scholarly journals On the Total Outer k-Independent Domination Number of Graphs

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 194 ◽  
Abel Cabrera-Martínez ◽  
Juan Carlos Hernández-Gómez ◽  
Ernesto Parra-Inza ◽  
José María Sigarreta Almira

A set of vertices of a graph G is a total dominating set if every vertex of G is adjacent to at least one vertex in such a set. We say that a total dominating set D is a total outer k-independent dominating set of G if the maximum degree of the subgraph induced by the vertices that are not in D is less or equal to k − 1 . The minimum cardinality among all total outer k-independent dominating sets is the total outer k-independent domination number of G. In this article, we introduce this parameter and begin with the study of its combinatorial and computational properties. For instance, we give several closed relationships between this novel parameter and other ones related to domination and independence in graphs. In addition, we give several Nordhaus–Gaddum type results. Finally, we prove that computing the total outer k-independent domination number of a graph G is an NP-hard problem.

A. Cabrera-Martínez ◽  
F. A. Hernández-Mira

AbstractLet G be a graph of minimum degree at least two. A set $$D\subseteq V(G)$$ D ⊆ V ( G ) is said to be a double total dominating set of G if $$|N(v)\cap D|\ge 2$$ | N ( v ) ∩ D | ≥ 2 for every vertex $$v\in V(G)$$ v ∈ V ( G ) . The minimum cardinality among all double total dominating sets of G is the double total domination number of G. In this article, we continue with the study of this parameter. In particular, we provide new bounds on the double total domination number in terms of other domination parameters. Some of our results are tight bounds that improve some well-known results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 2050025
Manal N. Al-Harere ◽  
Mohammed A. Abdlhusein

In this paper, a new model of domination in graphs called the pitchfork domination is introduced. Let [Formula: see text] be a finite, simple and undirected graph without isolated vertices, a subset [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] is a pitchfork dominating set if every vertex [Formula: see text] dominates at least [Formula: see text] and at most [Formula: see text] vertices of [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are non-negative integers. The domination number of [Formula: see text], denotes [Formula: see text] is a minimum cardinality over all pitchfork dominating sets in [Formula: see text]. In this work, pitchfork domination when [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] is studied. Some bounds on [Formula: see text] related to the order, size, minimum degree, maximum degree of a graph and some properties are given. Pitchfork domination is determined for some known and new modified graphs. Finally, a question has been answered and discussed that; does every finite, simple and undirected graph [Formula: see text] without isolated vertices have a pitchfork domination or not?

Mathematics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 820
Pu Wu ◽  
Huiqin Jiang ◽  
Sakineh Nazari-Moghaddam ◽  
Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami ◽  
Zehui Shao ◽  

A set S ⊆ V ( G ) in a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex of G is either in S or adjacent to a vertex of S . A dominating set S is independent if any pair of vertices in S is not adjacent. The minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set on a graph G is called the independent domination number i ( G ) . A graph G is independent domination stable if the independent domination number of G remains unchanged under the removal of any vertex. In this paper, we study the basic properties of independent domination stable graphs, and we characterize all independent domination stable trees and unicyclic graphs. In addition, we establish bounds on the order of independent domination stable trees.

Saeid Alikhani ◽  
Nasrin Jafari

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a simple graph of order $n$. A  total dominating set of $G$ is a subset $D$ of $V$, such that every vertex of $V$ is adjacent to at least one vertex in  $D$. The total domination number of $G$ is  minimum cardinality of  total dominating set in $G$ and is denoted by $\gamma_t(G)$. The total domination polynomial of $G$ is the polynomial $D_t(G,x)=\sum_{i=\gamma_t(G)}^n d_t(G,i)$, where $d_t(G,i)$ is the number of total dominating sets of $G$ of size $i$. In this paper, we study roots of the total domination polynomial of some graphs.  We show that  all roots of $D_t(G, x)$ lie in the circle with center $(-1, 0)$ and radius $\sqrt[\delta]{2^n-1}$, where $\delta$ is the minimum degree of $G$. As a consequence, we prove that if $\delta\geq \frac{2n}{3}$,  then every integer root of $D_t(G, x)$ lies in the set $\{-3,-2,-1,0\}$.

