scholarly journals River Flow Alterations Caused by Intense Anthropogenic Uses and Future Climate Variability Implications in the Balkans

Hydrology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Christina Papadaki ◽  
Elias Dimitriou

River flow alterations, caused by climate variability/change and intense anthropogenic uses (e.g., flow regulation by dams) are considered among the main global challenges of which hydrologists should be dealing with. For the purpose of this study, environmental flow and potential hydrological alterations are made for the extended Drin river basin, with limited historical hydrological information available. To overcome this limitation environmental flow assessment is made using simulated streamflow data from a watershed hydrological model. Descriptive statistics applied to streamflow values indicate that median monthly flows with no anthropogenic uses are consistently greater than those with anthropogenic uses by 0–37.4 m3/s in all subbasins. Moreover, an investigation of potential climate variability/change impact on river flow regime is made using streamflow simulations from a global hydrological model. Results indicate that hydrologic alteration is intense between nonregulated and regulated streamflow conditions. More specifically, for all Global Circulation Models and Regional Climate Models combinations, and both regulated and unregulated streamflow conditions, the minimum discharge values had statistically significant decreasing trends, except one combination (RCP 4.5–RCA4/ECEARTH) for unregulated conditions. Finally, results from this preliminary analysis could enhance the necessary conversations among all relevant stakeholders to discuss and decide on sustainable water resources management issues for the development of a Drin Basin Management Plan in the future.

2021 ◽  
Patrick Nistahl ◽  
Tim Müller ◽  
Gerhard Riedel ◽  
Hannes Müller-Thomy ◽  
Günter Meon

<p>Climate change impact studies performed for Northern Germany indicate a growing demand for water storage capacity to account for flood protection, low flow augmentation, drinking and agricultural water supply. At the same time, larger storage volumes for hydropower plants can be used to cope with the demands of changing energy supply from fossil to renewable energies. To tackle these challenges for the next decades, a novel reservoir system planning instrument is developed, which consists of combined numerical models and evaluation components. It allows to model simultaneously the current interconnected infrastructure of reservoirs as well as additional planning variants (structural and operational) as preparation for climate change. This planning instrument consists of a hydrological model and a detailed reservoir operation model.</p><p>As hydrological model, the conceptual, semi-distributed version of PANTA RHEI is applied.  Bias-corrected regional climate models (based on the RCP 8.5 scenario) are used as meteorological input. The hydrological model is coupled with a detailed reservoir operation model that replicates the complex rules of various interconnected reservoirs based on an hourly time step including pumped storage plants, which may have a subsurface reservoir as a lower basin. Downstream of the reservoirs, the hydrological model is used for routing the reservoir outflows and simulating natural side inflows. In areas of particular interest for flood protection, the hydrological routing is substituted with 2D hydraulic models to calculate the flood risk in terms of expected annual flood damage based on resulting inundation areas.</p><p>For the performance analysis, the simulation runs for all integrated modeling variants are evaluated for a reference period (1971-2000) and for future periods (2041-2070). Performance criteria involve flood protection, drinking water supply, low flow augmentation and energy production. These performance criteria will be used as stake holder information as well as a base for further optimization and ranking of the planning variants.</p><p>The combination of the hydrological model and the reservoir operation model shows a good performance of the existing complex hydraulic infrastructure using observed meteorological forcing as input. The usage of regional climate models as input shows a wide dispersion of several performance criteria, confirming the expected need for an innovative optimization scheme and the communication of the underlying uncertainties.</p>

Dörthe Handorf ◽  
Wolfgang Dorn ◽  
Klaus Dethloff ◽  
Annette Rinke ◽  
Antje Weisheimer

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-54 ◽  
Philippe Lucas-Picher ◽  
Philippe Riboust ◽  
Samuel Somot ◽  
René Laprise

Abstract Climate simulations made with two regional climate models (RCMs), the French Aire Limitée Adaptation Dynamique Développement International (ALADIN) and the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5 (CRCM5), operating on 10-km meshes for the period 1989–2011, and the Hydro-Québec hydrological model (HSAMI), are used to reconstruct the spring 2011 Richelieu River flood in the southern region of the province of Québec, Canada. The analysis shows that the simulated fields of 2-m air temperature, precipitation, and snow water equivalent by the RCMs closely match the observations with similar multiyear means and a high correlation of the monthly anomalies. The climatic conditions responsible for the 2011 flood are generally well simulated by the RCMs. The use of multidecadal RCM simulations facilitates the identification of anomalies that contributed to the flood. The flood was linked to a combination of factors: the 2010/11 winter was cold and snowy, the snowmelt in spring was fast, and there was a record amount of precipitation in April and May. Driven by outputs from the RCMs, HSAMI was able to reproduce the mean hydrograph of the Richelieu River, but it underestimated the peak of the 2011 flood. HSAMI adequately computes the water transport from the mountains to the river mouth and the storage effect of Lake Champlain, which dampens the flood over a long period. Overall, the results suggest that RCM simulations can be useful for reconstructing high-resolution climate information and providing new variables that can help better understand the causes of extreme climatic events.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 7441-7474 ◽  
J. A. Velázquez ◽  
J. Schmid ◽  
S. Ricard ◽  
M. J. Muerth ◽  
B. Gauvin St-Denis ◽  

Abstract. Over the recent years, several research efforts investigated the impact of climate change on water resources for different regions of the world. The projection of future river flows is affected by different sources of uncertainty in the hydro-climatic modelling chain. One of the aims of the QBic3 project (Québec-Bavarian International Collaboration on Climate Change) is to assess the contribution to uncertainty of hydrological models by using an ensemble of hydrological models presenting a diversity of structural complexity (i.e. lumped, semi distributed and distributed models). The study investigates two humid, mid-latitude catchments with natural flow conditions; one located in Southern Québec (Canada) and one in Southern Bavaria (Germany). Daily flow is simulated with four different hydrological models, forced by outputs from regional climate models driven by a given number of GCMs' members over a reference (1971–2000) and a future (2041–2070) periods. The results show that the choice of the hydrological model does strongly affect the climate change response of selected hydrological indicators, especially those related to low flows. Indicators related to high flows seem less sensitive on the choice of the hydrological model. Therefore, the computationally less demanding models (usually simple, lumped and conceptual) give a significant level of trust for high and overall mean flows.

