scholarly journals Olfaction-Related Factors Affecting Chemosensory Dream Content in a Sleep Laboratory

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1225
Lenka Martinec Nováková ◽  
Monika Kliková ◽  
Eva Miletínová ◽  
Jitka Bušková

Mental activity in sleep often involves visual and auditory content. Chemosensory (olfactory and gustatory) experiences are less common and underexplored. The aim of the study was to identify olfaction-related factors that may affect the occurrence of chemosensory dream content. Specifically, we investigated the effects of all-night exposure to an ambient odour, participants’ appraisal of their current olfactory environment, their general propensity to notice odours and act on them (i.e., odour awareness), and their olfactory acuity. Sixty pre-screened healthy young adults underwent olfactory assessment, completed a measure of odour awareness, and spent three nights in weekly intervals in a sleep laboratory. The purpose of the first visit was to adapt to the experimental setting. On the second visit, half of them were exposed to the smell of vanillin or thioglycolic acid and the other half to an odourless control condition. On the third visit, they received control or stimulation in a balanced order. On each visit, data were collected twice: once from the first rapid eye movement (REM) stage that occurred after 3 a.m., and then shortly before getting up, usually from a non-REM stage. Participants were asked to report the presence of sensory dream content and to assess their current olfactory environment. Neither exposure, nor participants’ assessments of the ambient odour, or olfactory acuity affected reports of chemosensory dream content but they were more frequent in individuals with greater odour awareness. This finding may have implications for treatment when such experiences become unwanted or bothersome.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-359 ◽  
M. Lamotte ◽  
N. Chakroun ◽  
S. Droit-Volet ◽  
M. Izaute

The aim of our studies was to design a Metacognitive Questionnaire on Time (MQT) that assesses inter-individual variations in the awareness of factors affecting the experience of the passage of time. In the first study, 532 young adults were asked to reply to an initial questionnaire consisting of 106 questions relating to many different factors (e.g., psychostimulant, body temperature, age, attention) that could affect how time is perceived. Factorial analyses allowed us to extract two discriminant factors, one relating to attention and the other to emotion. The second study sought to validate the final 24-item questionnaire by gathering data from 212 university students. Confirmatory Factorial Analyses (AMOS) showed that the MQT has the same two-factor structure. The third study assessed the construct validity of the MQT by measuring the correlation between the MQT scores and the scores with other questionnaires measuring close or different constructs. In sum, these studies enabled us to develop an easy-to-use questionnaire whereby it is possible to distinguish between individuals according to their subjective feeling of the passage of time. In addition, the participants’ responses on the MQT showed that they were more aware of attention-related factors than of emotion-related factors that might produce time distortions, and that women were more aware of their own temporal distortions than men.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Makbule Gezmen Karadağ ◽  
Duygu Ağagündüz ◽  
Hilal Yıldıran ◽  
Sabriye Arslan ◽  
Onur Toka

Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the perception and knowledge of standard food/meal portion size and related factors in young adults. Design/methodology/approach The present study was conducted on 1,000 volunteer young adults, consisting of 504 men and 496 women (18 and 28 years). The portion size of food/meal, amount of food measuring utensils and also nutritional knowledge were evaluated via a questionnaire and some visual materials. Findings Knowledge of portion sizes, amount of food each utensil holds and nutrition was evaluated via a questionnaire and some visual materials. Knowledge of portion size with respect to food groups (p = 0.015), meals (p < 0.001) and food measuring utensils (p = 0.002) and nutritional knowledge scores (p = 0.011) differed based on body mass indexes (BMI). Women had on mean a higher nutritional knowledge score than men (2.0 ± 1.3, 1.9 ± 1.1 points, respectively). The probability of having knowledge about food measuring utensils was 1.4-fold greater for individuals who had been previously educated about nutrition (p = 0.034). Individuals of the faculty of health sciences had higher mean scores for all portion scores (p < 0.05). Originality/value The study findings highlighted that portion knowledge and perception of young adults were affected by gender, BMI, enrolled faculty and nutritional knowledge status. This is the first study, through which the portion knowledge and perception subcomponents (food, meal and measuring utensils) are evaluated, indicating each subcomponent to be affected by distinct factors.

B. M. Subraya

It is an accepted fact that no system is perfect from the viewpoint of performance. Problems pertaining to performance affect all types of systems, regardless as to whether they are client/server or Web application systems. It is imperative to understand the factors affecting performance of the system before embarking on the task of tackling them. The constraints affecting the performance may be many but can be broadly classified into (i) technical and (ii) project related factors. The former is very much pronounced in the case of Web-based systems, as the relevant technology has not attained the stage of maturity to address the issues on its own. On the other hand, the project managers struggle to develop an optimal system within the existing technology framework. This in turn, generates many project related factors sub optimizing the performance. Likewise, many factors affecting the performance of the system are discussed in this chapter. The subsequent chapters deal at length with the methods and strategies to tackle these factors.

