Dynamics of the Stochastic Belousov-Zhabotinskii Chemical Reaction Model
In this paper, we discuss the dynamic behavior of the stochastic Belousov-Zhabotinskii chemical reaction model. First, the existence and uniqueness of the stochastic model’s positive solution is proved. Then we show the stochastic Belousov-Zhabotinskii system has ergodicity and a stationary distribution. Finally, we present some simulations to illustrate our theoretical results. We note that the unique equilibrium of the original ordinary differential equation model is globally asymptotically stable under appropriate conditions of the parameter value f, while the stochastic model is ergodic regardless of the value of f.
2014 ◽
Vol 9
pp. 53-68
2019 ◽
Vol 4
pp. 349
2017 ◽
Vol 31
pp. 2274-2297
2021 ◽
Vol 31
pp. 2150050
2014 ◽
Vol 144
pp. 427-446
2016 ◽
Vol 301
pp. 222-232