2020 ◽  
Sonia Jerez ◽  
Laura Palacios-Peña ◽  
Claudia Gutiérrez ◽  
Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero ◽  
Jose María López-Romero ◽  

Abstract. The solar resource can be highly influenced by clouds and atmospheric aerosol, which has been named by the IPCC as the most uncertainty climate forcing agent. Nonetheless, Regional Climate Models (RCMs) hardly ever model dynamically atmospheric aerosol concentration and their interaction with radiation and clouds, in contrast to Global Circulation Models (GCMs). The objective of this work is to evince the role of the interactively modeling of aerosol concentrations and their interactions with radiation and clouds in Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model simulations with a focus on summer mean surface downward solar radiation (RSDS) and over Europe. The results show that the response of RSDS is mainly led by the aerosol effects on cloudiness, which explain well the differences between the experiments in which aerosol-radiation and aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions are taken into account or not. Under present climate, a reduction about 5% in RSDS was found when aerosols are dynamically solved by the RCM, which is larger when only aerosol-radiation interactions are considered. However, for future projections, the inclusion of aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions results in the most negative RSDS change pattern (while with slight values), showing noticeable differences with the projections from either the other RCM experiments or from their driving GCM (which do hold some significant positive signals). Differences in RSDS among experiments are much more softer under clear-sky conditions.

2003 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 399-412 ◽  
M. Rummukainen ◽  
J. Räisänen ◽  
D. Bjørge ◽  
J.H. Christensen ◽  
O.B. Christensen ◽  

According to global climate projections, a substantial global climate change will occur during the next decades, under the assumption of continuous anthropogenic climate forcing. Global models, although fundamental in simulating the response of the climate system to anthropogenic forcing are typically geographically too coarse to well represent many regional or local features. In the Nordic region, climate studies are conducted in each of the Nordic countries to prepare regional climate projections with more detail than in global ones. Results so far indicate larger temperature changes in the Nordic region than in the global mean, regional increases and decreases in net precipitation, longer growing season, shorter snow season etc. These in turn affect runoff, snowpack, groundwater, soil frost and moisture, and thus hydropower production potential, flooding risks etc. Regional climate models do not yet fully incorporate hydrology. Water resources studies are carried out off-line using hydrological models. This requires archived meteorological output from climate models. This paper discusses Nordic regional climate scenarios for use in regional water resources studies. Potential end-users of water resources scenarios are the hydropower industry, dam safety instances and planners of other lasting infrastructure exposed to precipitation, river flows and flooding.

2021 ◽  
Kelly Mahoney ◽  
James D. Scott ◽  
Michael Alexander ◽  
Rachel McCrary ◽  
Mimi Hughes ◽  

AbstractUnderstanding future precipitation changes is critical for water supply and flood risk applications in the western United States. The North American COordinated Regional Downscaling EXperiment (NA-CORDEX) matrix of global and regional climate models at multiple resolutions (~ 50-km and 25-km grid spacings) is used to evaluate mean monthly precipitation, extreme daily precipitation, and snow water equivalent (SWE) over the western United States, with a sub-regional focus on California. Results indicate significant model spread in mean monthly precipitation in several key water-sensitive areas in both historical and future projections, but suggest model agreement on increasing daily extreme precipitation magnitudes, decreasing seasonal snowpack, and a shortening of the wet season in California in particular. While the beginning and end of the California cool season are projected to dry according to most models, the core of the cool season (December, January, February) shows an overall wetter projected change pattern. Daily cool-season precipitation extremes generally increase for most models, particularly in California in the mid-winter months. Finally, a marked projected decrease in future seasonal SWE is found across all models, accompanied by earlier dates of maximum seasonal SWE, and thus a shortening of the period of snow cover as well. Results are discussed in the context of how the diverse model membership and variable resolutions offered by the NA-CORDEX ensemble can be best leveraged by stakeholders faced with future water planning challenges.

Weijia Qian ◽  
Howard H. Chang

Health impact assessments of future environmental exposures are routinely conducted to quantify population burdens associated with the changing climate. It is well-recognized that simulations from climate models need to be bias-corrected against observations to estimate future exposures. Quantile mapping (QM) is a technique that has gained popularity in climate science because of its focus on bias-correcting the entire exposure distribution. Even though improved bias-correction at the extreme tails of exposure may be particularly important for estimating health burdens, the application of QM in health impact projection has been limited. In this paper we describe and apply five QM methods to estimate excess emergency department (ED) visits due to projected changes in warm-season minimum temperature in Atlanta, USA. We utilized temperature projections from an ensemble of regional climate models in the North American-Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (NA-CORDEX). Across QM methods, we estimated consistent increase in ED visits across climate model ensemble under RCP 8.5 during the period 2050 to 2099. We found that QM methods can significantly reduce between-model variation in health impact projections (50–70% decreases in between-model standard deviation). Particularly, the quantile delta mapping approach had the largest reduction and is recommended also because of its ability to preserve model-projected absolute temporal changes in quantiles.

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