstruction of the Hope Bay’s Holocene landscape of indicates glaciers with tens of meters of advance compared to the current front during the Little Ice Age (LIA). The geomorphological mapping and sedimentary analyzes showed recent environmental changes in the proglacial system, with formation of hummocky moraines indicating the retreat/stabilization of the glaciers in the LIA. Furthermore, they set evidences of recent recession moraines, which prevail in the Buenos Aires Glacier predominate in the 2008-2017 phase, on the Flora Glacier in 1988-2008 period and the Kenney Glacier in the 2008-2017 period.

M. Lu ◽  
L. Groeneveld ◽  
D. Karssenberg ◽  
S. Ji ◽  
R. Jentink ◽  

Abstract. Spatiotemporal geomorphological mapping of intertidal areas is essential for understanding system dynamics and provides information for ecological conservation and management. Mapping the geomorphology of intertidal areas is very challenging mainly because spectral differences are oftentimes relatively small while transitions between geomorphological units are oftentimes gradual. Also, the intertidal areas are highly dynamic. Considerable challenges are to distinguish between different types of tidal flats, specifically, low and high dynamic shoal flats, sandy and silty low dynamic flats, and mega-ripple areas. In this study, we harness machine learning methods and compare between machine learning methods using features calculated in classical Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) vs. end-to-end deep convolutional neural networks that derive features directly from imagery, in automated geomorphological mapping. This study expects to gain us an in-depth understanding of features that contribute to tidal area classification and greatly improve the automation and prediction accuracy. We emphasise model interpretability and knowledge mining. By comparing and combing object-based and deep learning-based models, this study contributes to the development and integration of both methodology domains for semantic segmentation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-68
Volodymyr Kotsyuruba ◽  
Sergei Tsybulia ◽  
Viktor Rybalko

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of mine protection that concerns troops, it is a set of measures carried out by all types and branches of troops, and it is aimed at protecting personnel and military equipment from mine weapons. One of the ways to increase mine protection of troops is to enlarge the efficiency of informing the troops about the mine situation directly in the area of combat operations. Therefore, the timeliness of carrying out activities for the search, identification, fixation of explosive objects in the ground, as well as the timely collection and communication to relevant officials and departments of this information is the main goal of engineering intelligence in areas of intensive mine warfare. One of the ways to improve the effectiveness of engineering intelligence is to introduce the practice of identifying mine-explosive barriers and countering the enemy sabotage, reconnaissance forces and illegal armed groups that install them in order to establish new ways of conducting intelligence. The methods are based on the using of modern means of obtaining, processing and promptly bringing intelligence data about the mine situation. So a significant increasing of the intelligence capabilities of engineering units is possible through the using of unmanned aerial vehicles. When units are equipped with such devices, it becomes possible to move from an object-based method of conducting reconnaissance to a more efficient one — a zonal one, the essence of which lies in certain subunits of intelligence in areas of responsibility. This will allow the intelligence units to introduce continuous monitoring of the terrain with its full coverage, carrying out maneuvers, if necessary, largely by means, not forces. It will lead to increase effectiveness of the using of engineering reconnaissance units, their full coverage of the operation band, a reduction in the time management cycle of exploration and the achievement of a high degree of efficiency in providing information to the commanders on the mine situation.

2009 ◽  
Vol 30 (24) ◽  
pp. 6613-6620 ◽  
F. F. Camargo ◽  
T. G. Florenzano ◽  
C. M. de Almeida ◽  
C. G. de Oliveira

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 361
Marcello De Togni ◽  
Marco Gattiglio ◽  
Stefano Ghignone ◽  
Andrea Festa

We present a detailed description of the tectono-stratigraphic architecture of the eclogite-facies Internal Piedmont Zone (IPZ) metaophiolite, exposed in the Lanzo Valleys (Western Alps), which represents the remnant of the Jurassic Alpine Tethys. Seafloor spreading and mantle exhumation processes related to the Alpine Tethys evolution strongly conditioned the intra-oceanic depositional setting, which resulted in an articulated physiography and a heterogeneous stratigraphic succession above the exhumed serpentinized mantle. “Complete” and “reduced” successions were recognized, reflecting deposition in morphological or structural lows and highs, respectively. The “complete” succession consists of quartzite, followed by marble and calcschist. The “reduced” succession differs for the unconformable contact of the calcschist directly above mantle rocks, lacking quartzite and gray marble. The serpentinite at the base of this succession is intruded by metagabbro and characterized at its top by ophicalcite horizons. Mafic metabreccia grading to metasandstone mark the transition between the “complete” and “reduced” successions. The character of the reconstructed succession and basin floor physiography of the IPZ metaophiolite is well comparable with the Middle Jurassic–Late Cretaceous succession of both the Queyras Complex (External Piedmont Zone) and the Internal Ligurian Units (Northern Apennines) and with modern slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges.

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