10.37236/983 ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Michael A. Henning ◽  
Anders Yeo

A set $S$ of vertices in a graph $G$ is a total dominating set of $G$ if every vertex of $G$ is adjacent to some vertex in $S$. The minimum cardinality of a total dominating set of $G$ is the total domination number of $G$. Let $G$ be a connected graph of order $n$ with minimum degree at least two and with maximum degree at least three. We define a vertex as large if it has degree more than $2$ and we let ${\cal L}$ be the set of all large vertices of $G$. Let $P$ be any component of $G - {\cal L}$; it is a path. If $|P| \equiv 0 \, ( {\rm mod} \, 4)$ and either the two ends of $P$ are adjacent in $G$ to the same large vertex or the two ends of $P$ are adjacent to different, but adjacent, large vertices in $G$, we call $P$ a $0$-path. If $|P| \ge 5$ and $|P| \equiv 1 \, ( {\rm mod} \, 4)$ with the two ends of $P$ adjacent in $G$ to the same large vertex, we call $P$ a $1$-path. If $|P| \equiv 3 \, ( {\rm mod} \, 4)$, we call $P$ a $3$-path. For $i \in \{0,1,3\}$, we denote the number of $i$-paths in $G$ by $p_i$. We show that the total domination number of $G$ is at most $(n + p_0 + p_1 + p_3)/2$. This result generalizes a result shown in several manuscripts (see, for example, J. Graph Theory 46 (2004), 207–210) which states that if $G$ is a graph of order $n$ with minimum degree at least three, then the total domination of $G$ is at most $n/2$. It also generalizes a result by Lam and Wei stating that if $G$ is a graph of order $n$ with minimum degree at least two and with no degree-$2$ vertex adjacent to two other degree-$2$ vertices, then the total domination of $G$ is at most $n/2$.

Ammar Babikir ◽  
Magda Dettlaff ◽  
Michael A. Henning ◽  
Magdalena Lemańska

AbstractA set S of vertices in a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex not in S is ad jacent to a vertex in S. If, in addition, S is an independent set, then S is an independent dominating set. The independent domination number i(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in G. The independent domination subdivision number $$ \hbox {sd}_{\mathrm{i}}(G)$$ sd i ( G ) is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (each edge in G can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the independent domination number. We show that for every connected graph G on at least three vertices, the parameter $$ \hbox {sd}_{\mathrm{i}}(G)$$ sd i ( G ) is well defined and differs significantly from the well-studied domination subdivision number $$\mathrm{sd_\gamma }(G)$$ sd γ ( G ) . For example, if G is a block graph, then $$\mathrm{sd_\gamma }(G) \le 3$$ sd γ ( G ) ≤ 3 , while $$ \hbox {sd}_{\mathrm{i}}(G)$$ sd i ( G ) can be arbitrary large. Further we show that there exist connected graph G with arbitrarily large maximum degree $$\Delta (G)$$ Δ ( G ) such that $$ \hbox {sd}_{\mathrm{i}}(G) \ge 3 \Delta (G) - 2$$ sd i ( G ) ≥ 3 Δ ( G ) - 2 , in contrast to the known result that $$\mathrm{sd_\gamma }(G) \le 2 \Delta (G) - 1$$ sd γ ( G ) ≤ 2 Δ ( G ) - 1 always holds. Among other results, we present a simple characterization of trees T with $$ \hbox {sd}_{\mathrm{i}}(T) = 1$$ sd i ( T ) = 1 .

Let G be the graph, consider the vertex set as V and edge set as E. If S is the subset of the vertex set V such that S contains vertices which has atleast one neighbor in V that is not in S, then S is said to be dominating set of G. If the vertex in S is not adjacent to one another, then S is called as the independent dominating set of G and so i(G) represents the independent domination number, the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in G. In this paper, we obtain independent domination number for triangular, quadrilateral, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal and octagonal networks by Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)-WENO Scheme.

Let V be the vertex set and E be the edge set of a graph G, the vertex set V has a subset S such that S contains vertices which is adjacent to atleast one vertex in V which is not in S, then S is said to be dominating set of G. If the vertex in S is not adjacent to each other, then S is said to be independent dominating set of G and so i(G) denotes the independent domination number, the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in G. In this paper, we obtain independent domination number for a triangular snake, alternate triangular snake, double triangular snake, alternate double triangular snake, quadrilateral snake, alternate quadrilateral snake, double quadrilateral snake and alternate double quadrilateral snake graphs.

