Fate of Benzophenone, Benzophenone-3 and Caffeine in Lab-Scale Direct River Water Treatment by Hybrid Processes
Emerging microcontaminants benzophenone (BP), benzophenone-3 (BP-3) and caffeine (CF) are widely used anthropogenic markers from a group of pharmaceuticals and personal care products. They have different logD values and charges at neutral pH (2.96 neutral for BP; 3.65 negative and neutral for BP-3; 0.28 and neutral for CF). The goal of this study was to assess the efficacy of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation (C/F/S), adsorption onto two types of powdered activated carbon (PAC)/sedimentation (PAC/S) and the combination of these two processes in different dosing sequences (PAC/C/F/S) and with/without ultrafiltration (powdered activated carbon/ultrafiltration—PAC/UF, coagulation/UF—CoA/UF) for the removal of selected micropollutants from river water. It was shown that the removal efficiency of benzophenones by coagulation depends on the season, while CF was moderately removed (40–70%). The removal of neutral BP by two PACs unexpectedly differed (near 40% and ˃93%), while the removal of BP-3 was excellent (>95%). PACs were not efficient for the removal of hydrophilic CF. Combined PAC/C/F/S yielded excellent removal for BP and BP-3 regardless of PAC type only when the PAC addition was followed by C/F/S, while C/F/S efficiency for CF diminished. The combination of UF with PAC or coagulant showed also high efficacy for benzophenones, but was negligible for CF removal.