AAESPH Review ◽  
1979 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-80 ◽  
Dennis E. Mithaug

This study compared the relative effectiveness of different procedures for decreasing response durations in three severely retarded 14 to 20-year-old women who were severely disruptive and noncompliant. The conditions included two potentially positively reinforcing procedures and two potentially negatively reinforcing procedures. The two positive procedures consisted of contingent deliveries of verbal praise, back pats, and squirts of juice. One of the negative procedures consisted of tapping the subjects' hands, arms, back, and back of the neck until the correct response was evoked. The other negative procedure consisted of finger and thumb pressure to the sides of the subject's neck until a correct response was evoked. During both of these negative procedures, cessation of tapping or finger pressure was contingent upon emission of an appropriate response. For two of the subjects, the two positive procedures were compared with the negative tapping procedure and with each other; for the third subject, the positive praise plus juice procedure was compared with the two negative procedures, which were also compared with each other. The results consistently indicated that for the first two subjects, the negative tapping procedure was more effective than either praise or praise plus juice, with the latter two being equally effective. For the third subject, the negative finger pressure procedure was more effective than the negative tapping procedure, which in turn was more effective than the positive praise plus juice procedure.

Jurnal Teknik ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-72
M. Rizal Afrianto ◽  
Hammam Rofiqi Agustapraja

P.T. Widiantara Perdana Putra as a housing developer certainly wants to provide residential property products that could meet the needs and desires of the community. The developer find it difficult to identify the dominant factors affecting consumer decisions in choosing a type-25 house at Pondok Pesona Alam Housing (PPA). The purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing the housing purchase decision. The sample used in this study were 25 PPA customers. A questionnaire were used to collect data. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the environment variable has a coefficient of 0.181 and is the most dominating of the other variables. Furthermore, the second variable is location with a coefficient of 0.173. While the third is the building variable with a coefficient of 0.146.

Ariete Regina Berti ◽  
Paulo Mayorga

Resumo: O envelhecimento é um processo biológico e muitas doenças se desenvolvem nesta época da vida, devido à suscetibilidade natural do organismo. Existe uma falsa crença de que os medicamentos podem “curar” tudo, inclusive a velhice. A terapia medicamentosa, quando realmente necessária ao tratamento de algum estado patológico do paciente idoso, deve ser aplicada com restrições e de forma individualizada, pois a metabolização dos fármacos pode estar bastante diversa do esperado quando comparada à de adultos jovens. Ao contrário desta lógica, vemos um excesso de prescrições destinadas aos idosos, quando a prevenção das doenças seria mais coerente, mais saudável e menos onerosa. Além disto, outros elementos intrínsecos ao paciente idoso e ao seu comportamento são determinantes na terapêutica da terceira idade. A pesquisa sobre a utilização de fármacos (tipo, dose, indicação e uso) por parte desta população é necessária a fim de estabelecer a racionalização e otimização destes. Desta forma, o objeto central deste trabalho é fazer uma breve reflexão sobre os aspectos envolvidos na terapêutica da terceira idade, buscando com isto promover o uso racional de medicamentos por esta faixa da população. Palavras-chave: Medicamento. Terapêutica. Uso racional. Terceira idade. Abstract: The aging is a biological process and many illnesses appear in this time of life, due to the body natural susceptibility. There is a false belief that medicine can “cure” everything, including the old age. The medicinal therapy should be used with constraints and on an individualized way when it is really necessary to treat some pathologic conditions in an old patient since the drugs metabolism can be very diverse from the expected when compared to young adults. On the other hand, we see an excessive number of prescriptions to elderly, while the prevention to the diseases would be more coherent, healthier and less expensive. Besides, there are more intrinsic elements of the old patient as well as his behaviour which are crucial to the third age therapy. The research about the use of drugs (type, dosage, recommendation and usage) by this part of the population is necessary to establish their rationalization and optimization. Therefore this paper does a brief reflection about the aspects in the third age therapy trying to promote the rational use of drugs by these people. Keywords: Drugs. Therapy. Third age.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 257-262
Atanu Seni ◽  
Bhimasen Naik

Experiments were carried out to assess some insecticide modules against major insect pests of rice. Each module consists of a basal application of carbofuran 3G @ 1 kg a.i ha-1 at 20 DAT and Rynaxypyr 20 SC @ 30 g a.i ha-1 at 45 DAT except untreated control. All modules differ with each other only in third treatment which was applied in 65 DAT. The third treatment includes: Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 27 g a.i ha-1, Pymetrozine 50 WG @ 150 g a.i ha-1, Triflumezopyrim 106 SC @ 27 g a.i ha-1, Buprofezin 25 SC @ 250 g a.i ha-1; Glamore (Imidacloprid 40+Ethiprole 40% w/w) 80 WG @ 100 g a.i. ha-1, Thiacloprid 24 SC @ 60 g a.i ha-1, Azadirachtin 0.03 EC @ 8 g a.i ha-1, Dinotefuran 20 SG@ 40 g a.i ha-1 and untreated control. All the treated plots recorded significantly lower percent of dead heart, white ear- head caused by stem borer and silver shoot caused by gall midge. Module with Pymetrozine 50 WG @ 150 g a.i ha-1 treated plot recorded significantly higher per cent reduction of plant hoppers (>80% over untreated control) and produced higher grain yield (50.75 qha-1) than the other modules. Among the different treated modules the maximum number of spiders was found in Azadirachtin 0.03 EC @ 8 g a.i ha-1 treated module plot followed by other treatments.

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