10.37236/6026 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
Sándor Bozóki ◽  
Péter Gál ◽  
István Marosi ◽  
William D. Weakley

The queens graph $Q_{m \times n}$ has the squares of the $m \times n$ chessboard as its vertices; two squares are adjacent if they are in the same row, column, or diagonal of the board. A set $D$ of squares of $Q_{m \times n}$ is a dominating set for $Q_{m \times n}$ if every square of $Q_{m \times n}$ is either in $D$ or adjacent to a square in $D$. The minimum size of a dominating set of $Q_{m \times n}$ is the domination number, denoted by $\gamma(Q_{m \times n})$. Values of $\gamma(Q_{m \times n}), \, 4 \leq m \leq n \leq 18,\,$ are given here, in each case with a file of minimum dominating sets (often all of them, up to symmetry) in an online appendix. In these ranges for $m$ and $n$, monotonicity fails once: $\gamma(Q_{8\times 11}) = 6 > 5 = \gamma(Q_{9 \times 11}) = \gamma(Q_{10 \times 11}) = \gamma(Q_{11 \times 11})$. Let $g(m)$ [respectively $g^{*}(m)$] be the largest integer such that $m$ queens suffice to dominate the $(m+1) \times g(m)$ board [respectively, to dominate the $(m+1) \times g^{*}(m)$ board with no two queens in a row]. Starting from the elementary bound $g(m) \leq 3m$, domination when the board is far from square is investigated. It is shown (Theorem 2) that $g(m) = 3m$ can only occur when $m \equiv 0, 1, 2, 3, \mbox{or } 4 \mbox{ (mod 9)}$, with an online appendix showing that this does occur for $m \leq 40, m \neq 3$. Also (Theorem 4), if $m \equiv 5, 6, \mbox{or } 7 \mbox{ (mod 9)}$ then $g^{*}(m) \leq 3m-2$, and if $m \equiv 8 \mbox{ (mod 9)}$ then $g^{*}(m) \leq 3m-4$. It is shown that equality holds in these bounds for $m \leq 40 $. Lower bounds on $\gamma(Q_{m \times n})$ are given. In particular, if $m \leq n$ then $\gamma(Q_{m \times n}) \geq \min \{ m,\lceil (m+n-2)/4 \rceil \}$. Two types of dominating sets (orthodox covers and centrally strong sets) are developed; each type is shown to give good upper bounds of $\gamma(Q_{m \times n})$ in several cases. Three questions are posed: whether monotonicity of $\gamma(Q_{m \times n})$ holds (other than from $(m, n) = (8, 11)$ to $(9, 11)$), whether $\gamma(Q_{m \times n}) = (m+n-2)/4$ occurs with $m \leq n < 3m+2$ (other than for $(m, n) = (3, 3)$ and $(11, 11)$), and whether the lower bound given above can be improved. A set of squares is independent if no two of its squares are adjacent. The minimum size of an independent dominating set of $Q_{m \times n}$ is the independent domination number, denoted by $i(Q_{m \times n})$. Values of $i(Q_{m \times n}), \, 4 \leq m \leq n \leq 18, \,$ are given here, in each case with some minimum dominating sets. In these ranges for $m$ and $n$, monotonicity fails twice: $i(Q_{8\times 11}) = 6 > 5 = i(Q_{9 \times 11}) = i(Q_{10 \times 11}) = i(Q_{11 \times 11})$, and $i(Q_{11 \times 18}) = 9 > 8 = i(Q_{12\times 18})$.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 578-589
Wardah Masanggila Bent-Usman ◽  
Rowena T. Isla

Let G = (V (G), E(G)) be a simple non-empty graph. For an integer k ≥ 1, a k-fairtotal dominating set (kf td-set) is a total dominating set S ⊆ V (G) such that |NG(u) ∩ S| = k for every u ∈ V (G)\S. The k-fair total domination number of G, denoted by γkf td(G), is the minimum cardinality of a kf td-set. A k-fair total dominating set of cardinality γkf td(G) is called a minimum k-fair total dominating set or a γkf td-set. We investigate the notion of k-fair total domination in this paper. We also characterize the k-fair total dominating sets in the join, corona, lexicographic product and Cartesian product of graphs and determine the exact values or sharpbounds of their corresponding k-fair total domination number.

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