Simulating Defects in Environmental Sensor Networks Using Stochastic Sensor Models
Chemiresistive gas sensors are an important tool for monitoring air quality in cities and large areas due to their low cost and low power and, hence, the ability to densely distribute them. Unfortunately, such sensor systems are prone to defects and faults over time such as sensitivity loss of the sensing material, less effective heating of the surface due to battery loss, or random output errors in the sensor electronics, which can lead to signal jumps or sensor stopping. Although these defects usually can be compensated, either algorithmically or physically, this requires an accurate screening of the entire sensor system for such defects. In order to properly develop, test, and benchmark corresponding screening algorithms, however, methods for simulating gas sensor networks and their defects are essential. In this work, we propose such a simulation method based on a stochastic sensor model for chemiresistive sensor systems. The proposed method rests on the idea of simulating the defect-causing processes directly on the sensor surface as a stochastic process and is capable of simulating various defects which can occur in low-cost sensor technologies. The work aims to show the scope and principles of the proposed simulator as well as to demonstrate its applicability using exemplary use cases.